I need closure
Defining Closure Psychology | BetterHelp
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When a relationship ends, or when a loved one passes away, we often hear about the need for "closure." But what does closure really mean? Psychologists think of closure as the desire for an answer that leaves no room for uncertainty. When we say a person has a need for closure, we're saying they're seeking the answers and resolution that they need to move on.
How Closure Psychology Is Defined
People seeking closure are motivated by the benefits it can provide. For instance, closure can give someone a feeling of control where there wasn't one before, and it can provide a stronger foundation on which one can take action and move forward. The brain has a need for closure to process and perceive feelings. In principle, the absence of closure can ultimately hurt aspects of the brain because we naturally seek understanding and answers.
Consider the following example: Sean breaks up with Amy via a text message. Amy perceived that everything was going well and is completely blindsided. Sean refuses to text her anything further, ignores her phone calls, and avoids seeing her whenever possible. Amy seeks out Sean because she wants to know why their relationship ended because the stimuli involved are hurting her emotionally, mentally, andphysically. She may be overweighing or under weighing the importance of aspects of their relationship, creating a false image or figure of herself or Sean, and processing the stimuli of their breakup in an unhealthy way. She finally gets the closure that she seeks when she discovers that Sean is dating someone else. Amy now has her answer, can process her emotions, and feels she can move on. The benefits of this processing and creating a healthy and accurate image of herself, Sean, and the breakup are positive for her brain.
If you're seeking closure, you may feel lost, but you are not alone. This is normal because humans have a need for closure. Many people have found success through self-help strategies or therapy. You can find closure, too!
According to experts, a person's motivation for closure comes from two sources: the urgency tendency, which is the need to find closure as soon as possible, and the permanence tendency, which is the need to hold on to closure permanently, or for as long as possible. It is because of these motivated tendencies that a person may jump to conclusions that aren't necessarily correct or complete. This, in turn, can create bias.
Biases are created when a person cherry-picks information that tends to support the answer that they desire most, rather than what might actually be true. It can create an image of a person or situation that is unnecessarily positive or negative. The person then forms a judgment based on that information that answers their question – even if, in actuality, it's nothing more than a coincidence. The person will feel a sense of closure and be able to move on, even if the conclusion is incorrect.
As can be expected, the intensity of a person's need for closure depends largely on their personality. People with intense needs for closure are often used to being in control and prefer life to go as planned. These people are distressed by the idea of uncertainty and may tend to be more closed-minded. Their sense of security and wellbeing often depends on structure and plans.
Conversely, people with low needs for closure tend to be more creative and open-minded and are more willing to "go with the flow." These individuals may have already made up their minds about a situation, but they are always willing to consider alternatives. They are also more likely to enjoy spontaneous activities and keep friends who are unpredictable.
The Need For Closure Scale (NFCS)
To determine where someone's priorities lie, there is a Need for Closure Scale, or NFCS, which is used for psychological science and is comprised of 42 items and has been used in many studies and translated into multiple languages. The NFCS evaluates people based on two factors: their decisiveness and their need for order.
To provide a more accurate representation of someone's personality, the Need for Closure Scale was condensed back in 2011 down to 15 of the original items found on the NFCS. Those who score higher on the NFCS are considered to be more conservative, which can also correlate with political and social conservativism.
The Need To Avoid Closure
Some people also have a need to avoid closure. The need to avoid closure is born from a person's desire to avoid commitment or confrontation. In other words, someone avoiding closure doesn't want certain questions answered. They might be afraid of what they'll learn. However, there is also the non-specific need to avoid closure, which is the fear of receiving the answer to a question, regardless of whether the answer would have a positive or negative effect.
Why Closure Is Necessary For A Broken Relationship
After a breakup, only you can give yourself the closure that you need. But how do you find closure when you don't fully understand the reason for a relationship ending? It can be especially difficult to move on from someone else's decision. This is why closure is difficult to obtain after death as well.
To achieve closure after a relationship ends, you must be able to understand why the relationship ended and learn how to no longer feel any emotional attachment to, or pain and anger toward the other person. Only when the closure has been achieved can you form new and healthy relationships, both with yourself and with others.
