Opposite of time
What is the opposite of time?
Opposite of a period in history or the past
“I hope for peace and happiness in the future.”
Opposite of one's lifetime
“I will rest in peace in the afterlife when my time is over.”
Opposite of one's life at a younger age, usually referring to the prime of one's life
“Now, in my old age, I would rather play video games than sports due to my aging body.”
Opposite of a noteworthy experience or event
“Our holiday in the Florida Keys was a letdown due to the bad weather.”
Opposite of a rare opportunity
“He had waited for this moment all his life after having dealt with one adversity after another. ”
Opposite of a period of time, typically in a given working role
Opposite of a consideration for or reasoning
“Josh treated the scrutiny with indifference and had no time to indulge in a war of words with the media.”
Opposite of a distinct period or era in history or one's life
Opposite of an occurrence, or something that happens
“As it turned out, it was nothing!”
Opposite of a particular point in events or time
Opposite of the most active or successful period of a person's life or career
“The novel described the period of his decline, during which his dominance over the competition had waned. ”
Opposite of an opportunity to achieve something
Opposite of an opportunity to do or achieve something
“The following studies cite an inopportunity to partake in sports as the reason for lower rates of participation in athletics by women.”
A continuous period of time
“The slump between New Year's Eve and Memorial Day is a long stretch with little to celebrate.”
Opposite of a continuous period of a particular situation or condition
“Following her membership in the group, her household experienced a brief spurt of economic improvement.”
Opposite of an obligation to do something that comes successively to each of a number of people
Opposite of the speed with which one walks, runs, or moves
“We walked with a slowness that characterized our lethargy at the time.
Opposite of an exciting or noteworthy event, action or achievement
“He often spoke of his failure as an important learning experience from which he later benefited.”
Opposite of the state of being imprisoned
Opposite of the duration of a person's life
Opposite of a favorable circumstance or occasion
“The canceled conference was an inopportuneness that prevented us from meeting new people.”
Opposite of a short time or period
Opposite of a recurrent pattern formed by a series of sounds having a regular rise and fall in intensity
Opposite of a period or time free from engagement
“He couldn't get his head out of his work, and rarely did he spend quality time with his family. ”
Opposite of the period during which an office or position is held
Opposite of to schedule an event or action
“We will have to cancel our meeting that was scheduled after our lunch break.”
Opposite of to plan one's time
“If you have to cancel your booking, please do so at least 24 hours before the designated date.”
Opposite Of Time, Antonyms of Time, Meaning and Example Sentences
Opposite Of Time, Antonyms of Time, Meaning and Example Sentences
Antonym opposite words contradict each other and meet opposite meanings. A word has synonyms as well as antonyms. When we learn a language, when we learn a word in that language, it will be very useful for us to learn both the opposite and the synonyms of this word.
Because learning a word with its synonyms increases our competence in that language as well as our competence in speaking and writing. Learning a word with its opposite meanings both broadens our vocabulary and helps our activity on language. There are some things we need to know about opposite words.
First, the negative of a word cannot be the opposite of that word. Negative words indicate whether an action should be taken to us, that is, not the opposite meaning of a word. In a language, not every word has a synonym, but not every word has an opposite. In general, adjectives and adverbs have opposite meanings, that is, words reporting quality and quantity often have opposite words.
Time means; period, duration, while, term, length, a point of time as measured in hours
Opposites of Time;
- eternal
- timeless
- everlasting
- perpetual
- immortal
- endless
- infinite
- unending
- limitless
Example Sentences with Time;
- What is the time?
- You should take this medicine before mealtime.
- Time adverbs describe how long and when an action occurred.
- We take advantage of the present time to describe events in temporary situations.
- At that time, nurses lived in special accommodation.
- You’re wasting my time.
- We don’t have much time left. We need to hit the road as soon as possible.
