Rational personality type test
Rationals share the following core characteristics
Tend to be...
pragmatic, skeptical, self-contained, and focused on problem-solving and systems analysis
Pride themselves...
on being ingenious, independent, and strong willed
They make...
reasonable mates, individualizing parents, and strategic leaders
They are...
even-tempered, they trust logic, yearn for achievement, seek knowledge, prize technology, and dream of understanding how the world works
Rationals are the problem solving temperament, particularly if the problem has to do with the many complex systems that make up the world around us. Rationals might tackle problems in organic systems such as plants and animals, or in mechanical systems such as railroads and computers, or in social systems such as families and companies and governments. But whatever systems fire their curiosity, Rationals will analyze them to understand how they work, so they can figure out how to make them work better.
In working with problems, Rationals try to find solutions that have application in the real world, but they are even more interested in the abstract concepts involved, the fundamental principles or natural laws that underlie the particular case. And they are completely pragmatic about their ways and means of achieving their ends. Rationals don't care about being politically correct. They are interested in the most efficient solutions possible, and will listen to anyone who has something useful to teach them, while disregarding any authority or customary procedure that wastes time and resources.
Rationals have an insatiable hunger to accomplish their goals and will work tirelessly on any project they have set their mind to.
They are rigorously logical and fiercely independent in their thinking -- are indeed skeptical of all ideas, even their own -- and they believe they can overcome any obstacle with their will power. Often they are seen as cold and distant, but this is really the absorbed concentration they give to whatever problem they're working on. Whether designing a skyscraper or an experiment, developing a theory or a prototype technology, building an aircraft, a corporation, or a strategic alliance, Rationals value intelligence, in themselves and others, and they pride themselves on the ingenuity they bring to their problem solving.
Rationals are very scarce, comprising as little as 5 to 10 percent of the population. But because of their drive to unlock the secrets of nature, and to develop new technologies, they have done much to shape our world.
There are four types of Rationals
Although all Rationals share core characteristics, not all of them are the same. In Keirsey's observations, he noted that there were four kinds of Rationals. They are: the Rational Fieldmarshal (ENTJ), Rational Mastermind (INTJ), Rational Inventor (ENTP), and Rational Architect (INTP).
Fieldmarshals will usually rise to positions of responsibility and enjoy being executives. They are tireless in their devotion to their jobs and can easily block out other areas of life for the sake of their work.
Superb administrators in any field - medicine, law, business, education, government, the military - Fieldmarshals organize their units into smooth-functioning systems, planning in advance, keeping both short-term and long-range objectives well in mind.
Masterminds are head and shoulders above all the rest in contingency planning. Complex operations involve many steps or stages, one following another in a necessary progression, and Masterminds are naturally able to grasp how each one leads to the next, and to prepare alternatives for difficulties that are likely to arise any step of the way. Trying to anticipate every contingency, Masterminds never set off on their current project without a Plan A firmly in mind, but they are always prepared to switch to Plan B or C or D if need be.
Inventors begin building gadgets and mechanisms as young children, and never really stop, though as adults they will turn their inventiveness to many kinds of organizations, social as well as mechanical. There aren't many Inventors, say about two percent of the population, but they have great impact on our everyday lives. With their innovative, entrepreneurial spirit, Inventors are always on the lookout for a better way, always eyeing new projects, new enterprises, new processes.
Architects need not be thought of as only interested in drawing blueprints for buildings or roads or bridges. They are the master designers of all kinds of theoretical systems, including school curricula, corporate strategies, and new technologies. For Architects, the world exists primarily to be analyzed, understood, explained - and re-designed. External reality in itself is unimportant, little more than raw material to be organized into structural models.
The "Rational" Personality Temperament - Best Careers for Rationals
Characterized by independent problem solvers, ‘rationals’ is one of the four temperaments introduced by David Keirsey in his Keirsey Temperament Sorter. Like each of Keirsey’s temperaments, the Rationals temperament is comprised of four of the 16 personality types (outlined below) and groups these types together based on behavior and actions.
In this article, we will explore the similarities of the four rational types. We will also explore what makes each type different and discuss how this may impact career choices.
Overview of the Rational Temperament
The rational temperament is comprised of those with iNtuitive (N) and Thinking (T) preferences. Rationals make up around 10% of the population, making them the smallest temperament. In general, they are pragmatic, independent, strong willed and natural problem solvers. The rational temperament is comprised of four of the 16 personality types, namely:
- The ENTJ (or otherwise known as ‘the commander’) is decisive and daring. They are motivated and ambitious and will work tirelessly to meet their goals. ENTJs typically take charge and pave the way for others, making them natural leaders.