We need to know the reason for relationship ending because we understand our lives as a story, and it's difficult to give a story a proper ending when it ends right in the middle – and we weren't the ones to end it. When someone breaks up with us, be it a friendship or romantic relationship, he or she can tell their story. Since they know the reason for the breakup, they have a beginning, middle, and end, but we don't. We're thrown from what we may have thought to be a safe and happy place into unknown territory.
When we receive closure, we then have the missing piece. We can restructure our stories by correcting any misunderstandings and filling in the gaps. However, when the other person refuses to help provide closure, all that's left are questions: "How could s/he do this to me?", "What could I have done differently?", "Were there signs along the way that I missed that something was wrong?", "How can I trust myself to do the right thing in future relationships?"
Learn To Release Yourself From The Past
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How To Give Someone Closure
Perhaps you've been on the receiving end of a bad breakup, and you don't want to do that to someone else. You realize you're in a relationship that is not providing you with what you know you need, or alternatively, you know that you are not able to give the relationship what it needs, and you want to break up with the person and start anew. How do you end a relationship with someone while giving them the closure they need?
Breaking up with someone is not easy. It may seem like the "easy way out" to break up with them over a text message or the phone, but this is generally not a good thing to do. Not only is it a means of avoiding the necessary conflict and communication to healthily end things, but this is a surefire way to inhibit someone's ability to find closure. It may be hard to be honest about your reasons for breaking up with the person, but it is important to take responsibility for your actions and give the person clear reasons for ending your relationship.
Other Solutions
Try journaling. Taking a moment to write your feelings and plans offers clarity. Try documenting your thoughts and emotions into a journal before making a move. Journaling is sometimes perceived as too simple, but it can do wonders to help you work through the situation, process your emotions, and it can be clarity, understanding, and self awareness.
Start meditating. Meditation is a great way to get in touch with your thoughts and emotions. When you are relaxed and thinking clearly, it will be much easier to contemplate the best way to give or get closure.
Brush up on your communication skills. When it comes to getting or giving closure, most of the battle is how you say it. Knowing what to say and how to say it will make a world of difference in the psychology of closure.
Seeking Help
By giving the other person closure, you may still feel guilty for ending the relationship, but at least there won't be an unhealthy process with unanswered questions and no understanding. If you're leaving because you feel communication has broken down to the point where all you do is fight, then tell them that. If you're leaving because you feel that you can no longer give the relationship what it needs (or conversely are not receiving what you need from it), they should hear that, too.
If you're leaving because you fell out of love with your partner, again, this may be a painful thing to have to say, but by admitting it, you are doing yourself a world of good, too. Saying this may be perceived negatively, but it will bring mutual understanding and a healthier breakup process for both of you. Maybe you didn't realize how much this was true until you put it into words, and now you can stop denying it and start the healing process yourself. Please note, however, that these tips are for those in largely healthy, non-abusive relationships. Please seek help if you are leaving someone because he or she is physically or emotionally abusive.
If you're suffering from a bad breakup process or the loss of a loved one, and you feel you cannot move on without some closure, consider reaching out to a professional counselor at BetterHelp. Online therapy options like BetterHelp have been found to be just as effective as in-person therapy. In fact, all participants in a grief-online therapy efficacy study not only improved significantly during treatment, but improvement was stable and continued even three months after online therapy treatment ended.
Online therapy is an incredibly convenient option, anytime and anywhere so long as you have an internet connection to get started. This process may be of particular use if you’re struggling with grief and closure – sometimes in the midst of grieving, leaving the house can seem a monumental and wholly undesirable task, even if we want or know that we need help. Utilizing online therapy can help you get out of a slump and achieve a sense of resolution without the added stress of needing to leave the house or sit in an office. Additionally, online therapy tends to be more affordable since therapists don’t need to increase prices to help account for the cost of renting out office or building space.
Read below for some reviews of BetterHelp counselors from people seeking help with achieving closure.
Counselor Reviews
"Chinyere has been amazing with being supportive of me when I need it most and I have no one really else in the world to listen. She has given me good coping tools and made me feel like over time I can get through the pain I’m feeling for the loss of my fiancé. I would highly recommend her!”
