Physically active jobs for introverts

10 Best Jobs For Introverts With Anxiety – Zippia

Work can be stressful for anyone, but it can be especially draining if you’re an introvert and regularly deal with anxiety.

If this is true for you, the good news is that there are many positions out there that can help you minimize stress in your work life and, hopefully, by extension, your personal life.

  • Data Entry Specialist

    Average Yearly Salary: $28,000

    If you’re interested in a job where you can work at a desk all day, data entry might be the field for you. Many find the repetitive nature of these jobs soothing, plus it’s relatively easy to find a remote position in this field, making it even more desirable for introverts with anxiety.

    While this job isn’t necessarily exciting, it also isn’t stressful. You’ll typically know exactly what is expected of you, feel like you accomplished something, and be able to forget about work as soon as you clock out.

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  • Librarian

    Average Yearly Salary: $50,000

    Libraries are known for their peaceful environments, making them a great setting for introverts with anxiety who don’t necessarily thrive in chaos and noise.

    If you enjoy books and helping others learn, this career may be a great fit for you. You’ll get to work with people, but not all the time, and you’ll get to learn new information as a part of your job.

    Librarians typically need degrees of some kind, but if you don’t have one, you might be able to still find a job helping out in a library or bookstore. These establishments need employees to sort and shelve books and help customers find what they’re looking for, which can also be great tasks for introverts who deal with anxiety.

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  • Programmer

    Average Yearly Salary: $67,000

    If you enjoy working with computers to solve problems and create new software, a job as a programmer might be a great fit for you.

    Many of these roles are remote, allowing you to get paid to sit behind a computer in sweatpants all day. Even if you work in an office, though, it’s unlikely you’ll be required to interact much with people.

    Programmers create software programs, websites, and many can even work in cybersecurity. Many programmers are freelancers, which provides even greater flexibility, making this field popular with many introverts with anxiety.

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  • Transcriptionist

    Average Yearly Salary: $28,000

    Entertainment, medical, and legal companies need transcriptionists to convert spoken content into easily readable written content. Transcriptionists usually work alone, and many work from home.

    These positions are often a good fit for introverts with anxiety as they not only provide peaceful solitude, but the work is also very clearly laid out and is low-stress. Transcriptionists can just be done once it’s time to log off for the day and not think about work again until the next morning.

    Another benefit is that many of these jobs are flexible since all companies want the final product turned in on time — they don’t care how or when you do it.

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  • Gardener or Landscaper

    Average Yearly Salary: $47,000

    Spending time up close and personal with nature is one of the most relaxing things you can do. Because of this, a job as a professional gardener or landscaper could be an excellent option for an introvert with anxiety.

    Not only do you get to spend your days outside, but you also get to be creative and help a living thing thrive. Few things are quite as fulfilling.

    If you aren’t ready to become a professional landscaper or gardener quite yet but still want to work with plants, you might consider applying for a job at your local plant nursery instead. This will both allow you to be around and care for plants and give you some experience in case you want to move toward full-blown landscaping.

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  • Delivery Driver

    Average Yearly Salary: $37,000

    Amazon, UPS, and FedEx all need drivers to deliver packages, and even private companies need couriers to make deliveries to clients and other offices. As a delivery driver, you can be the one to take those items where they need to go and enjoy a workday spent on the road by yourself.

    You’ll probably have to stick to a tight schedule, but you won’t spend much time interacting with people, and you won’t have to bring work home in the evenings, making delivery driving a low-stress job overall.

    You may even be able to work part-time if you just need something to get you out of the house.

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  • Home Cleaner/Janitor

    Average Yearly Salary: $23,000

    A job that is often physically tiring and doesn’t require much interaction with people, cleaning homes or commercial properties is often a good occupational choice for introverts with anxiety.

    Most homeowners want you to clean while they’re out of the house, and many companies have janitors perform most of their tasks after employees have gone home. This likely means you’ll have to work some odd hours, but you may find this a worthwhile trade for being able to work in relative solitude.

    Plus, you’ll get to enjoy the satisfaction of seeing your work pay off immediately.

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  • Graphic Designer

    Average Yearly Salary: $45,000

    Being a graphic designer requires a degree or at least some form of formal training, but it’s an excellent career for introverts with anxiety. There are many remote job opportunities in this field, but you can usually spend most of your day locked in your office behind a computer, even if you work in an office.

