Marriage counselling videos
Marriage Counseling Via 2 Youtube Videos That Went Viral
This video could save you thousands of dollars in marriage counseling bills. With nearly 8.5 million views on YouTube it’s a must-watch and very entertaining. It’s a playful way of reminding us that women typically feel better when their feelings are heard versus when they’re presented with a list of solutions by men trying to fix things.
It was John Gray’s “Men are From Mars and Women Are From Venus” book that enshrined this concept into popular culture. I do think that certain stereotypes hold true. When struggling, men do have a tendency to “go to their cave” and women do have a tendency to “seek connection and talk”.
However, when faced with difficult problems, my experience has been that both men and women want to be listened to. By the time we’re bothering to discuss a problem with someone else we’ve usually already thought about the quick fixes and we’re talking about it because it feels more complex or complicated to us. In that scenario having a listener bark out problem solving solutions is rarely helpful and can often be experienced as an attempt to shut down the conversation. And often those kind of responses are just that.
Why would anybody want to shut down the conversation? Because listening, and especially listening with empathy and connection, is an active process and requires “work”. We can only do it when we’ve got enough space internally and have enough energy. The reason your partner is not always capable of doing it lies in this incredible 3 minute cartoon narrated by Dr Brené Brown (with over 2.5 million views on Youtube)
Look out for my favorite parts:
@ 1:24 minutes: “Empathy is a choice and it’s a vulnerable choice because in order to connect with you I have to connect with something inside of myself that knows that feeling. ”
Note: This is impossible when you’re overwhelmed or hate the feeling that the other person is having. You just won’t want to join them in that space and therefore won’t really be able to do be empathic.
@ 2:30 minutes “Rarely can a response make something better. What makes something better is connection.”
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Couples : Counseling Videos
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Emotionally Focused Therapy Step by Step (4-video series)
If you want to learn to be more effective in the challenging art of treating couples, this highly acclaimed series is just what you've been looking for; consider it your own personal master class in EFT.
De-Escalating Anger in Couples Therapy
with Rebecca Jorgensen
Do you find yourself struggling to redirect heated conflicts in your couples sessions? Learn how to use EFT techniques to effectively stop these negative cycles and redirect warring couples to a place of mutual respect, safe communication and positive change.
Recovering from an Affair: 6 Sessions of Couples Therapy
with Richard Schwartz
What really happens in therapy over time? Watch from the front row as Richard Schwartz, founder of Internal Family Systems Therapy, conducts six full-length sessions with a real couple facing a devastating crisis.
Breaking the Code of Romantic Love
with Sue Johnson
Over the last 30 years, Dr. Sue Johnson and her colleagues have “cracked the code" of romantic love through the development of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). By watching this video, couples will to learn to improve their relationships and therapists will find useful ideas and training techniques.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Couples Therapy with the Experts: 6-Video Series
This unique series showcases six leading couples therapist conducting live sessions and then discussing their work. Learn from experts Sue Johnson, Pat Love, Gus Napier, Richard Stuart, James Coyne, and Richard Schwartz.
Emotionally Focused Therapy in Action
with Sue Johnson
Dr. Sue Johnson has been hailed as “the most original contributor to couples therapy to come along in the last 30 years.” Now you’ll have the chance to watch her conduct an actual session with a challenging couple haunted by the “echoes of war.
Earn 3.50 CE Credits
Couples Therapy: A Family Systems Approach
with Monica McGoldrick
Learn from seasoned family therapist Monica McGoldrick how bringing family-of-origin issues into couples therapy can help you pinpoint the root of the problem, make more targeted interventions, and ultimately “unstick” a couple struggling with insecurity and distrust.
Earn 2.25 CE Credits
The Angry Couple: Conflict Focused Treatment
with Susan Heitler
Learn how to effectively contain high-conflict couples by teaching them conflict management skills, and transforming destructive patterns of fighting into meaningful conversations that can lead to healthier relationships.
Emotionally Focused Therapy with Same-Sex Couples
with Sue Johnson
The therapeutic needs of same-sex couples are given some long-overdue attention in this masterful video with EFT originator Dr. Sue Johnson, who offers fresh hope to a gay and a lesbian couple using her signature framework for repairing the partners’ emotional “dance. ”
Action Methods in Couples Therapy
with Daniel Wiener
Dr. Daniel Wiener demonstrates how to energize and enhance your couples work by incorporating drama therapy techniques called Rehearsals for Growth™.