“Lauren Uyeji has consistently listened intently to my issues regarding my breakup and fear of being alone, and has always responded in a timely and insightful fashion. I really couldn't ask more from a counselor. I had a therapist in the past who said barely anything and I remember getting very little from my time with him over a whole year of counseling. Lauren knows how to ask the right questions and give answers that are wise and informative. I feel like I am talking to someone that cares and is seriously considering ways to interact with the things I say. None of the questions she asks feel generic or insincere - they always are directly related to the immediate topic at hand and guide my thinking in ways that I feel actually growth. I would highly recommend Lauren to anyone seeking help with dealing with intense emotions.”
Giving or getting closure can be difficult. When you focus your energy on doing it the best way you know how, you get the best results. A licensed professional can help get you there. Ending relationships just as healthily as you started them is important to your mental wellbeing. Take the first step today.
The psychology of closure – and why some need it more than others
Imagine your partner unexpectedly changes their Facebook status from “in a relationship” to “single” and then refuses to communicate with you. This sounds awfully cruel, completely robbing you of your right to find out why you have been dumped so that you can get some closure and move on. But it is actually becoming so common that Facebook has created new tools to help people manage their Facebook profiles after a breakup and interact with former partners.
The need for closure doesn’t just apply to relationships. The death of a loved one, the loss of a job, status or a way of life are other examples of painful endings. Letting go of something that was once important can be difficult, and many people seek closure in doing so. But does it actually help? And can you really expect other people to give you closure? Let’s take a look at the evidence.
The social psychologist Arie Kruglanski coined the phrase “need for closure” in the 1990s, referring to a framework for decision making that aims to find an answer on a given topic that will alleviate confusion and ambiguity.
When we seek closure we are looking for answers as to the cause of a certain loss in order to resolve the painful feelings it has created. In doing this, we appear to form a mental puzzle of what’s happened – examining each piece and its relationship to the overall puzzle. Closure is achieved when we are satisfied that the puzzle has been assembled to our satisfaction, that the answers have been reached and it is therefore possible to move on.
When people most need closure it is usually because the termination of the event is significant to them, holding particular value and meaning. Let’s take a breakup as an example. If you find that the explanation is that your partner is choosing to end the relationship to begin another, you may find closure straight away without further explanation. However in the world of social media, where people are often “ghosted” – where someone simply disappears from contact without any explanation – feelings are left unresolved.
Ultimately, having answers about past endings can help us maintain our identity and learn something about the behaviour of ourselves and others. This is partly the reason why we often feel like we are better at picking partners with age. Similarly, many elderly people take a more relaxed view about death than younger people – they have often lost several loved ones and have had to find closure in doing so.
Individual differences
The need for closure exists on a scale – with some more prone to seek it than others. Some people even have a desire to avoid closure at all cost. This could be because they don’t want to end up feeling guilty, rejected or criticised by others. Vagueness has its advantages, as soon as you have established exactly what happened, you are also subject to criticism – from yourself and others.
But even among people with a similar need for closure, what may be a satisfactory answer to one person will not be sufficient for another. Every person’s need for closure is different and appears to vary as a function of the situation as well as personality characteristics and values. When we are under stress for example, our need for closure increases.
Research indicates that certain types of personalities are different in the ways they approach closure. One study found that people who prefer order and predictability – having a more rigid way of thinking and a low tolerance for ambiguity – struggle when they are unable to find the answers to help them move on. In contrast, people who are more open minded, creative and comfortable with ambiguity are better able to cope with not achieving closure.
Psychologists have also found that people who are consistently able to find closure usually have value systems that can easily incorporate answers to validate their world view. A religious ideology, for example, explains many questions as “God’s will”, with no further explanation necessary.
Individual differences in the need and ability to achieve closure can also play a crucial role in the potentially detrimental effects of not obtaining closure. This includes psychological distress, such as feelings of anxiety and depression, with individuals questioning themselves – in particular their judgements, skills and abilities.
