We are just having fun
Why having “Fun” is just as important as “Productivity” — Creative Healing
Our society places a lot of emphasis on the importance of working hard and embracing hustle culture. We hear statements like “no days off!” and see people receive praise for going above and beyond the call of duty in order to maximize their productivity.
While using our time wisely and putting forth our best effort are admirable skills, it is also important to remember that when we work hard, we should be able to play hard, too.
Having fun and truly experiencing pleasure and joy in life is just as important as being productive.
For one, if we do not take the time to relax and have fun, we will just continue to build stress, which can lead to burnout and an even greater lack of productivity.
Also, having fun has positive biological effects. When we do pleasurable activities, it releases dopamine which leads to positivity and can counteract more uncomfortable feelings of hopelessness and stress.
Finally, having fun allows us the opportunity to connect and create bonds with others. Doing enjoyable activities makes us more pleasant to be around, and doing these activities with others can create lasting memories that will bring us a lifetime of happiness.
As a parent, you want to make sure that your teen is not wasting their time all day and that they are productive when appropriate. However, you should also encourage your teen to have fun!
Consider all the pressure your teen faces between juggling school, extracurricular activities, standardized test prep, volunteering, chores, and after-school jobs. If they spend all of their time doing this work and preparing for the future, they will not have time to just be a kid or to release all of the stress and pressure that they are experiencing.
This could lead to increased irritability, anger, stress, feelings of depression, and anxiety among other mental and physical health issues.
Encouraging your teen to have fun will help reduce their vulnerability to emotions and create a “piggy bank” of positive emotions and experiences that they can look back on when life starts to feel stressful.
Here are a few ways to help your teen learn the value of making time for fun:
Have fun!
While teens may not be quite as impressionable as toddlers, they still watch everything you say and do. If you tell your teen that it is important for them to make time for fun activities, but you never take any time to have fun yourself, it will be hard for you to get them to take your advice.
Model the behavior you would like to see by carving out time each week to do something you enjoy.
Do you like watching movies? Take a trip to the movie theater each week.
Do you enjoy reading? Let your teen see you sit down with a book for 30 minutes or an hour every few days.
Do you have a love for the great outdoors? Plan a camping trip or an early morning hike every so often.
When your teen sees that you can put your work away and focus on having fun, they will be more likely to have fun themselves. Plan time to do things that you enjoy (bonus if you bring your teen along with you!) without any interruptions from work to model this behavior for your teen.
Set aside time for breaks
If your teen is helping you complete yard work or household chores, make sure to schedule a break time for your teen to have some fun.
After a long day at school and completing after school activities, your teen may need a break to do something they enjoy before they start working on homework or completing chores.
If they are working on a project with you or completing homework on their own, reminding them to take a break and have a bit of fun can help them learn to have a better work-life balance.
Encouraging your teen to take breaks and allowing them to find something fun to do during their break will help them see that they can have fun without sacrificing productivity.
Identify how your teen experiences fun
It can be tricky to help your teen have fun if you don’t know how they experience fun for themselves.
For instance, you might think that cooking together would be a fun activity for the two of you to share, but if your teen feels overwhelmed with pressure about making the meal perfect, it might not be as fun for them as it is for you.
Have an open conversation with your teen about what fun looks like for them. When you find out what activities they consider to be entertaining and enjoyable, then you can help foster an environment that makes it easier for your teen to enjoy these activities.
When it comes to supporting your teen and their overall well-being, it is critical to understand that having fun can be just as valuable as being productive.
Are We Really Having Fun at Bars or Just Escaping Reality?
Taking a hard look at how we socialize helps us spend time the way we truly want.
The coronavirus pandemic gave us a pause to ask ourselves if we really should go back to the old way of doing things.
For example, many people ditched their traffic-snarled commutes for work-from-home jobs.
The pandemic also drastically altered our social lives. When bars, restaurants, and most other venues shut down, many resorted to catching up with friends and family over video calls or by taking socially distant walks.
While Zoom calls leave much to be desired, it’s worth asking whether the pre-pandemic way of socializing over drinks was much better.
Asking ourselves some potentially uncomfortable questions about the way we get together could help us make important changes now that the world is entering the new normal
The Sober Test
Why do we go to bars?
Of course, not everyone does, but according to a 2017 report, 51 percent of Americans age 21 to 26 typically go to a bar at least once per week, followed by 42 percent of all millennials, 24 percent of Generation Xers, and 19 percent of baby boomers.
Before rushing back to our local hangouts or standing in lines behind velvet ropes, perhaps it’s worth asking what bars are really for.
For many people, bars and booze serve as the original Tinder or Grinder, a socially acceptable way to shop for a mate. But not everyone in a bar is on the prowl. Some will tell you they go out for drinks to just unwind and have fun.
That’s certainly true, but is there a deeper reason
There’s a simple test to find out.
Two years ago, I decided to stop drinking. While giving up booze has had many benefits, one significant downside is that many things I had previously found fun now seem downright boring. Going to a bar or nightclub sober, for example, suddenly became exceptionally dull.