Couples and Infertility: Moving Beyond Loss
with The Ackerman Institute
Using a clinical illustration of a family systems approach to treatment, this video offers a framework for understanding the emotional and psychological impact of infertility upon couples who have sought unsuccessfully to conceive.
Core Concepts and Interventions in EFT
with Rebecca Jorgensen
Do you feel overwhelmed in your work with couples? In this groundbreaking new series with leading EFT trainer Rebecca Jorgensen, you’ll learn an empirically validated approach that will greatly enhance your success in working with couples.
Earn 3.00 CE Credits
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy
with Sue Johnson
Sue Johnson demonstrates Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy in an actual couples therapy session.
Psychotherapy with Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Clients 3: Relationships, Families and Couples Counseling
with Ron Scott
Gay, lesbian, and bisexual couples and families are different from heterosexual couples and families in issues related to their social context and societal stigmatization.
EFT Stage 1: Reaching De-escalation
with Rebecca Jorgensen
How do you help couples get beyond blame to get them to a place of safe emotional engagement? In this second volume of our 4-video series with EFT expert Rebecca Jorgensen, learn the steps and interventions of Stage 1 leading towards complete de-escalation.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
EFT Stages 2 - 3: Deepening Engagement & Consolidation
with Rebecca Jorgensen
Once a couple has reduced their reactivity, how do you help them take it to the next level and achieve the safety and intimacy they desire? In the third of our 4-video series with EFT expert Rebecca Jorgensen, learn key techniques for promoting new levels of engagement, acceptance, and consolidation.
Earn 2.50 CE Credits
Couples Therapy for Addictions: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach
with Barbara S. McCrady
See Barbara S. McCrady work with a couple struggling with addictions in an actual couples therapy session.
Impasses and Challenges in EFT
with Rebecca Jorgensen
What can you do when you run into the inevitable obstacles of couples work? In the final volume of our EFT series with Rebecca Jorgensen, get expert advice and practical tools for dealing with common challenges in couples therapy.
Earn 2.50 CE Credits
Irreconcilable Differences: A Solution-Focused Approach to Marital Therapy
with Insoo Kim Berg
Insoo Kim Berg's unique style and unwavering optimism comes to life in this demonstration of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy.
Emotionally Focused Therapy: A Complete Treatment (3-Video Series)
Deepen your understanding of Emotionally Focused Therapy by watching an entire, unedited 10-session course of therapy. For the first time ever, you’ll see how EFT unfolds through the different steps and stages.
Imago Couples Therapy
with Pat Love
Pat Love demonstrates the Imago Dialogue Process in an actual couples therapy session.
Couples Therapy: An Introduction
with Ellyn Bader, Dan Wile
In this video, two renowned couples and marriage experts, Ellyn Bader and Dan Wile discuss what couples therapy is and what it is not. A valuable resource beginning therapists, and for clients this to help them get their couples therapy off on the right track.
Internal Family Systems Therapy
with Richard Schwartz
Richard Schwartz demonstrates Internal Family Systems Therapy in an actual couples therapy session. Learn to help partners in a couple get to know all parts of themselves so that they can engage more fully in relationship.
Harville Hendrix on the Healing Relationship
with Harville Hendrix
The founder of Imago Therapy, and one of the leading experts in couples therapy sits down with Randall C. Wyatt to discuss a bold turn in the way we think about psychotherapy and relationships.
Power of 2 Marriage Skills Workshop
with Susan Heitler, Abigail Hirsch
In this lively interactive marriage skills workshop, Drs. Susan Heitler and Abigail Hirsch offer couples a roadmap for resolving conflict in a cooperative, “win-win” way.
Earn 2.00 CE Credits
EFT Part 1 (Sessions 1-3)
with Rebecca Jorgensen
In these first three sessions, Jorgensen works quickly to develop an alliance with Sandra and Carl and identifies their negative interaction cycle and unmet needs.
Experiential Therapy
with Augustus Y. Napier
Gus Napier demonstrates Experiential Therapy with a couple whose problems have escalated to a matter of life and death. Watch this master therapist and learn how to authentically engage couples in the here-and-now with interventions that really make a difference.