    Some interaction with your clients or boss is required, but for the most part, this is a very independent occupation.

    Many graphic designers are freelancers, giving them the ability to set their schedules and guarantee that they can work from home. If you decide to go this route, you will have to meet deadlines, but it is up to you how many projects you take on and when you work on them.

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  • Writer

    Average Yearly Salary: $57,000

    Many writers work from home as freelancers, crafting articles, web pages, or novels. Do your research carefully before you accept a writing position, though, as many require you to conduct interviews with people, which can be stressful for many introverts with anxiety.

    You can usually find several positions in this field that don’t require conducting interviews at all (or at least not many), however, so keep your eyes open. If you find one of these positions, you can typically spend most of your time behind a computer, whether you’re in an office or at home.

    Writing is also a great creative outlet, which is therapeutic in and of itself. You’ll likely have to meet deadlines, but often a writer’s work schedule is at least somewhat flexible, especially if you are a freelancer.

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  • Skilled Tradesperson

    Average Yearly Salary: N/A

    Plumbers, electricians, and masons especially tend to work alone or on a small team, making these occupations a good fit for introverts, and they do manual labor, making them a good fit for those with anxiety.

    The level of stress that comes with these roles will, of course, vary depending on where you work, but in general, these jobs are often more mentally therapeutic than many are.

    They don’t usually require a lot of interacting with customers, and they keep your body tired while giving you the satisfaction of accomplishing something, which is often good for anxious minds.

    To become a skilled tradesperson, you’ll usually need to undergo a certificate program at a technical school and then complete an apprenticeship in your field of expertise.

  • While you shouldn’t limit yourself professionally if you are introverted and struggle with anxiety, some characteristics of certain careers and jobs could impact how enjoyable or stressful your work life is.

    Paying attention to these can help you choose an occupation that doesn’t add to your anxiety and may help you feel fulfilled in your work rather than drained.

  • Environment

    As you begin considering what type of job you want, ask yourself what type of physical environment you thrive in.

    Do you find the most peace in a quiet room? Are you at your best when you’re outside in nature? Would your dream job involve sitting behind a computer screen in your pajamas all day without having to talk to a soul? Or would it involve working nearby other people without interacting with them much?

    Knowing these things about yourself can help you choose a position that fits your personality and needs, and it may even help you think outside the box about jobs you might want to look into.

  • Deadlines

    If you know for a fact that hard deadlines raise your blood pressure, it’s probably best that you avoid a job that revolves around them. On the other hand, if having a set schedule of due dates helps you stay on track, a job that involves at least some deadlines may help you do your best work.

    Whichever way you lean, even if it’s somewhere in the middle, take note of it before you begin your job hunt. Look closely at job descriptions for phrases that indicate a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment, talk to someone who works in the field, and ask questions about this in your interview.

    It’s important to put in the extra effort on the front end to ensure that you’re entering an occupation you can thrive in.

  • Clientele/Coworkers

    Some jobs involve working more closely with people than others, and some involve working with disgruntled people more often than others. In addition, some occupations are more competitive, often attracting competitive employees, and the same goes for careers and employees that are more laid-back.

    Different people find each of these situations exhilarating or exhausting, so consider what you’d enjoy.

    Many introverts with anxiety find they do better when not working directly with customers who tend to be demanding or with competitive or dramatic coworkers.

    While you can’t guarantee what your customers or colleagues will be like in any role, some fields tend to be less stressful in this area than others, so pay attention to this as you look for jobs.

  • Schedule

    When possible, look for a job that will allow you to have a good work-life balance. The definition of a good work-life balance is different for everyone, so ask yourself what you need to manage your anxiety and recharge your social battery.

    For example, if you rely on getting eight hours of sleep a night to function, a job that requires you to be at work at 6:00 a.m. might not be the best option for you. Or, if you need to have enough daylight hours off so that you can make sure you get outside each day, look for a job that has a schedule that would accommodate that.

    Ask questions about company culture and schedule in your job interview. As long as you don’t ask questions that make you seem lazy, like, “How early can I leave?” or “How late can I come in?” interviewers will be happy to answer your questions.

  • If you are an introvert, that means you get your energy when you are alone. The jobs listed above provide many opportunities to recharge while at work by granting you solitude. This is especially important if your introversion causes anxiety when you have to deal with too many people.