Here are 400 Important Opposite Words List
- boy – girl
- brave – cowardly
- break – fix
- broad – narrow
- brother – sister
- build – destroy
- busy – lazy
- buy – sell
- calm – excited
- careful – careless
- careless – careful
- catch – miss
- ceiling – floor
- cellar – attic
- centre – outskirts
- certainly – probably
- changeable – constant
- cheap – expensive
- child – adult
- children – parents
- clean – dirty
- clear – cloudy
- clever – stupid
- close – open
- closed – open
- cloudy – clear
- cold – hot
- cold – heat
- come – go
- comedy – drama
- complicated – simple
- compliment – insult
- compulsory – voluntary
- connect – separate
- consonant – vowel
- constant – changeable
- cry – laugh
- damage – repair
- danger – security
- dangerous – safe
- dark – light
- daughter – son
- dawn – dusk
- day – night
- dead – alive
- death – birth
- deep – shallow
- defeat – victory
- defence – attack
- defend – attack
- delicious – awful
- deny – admit
- depart – arrive
- departure – arrival
- descendant – ancestor
- descent – ascent
- desperate – hopeful
- destroy – build
- destruction – construction
- devil – angel
- dictatorship – republic
- die – live
- emigrate – immigrate
- emigration – immigration
- empty – full
- end – begin
- end – beginning
- ending – beginning
- enemy – friend
- enjoy – hate
- enter – leave
- entrance – exit
- equal – different
- even – odd
- evening – morning
- everybody – nobody
- everything – nothing
- find – lose
- finish – begin
- finish – start
- first – final
- fix – break
- flat – hilly
- floor – ceiling
- follow – lead
- forbid – allow
- for – against
- foreground – background
- foreign – domestic
- foreigner – native
- forget – remember
- form – destroy
- fortune – bad luck
- forward – backward
- free – arrest
- freeze – melt
- frequently – occasionally
- fresh – old/stale
- friend – enemy
- front – rear
- in front of – back
- full – empty
- funny – serious
- future – past
- general – particular
- generous – mean
- gentle – violent
- gentleman – lady
- giant – tiny
- girl – boy
- give – take
- go – come
- good – bad
- grown-up – child
- guest – host
- guilty – innocent
- happiness – sadness
- happy – sad
- handsome – ugly
- hard – easy
- harvest – plant
- hate – enjoy
- health – disease
- healthy – ill
- heat – cold
- heaven – hell
- heavy – light
- hell – heaven
- land – water
- large – small
- last – first
- late – early
- laugh – cry
- lazy – active
- lead – follow
- learn – teach
- leave – arrive
- left – right
- lend – borrow
- less – more
- let – forbid
- lie – stand
- life – death
- light – dark
- light – heavy
- like – hate
- liquid – solid
- little – big
- little – much
- live – die
- long – short
- lose – win
- loser – winner
- loud – quiet
- love – hate
- lovely – terrible
- low – high
- lower – raise
- bad luck – good luck
- good luck – bad luck
- major – minor
- married – divorced
- marry – divorce
- master – servant
- maximum – minimum
- mean – generous
- melt – freeze
- men – women
- mend – break
- mess – order
- midnight – noon
- minimum – maximum
- minor – major
- miss – hit
- miss – catch
- moderate – extreme
- modern – ancient
- monarchy – republic
- moon – sun
- more – less
- morning – evening
- mountain – valley
- much – little
- narrow – broad
- nasty – nice
- native – foreigner
- natural – artificial
- near – distant
- negative – affirmative
- nephew – niece
- never – always
- new – ancient
- nice – awful
- niece – nephew
- night – day
- no – yes
- odd – even
- off – on
- often – seldom
- old – modern
- on – off
- open – closed
- open – closed
- opponent – supporter
- order – mess
- ordinary – special
- other – same
- out – in
- outside – inside
- outskirts – centre
- over – under
- parents – children
- part – whole
- partial – total
- particular – general