Strategic Couples Therapy
with James Coyne
James Coyne demonstrates Strategic Couples Therapy in an actual session with a gay couple.
Value-Sensitive Therapy
with Bill Doherty
In this three-part video, Dr. Doherty, a prominent family therapist and founder of Value-Sensitive Therapy, discusses and demonstrates through an actual live session what he calls moral consultation.
Empowerment Family Therapy
with Frank Pittman
Do you want to be more effective at empowering your clients to make the changes in their lives that will get them what they really want? Dr. Frank Pittman is one of the most passionate therapists around when it comes to helping people take responsibility for their lives, as you’ll see in this live couples therapy session.
Behavioral Couples Therapy
with Richard Stuart
Richard Stuart demonstrates his integrative approach to Behavioral Couples Therapy in an actual couples therapy session.
Gender Differences in Depression: A Marital Therapy Approach
with The Ackerman Institute, Peggy Papp
This emotionally compelling video features a series of real clinical sessions in which the Depression Project's treatment team works with a severely depressed couple.
Sex, Love & Intimate Relationships
with Robert Firestone
This compelling film explores three fundamental questions: “What is healthy sexuality?” “What is love?” and “Why do so many men and women find it difficult to sustain closeness, sexuality and love in their intimate relationships?”
Voices About Relationships
with Robert Firestone
In this film, actual group participants identify negative thoughts or voices toward themselves and others that seriously impair their capacity for intimate relating.
EFT Masterclass: Advanced Topics in Couples Counseling: 4-video series
Couples therapy is already challenging, but becomes even more so when addiction, sexual issues, pornography and grief enter the clinical frame. In this richly instructive four-volume series, EFT experts and trainers demonstrate how strengthening the bonds of attachment can heal relationship wounds in these complex cases.
EFT Masterclass Volume 1: Sexual Issues
with Jeff Hickey, Lisa Palmer-Olsen
In this first volume of our EFT Masterclass Series, Jeff Hickey helps a couple to reconnect sexually as they rebuild their bond of attachment.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
EFT Masterclass Volume 2: Addiction
with Michael Barnett, Jeff Hickey
In this second demonstration in our EFT Masterclass series, Michael Barnett and Jeff Hickey help a couple step from the shadow of addiction to heal their relationship.
Earn 1.75 CE Credits
EFT Masterclass Volume 3: Porn Addiction
with Michael Barnett
In this third demonstration in our EFT masterclass series, Michael Barnett works with Cheyne and Chava, a couple whose relationship has been derailed by the destructive impact of pornography addiction.
Earn 1.50 CE Credits
EFT Masterclass Volume 4: Grief and Loss
with Leanne Campbell
In this final video in our EFT Masterclass series, Leanne Campbell artfully works with a couple attempting to rebuild their relationship following the earlier traumatic loss of their newborn infant.
Earn 1.00 CE Credits
Divorce online - Divorce in Ukraine
Separation Online | Rozirvannya slubu Ukraine Oleksandr Kulchitsky 2021-10-28T11:47:11+03:00
Fast, high quality, guaranteed results
Divorce online - answers to questions
We have prepared for you answers to the most common questions that customers have.
How does Divorce Online work?
How does Online Divorce work?
- Step 1. Legal analysis of your case - we provide a free consultation on the possibility of divorce online
- Step 2. Sending documents - we receive documents for divorce from you, by courier, at the office or by mail
- Step 3. Study of documents and conclusion of an agreement - we conclude an agreement and start cooperation
- Step 4. Receipt of documents that are missing - we receive missing documents, if necessary
- Step 5. Filing a claim in court - preparing and filing a claim for divorce in court
- Step 6. Accompanying the case in court - we represent interests in court
- Step 7.
Information and consultations - we keep you constantly informed about the progress of the case in court
- Step 8. Court decision - after the court makes a decision on the dissolution of marriage - we send it to you
What services does Divorce Online provide?
What services does Online Divorce provide?
We work with cases:
- Divorce
- Dissolution of marriage with a foreigner
- Recovery of alimony
- Changing the amount of maintenance
- Determining the child's place of residence
- Traveling abroad with a child without the consent of the father (mother)
- Establishing a meeting order with a child
- Termination of parental rights
- Division of property of spouses, etc.