    It is quite common to be an introvert and deal with social anxiety as a result. If this sounds like you, understand that you are not alone. You probably come across challenges that many others in your position do, including:

    These challenges are legitimate, however they are not impossible to solve. Many successful introverts manage their symptoms so that these challenges are mitigated. There are many strategies to cope with this situation. If you are an introvert with anxiety and need help learning how to deal with your situation, consider talking to a mental health professional.

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    32 Physically Active Jobs That Pay Well and Keep You Active

    Trade Schools Home > Articles > Active Jobs That Pay Well

    By Publisher
    | Last Updated May 5, 2022

    Active jobs let you escape the sedentary lifestyle of the typical office worker. After all, human beings were made to move. Why sit in front of a computer all day when you can be up and about, keeping your muscles flexing and your blood pumping?

    Fortunately, jobs that let you stay active are easier to find than you might expect. The construction and maintenance industries are obvious options, but physical jobs also exist in healthcare, education, police and military service, farming, entertainment, and other areas. The range of possibilities is extensive.

    Active careers come with the obvious benefit of not having to sit all day, but the good news is that a decent income can also be part of the deal. Each of the 30-plus jobs in this article features a median salary that is higher than the median annual salary for all American workers (which was roughly $39,811 in May 2019).

    The list of physically active jobs below includes some that involve moderately strenuous activities like walking and bending as well as some that require more arduous tasks like climbing and lifting. What they all have in common is that they allow you to earn an above-median salary while on your feet and away from a desk. Read on to explore the many different careers that can keep you moving!

    Unless otherwise noted, the annual wages below are current as of December 7, 2021, represent median pay, and are based on estimates from the Bureau of Labor Statistics unless marked as being from (1) the U.S. Army's Go Army website (2021). All yearly earnings are rounded to the nearest thousand.

    Active Jobs in Health and Wellness

    Looking after people's health and well-being is a satisfying way to earn a living, and many careers in this sector offer opportunities to move about and stay active. Check out these examples of physical jobs that pay well in health and wellness:

    1. Registered nurse: $75K

    These professionals have a hands-on role in patient care and are frequently on the go, tending to the needs of a wide variety of people. Lifting and supporting patients is often a regular part of their work. This has traditionally been one of the most active jobs for women, though a growing number of men are getting into the profession too.

    2. Chiropractor: $71K

    Using hands-on therapies like spinal manipulation and muscle stimulation to help people heal is a rewarding way to stay active at work. Chiropractors focus on issues related to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. They use leverage and controlled force to adjust joints and help ease pain in backs, necks, and other areas.

    3. Occupational therapy assistant: $63K

    Working directly with patients, these assistants carry out the treatment plans developed by occupational therapists. The goal is to help people improve skills related to work and daily living. That could mean showing people how to perform therapeutic exercises or teaching them how to use adaptive equipment to make certain tasks easier.

    4. Physical therapy assistant: $60K

    Physical therapist assistants help injured people regain their physical functions by implementing the treatment plans of physical therapists. Assistants guide patients through exercises and activities designed to improve their movement and reduce their pain. They often demonstrate stretching and balancing exercises or use massage and other therapeutic techniques.

    5. Recreational therapist: $48K

    How would you like to improve people's lives through leisure? Recreational therapists direct and coordinate play-based activities that are designed to help patients reduce anxiety, build confidence, and improve physical abilities. They might engage their patients in anything from dancing and drawing to bowling and kayaking. Opportunities are available in hospitals, clinics, schools, and community centers.

    6. Massage therapist: $44K

    Massage therapists promote healing and wellness through touch. By using their hands, forearms, and elbows to knead clients' muscles, they help relieve pain and reduce stress. They also teach clients about relaxation exercises and proper stretching techniques. Most states require massage therapists to be licensed or certified.

    7. Fitness trainer: $41K

    Leading exercise classes and demonstrating proper workout techniques will keep you on your toes. Some fitness trainers work with individual clients to set goals and develop a plan for achieving them; others guide groups through choreographed routines like yoga or aerobics. Many employers look for trainers with certification.