What to do
So what are you to do if someone ghosts you? It is important to remember that you are in charge of obtaining closure – you can’t really get others to do it for you. Even if you get an ex-partner to talk about what went wrong in the relationship, there’s no way of really knowing that they are being honest or correct in their assessment.
A good starting point is therefore to take responsibility for your own actions and interpret those of others as best you can. If someone doesn’t want to communicate with you, that says something too. You also have to accept that you may never have the perfect answer. But you can nevertheless give yourself some time to be sad, try to figure out what happened and finally learn and move on. Research has also shown that a type of writing that allows people to examine their loss through a redemptive lens without blame and which focuses on the positives can be useful useful in helping achieve closure, whereas simply writing and searching for meaning has been found to be ineffective.
Ultimately, closure is a complicated cognitive process and the key is learning to live with the ambiguity when it cannot be achieved. Sometimes, things go wrong and although it does not feel fair, and it is very hurtful, life goes on.
Early repayment of a consumer loan - how to repay early, loan repayment conditions
For life
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Since 2011, Russian banks are required to provide customers with the right to early repay loans without additional payments or commissions. This allows the borrower to quickly close the debt or reduce the overpayment on the loan. We talk about the features, types and errors of early repayments.
Apply for a loan
Is it possible to fully repay the loan before the end of its term?
The possibility of early repayment is specified in the loan agreement. To close the debt to the bank, it is necessary to deposit the balance of the loan body and accrued interest into the account. The exact amount of such a payment can be obtained from your bank manager or in the mobile application. Early repayment of a loan reduces the financial burden by reducing the amount of interest: you pay only for the time that you actually used the money.
The main condition is to notify the bank within the period specified in the agreement that you plan to close the loan ahead of schedule. The usual bank notification period is 30 business days.
Premature repayment of a loan without notice is possible if:
- you have taken a non-purpose loan, from the date of issue of which no more than 14 days have passed;
- you took a target loan, from the date of issue of which no more than 30 days have passed.
In both cases, along with the body of the loan, the borrower pays interest for the days of using the money.
In practice, not all banks require notification of the intention to close the loan or repay part of it. If this does not contradict the terms of the agreement, the operation can be performed using remote services or at the bank's cash desk on the day of application by filling out the required forms.
Is it possible to close only part of the loan ahead of schedule?
This possibility also exists. This is called partial early repayment. Any amount can be accepted as a partial early repayment, unless restrictions are set by the bank.
Most credit institutions do not in any way limit the amount that can be deposited into the account in excess of the usual deposit.
In case of partial early repayment, the bank is obliged to adjust the individual payment schedule and inform the client about it. Depending on the conditions of your bank's loan program, the adjustment can take place according to one of two parameters: you can keep the loan term, but reduce the amount of monthly payments, or vice versa, leave payments at the same level, reducing the term.
What to consider in case of early repayment
- Commission for partial repayment is completely eliminated. Penalties for early closing of the loan are also not charged.
- Banks do not have the right to refuse a client's intention to repay their debt ahead of schedule. Therefore, if bank employees refuse to accept your application or interfere with you in some other way, ask to justify the actions in writing. Such a document will later help you protect your rights.
- The interest rate is maintained for the entire term of the agreement, even if part of the loan is repaid ahead of schedule. In the case of loans received with state support, the use of subsidies, housing certificates or under concessional lending programs, early repayment also does not lead to an increase in the rate.
Raiffeisen Bank provides customers with the opportunity to fully or partially close their loan with early repayments. This can be done through the Raiffeisen Online mobile application or at a bank branch. In case of early repayment through the application, interest is recalculated and the monthly payment is reduced automatically on the next day after the funds are credited to the account.
Please note that in case of partial early repayment of the loan, the next monthly payment is not canceled. When concluding a loan agreement, a schedule is set where the date of making the monthly payment is stipulated, and if you deposit the honor of funds not on this particular day, but before it, be sure to check the balance to be paid in the current period. The bank will charge an additional monthly payment, including a part of the body of the debt and interest on it, taking into account the number of days remaining from the date of early repayment to the date of the monthly payment. This amount will differ from the regular monthly payment formed after the recalculation of the schedule, taking into account partial early repayment: it is less, as it is charged for an incomplete month.