- The INTJ (or otherwise known as ‘the mastermind’) are strategic and calculating. Their organized nature gives them the ability to plan ahead and work steadily towards goals.
They are independent and seek to build relations with those who they find intellectually stimulating.
- The ENTP (or otherwise known as ‘the visionary’) is optimistic, energetic and passionate. They tend to have a strong passion for new ideas and innovation. ENTPs enjoy interacting with others and are charming, motivating and inspiring.
- The INTP (or otherwise known as ‘the architect’) is level-headed and thoughtful. They are incredibly analytical and have the desire to have an in-depth understanding of the world. Typically, INTPs are reserved and may shy away from social situations.
Similarities of the Rational Types
(Including Career Choice Differences)
All of the four rational types share many common characteristics – hence why they are grouped together.
The Rational’s iNtuitive Preference
The four personality types grouped within the rational temperament all share an iNtuitive (N) when they process the world around them and make decisions. This means that all of the four types in this temperament will focus on ideas and concepts, rather than facts and details.
As a result, rationals seek to understand the world around them. They are natural problem solvers and are always exploring how their own ideas may produce logical solutions. This is why rationals are typically found thriving in positions where they are free to explore their ideas independently and use these ideas to solve complexed problems.
The Rational’s Thinking Preference
All four rationals share a thinking preference. Typically, this implies that all of these types will all make decisions based on logic and reason, opposed to emotions and values. Rationals tend to be decisive, having the ability to make effective and logical decisions. They dream of understanding the world around them, and once they have a detailed knowledge and understanding, only then will they make their decisions.
The ‘
Knowledge-Seeking’ TemperamentAll rationals share the same tendency to be results-driven. They are ambitious and, as a result, have been labelled as the ‘knowledge-seeking’ temperament. They try to gather as much information as possible to develop long-term plans and the steps to achieving these goals. Rationals are tough-minded and strong-willed, and they stand out at work for their ability to work hard in pursuit of achieving their goals.
Differences Between The Rational Types
(Including Career Choice Differences)
Although all rational types share many common characteristics, they are all unique and behave in individual ways too. Let’s explore their differences.
Engineers Versus Coordinators
Within each temperament, there are two roles that the personality types can either fall into. These roles differentiate how each type solves problems and communicates. In the rational temperament, each type is either an engineer or a coordinator:
- ENTJs and INTPs are coordinators. They tend to be more arranging and when they communicate with others, they tend to direct them.
- ENTPs and INTPs are engineers. When the communicate with others, they tend to be informing.
Rationals and Leadership
All rationals seek to solve problems. However, a huge difference between each type is what problems they seek to solve.
Extroverted rationals, such as ENTJs are more sociable. In comparison to introverted rationals, they are more likely to seek to solve social problems (e.g., employee relations, recruitment or family issues). Similarly, although all types of rationals are capable leaders, due to their result-driven and ambitious nature, these types of rationals are eager to lead and take charge. They tend to gravitate towards positions of power, where they can work closely with others and use their knowledge and understanding to influence others. Such positions include as an executive, human resources manager or logistics manager.
Rationals with an introverted preferences tend to not be such eager leaders. At work, you tend to find them in more independent roles that avoid the spotlight. INTJs, for example, are introverted rationals. Their key characteristics is that they are decisive and want to get things done. As leaders, however, their introverted nature may cause them to focus too much on their own pursuits and ignore the views and wishes of others. Therefore, in the workplace, it is common to see these introverted rationals in more solo positions, such as computing or IT roles.
Rationals and Stress
Rationals are constantly seeking to understand the world around them. When this becomes blocked and they cannot interpret their surrounding, rationals may become stressed. However, each rational reacts to stress slightly differently.
For instance, the ENTP tends to be very positive and will laugh off and avoid negativity. Yet, when these types get stressed they can become obsessive over the problem. Their brain will work overtime, causing them to seek additional sleep and to withdraw from their friends. Other types, such as INTJs become stressed when they are forced to deal with too many unexpected events. Unlike ENTPs, they will feel like the world is against them, but tend to recover quite well from stress when left alone to process their thoughts.
Wrapping Up: Best Careers for Rational Types
Rationals are pragmatic and independent problem solvers. They seek to understand the world around them, and as a result are often found thriving in careers where they are left to independently solve problems. One major difference seen between rationals is they type of problems they seek to solve. Extraverted rationals are likely to thrive of solving ‘people-oriented’ problems. Whereas introverted rationals seek to solve technical problems.