- pass – fail
- past – future
- peace – war
- permit – forbid
- plant – harvest
- plenty – lack
- pleasant – awful
- polite – rude
- poor – rich
- poverty – wealth
- powerful – weak
- presence – absence
- present – past
- pretty – ugly
- private – public
- probably – certainly
- professional – amateur
- protect – attack
- protection – attack
- public – private
- pull – push
- pupil – teacher
- push – pull
- question – answer
- quick – slow
- quiet – loud
- raise – lower
- rainy – sunny
- rear – front
- receive – send
- reduce – increase
- refuse – agree
- regret – satisfaction
- remember – forget
- repair – damage
- reply – ask
- reply – question
- republic – dictatorship
- rest – work
- rich – poor
- right – left
- rural – urban
- sad – happy
- sadness – happiness
- safe – dangerous
- safety – danger
- salt – sugar
- same – different
- satisfaction – regret
- satisfy – annoy
- save – spend
- scream – whisper
- security – danger
- seldom – often
- sell – buy
- send – receive
- senior – junior
- separate – connect
- serious – funny
- servant – master
- set free – arrest
- shallow – deep
- sharp – blunt
- shelter – exposure
- short – long
- shout – whisper
- shut – open
- sick – healthy
- silent – noisy
- silly – intelligent
- simple – complicated
- sink – rise
Three quarters of Russians consider the Soviet era to be the best in the history of the country
75% of Russians believe that the Soviet era was the best time in the history of the country / Evgeny Razumny / Vedomosti
Only 18% of respondents agree with this judgment. This follows from the study “The Structure and Reproduction of the Memory of the Soviet Union in Russian Public Opinion” prepared by the Levada Center, which Vedomosti has reviewed. nine0003
Hearing the expression “Soviet era”, respondents first of all think about stability and confidence in the future (16% of answers), a good life in the country (15%) and personal life – childhood, youth, parents (11%). Negative assessments occur much less frequently: 4% of respondents recall shortages, queues and coupons, 1% each about the Iron Curtain, stagnation and repression. In general, 76% of respondents give positive characteristics of the Soviet era, 38% - neutral, and only 7% - negative. This sum is higher than 100%, as some respondents gave different estimates. 65% of Russians regret the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the same number believe that it could have been avoided; 26% of respondents have an opposite opinion on both issues. 52% of those who regret the collapse of the USSR say they are upset by the loss of a sense of belonging to a great power, 49% regret the destruction of the unified economic system, 37% - about the increased mutual distrust and bitterness.
But at the same time, only 28% of respondents agree to "return to the path that the Soviet Union was following", while the majority favors either Russia's "own, special path" (58%) or the European version of development (10%).
Russians' ideas about the Soviet era are mostly positive, but personal memories of it are being replaced by general ideas about social stability, confidence in the future, and a good life in the USSR, says Levada Center sociologist Karina Pipiya. It is also noteworthy, according to her, that representatives of all age and generational groups agree with the installation of the socio-economic well-being of citizens in the USSR, but nostalgia for the Soviet Union is more typical for older people, although young people join those who believe that the collapse The USSR could have been avoided. However, the romanticization of the Soviet past does not lead to a desire to restore the Soviet system. nine0003
Neither those who lived in the USSR nor the post-Soviet youth want this, emphasizes Pipia.