What documents are needed?
The loan repayment procedure is simplified as much as possible, no additional documents are required for this. To close your debt, you only need a bank card linked to your credit account or cash.
Early loan repayment is available at Raiffeisen Bank through a mobile application and a personal account on the website, the documents are already in the system, you do not need to fill in their data. When repaying a debt through the online channels of Raiffeisen Bank, there are no restrictions on the maximum amount of payment, the loan can be closed ahead of schedule in a single payment. The possibility of early repayment is provided for consumer, auto loans and mortgages.
How to calculate approximate prepayment conditions?
To calculate what is more profitable - reducing the total term or the amount of the monthly payment, you can use the early repayment loan calculator, which can be found on online financial sites. Enter the amount and term of the loan, the date it was received, the size and type of the rate (it can be fixed or variable) and the type of payment - annuity or differentiated. You will receive a new schedule and a calculation of the total overpayment amount for different debt repayment options.
Is it profitable to repay the loan ahead of schedule?
The borrower who repays the loan ahead of schedule receives:
- Reduction in the value of the acquired property.
For both consumer and targeted lending, interest is charged on the balance of the amount under the agreement during the period of using the money. By depositing part of the funds before the deadline, in any case, you reduce the total overpayment.
- Reducing the cost of additional services. Some loan programs provide an opportunity to receive a discount from the base rate when concluding a property or life and health insurance contract for the borrower. Insurance may be valid for only a year or two, which means you will have to buy it again to avoid changes in the terms of the loan agreement. Close the loan earlier - save on insurance.
- Accelerated transfer of property purchased with borrowed funds to full disposal. If the loan is targeted and issued for a car, house, garage, the property is pledged until full settlement. After closing the loan, you can sell, donate, exchange property without restrictions.
But there are risks. For example, frequent loans with their constant early repayment can negatively affect your credit rating, and therefore reduce the likelihood of obtaining approval for new applications or affect rates on newly issued loans. For example, if you regularly take out a mortgage and repay it ahead of schedule in a short period, the bank may see commercial intent in this and refuse to lend or offer less favorable terms. But if this is your first loan, you do not plan to take out another mortgage in the next two or three years - use the savings opportunities as you need.
For consumer loans, the situation is the same: it may be more difficult to get a new one. Information about all loans is transferred to the credit bureau and stored there for several years. When considering applications, any financial institution has the right to ask for your credit history, which means that a request to other banks will not help to hide the presence of several quickly closed loans in the past. If you regularly use borrowed funds, you can get a credit card - there is no early repayment for them, and closing the debt during the grace period has a positive effect on your credit history.
How to apply for early repayment of a loan - step by step instructions
If your bank allows online payments and does not require personal presence at the branch, it is enough to deposit the required amount to the credit account; the bank will automatically update the payment schedule that the banking application generates automatically. With full repayment, the procedure will be the same. You can also receive written confirmation of the complete closure of the loan at the branch.
In case of partial early repayment at a bank branch, the procedure is as follows:
- At least 1 day before making an early payment, you must notify the bank of your intention to repay the loan ahead of schedule. To do this, you need to come to the bank branch and draw up a notice, in which you will also need to indicate the amount of the planned additional contribution.
The deadline for submitting this notice in different organizations may vary and be longer than the standard 30 days - usually this information is written in the loan agreement or indicated in other documentation.
- Next, together with the manager, you determine by what date the additional payment will need to be made. This is usually done before the day of the planned monthly payment, although some banks allow you to make extraordinary contributions in between the planned ones. You can deposit funds to the account in advance, but they will be debited exactly on the agreed date.
- If you paid the debt not in full, but in part, get a new payment schedule from the manager.
If you have completely closed your loan, you will receive a document confirming this: a notification or an official letter on the letterhead of the credit institution, which must be signed by the responsible officer and stamped. This document will confirm that your obligations to the bank have been fulfilled, the loan is considered repaid and the credit institution has no claims against you.