    Active Jobs in Construction and Maintenance

    The construction and maintenance industries feature some of the most physically active jobs you can pursue. Building, installing, and repairing things is hands-on work that keeps you on the go. Here are a few examples of active and well-paying jobs you can get training for in a skilled trades program:

    1. Elevator installer and repairer: $89K

    Installing and maintaining elevators, escalators, and chairlifts is among the most physically demanding jobs that pay well. This career involves assembling elevator cars, replacing cables, connecting wiring, and adjusting components. You could work at great heights or in cramped crawl spaces. It's important to be physically strong—some training programs require aspiring installers to be able to lift 100 pounds.

    2. Transportation inspector: $78K

    The job of a transportation inspector is to make sure trains, subways, buses, and airplanes conform to operational and safety regulations. These professionals test the functioning of various mechanical components, check all parts for signs of wear or damage, and look over repairs to ensure that the tasks were done correctly. This is hands-on work that takes place in tunnels, garages, and hangars.

    3. Electrical power line installer and repairer: $75K

    Keeping the power grid functioning is definitely not a desk job. These professionals are in charge of installing and maintaining the high-voltage lines that carry electricity from where it is generated to where it is needed. They are frequently called upon to carry heavy equipment and climb tall utility poles. Apprenticeships are a common route into this field.

    4. Aircraft mechanic: $66K

    Maintaining the airplanes that transport millions of people every day requires knowledgeable mechanics who can lift heavy components and climb all over these massive machines. Aircraft mechanics inspect and repair the structural, electronic, and mechanical parts of planes and helicopters. You'll need to be certified by the Federal Aviation Administration.


    Boilermaker: $65K

    Installing and repairing boilers, vats, and tanks will keep you moving. Boilermakers work on large containers that house gases and liquids, from boilers and blast furnaces to water tanks and smokestacks. They assemble tanks, inspect fittings, test for leaks, and repair broken components like valves or pipes. You need both stamina and strength to succeed in this field.

    6. Wind turbine technician: $56K

    Did you know there are more than 52,000 wind turbines producing energy throughout the U.S.? Keeping them functioning efficiently and effectively takes a combination of technical skill and physical ability. Technicians frequently climb towers to figure out why a turbine isn't running properly and make the necessary repairs. They get to solve problems while working outdoors in the fresh air.

    7. Structural iron and steel worker: $55K

    Moving, lifting, and joining iron and steel columns and girders is another physical job. Structural iron and steel workers cut and weld large metal pieces, direct crane operators to move pieces into place, and ensure that all components are aligned correctly. This career often involves balancing on narrow beams at great heights while guiding pieces into place and tightening bolts. Industry certifications can boost your job prospects.

    8. Brickmason: $55K

    It's easy to stay active when your job is to build walls, fireplaces, walkways, chimneys, and other structures out of brick. These construction professionals resize bricks, mix mortar, and place materials according to blueprints. They can work on both residential and commercial projects. Apprenticeships or on-the-job training can give you the skills you need to get started.

    9. Commercial diver: $55K

    Many commercial divers focus on building and maintaining underwater structures for offshore oil rigs; others concentrate on salvaging shipwrecks, repairing dams and bridges, or taking pictures of marine life. In any case, they get to be physically active while spending most of their time well below the surface of the water. Getting your scuba certification is a good way to start.

    10. HVAC/R installer and mechanic: $49K (May, 2021)

    Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC/R) installers and mechanics maintain the systems that control the temperature and air quality in our homes and offices. They install ductwork and electrical components, connect water and fuel supply lines, check for leaks, and make repairs as necessary. Some HVAC/R mechanics specialize in working with solar panels or commercial refrigeration. HVAC technician training usually takes from 8 to 24 months.

    11. Carpenter: $50K

    From framing walls and erecting scaffolding to building bridges and installing cabinets, carpenters have one of the most versatile roles in the construction industry. You could focus on residential or commercial construction or get involved in remodeling or restoration work. Most carpenters get into the trade through an apprenticeship.

    Active Jobs in Protective Services

    Physical activity is a fundamental part of many careers that involve responding to emergencies and keeping people safe. If you feel called to protect your community, you may want to consider one of the following active jobs:

    1. Police officer: $66K

    This is one of the most active jobs for females and males alike. As law enforcement professionals, police officers must meet rigorous requirements related to speed, strength, and flexibility. After all, the job can involve chasing a suspect on foot or physically subduing an attacker. You may also find yourself walking on patrol, lifting injured people, or crawling through tight spaces to search for evidence.