Judging by the study, the transfer of information about the Soviet era is primarily a household myth, says Dmitry Badovsky, head of the ISEPI Foundation: “These are ideas that are passed down from generation to generation and are based, among other things, on “respect for ancestors”, which includes the idea that these were great people and they had a great country. At the same time, the main center of national identity today is the victory in the Great Patriotic War. That is, there is a combination of family history and historical self-awareness. At the same time, it is clear that nostalgia for the Soviet past and memories of some positive moments grow during periods when people feel injustice or anxiety in the present, the expert notes: “People believe that now there is a lack of justice and solidarity, that they live in an unpredictable a time where there are many challenges and threats, and against this background, they recall a certain “golden age”, when everything was more clear, calm and stable. ” But people are talking about the “times of the USSR” and do not really remember the communist ideology and the Soviet system, therefore there is no request for their return, Badovsky believes: “This is quite rational - people understand that the restoration of that system is impossible, but, answering the question , on which path the country should go, they say that there should be its own path. That is, the request for solidarity and some unifying idea is still essential.” nine0003
This is a typical retro-utopia about the Soviet era, connected with the fact that now life is not easy and there are problems with the level and quality of life, says Andrey Kolesnikov, an expert at the Carnegie Moscow Center: “The Soviet era is seen, perhaps, not as a time of high living standards, but the time of justice. Today's state capitalism is seen as unfair: injustice is in distribution, access to goods and infrastructure. And that feeling is getting stronger." The Soviet project has always remained popular among the masses, but it has not taken first place before, the expert draws attention: “This is similar to how the attitude towards Stalin changed - he was also always popular, but not to the extent that he is now. The feeling of the injustice of the present time provokes a romantic attitude towards Stalin in particular and towards the Soviet era in general. But when Russians are asked if they would like to live in the era of Stalin, they say “no” - and the restoration of the Soviet era is the same story, Kolesnikov is sure: “Still, people understand that now there are goods that were not there before, work and a beautiful life more than in Soviet times, although there is no justice.” At the same time, many, speaking about the “good life”, idealize childhood memories, while others don’t even have them, the expert adds: “The younger generation also romanticizes this era, but they don’t know at all what it looks like. It looks at the Soviet past as something romanticized and just, despite the fact that the young have no memories of it.” nine0003
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City | Time correction | City | Time correction |
Arkhangelsk | 0 | Novgorod | 0 |
Anadyr | + 9 | Nizhny Novgorod | 0 |
Astrakhan | + 1 | Novosibirsk | + 4 |
Abakan | + 4 | Omsk | + 3 |
Barnaul | + 4 | Orenburg | + 2 |
Blagoveshchensk | + 6 | nine0030 Eagle0 | |
Belgorod | 0 | Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky | + 9 |
Bryansk | 0 | Petrozavodsk | 0 |
Birobidzhan | + 7 | Penza | 0 |
Vladikavkaz | 0 | Perm | + 2 |
Vladimir | 0 | Pskov | 0 |
Vologda | 0 | Rostov-on-Don | 0 |
Volgograd | 0 | Ryazan | 0 |
