I always want you
Dusty Springfield - I Will Always Want You Lyrics
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I Will Always Want You
more tracks from the album
Something Special
Something Special
Je Ne Peux Pas T'En Vouloir
I'll Love You for Awhile
Needle in a Haystack
Tu Che Ne Sai
Di Fronte All'amore
I Will Always Want You
I'm Gonna Leave You
Small Town Girl
I've Got a Good Thing
Don't Forget About Me
No Stranger Am I
Don't Speak of Love
Earthbound Gypsy
Wasn't Born to Follow
A Song for You
I Am Your Child
You Set My Dreams to Music
Give Me the Night
Baby Blue
Your Love Still Brings Me to My Knees
It Goes Like It Goes
Just One Smile
Something in Your Eyes
I'd Rather Leave While I'm in Love
Let Me Love You Once Before You Go
Tupelo Honey
I Just Fall in Love Again
What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?
Who (Will Take My Place) ?
Who Can I Turn To (When Nobody Needs Me)
Who Could Be Loving You Other Than Me
I've Been Wrong Before
I Can't Make It Alone
(They Long to Be) Close to You
My Coloring Book
If You Go Away
No Easy Way Down
Breakfast in Bed
Long After Tonight Is All Over
This Girl's in Love With You
Love Me by Name
The Look of Love
Browse Lyrics.
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"Mine, _______ dream made breath and skin. I've been waiting for you."
A. adequate
B. cultivated
C. unfortunate
D. immaculate
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20 Things He Always Wants You to Say
As a woman, you probably know exactly what you want to hear from your partner. Certain compliments and phrases just never get old—no matter how many times he says them. But you've also likely noticed that the sweet nothings that make you feel amazing don't generally have the same effect when directed at your S.O.
Sure, guys like hearing that you love them and care deeply about them, but if you really want your words to hit home, you have to do some work to get inside his head. Instead of guessing at what might make your guy happy, take this expert-approved and science-backed advice on what he'll never tire of hearing from you. And for the flip-side of the equation, check out the 20 Things You Always Want Him to Say.
"The reality is that men like to feel needed," says Tiya Cunningham-Sumter, a certified relationship coach. "I've seen relationships struggle when the other partner acts as though they have no real need for their man. It makes men feel good when they know they can support their partner and be of service." So if you want to ask his opinion on your next work presentation, can't fix your car on your own, or need help planning your next vacation together, go ahead and ask. And for more great advice, here are 30 Ways to Be a (Much) Better Wife.
Followed by something he does an amazing job at, especially if it's in the moment. "Men like to be praised on their skills, so letting him know you think he is really good at something feels good to him," says
Carolyn Cole, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Chicago who specializes in relationships. Examples? "You're such an awesome cook," or "You give the best back massages." The more specific, the better. Also: sometimes a simple text will do the job. For more on that, try these 12 Ways to Spice Up Your Relationship With Your Phone.
"If your man makes you happy, tell him!" says Laura Bilotta, a dating coach and matchmaker in Toronto. Ultimately, he wants to know that you're happy with how the relationship is going, and more specifically, that he's at least partially responsible for your overall happiness. "Guys want to know when they're doing a good job."
You might not think guys need this kind of reassurance, but the truth is, they do. "Men come with insecurities just like women, but in particular, men are hungry for a woman to tell them that they are loved unconditionally," says Erin Wiley, a couples counselor and family therapist. "It's hard for guys to be vulnerable and admit this need, but if you can make your man feel loved for what he is, rather than reminding him constantly of the ways he is failing to meet your needs, he will feel happier and less stressed around you."
Research indicates that three out of four men would choose feeling respected over feeling loved, which means that letting him know you respect anything from his work ethic to his commitment to family will be incredibly meaningful.
You know how sometimes you try to do keep doing everything, even if you're overwhelmed? Turns out, men do this, too. "Men struggle with boundaries," says Ben Weaver, relationship expert and author. "We also struggle with asking for help, but that doesn't mean we don't want it." Letting him know that it's okay to say no to things—whether it's taking on something new at work or a night out with the guys—and being there for him when he does will go a long way.