I am abroad, can I use your services?
I am abroad, can I use your services?
Yes. Divorce online, works with clients located in Poland, Italy, USA, Singapore, Spain, Canada and other countries where the Internet is available.
Our experts will provide you with full and comprehensive advice on the next steps required to resolve your issue. If the issue does not need to go to court, then we can resolve it out of court. If it is necessary to go to court to protect your rights and legitimate interests, Divorce Online will be able to provide full support for the case.
For representation of interests, an agreement on the provision of legal services or on the provision of professional legal assistance with a lawyer can also be concluded in electronic form.
How to use Divorce services online?
How to use Divorce services online?
In order to use divorce services online, you need to take 3 simple steps:
- call us at +380682541818 +380682541919, write to the chat or messenger, or fill out the application form on the website;
- get a preliminary free consultation on your issue and, if necessary, make a deal;
- after the transaction, pay for our services
You can also come to our office, which is located in Lviv at pl. Sobornaya, 12A
For the representation of inters, an agreement on the provision of legal services or on the provision of professional legal assistance with a lawyer can also be concluded in electronic form.
How to conclude an agreement with Divorce online?
How to conclude an agreement with Divorce online?
An agreement on the provision of legal assistance with Divorce Online can be concluded in two ways:
- Directly at our main office at the address: Lviv, Sobornaya Square, 12A, or at one of the offices of our partners in Kiev, Odessa, Ivano -Frankivsk, Zhytomyr and Cherkassy.
- You can conclude an agreement with us online without leaving your home (our lawyer will explain how to do this).
How is the payment for services Divorce online?
How is the payment for services Divorce online?
You can pay for Divorce services online, either by transferring funds to the settlement account of Divorce Online LLC (EDRPOU code 44010044) in a bank, by transfer from your card or in cash in our office.
What documents are needed for a divorce through the court?
What documents are needed for a divorce through the court?
In order to prepare a claim for divorce, you need to submit the following documents:
- Original marriage certificate, if you do not have one, you can get it yourself at the registry office, or we can do it for you,
- Copy of passport and identification code
- Copy of the children's birth certificate, if any.
I lost my marriage certificate, what should I do?
I lost my marriage certificate, what should I do?
If you have lost your marriage certificate, you can get it from any registry office, or we can get it for you.
How long does a divorce lawsuit take?
How long does a divorce lawsuit take?
Legal process for dissolution of marriage in accordance with the provisions of the law must last up to 2 months. In practice, not all judges adhere to these requirements and sometimes cases take longer to review. This is due to the vacations of judges, their stay on sick leave, as well as a large number of cases in the courts. The presence of the defendant's consent to the dissolution of the marriage significantly speeds up the divorce process. In this case, the case may be considered within one month.
Is it possible to read reviews about the work Divorce Online
Is it possible to read reviews about the work Divorce Online
Since 2018, more than 1000 clients have used Divorce Online services. Reviews about the Divorce Online service can be viewed at the link divorce online reviews
Divorce online - legal assistance in family matters
Choose a tariff that suits your goals and do not overpay
A guarantee of quality
Cases are conducted by professional family lawyers with experience for more than 10 years
Fire - not a problem
to divorce, you do not have to be in Ukraine
Complete Cophientity
We provide services to citizens with a guarantee of complete confidentiality
Sending and receiving documents in a way convenient for you
We send the court decision to the address you specified by mail or courier
Why Divorce Online?
During the dissolution of a marriage, in addition to psychological discomfort, spouses also face legal difficulties that need to be resolved, ranging from lack of time to attend court hearings, ending with the lack of documents necessary for a divorce.
If legal difficulties arise during a divorce , you need to make a decision, deal with these issues yourself by searching for information on the Internet and free consultations, or entrust all issues to professional lawyers and lawyers with LLC Divorce online.
How to file for divorce online?
Legal aid agreement can be concluded online, without leaving home. That is why the services of a lawyer are in demand among citizens who are abroad, and also want to dissolve a marriage with a foreigner.
Professional lawyers and lawyers of "Divorce Online" will prepare all the necessary documents, file a claim, provide representation in court and, if necessary, enforcement of a court decision.