    2. Army second lieutenant: $42K to $53K


    Military careers feature prominently on any list of jobs that keep you physically fit. That's because keeping America safe requires being in top physical condition. In the Army, second lieutenants are responsible for leading infantry platoons and overseeing their unit's combat readiness. The salary figures quoted here are for basic pay only and do not include allowances and bonuses.

    3. Firefighter: $53K

    Battling flames and carrying people out of burning buildings is both rewarding and physically challenging. Firefighters are often the first on scene at accidents and emergencies and must be ready to spring into action on a moment's notice. When they're not actively fighting fires, they frequently run drills and participate in fitness training. Many firefighters are also certified as emergency medical technicians.


    Correctional officer: $47K

    The primary task of correctional officers is keeping order in prisons and jails. That means being prepared to head off violent disturbances and ensure the safety of both prisoners and guards. Part of the job involves restraining inmates and escorting them to and from visiting rooms and courthouses. Law enforcement training will serve you well in this career.

    Active Jobs in Entertainment

    Bringing a creative production to the screen requires the physical talents of many different professionals both in front of and behind the camera. Here are a few active jobs that pay well in the entertainment field:

    1. Steadicam operator: $57K

    Steadicams are special cameras used in film and TV productions that allow operators to be both mobile and stable. Unlike traditional cameras that are mounted on dollies and moved along pre-laid floor tracks, Steadicams are mounted directly to the operator via a special harness. Getting the perfect shot while supporting a rig that can weigh up to 90 pounds is a unique creative and physical challenge.

    2. Choreographer: $44K

    Designing and demonstrating new dance routines allows you to express your creativity through movement. Choreographers come up with dance sequences and work closely with the performers to ensure that the rhythm and pacing of the steps conveys the appropriate tone and mood. You could work for dance companies, theaters, or film or television studios.

    3. Stunt performer: $33K

    Stunt performers are the unsung heroes of action sequences in movies and TV shows. They handle all the risky feats that are too dangerous for the regular actors, from crashing cars and leaping from rooftops to falling off cliffs and slamming into tarmac. These are extremely physical jobs, for females especially, since their costumes often don't allow for the same amount of padding as men's do.

    Additional Active Jobs That Pay Well

    As you can see above, there are plenty of ways you can do physically active work and make a decent living. If you're looking for even more inspiration, check out these additional active jobs that don't fit into the other categories:

    1. Veterinarian: $99K

    Caring for sick and injured animals can be a very physical job, particularly when dealing with large creatures such as horses. In this role, you get to dress wounds, set bones, draw blood, take x-rays, and perform surgery. Some veterinarians also assist with animal births. You'll need to complete a veterinary medical degree and be licensed by your state in order to practice.

    2. Farmer: $68K

    Whether they are planting seeds, fertilizing crops, or maintaining machinery, farmers spend most of their time outdoors performing physical tasks. They also purchase supplies, keep records, and make sure crops are stored and transported properly. Those who work on smaller farms have more diverse tasks and are generally more active than those who work for larger agricultural enterprises.

    3. Elementary school teacher: $61K

    Supporting the educational development of young children can be an active job. Elementary teachers are on their feet for much of the day, giving lessons and offering assistance to students of varying abilities. Many of them teach physical education and lead students in sports and games. They also escort groups of students to assemblies and supervise classes during out-of-school field trips.

    4. Flight attendant: $59K

    Looking after passengers on an aircraft will keep you on the move. Primarily responsible for passenger comfort and safety, flight attendants are constantly in motion. They might be lifting bags into overhead compartments, serving food and beverages, or assisting passengers with special needs. When necessary, they also direct evacuations and administer first aid.

    5. Rotary drill operator: $54K

    Setting up and running the drills that dig wells for the removal of underground reserves of oil and gas is a physically demanding job. Rotary drill operators monitor gauges and adjust levers and throttles to control drilling speed and prevent well overflows. They also train crews in safety procedures. You could work on land or on offshore rigs.

    6. Personal chef: $53K

    Do you dream of a culinary career? Personal chefs prepare customized meals in each client's home. They might be hired to come in once a week or once a month and cook a number of meals to be packaged or frozen for later consumption. These chefs do everything from planning menus and shopping for ingredients to preparing food and cleaning work areas. It's important to be able to adapt to different dietary preferences.