I call this the sober test: To test if you actually enjoy something, you have to try it sober. If you only find it fun while under the influence, it’s likely the substance more than the experience that you enjoy.
The same test can be applied to all kinds of activities—and even to your relationships. Do you still enjoy your time with that friend or lover when you’re both sober? And while I hate to be a buzzkill, you may find that other things you thought you genuinely enjoyed are mostly just an excuse to drink.
Take spectator sports. Can you get through nine innings of a baseball game sober? Ever tried watching golf without a drink? Good luck.
Of course, some sports fans love the intricacies of the game enough to get through it dry—more power to them! But I sure couldn’t.
I wasn’t alone. One study found 40 percent of spectators at baseball and football games are on the sauce. Another poll found that 8 out of 10 Americans watch sports on TV at home with a drink in their hand.
Many people can’t dance unless they’re drunk. Fellow members of the self-conscious club have been having trouble letting loose for thousands of years. The Roman philosopher Cicero said more than 2,000 years ago, “Almost nobody dances sober unless they happen to be insane.”
What about karaoke? When was the last time you got on stage sober to sing a cringe-worthy rendition of “Don’t Stop Believin”? Hmmm. I wonder why that is.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with any of these pastimes. I’m no prohibitionist or killjoy. Sports, dancing, and singing are wonderful, and we should all enjoy them more often, not less.
But if these activities are inherently fun, which I believe they can be, why do so many of us need to drink to do them? Something’s amiss.![]()
Too often, what’s really driving us is a need for escapism promoted by the multibillion-dollar liquor industry that relies on selling an illusion.
Is It Fun, or Is It Escapism?
Just because an activity isn’t fun sober doesn’t mean it doesn’t serve a purpose. If the sober test revealed that something you thought you liked is not intrinsically fun, maybe you’re drawn to that activity for another reason.
Perhaps when you combine the activity with alcohol, it becomes a permissible way for you to avoid reality, forget your problems for a while, and act in ways you can’t without booze.
Bars and booze makers are happy to serve you a “cup of cheer.” In fact, bars are designed to be boring if you’re sober, providing all the more incentive to keep drinking. Think of all the ways bars are built to get patrons to imbibe:
They turn down the lights because studies show doing so gets us to drink more in less time.
The music is so loud that it not only impedes any conversation below a shout but also impairs our hearing. If you can’t have a conversation, what else are you going to do? Drink, of course!
Every aspect of the bar design, from the counter height to the kind of stools or chairs, helps to draw in people and keep them guzzling.
Despite all the obvious and not-so-obvious ways bars are built to send as much drink down our throats as possible, the onus is still on us. These businesses are giving patrons what they want: a socially acceptable way to get out of their own heads.
And that’s okay! (To an extent.) People have been changing their states of consciousness for a long time, whether through meditation, ayahuasca ceremonies, prayer, reading books, or watching TV.
Using an activity to get out of your headspace and into a different reality for a while is fine. But let’s be honest about why we do it rather than give it a bogus veneer.
Choose Better Fun
Knowing that some things we do are more for escapism than for fun, we can ask ourselves two things:

The craving for distraction is caused by an internal trigger, or negative feeling, that we wish to escape. By naming the preceding internal trigger, we can identify when we’re feeling something that won’t be solved by escaping reality.
Did you have a grueling week at work and just want to blow off some steam? Have at it!
Or, maybe it goes deeper than that. Maybe this bad week at work wasn’t a one-off, and your job hasn’t been bringing you enjoyment or satisfaction recently. In that case, escaping reality in a bar isn’t going to solve the problem.
It may be time to take action rather than trying to numb the pain.
2. Are there better ways?
As the pandemic has shown us, there are other things we can do with our time and money. There’s an entire world beyond the bar!
For example, the U.S. National Park Service reported that May 2021 saw the highest ever number of recorded visits to Yellowstone National Park for the month of May. Other national parks saw similar spikes in attendance.
After months of being confined to indoor spaces alone, people were rediscovering that the outdoors can also provide an escape, without chemical enhancements.
Perhaps the next time you reflexively find yourself drifting toward a watering hole, you’ll find something more creative to do than drinking?
Maybe you’ll ask a friend to go on a walk-n-talk through a local park? How about joining a sports league to meet other singles and play together instead of mindlessly staring at the action on TV? Perhaps you’ll take a dance lesson so you’ll know what you’re doing on the dance floor?
By understanding our deeper motivations and understanding why we really do what we do, we can make sure we spend our time, and our lives, the way we want to.
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Just having some fun - Bratz (Bratz)
Just having some fun
Just having fun
Oh yeah
Are you ready?
Here we go. ..