Lawyer Alexander Kulchitsky
Find out more about Divorce Online! Watch the video (only 2 minutes)
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Legal Services
Divorce Lawyer in Ukraine
Family Lawyer
Divorce without consent through court
Apostille on a court decision on divorce
Preparation of a petition for divorce
Turnkey divorce
Divorce without documents
Divorce abroad
How to file for divorce
Divorce and alimony
Registration of divorce
Lawyer services
Divorce lawyer in Ukraine
Family Lawyer
International Divorce Attorney
Divorce in court
Divorce without children
Family Lawyer
Divorce without consent
Divorce for IDPs in Ukraine
Divorce online
Divorce with a foreigner
Divorce without attending court
2900 UAH
- ✓ divorce counseling
- ✓ determination of jurisdiction
- ✓payment of court fee
- ✓preparation of a claim with attachments
- ✓ filing a claim with the court
- ✓ obtaining a court case number
- ✓monitoring the progress of the case and informing the client
- ✓representation of interests in court
- ✓submission of a request for a court decision
- ✅ additional court fee
Recovery of alimony / additional expenses for a child
1900 UAH
- ✓support consultation
- ✓calculation of the amount of alimony
- ✓collection of necessary documents
- ✓collection of necessary documents
- ✓preparation and submission of a statement of claim / order
- ✓obtaining information about the composition of the court
- ✓ case management
- ✓representation in court
- ✓receiving a writ of execution / court order
- ✓submission of a court decision for execution
Division of property of spouses
8900 UAH
- ✓legal advice
- ✓establishment of a list of property subject to division
- ✓preparation of an application for an examination of the value of property
- ✓collection of evidence and search for witnesses
- ✓preparation and filing of a claim / response / responses to a response
- ✓preparation of procedural documents in court
- ✓obtaining information about the composition of the court
- ✓control over the progress of the case in court
- ✓representation of interests in litigation
- ✓preparation of appeal and cassation complaints
We work in all courts on the territory of Ukraine.
Attorney Alexander Kulchitsky
Still have questions? Call (Mon-Fri 09: 00-18: 00) or leave a request
(068) 254-1818
legal advice by phone Viber WhatsApp Telegram Skype legal advice by phone family law attorney legal advice by phone on divorce, dissolution of marriage, child support, division of property
Legal advice by phone +38067-925-79-69 Telegram, Viber , WhatsApp, Skype:attorneyvk, feedback for ordering legal advice online 24/7
Legal advice by phone, as well as legal video consultations of a lawyer using Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, Skype: attorneyvk can be made from 9-00 to 21-00 at a time convenient for you, seven days a week.
Legal telephone consultations are provided exclusively by lawyers with at least 20 years of experience, no assistants or lawyers who are not lawyers.
Also, for those who prefer personal communication with a lawyer, we will be glad to see you at a legal consultation in our office near the Arsenalnaya metro station (office 1) or in the office on Sofiyivska Borshchagovka (office 2).
The advantage of legal advice by phone, Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, Skype is that you do not need to spend time moving to the lawyer's office, because the time we plan for a telephone consultation does not differ from the duration of a consultation in the office. Thus, when ordering a consultation by phone, you get the same result as with a personal legal consultation with a lawyer in the office.
Legal advice by phone, Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, Skype of a family lawyer is planned with the same amount of time as consultation in the office, therefore, as a result of ordering the service Legal advice by calling a family law attorney you get the same result as with legal advice from a lawyer in the office.
Legal advice by phone of a family law attorney is provided for clients regardless of their location or residence - both in Ukraine and in other countries around the world. After all, our international judicial practice allows us to provide legal services, including legal representation, for clients located in other countries without a visit to Ukraine.
Legal advice by phone +38067-925-79-69 Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, Skype: attorneyvk, feedback for ordering divorce services online 24/7
Conducting legal advice by phone, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram; Skype for divorce, dissolution of marriage, alimony, child custody, division of property and other family law issues, you get not just answers to your questions, but a complete algorithm for further actions. In the process of legal advice by phone or using Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram; Skype, we analyze the current situation and give answers about the existence of existing judicial practices on your issue, determine the judicial perspective of your issue and give comprehensive recommendations regarding further actions.
Thus, when conducting a legal situation by phone, +38067-925-79-69 Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, you get a full legal analysis of the current situation and an algorithm for further actions.
Our main area of expertise is family law and related areas.