If you're angry with your partner, chances are he wants you to be straight with him about why. "Don't be passive aggressive and try to get him to figure it out. He won't," says Bilotta. "Be direct when you're angry and it will make both of your lives easier." Trust us, he'll appreciate it.
"As a woman, you know how important it is to get confirmation about how well you dress, and the same goes for men," explains Simona Fusco, matchmaker and founder of Perfect 12 Introductions. It'll confirm to him that he's got great taste, plus give him a little boost of confidence next time he gets dress for a special occasion.
Well, yeah, obviously. But one Australian survey found that most men in relationships are unhappy with their sex lives for one big reason: They're not having enough of it. So it's pretty safe to say that this is one phrase you definitely can't go wrong with. If you really want to rock his world, check out our guide to the secrets of amazing shower sex.
"Men need their space to be a better partner, which is something not all women realize," Cole says. "Supporting a man having his 'me time' is important." When you encourage him to hang out with his friends or participate in a hobby you're not involved in, it can be a welcome relief from the pressure he may feel to attend to you 24/7.
If it seems like your man wants to talk about something that's on his mind, be extra clear about the fact that you're ready to listen to what he has to say. "Men want to feel like you understand their world and where they are coming from," says Dr. Wyatt Fisher, a licensed psychologist and marriage retreat specialist in Boulder, Colorado. "Practice putting yourself in his shoes and resonating with the challenges and stress he talks about."
For men, self-worth is often tied to success. "Men need to know they have the tools and resources to get the job done," Weaver notes. "If they can receive this encouragement from their partner, self-confidence can skyrocket."
"This is one of my favorites," says Fusco. If you have kids, this is one of the most flattering things you can say to your guy, since as you probably know, being a parent isn't exactly easy. "It'll reinforce how proud he is to be a dad and remind him of the importance of family values."
If you're in a relationship with someone, you (hopefully) have the trust thing all worked out in terms of faithfulness, but what he really wants is for you to say this phrase when it comes to decision-making. That's not to say that you have to blindly follow his lead, but saying you have faith in his judgment is an excellent way to reinforce the respect he craves.
Regardless of your relative roles in the relationship, who takes care of the house, who makes more money, who organizes your life together, it's likely that your partner does a lot for you each day or week. Instead of just telling him you appreciate him overall, focus on which actions you especially appreciate. "This is very important because it acknowledges the fact that his efforts don't go unnoticed and that you recognize everything that he does for you," Fusco says.
Feedback is key, people. "Whether it's the romantic text he sends, snuggling on the couch, or a great move in bed, letting him know when he is hitting the mark encourages his efforts," Wiley says. "Men are constantly looking for reassurance from their significant other that they are doing a good job, and letting him know specifically what you like let's him know he's succeeding.
This one isn't so much because guys want you to apologize. It's more about the fact that they want you to admit it when you mess up, which—let's face it—is inevitable. "Just being told once that they aren't wrong can make a man's year!" jokes Mitzi Bockmann, a life coach who specializes in relationships. But seriously, everyone appreciates hearing this when appropriate.
"This is a simple statement that goes so far," Bilotta says. "When you're in a relationship, you're part of a team, and teammates support each other." That means letting him know when he did something right, no matter how big or small. "Whether he got a promotion, stood up to a family member, or is just kicking ass, you should tell him how proud you are." Even if he doesn't readily admit it, he cares what you think, and knowing you're proud will feel awesome.
Yes, guys traditionally plan the dates, but flipping the script will be a welcome change. It doesn't matter whether you plan a low key night at home, a romantic night out, or dinner with a group of your friends, the fact that you're taking charge and doing something nice for him is what counts.
Depending on your guy's personality, he might actually welcome you saying nothing at all once in awhile. Don't worry—it's nothing personal. "Some men are okay with sitting in silence," says Cunningham-Sumter. "They don't need a lot of background noise or to hear long drawn out conversations from their partner." So grab a book, curl up on the couch, and just enjoy each other's quiet company.