The most common mistakes in early repayment of loans
There are several nuances that you should pay attention to in order to make early repayment of a loan really profitable. Here are the mistakes that borrowers often make:
- They save money up to a “round sum” and then pay it in one payment. The bank calculates interest every day. If, under the terms of the agreement, the number of early repayments and their amount are not limited, deposit funds when they are available. This will reduce the overall overpayment.
- Waiting for monthly payment date. Yes, if you pay off the loan earlier, you will have to pay some additional amount for these few days. This may not be very convenient in terms of payment tracking - you need to make sure that there is money in the account on the payment date. But you will reduce the total amount of accrued interest, and you can find out how much you will have to pay in addition in the mobile bank - a calculation will be ready in a couple of days after making the payment.
- Give all free money for early repayment. In any situation, it is worth having a financial reserve for 2-3 months of life in case you lose a permanent source of income.
- Do not use early repayment. With a comfortable monthly payment, you can simply pay the loan on time: set up auto payment, for example, and spend free funds on other purposes - holidays, repairs, purchases. But do not forget that with a large loan, the full repayment period means the maximum overpayment: calculate how much you lose, what you could spend this money on, and only then make a decision whether to pay off the loan ahead of schedule or not.
What to reduce, term or amount of payment?
Choose according to your financial situation and priorities:
- Reducing the amount of the monthly payment while maintaining the total loan term reduces the financial burden at the moment.
If you don't have growing incomes, lowering your monthly payment may be a better solution.
- Reducing the loan period allows you to close the loan faster.
It is believed that with a differentiated repayment schedule, it is more logical to reduce the amount of the monthly payment, and with an annuity - the loan term, since with a differentiated schedule, the body of the debt is first extinguished, and with an annuity repayment is in equal installments.
A number of banks allow you to change both the term and the amount of the monthly payment. If you are able to pay more and want to pay off your debt as soon as possible, use this method.
What you need to know about early repayment: results
- Each borrower has the right to close the loan ahead of schedule or partially ahead of schedule.
- This does not affect the bet, does not lead to penalties.
- Some banks require you to write a notice of early closure 30 days before depositing funds into the account.
- If you want to close the loan immediately after receiving it, you don't have to notify the bank. For target ones, 30 days are allotted for the operation, for consumer ones - 14 days.
- To deposit funds before the due date, it is not necessary to go to the bank, you can use the mobile application or online banking.
- All payments are processed within one day, when you make an amount that exceeds the amount of the monthly payment, a new payment schedule is formed.
- Any amount paid reduces the total overpayment.
- No need to wait for the repayment date, save money at home or give everything at once to pay off the debt in advance: deposit free funds in a comfortable mode without creating financial difficulties for the family.
- Control the movement of funds on the account: in case of early repayment, an additional charge for the period is possible, taking into account the remaining days until the date of the regular payment.
- In case of full early closure, you must obtain a certificate of no debt. This can be done online.
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IP is closed: what can and should be done. The required algorithm of actions is given in a separate material. But a businessman also has the right to apply for the service of closing an IP to Taxcom. Specialists will carry out the liquidation procedure competently and quickly. And now we are answering frequently asked questions that arise when closing an IP.
Is it possible to close an individual entrepreneur with debts to the state?
An individual entrepreneur can close an individual entrepreneur with a debt to the Pension Fund. In this case, he will pay the debt to this state body after the termination of business activities.
But outstanding obligations to the Federal Tax Service will not allow the liquidation of IP. First you need to pay the debt, moreover, along with fines and penalties, and then close the IP. Before starting the liquidation procedure, it is necessary to prepare reports for the entire period of the entrepreneur's activity, even if it did not exist as such.
How to pay debts to government agencies after the closure of the IP?
The Pension Fund must be automatically notified of the deregistration of the entrepreneur in the tax office. But for some technical reason this may not happen. Therefore, it is better for an individual entrepreneur to insure himself and notify the FIU immediately after the liquidation procedure and then pay the required insurance premiums as soon as possible, preferably no later than 15 calendar days from the date of receipt of documents on closing the business. The FIU officer will provide all the necessary receipts for this.
Is it possible to reopen the IP after closing it?