Voronezh | + 1 | St.![]() | 0 |
Gorno-Altaysk | + 4 | Saratov | 0 |
Grozny | 0 | Samara | + 1 |
Dudinka | + 4 | Salekhard | + 2 |
Yekaterinburg | + 2 | Saransk | 0 |
Ivanovo | 0 | Smolensk | 0 |
Irkutsk | + 5 | Stavropol | 0 |
Izhevsk | + 1 | Syktyvkar | 0 |
Yoshkar-Ola | 0 | Sochi | 0 |
Kazan | 0 | Tambov | 0 |
Kaliningrad | - 1 | Tver | 0 |
Kaluga | 0 | Tomsk | + 4 |
Kemerovo | + 4 | Tula | 0 |
Kirov | 0 | Tyumen | + 2 |
Kostroma | 0 | Ufa | + 2 |
Krasnodar | 0 | Ulan-Ude | + 5 |
Krasnoyarsk | + 4 | Ulyanovsk | + 1 |
Kurgan | + 2 | Khabarovsk | + 7 |
Kursk | 0 | Khanty-Mansiysk | + 2 |
Kyzyl | + 4 | Chelyabinsk | + 2 |
Lipetsk | 0 | Chita | + 6 |
Maykop | 0 | Cherkessk | 0 |
Makhachkala | 0 | Cheboksary | 0 |
Magadan | + 8 | Elista | 0 |
Murmansk | 0 | Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk | + 8 |
Nalchik | 0 | Yakutsk | + 6 |
Naryan-Mar | 0 | Yaroslavl | 0 |
Country | Time correction |
Azerbaijan | + 1 winter time, 0 summer time |
Armenia | + 1 |
Belarus | - 1 |
Georgia | 0 |
Kazakhstan | + 2, + 3 |
Kyrgyzstan | + 2 |
Latvia | - 1 |
Lithuania | - 1 |
Moldova | - 1 |
Tajikistan | + 2 winter time, + 1 summer time |
Turkmenistan | + 2 winter time, + 1 summer time |
Uzbekistan | + 2 winter time, + 1 summer time |
Ukraine | - 1 |
Estonia | - 1 |
Country | Time correction |
Australia Australian Captial Territory | + 7 |
Australia Victoria | + 7 |
Australia Queensland | nine0030 + 7 (summer time + 6 hours)|
Australia New South Wales | + 7 |
Australia Northern Territory | + 6.![]() |
Australia Tasmania | + 7 |
Austria | - 2 |
Azerbaijan | - 1 (summer time 0) |
Azores | - 4 (summer time - 5 hours) | nine0046
Albania | - 2 |
Algeria | - 2 (summer time - 3 hours) |
American Samoa | - 8 (summer time - 7 hours) |
Anguilla | - 7 |
England | - 3 |
Angola | - 2 (summer time - 3 hours) |
Andorra | - 2 |
Antarctica | nine0030 - 5 (summer time - 6 hours)|
Antigua | - 7 |
Argentina | - 6 (summer time - 7 hours) |
Armenia | + 1 (summer time + 2 hours) |
Aruba | - 7 |
Afghanistan | + 1.![]() |
Bahamas | - 8 (summer time - 9 hours) |
Balearic Islands | - 2 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Bangladesh | + 3 (summer time + 2 hours) |
Barbados | - 7 |
Bahrain | 0 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Belarus | - 1 |
Belize | - 9 |
Belgium | - 2 |
Benin | - 2 (summer time - 3 hours) |
Bermuda | - 7 (summer time - 8 hours) |
Bulgaria | - 1 |
Bolivia | - 7 (summer time - 8 hours) |
Bonaire | - 7 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | - 2 |
Botswana | - 1 |
Brazil Acre | - 8 (summer time - 9 hours) |
Brazil Atlantic Islands | - 4 (summer time - 5 hours) |
Brazil East | - 6 |
Brazil West | - 7 (summer time - 8 hours) |
Brunei | + 5 (summer time + 4 hours) |
Burkina Faso | - 3 |
Burundi | - 1 |
Butane | + 3 (summer time + 2 hours) |
Vanuatu | nine0030 + 8 (summer time + 7 hours)|
Vatican | - 1 |
UK | - 3 |
Hungary | - 2 |
Venezuela | - 7 (summer time - 8 hours) |
Virgin Islands | - 7 |
British Virgin Islands | - 7 |
Minor Outlying Islands (USA) | + 9 | nine0046
Eastern Canada | - 8 |
Vietnam | + 4 (summer time + 3 hours) |
Gabon | - 2 (summer time - 3 hours) |
Haiti | - 8 (summer time - 9 hours) |
Guyana | - 6 |
Galapagos | - 8 |
Gambia | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Ghana | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Guadeloupe (French) | - 7 |
Guatemala | - 9 (summer time - 10 hours) |
Guinea | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Guinea-Bissau | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Germany | - 2 |
Gibraltar (UK) | - 2 |
Honduras | - 9 (summer time - 10 hours) |
Hong Kong | + 5 (summer time + 4 hours) |