    7. Event planner: $52K

    Coordinating every detail of weddings, banquets, trade shows, and conventions comes with the satisfaction of bringing a client's vision to life. Event planners divide their time between traditional office work and on-site tasks such as inspecting venues, overseeing deliveries, setting up tables and equipment, registering guests, and ironing out any last-minute snags. Organizational skills are critical in this career.

    Benefits of Active Work

    It's no secret that sitting too long is bad for you. Sedentary lifestyles have been linked to a number of health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and some cancers. In fact, studies have shown that prolonged periods of sitting can increase your mortality risk, no matter how much you sweat in your leisure time. It seems that being active at work is one of the best ways to stay healthy in the long term.

    And most workers with active jobs are satisfied with their careers. In a CareerBuilder survey, 76 percent of workers with non-desk jobs were happy in their roles, and more than a third had no complaints about their job environment. Survey respondents said that the number one advantage of working away from a desk was being able to be physically active, but other benefits included having more flexibility in their work and more variety throughout their workday.

    Energize Your Ambitions

    Now that you've explored the incredible range of active jobs that are available, it's time to put your career goals into motion. Have you thought about how to get where you want to go? The job-focused training offered by trade schools, vocational colleges, and technical institutes can help you get the skills you need for the future you want. Enter your zip code into the search tool below to discover convenient programs near you!

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    Introvert and work. Whom to go?



    I am an introvert. I can’t be in the company of people for a long time, I like to sit at home and read more. I have two or three friends and this one with a head. At any place, after working for a maximum of six months, I quit - depression, tears, I can’t work with people. I understand that I need to work, but I can not overpower myself. Ideally, I would go where there is a minimum team, or work alone. Where do you advise? I am a seamstress by training, but due to vision problems I can no longer do this. nine0005







    Not a shame the usual ***** sociophobe and illiquid labor market. you don't have to be an expert. maximum cleaner. now every stupid woman justifies her inability with the fashionable word introvert, although this term has a completely different meaning




    NOT a shame of introverts, you are ordinary ***** sociophobes and illiquidate of labor market. you don't have to be an expert. maximum cleaner. now every stupid woman justifies her inability with the fashionable word introvert, although this term has a completely different meaning

    Do experience and education indicate incompetence? laziness and inability to learn new things speak of inability. I work from school, worked in different industries, from a waitress to an administrative position, I provide for myself. T.*****. me, a "stupid woman" with 2 educations? with 8 years of experience? Maybe you don't need harsh statements if you don't know?



    0091 November 24, 2015, 11:22






    Do experience and education speak of inability? laziness and inability to learn new things speak of inability. I work from school, worked in different industries, from a waitress to an administrative position, I provide for myself. T.*****. me, a "stupid woman" with 2 educations? with 8 years of experience? Maybe you don't need harsh statements if you don't know? nine0005




    6666666666666666666 Do experience and education speak of incompetence? laziness and inability to learn new things speak of inability. I work from school, worked in different industries, from a waitress to an administrative position, I provide for myself. T.*****. me, a "stupid woman" with 2 educations? with 8 years of experience? Maybe you don't need harsh statements if you don't know? nine0005



    ,000666666 I am a programmer, I work alone, occasionally interact with colleagues. I earn a lot. Everything suits me. But this does not shine for you, because you need to study a lot and you had to start much earlier. They write correctly, the point is not that you are an introvert, but that you, as a specialist, are zero. nine0005 experts

    • Maxim Sorokin

      Practicing psychologist

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      38 answers

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      Speech therapist - defectologist

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      Fitness nutritionist

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      family psychologist

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      Family psychologist

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      59 answers

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      Female psychologist

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      72 answers

    • Nikitina Anna Viktorovna

      Oriental practitioner specialist

      32 answers



    November 2015, 12:57


    Invented stories

    • I am infuriated by my husband with his children and grandchildren .


      1 012 answers

    • 9000

      The man immediately warned that all the property was recorded all the property for children

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    There was such a mess with the work - probably changed 20 places in 5 years. I could not work among people for a long time, although I am a very good and valuable specialist and worker. She always quit on her own and with tears, just like you.

    I found such a way out for myself - I work remotely from home, I write theses, articles, I do translations, I advise students.