It is possible, but it matters how the IP was closed. In the event that an individual entrepreneur was declared bankrupt by an arbitration court decision, he is not entitled to engage in entrepreneurial activities during the period established by Article 216 of Federal Law No. 127-FZ of October 26, 2002, as amended on July 31, 2020. The term depends on the specific situation and ranges from one year to five years.
In addition, on September 1, 2020, another interesting norm entered into force, fixed in Federal Law No. 129 of August 8, 2001-FZ. It allows the Federal Tax Service to close an individual entrepreneur on its own, excluding it from the USRIP, if it:
- did not file tax reports, calculations and did not renew the patent within 15 months;
- has arrears and debts, which may include unpaid fines and penalties, for taxes and fees.
After exclusion from the USRIP by decision of the registering authority in accordance with the new wording of paragraph 4 of Article 22.1 of Federal Law No. 129-FZ, an individual is not entitled to re-register an individual entrepreneur within three years.
A taxpayer who terminated his activity as an individual entrepreneur voluntarily and has no debts to the state can open an individual entrepreneur at any time.
How to properly dismiss employees during the liquidation of an individual entrepreneur?
After the decision to close their own business, the entrepreneur-employer must notify employees of the upcoming dismissal against signature at least two months before the start of liquidation.
In addition, he is obliged not later than two weeks before the start of the procedure and not later than three months in case of mass dismissal of personnel in writing to notify the employment service about this.
Further, before the exclusion of the IP from the USRIP, an order is issued for each of the employees on the basis of paragraph 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the termination of activities. Compensation and termination benefits are paid only if this condition is reflected in the employment contract. On the day of dismissal, a work book and a certificate of earnings are issued to calculate benefits for the current and two previous years, as well as form 2-NDFL for the current year.
For dismissed employees, the entrepreneur must submit the following reports:
- Calculation of insurance premiums and 6-personal income tax - to the tax office;
- SZV-M, SZV-STAZH and SZV-TD - to the Pension Fund;
- 4-FSS - to the Social Insurance Fund.
Contributions calculated in the calculation of insurance premiums and the report 4-FSS IP must pay within 15 calendar days from the date of submission of the calculation.
Do I need to deregister the cash register when closing an individual entrepreneur?
Upon termination of activities in which an individual entrepreneur used cash registers, the question of deregistration logically arises. And if the individual entrepreneur intends to do this himself, he should submit an application to the tax office and attach a report on the closure of the fiscal drive. The application can be submitted either in paper or electronic form. In both cases, the cash desk will be deregistered within 10 working days from the date of application.
However, the amendments made to Federal Law No. 54-FZ significantly simplified the procedure for “closing” the cash desk. According to them, the tax authorities have the right to deregister CCPs if an entry on the liquidation of an individual entrepreneur or company is made in the USRIP, as well as in the USRLE. Thus, it turns out that as soon as the USRIP receives information that business activity has been terminated, the IFTS will independently deregister the cash register. In this situation, the only thing that an individual entrepreneur needs to do is to make sure that at the time the cash register is turned off, all fiscal documents are transferred to the Federal Tax Service.
How to close a current account upon liquidation of an individual entrepreneur?
The bank account is closed after the liquidation of the individual entrepreneur. The list of documents required for this is in the service agreement. Usually - this is an application for closing, a passport, an extract from the USRIP. After the individual entrepreneur has collected all the necessary documents, he must receive an account statement, pay off all debts, fines, penalties and withdraw the remaining funds. He can transfer them to a card or receive them at the box office. And after that, he must submit an application for closing according to the form approved in a particular bank.
Upon receipt of an application, a credit institution checks an individual for debt obligations. And if he does not reveal the debt, he sends the former client a notice of termination of the contract with the bank. Next, a certificate of closing the current account is issued.
How long should the documents be kept after the IP is closed?
The minimum period of storage of certain categories of IP documents after its closure:
- primary documents and accounting papers required for the calculation and payment of taxes - four years;
- book of income and expenses (KUDIR) and other documents confirming income and expenses - four years;
- other financial statements - five years;
- reporting on administrative and economic issues - five years;
- documentation confirming the calculation and payment of insurance premiums to the FSS, FFOMS and PFR - six years.