Grenada | - 7 |
Grenadines | - 7 |
Greenland | - 6 |
Greece | - 1 |
Guam | + 7 |
Dahomey | - 2 |
Denmark | -2 |
Djibouti | 0 |
Johnston Island | - 13 |
Georgia | + 1 |
Dominica | - 7 |
Dominican Republic | - 7 |
Egypt | - 1 |
Zaire Kasai | - 1 |
Zaire Kivu | - 1 |
Zaire Kinshasa Mbandaka | - 2 |
Zaire Hayut Zaire | - 1 |
Zaire Shaba | - 1 |
Zambia | - 1 (summer time - 2 hours) |
Western Australia | + 5 (summer time + 4 hours) |
Zimbabwe | - 1 (summer time - 2 hours) |
Israel | - 1 (summer time - 2 hours) |
India | nine0030 + 2.|
East Indonesia | + 6 (summer time + 5 hours) |
Western Indonesia | + 4 (summer time +3 hours) |
Indonesia Central | + 5 (summer time + 4 hours) |
Jordan | - 1 |
Iraq | 0 |
Iran | + 0.5 |
Ireland | - 3 |
Iceland | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Spain | - 2 |
Italy | - 2 |
Yemen | 0 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Cape Verde | - 4 (summer time - 5 hours) |
Kazakhstan Eastern part | + 1 (summer time 0) |
Kazakhstan Western part | + 3 hours (summer time + 2 hours) |
Kazakhstan Central part | + 2 hours (summer time + 1 hour) |
Cayman Islands (UK) | - 8 |
Cambodia | + 4 (summer time + 3 hours) |
Cameroon | - 2 (summer time - 3 hours) |
Canada Newfoundland | - 6.![]() |
Canada Yukon and Pacific | nine0030 - 11|
Canadian Atlantic | - 7 |
Canadian Mountain | - 10 |
Canaries (Esp.) | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Caroline Islands | + 8 |
Qatar | 0 |
Kwajalein | - 15 |
Kenya | 0 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Cyprus | - 1 (summer time - 2 hours) |
Kiribati | + 9 |
China | + 5 (summer time + 4 hours) |
Cocos Islands (Australia) | - 13 (summer time - 14 hours) |
Columbia | - 8 (summer time - 9 hours) |
Congo | - 2 |
Costa Rica | - 9 (summer time - 10 hours) | nine0046
Ivory Coast | - 3 |
Cuba | - 8 (summer time - 9 hours) |
Kuwait | 0 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Kyrgyzstan | + 2 (summer time + 1 hour) |
Laos | + 4 (summer time + 3 hours) |
Latvia | - 1 |
Lesotho | 0 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Liberia | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Lebanon | - 1 |
Libya | - 1 (summer time - 2 hours) |
Lithuania | - 1 |
Luxembourg | - 2 |
Mauritius | + 1 (summer time 0) |
Mauritania | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Madagascar | 0 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Madeira | - 3 |
Mayotte (French) | 0 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Macedonia | - 2 |
Malawi | - 1 (summer time - 2 hours) |
Malaysia | + 5 (summer time + 4 hours) |
Mali | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Maldives | + 2 (summer time + 1 hour) |
Malta | - 2 |
Marianas | + 7 |
Marquesas Islands | - 12.![]() |
Morocco | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Martinique | - 7 |
Marshall Islands | + 9 (summer time + 8 hours) |
Mexico | - 9 |
Mexico Baja Calif Norte | - 11 |
Mexico Nayarit | - 10 |
Mexico Sinaloa | - 10 |
Mexico Sonora | - 10 (summer time - 11 hours) |
Melilla (Esp.) | - 2 |
Micronesia | + 9 (summer time + 8 hours) |
Mozambique | - 1 (summer time - 2 hours) |
Moldova | nine0030 - 1|
Moldova Transnistria | - 1 |
Monaco | - 2 |
Mongolia | + 5 (summer time + 4 hours) |
Montserrat (UK) | - 7 |
Myanmar | + 3.![]() |
Windward Islands | - 7 |
Namibia | - 2 (summer time - 3 hours) |
Nauru | + 9 |
Nepal | + 2.75 (summer time + 1.75 hours) |
Niger | - 2 (summer time - 3 hours) |
Nigeria | - 2 (summer time - 3 hours) |
Netherlands Antilles | - 7 |
Netherlands | - 2 |
Nicaragua | - 8 (summer time - 9 hours) |
New Zealand | + 9 (summer time + 8 hours) |