    Then I decided to expand a little, opened my own training center, hired several employees, I work from home, I just come to the center, I check how everything is going, I control it. nine0005

    In general, I understand you very well. Do not break yourself - you will only be constantly depressed. It is better to look for something exactly suitable for you - freelancing, typing on a computer, an administrator in an online store, a PC operator somewhere at a wholesale base, or something like that, I don’t even know ..



    don't disgrace the introverts, you're an ordinary ***** social phobe and illiquid in the labor market. you don't have to be an expert. maximum cleaner. now every stupid woman justifies her inability with the fashionable word introvert, although this term has a completely different meaning



    9000, Guest

    66666666 This is not an introvert, this is a sociophobe already. If up to hysterics.





    Sphere it, archivist, janitor, design (if at home), writer. And in general, to understand the reasons

    If you don’t know such people, then you shouldn’t say that they are abnormal, social phobes or some other nonsense

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      9000 9


      Yes, there is no reason, I myself am the same as the author, while I have a full life, I just don’t like to communicate a lot, after a working day among people I feel physically bad, but it’s super for me to work alone, I can move mountains. I have a family and entertainment - it's all there. If you don’t know such people, then you don’t have to say that they are abnormal, social phobes or some other nonsense



      I am an introvert. I can’t be in the company of people for a long time, I like to sit at home and read more. I have two or three friends and this one with a head. At any place, after working for a maximum of six months, I quit - depression, tears, I can’t work with people. I understand that I need to work, but I can not overpower myself. Ideally, I would go where there is a minimum team, or work alone. Where do you advise? I am a seamstress by education, but due to problems with the average, I can no longer do this. nine0005



      Librarian, archive, watchman, seller in the stall (team for the whole day no)



      Did I say that?!




      don't disgrace the introverts, you're a common ***** sociophobe and illiquid in the labor market. you don't have to be an expert. maximum cleaner. Now every stupid woman justifies her inability to an introvert with a fashionable word, although this term carries a completely different meaning


      9000 #47 9000

      66 Velma

      Can you work at a computer, can your eyesight allow it? Big minus? I have a minus 2, I work at a computer - with a database, on the Internet, e-mail, with postal parcels. I like my job very much, I don't get tired on it like on the previous ones, where I had to work with clients and a large team. Excessive communication exhausts me, takes away energy, in the evenings after work I wanted to hide somewhere from people and be alone with myself. nine0005



      9000 The profession of a design engineer would suit you, but you need to study.


      We would sit in our drawings and meditate, sometimes we need to cooperate with subcontractors, but this is not fatal.

      You also need to communicate with technologists. You can also be called to the shop. Conflict situations (such normal production situations) may arise. nine0005

      Introverts, office work and layoffs

      Introverts, office work …

      #Coronavirus (covid-19)

        better paying job! And we work...

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      • Why is it embarrassing not to work?

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      • Should the state pay pensions to the self-employed?

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      • Why is it so hard to find a job now?

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      • Why do many men want their wives to work?

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      27 responses

      Last - Go to




      It is now fashionable to replace the concept of sociophobic introvert.
      You need to fight with your complexes, and not hang a fashionable introvert sign.







      Oh, well, exactly my thoughts, as if I'm used to, well, not everywhere they communicate like that... well, there is a spray spray that you can more or less communicate with him more, and together it’s already easier



      You can keep up the conversation neutrally sometimes, the rest of the time you work. advice and that's it. don't climb... you'll have to if you need a job




      Introvert. I work remotely. I used to sit in an open-space office and just work, not paying attention to others. If they climbed with stupid things, he stopped them. I also sat in the office in the same office with the boss and her assistant. They started to blunt, forced them to work, took out their brains with this. To not be distracted. nine0005




      Worked even in open-space. I sit quietly, I work. Even if I don’t work and don’t want to talk to anyone, I pretend to work.
      You are just a bad worker, not an introvert. That is why you are afraid that you will fly away in the first place. And so as not to be ashamed in front of you, invent nonsense.
      I have never seen good employees fired first, even if they have no desire to communicate with someone outside of work. nine0005



      Did my thread about circles on the car inspire you? An introvert will have a hard time in society. Always. They are annoying.



      Introverts are not annoying, obsessive extroverts are annoying, who chatter incessantly about everything, a sort of verbal diarrhea!




      If you wore the brain, this is not an introvert, it is brave and active)

      9000 #22

      Woman. ru experts