Hey hey hey
Nothin' like a little sunshine
To start out a perfect day
Everybody is feelin' alright
Let's hit the road, get on our way
Never better, all together, just how we like
Drivin' out to see the world
Everybody laughin', havin' a good time
I'm talkin' 'bout me and my girls
Just having some fun
Hit the road, headin' out, lettin' go
Just having some fun
That's how it's done
Start it up, let it rock, let it roll
We're just having some fun
We're just havin' fun
So many new people to meet now
So many places to go
C'mon and fasten up and turn the key now
Rev it up and get on the road
Never better, all together, just how we like
On a journey doin' our thing
All my girls ready for the time of their life
C'mon let me hear you sing
Just having some fun
Hit the road, headin' out, lettin' go
Just having some fun
That's how it's done
Start it up, let it rock, let it roll
Just having some fun
It's good to be young
Time to drive, 'cause we like feelin' free
Just having some fun
In the sun
There's a whole new world here to see
We're just having some fun
C'mon everybody
Have a good time
As far as we can see
Nothin 'but blue sky
Have fun (have fun)
C'mon (c'mon)
Have fun and sing the driving song
Have fun. .. have fun
Have fun... don't you know we' re
Just having some fun
Hit the road, headin' out, lettin' go
6 Just having some fun
That's how it's done
Start it up, let it rock, let it
Just having some fun
It's good to be young (that's right)
Time to drive, 'cause we like roll feelin' free
Just having some fun
In the sun
There's a whole new world here to see
We're just having some fun
Oh yeah
Are you ready?
That's it...
Hey hey hey
There's nothing better than a ray of sunshine
To start the perfect day
Everyone is fine
Let's hit the road, let's go
There's nothing better than being together the way we love
Traveling and seeing the world
Everyone laughing, having a good time
I'm talking about myself and my girls
Just having fun
Everyone together
Hitting the road, leaving, forgetting everything
Just having fun
Here's how:
Start the car and light it up
We're just having fun
We're just having fun
Now there are so many people to see,
So many places to visit
Come on, buckle up and turn the key, now
Let's accelerate and hit the road
There's nothing better than being together the way we love
Doing whatever we want on the trip
All my girlfriends are ready to enjoy life
Let's, sing, I want to hear you
Just having fun
All together
Hitting the road, leaving, forgetting everything
Just having fun
Here's how to:
Start the car and light it up
We're just having fun
It's good to be young
It's time to leave because we love freedom
We're just having fun
In the sun
There's a whole new world to see
We're just having fun
Having fun
Let's all
Having fun
While we can see
Only blue skies
Having fun (have fun)
Let's (let's)
Having fun and singing our travel song
Having fun. .. having fun
Having fun... can't you see that we are
Just having fun
All together
Hitting the road, leaving, forgetting everything
Just having fun
Here's how:
Start the car and light it up
We're just having fun
It's good to be young (that's right)
Time to leave, because we love freedom
We're just having fun
In the sun
There's a whole new world to see
We're just having fun
The author of the translation is Milinka7425
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Tracklist (3)
- My attitude
- Just having some fun
- Beautiful
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Lil Lotus - Over and Over Again Lyrics SongMeanings0001
The translation was made automatically, minor inaccuracies are possible.
I don't wanna wake up
I've been off the same drugs
Oh we do this over and over again
Baby why you hang up
I ain't even say much
Guess I said enough just to piss you off your friends
We just having fun
Why you always tripping on me
Party till the sun
That's how high I'm tryna be
I don't wanna wake up
I've been off the same drugs
Oh we do this over and over again
And I know you hate my guts
Cause I forgot about your birthday
Why you choose the worst one
Baby this ain't working
We ain't even fuck
I got drunk cause I was thirsty
I said bottoms up
Oh baby happy birthday
That one song went
Blahh blahh blahh and then lah lah lah
Singing with the girl next door
I don't wanna wake up
I've been off the same drugs
Oh we do this over and over again
Baby why you hang up
I ain't even say much your friends
We just having fun
Why you always tripping on me
Party till the sun
That's how high I'm tryna be
I don't want to wake up
I've been off the same drugs
Oh we do this over and over again
You should've known better (Blahh blahh blahh)
I should've known better (lah lah lah)
I can't take you anywhere
Someone get me outta this place
I can't take you anywhere
Someone get me outta here
I've been off the same drugs
Oh we do is over and over again
Baby why you hang up
I ain't even say much
Guess I said just enough to piss you off your friends Why you always tripping on me
Party till the sun
That's how high I'm trying to be
I don't wanna wake up
I've been off the same drugs
Oh we do this over and over again
Baby why you hang up your friends
I don't wanna wake up
I've been off the same drugs
Oh we do this over and over again
I don't want to wake up
I took the same drugs
Oh, we do it all over again
Baby, why are you hanging up
I didn't even say almost anything
I think I've said enough to piss you off and your friends
We're just having fun
Why are you always tripping over me
Have fun until dawn
That's how high I'm trying to climb
I don't want to wake up
I've been on the same drugs
Oh we doing it over and over again
And I know you hate me to the core
Because I forgot your birthday
Why do you choose the worst one
Baby, it doesn't work.