New Caledonia (French) | + 8 (summer time + 7 hours) |
New Hebrides | + 8 |
Norway | - 2 |
Channel Islands | - 3 |
Norfolk (Australia) | + 8.![]() |
UAE | + 1 (summer time 0) |
Ascension Island | - 3 |
God Hollow Island Australia | + 7.5 (summer time + 8 hours) |
Gambier Island | - 12 |
Greenland Island Scoresbysun | - 4 (summer time - 3 hours) |
Greenland Thulium | - 7 (summer time - 6 hours) |
Curacao Island | - 7 |
Island Midway | - 14 |
Niue Island | - 14 |
Company office | - 13 |
Easter Island | - 9 (summer time - 8 hours) |
Ponape Island | + 8 |
Principe Island | - 3 |
Christmas Island (Australia) | - 13 |
St.![]() | - 7 |
St. John's Island | - 7 |
St Kitts Island Nevis | - 7 |
St. Christopher's Island | - 7 |
St. Croix Island | - 7 |
St. Lucia Island | - 7 |
St. Maarten Island | - 7 |
St. Thomas Island | - 7 |
St. Helena | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Tuamotu Island | - 13 |
Tubuai Island | - 13 |
Chatham Island | + 9.75 (summer time + 10.75 hours) |
Canton Enderbury Islands | - 14 |
Cook Islands | - 13 (summer time - 14 hours) |
Mallorca | - 2 |
Wallis and Futuna Islands | + 9 |
Oman | + 1 (summer time 0) |
Pakistan | + 2 |
Palau | + 6 (summer time + 5 hours) |
Panama | - 8 (summer time - 9 hours) |
Papua New Guinea | + 7 (summer time + 6 hours) |
Paraguay | - 7 |
Peru | - 8 (summer time - 9 hours) |
Leeward Islands | - 7 |
Poland | - 2 |
Portugal | - 3 |
Puerto Rico | - 7 |
Reunion (French) | + 1 (summer time 0) |
Rwanda | - 1 (summer time - 2 hours) |
Romania | - 1 |
Saba | - 7 |
El Salvador | - 9(summer time - 10 hours) |
Samoa | - 14 |
San Marino | - 2 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Sao Tome and Principe | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Saudi Arabia | 0 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Swaziland | - 1 |
Northern Ireland | - 3 |
North Korea | + 6 (summer time + 5 hours) |
Northern Mariana Islands (USA) | + 7 (summer time + 6 hours) |
Seychelles | + 1 (summer time 0) |
Senegal | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (French) | - 6 (summer time - 7 hours) |
Singapore | + 5 (summer time + 4 hours) |
Syria | - 1 |
Slovakia | - 2 |
Slovenia | - 2 |
Solomon Islands | + 8 (summer time + 7 hours) |
Somalia | 0 (summer time + 1 hour) |
Sudan | 0 (summer time + 1 hour) |
Suriname | - 6 (summer time - 7 hours) |
USA Alaska | nine0030 - 12|
US East | - 8 |
US Hawaii | - 13 (summer time - 14 hours) |
USA Mountain Range | - 10 |
US Pacific | - 11 |
USA Center | - 9 |
Sierra Leone | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Tajikistan | + 2 (summer time + 1 hour) |
Tahiti | - 13 (summer time - 14 hours) |
Taiwan | + 5 (summer time + 4 hours) |
Thailand | + 4 (summer time + 3 hours) |
Tanzania | 0 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Turks and Caicos (UK) | - 8 (summer time - 7 hours) |
Togo | - 3 (summer time - 4 hours) |
Tonga | + 10 (summer time + 9 hours) |
Trinidad and Tobago | - 7 |
Tuvalu | + 9 |
Tunisia | - 2 |
Turkmenistan | + 2 (summer time + 1 hour) |
Turkey | - 1 |
Uganda | 0 (summer time - 1 hour) |
Uzbekistan | + 2 (summer time + 1 hour) |
Ukraine | - 1 |
Uruguay | - 6 |
Wales | - 3 |
Faroe Islands | - 3 (summer time - 2 hours) |
Fiji | + 9 (summer time + 8 hours) |
Philippines | + 5 (summer time + 4 hours) |
Finland | - 1 |
Falkland Islands | - 7 |
France | - 2 |
French Guiana | - 6 (summer time - 7 hours) |
French Polynesia | - 13 (summer time - 14 hours) |
Croatia | - 2 |
Central African Republic | - 2 (summer time - 3 hours) |
Chad | - 2 (summer time - 3 hours) |
Czech Republic | - 2 |
Chile | - 7 |
Switzerland | - 2 |
Sweden | - 2 |
Scotland | - 3 |
Sri Lanka | + 2.![]() |