If you’re looking for more information, check out our detail descriptions of each type:
- ENTJ careers
- INTJ careers
- ENTP careers
- INTP careers
If you’re not sure of your personality type, head over to this page to learn more. Enjoy!
Thinking type test: rational and intuitive
My logical thinking is well developed Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I prefer complex tasks to simple ones Completely disagree nine0011 Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I prefer to trust my intuition Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
nine0010 I think that my analytical thinking is not very well developed Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I trust my first impressions of other people Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure nine0011 Partially agree I completely agree |
I try to avoid situations that require me to think deeply about anything Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I rely on my initial impression of something Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
It is difficult for me to think when someone or something is pressing on me Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree nine0013 I completely agree |
I don't like situations where I have to rely on my intuition Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I literally enjoy thinking long and hard about something Completely disagree nine0011 Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
Intuition can be very helpful in solving problems Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I cannot rely on a person who claims to trust his intuition completely Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I am much better at using my logical thinking than most people Completely disagree nine0013 Basically not suitable I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
My decisions are usually supported by clear and concise arguments Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I don't think it's a good idea to rely on intuition when making difficult decisions Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
For me, thinking about something is not the most pleasant pastime Completely disagree Partially disagree nine0011 I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I have no problem thinking carefully about any problem and looking at it from different angles Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree nine0006 |
I listen to my intuition to see if this or that person can be trusted Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I usually have a sense of whether or not a person is approaching me, although I can't explain how I know this Completely disagree nine0011 Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I am drawn to learning new thinking techniques Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I rarely make mistakes when I follow my intuition Completely disagree Basically not suitable I don't know, I'm not sure Mostly suitable I completely agree |
It seems to me that trusting intuition when making important decisions is stupid Completely disagree Partially disagree nine0013 I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
My actions are often determined by what my instinct tells me Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
In choosing my main course of action, I often follow my instincts Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
Solving complex problems is not my forte Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree nine0011 |
I really like complex puzzles that require deep thinking Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
Finding precise and clear arguments is not my forte Completely disagree Partially disagree nine0011 I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I like to think about something abstract Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I don't usually rely on my senses when making decisions Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
Using logical thinking has often helped me solve problems Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree nine0011 I completely agree |
I think there are many situations where a person should trust his intuition Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I don't like it when I have to think about something for a long time nine0013 Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I am quite happy with situations where I know the answer to a question, even if I myself do not understand where Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree nine0011 I completely agree |
Following my instincts has helped me many times in my life Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
My intuition is not very developed Completely disagree Partially disagree nine0011 I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
When I rely on my intuition, I often make mistakes Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I guess my intuition is as often wrong as it is good advice Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I am not as good at intuitive judgments as other people Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree nine0011 |
Logical thinking doesn't help me much with problem solving Completely disagree Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
I like that I can find a solution to a problem by thinking about it properly Completely disagree nine0013 Partially disagree I don't know, I'm not sure Partially agree I completely agree |
personality type test - Test of 16 personality types
Thinker - analyzes problems in depth
You are always trying to find a logical explanation for what interests you. You love abstract and theoretical things. You are more interested in recognition than in social interaction with people. You are calm, reserved, flexible and tolerant. You have an extraordinary capacity for deep research. You are quite skeptical, so you always analyze problems. Sometimes you are too harsh and ruthless. nine0011
INTP famous person: Albert Einstein, physicist
Prophet - Turning ideas into people's desires
You are active, intelligent, alert, straightforward and able to motivate other people. You can mobilize all resources to solve new complex problems. You know how to find strengths and opportunities in yourself and analyze them with the help of strategic thinking. You have a strong ability to analyze people's behavior. You are not satisfied with the ordinary life. You rarely do the same. You are into a wide variety of things. nine0011
ENTP famous person: Socrates, philosopher.
Performer - Everything is under control
You are honest and decisive, you have natural leadership qualities. You can quickly spot counterintuitive and inefficient practices and procedures. You can constantly add and develop a new system to solve organizational problems. You like to make a long-term plan for yourself and stick to it. You are well informed, you have a wide outlook. You enjoy sharing your knowledge with others. nine0011
INTJ famous person: Napoleon Bonaparte, emperor
Expert - Unique and striving for perfection
You have a lot of creative thoughts. You are always trying to bring your ideas to life, tirelessly achieving your goal. You can understand the connotative model of the outside world and think long term. When you make a commitment, you make a plan and stick to it. You are very independent and skeptical. You always have a high standard, whether it's for you or for other people. nine0011
INTJ famous person: Isaac Newton, physicist.
Protagonist - Maximizing the potential of everyone
You are responsible, caring and compassionate. You can be acutely sensitive to the emotions, needs, and motivations of others. You can find potential in other people and want to help them discover it. You always contribute to the development and growth of the team. You are very sensitive to praise and criticism. You are loyal to everyone, have a good social background and cooperate well with other people. You are an inspiring leader who can motivate others well. nine0011
ENFJ famous person: Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights activist.
Lawyer - A flash of light in pitch darkness
You always want to find deep meaning in your thoughts, relationships with other people and in material life. You are trying to understand the motives of other people and have a clear idea about people. You are very meticulous in what you do and true to your values. Your vision is to provide the best service for all people. By achieving this goal, you can remain bold, determined, and organized. nine0011
INFJ famous person: Plato, philosopher.
Counselor - Everything is possible
Life is full of possibilities for you. You can quickly find connections between all kinds of information and confidently work according to the patterns you find. You strive to get approval from other people, and you are also quite serious about the praise and support of other people. You are very laid back and flexible. You are gifted with rare eloquence and the ability to improvise.
ENFP famous person: Tom Hanks, American actor
Philosopher - Living in your own ideal world
You are an idealist. You are true to your values and the people who matter to you. You hope that you can live in a world that exactly matches your values. You are very open to new things. You can always find opportunities to encourage yourself and other people to bring any idea to life. You are trying to understand other people and help them reach their potential. When nothing threatens your values, you are quite flexible and understand other people well. nine0011
INFP famous person: J.K. Rowling - author of the Harry Potter series
Man of action - Boundless energy to solve problems
You are quite laid-back and open. You enjoy solving practical problems and your solutions have an immediate effect. You are bored with theory and concepts. For you, the current moment with a natural course is important. You enjoy every minute when you are with other people. You also enjoy the pleasure and comfort provided by the material world. You like to learn by doing. nine0011
ESTP celebrity: George Bush
Craftsman - Observe calmly, act quickly
You are very patient and flexible. Normally you watch quietly, but when there is a problem, you try to find a solution as quickly as possible. You are always analyzing how things could be more efficient and solving practical problems based on extensive data. You are very interested in the causes and effects of things. You systematize the facts, guided by objective logical principles. You attach great importance to efficiency. nine0011
ISTP celebrity: Steve Jobs, founder of Apple
Actor - Life is your stage
You are sociable, friendly and open. You love your life very much and enjoy the comforts of the material world. You like to create something new with other people. You bring your perception and practical attitude to your work, which means that your work is done with pleasure. You are very at ease. You quickly adapt. When you collaborate with other people, you can very quickly learn from the experience of others and learn new things. nine0011
ESFP celebrity: Leonardo DiCaprio, actor
Artist - Show your accomplishments so that everyone can see the richness of your inner world
You are calm, friendly, empathetic and gentle. You live in the moment and enjoy everything that happens around you. You love privacy when you can do things on your own schedule and at your own pace. You are true to your heart and loyal to the people who matter to you. You do not like conflicts and contradictions. You do not impose your thoughts and values on other people
ISFP celebrity: Lady Gaga, singer-songwriter
Administrator - Ensuring smooth and orderly work
You are very practical and realistic. You are also firm and determined. Once you make a decision, you will immediately take action. You know how to deploy projects and mobilize all the resources and people to complete them. You hope that you can achieve your goals in the most efficient way possible. You can handle everyday details well. You have your own clear and logical understanding of how it should be, and you will always insist on your own. You will always stick to your opinion unswervingly. nine0011
ESTJ famous person: Emma Watson, actress
Logistician - Act in accordance with existing rules, scrupulously and carefully
You are calm and serious. People like you because of your honesty and attentiveness. You are realistic, pragmatic and purposeful. You decide what you should do independently and rationally, and then you achieve your goals step by step, without distraction. You like to put things in order. Whether you are at work, at home or in your daily life, you will pay a lot of attention to traditions and rules. nine0011
ISTJ famous person: George Washington, US President and General
Caretaker - Enthusiastic about helping others
You are kind, meticulous and cooperative. You strive for a harmonious atmosphere and try to create such an environment around you. You enjoy doing tasks with other people. You are always loyal and consciously care about other people. You notice all the needs of other people in their daily lives and try your best to satisfy them. You hope that other people will appreciate everything you do for them. nine0011
ESFJ famous person: Anne Hathaway, actress
Keeper - Unlimited concern for others
You are calm, affable, responsible and serious. You will always be able to consistently and reliably complete your tasks. When you are dealing with important things, you are strict, careful and accurate. You are very loyal and considerate. You notice and remember all the details that are important to you. You care about other people's feelings with all your heart.