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Read online "1000 best erotic SMS-messages" - LitRes
Tonight be with me, my love,
Tonight hold me tight,
Tonight I want to forget all the problems,
Tonight I want to love you!
* * *
Give me such love,
So that the body trembles all night,
So that even from a kiss
I can’t speak,
So that in the plexus of bodies
I can’t distinguish either hands or feet ...
So that I still want,
So that you can no longer!
* * *
Hot passionate kisses,
Your hands excite my body,
Crazy caresses drive me crazy...
You are like a drug, always intoxicating!
* * *
Why are you looking at me?
Hug soon, loving,
Kiss, warm me!
I'm tired of waiting for you.
You understand and accept,
My body is for you,
Take me quickly,
I will give myself, I am yours!
* * *
In broad daylight
It suddenly became clear:
It's already dangerous to live without you,
Without seeing you, I'm dying,
Come quickly,
I want you!
* * *
If you see me, don't look,
If you see me, don't kiss,
If you kiss, don't have sex with me,
If you have sex with me, don't stop!
* * *
My hands were slipping lower and lower
Embracing and caressing you,
Lips gently kissed you
And whispered: “I want you!”
I know what you will write to me now,
That words are so pleasant to you,
That you kiss and love me,
But these are just words ...
But words in our life do not mean
Absolutely almost nothing ...
Prove to me, what you like, what you need!
So that it does not become dark in the soul ...
* * *
I love the dawn, I love the sunset,
I love delight and a gentle look,
I love everything that you give me,
When alone at night.
* * *
I will turn your humble dreams into sweet, desire-stricken reality. I will do whatever you want, how you want, where you want. I will reveal your secrets, which you yourself do not even suspect. I feel you - just one sms and you will regret that you didn't know me before... in love!
* * *
I'm not a blonde, not a brunette,
I'm not meringue, not marmalade,
I'm just a daring coquette,
In whose blood is sweet poison!
Come, let's check!!!
* * *
I want to see you,
I want to hug you,
I want you with my lips
Caress, caress, caress.![]()
I want you to forget,
I want you to forget me
I loved you madly all night ...
I'm all yours now!
* * *
Beautiful as God, you have always been,
Now and only for me.
"Come to me!" – I shout to you,
How much I want you!!!
* * *
Warm me in the middle of winter,
Give me coolness in the middle of summer.
Take me, because I'm yours!
And you know it very well!
* * *
I want, I want to see you,
I can't live without you anymore,
I want to
Cry a lot,
Just really hard
I want you!
* * *
I want to love you,
Cruel with passion,
I want to drown
In your intoxicating power,
I want to burn in love,
Ignited by you,
I want to be with you,
To be with your soul!
* * *
I don't want to swear anymore,
I want to love and kiss,
I want to caress and hug,
I want to meow and bathe,
Scratch, pinch, bite,
Make love with you!
* * *
I love you, my cat,
I kiss your tummy,
And when I see you,
I will kiss even lower...
I want to hug you,
Kiss you very tightly
And bathe in love all night
And never part!
* * *
I want to see you, I want to hug you,
Whisper "I love you" and kiss you!
And your gentle look
Again and again to catch,
And with every moment,
With every breath
It's madder to love you.
Warm you up
In a fit of passion,
What could be
Even more beautiful!
* * *
Caress my body,
Sliding your lips…
Kiss me boldly,
I'm only yours…
And in the fantasy world
We'll be alone —
During ecstasy
You take me!
* * *
My careless angel,
I want you endlessly!
* * *
Swallows fly in the sky,
Fish swim in the water,
How I want to stay as soon as possible
I'm alone with you.![]()
* * *
I'm dying of desire,
You must save me!
If not, the answer is simple:
I can't manage myself,
And trouble cannot be avoided!
It remains only to wait!
* * *
I think about you day and night. Your smile, your eyes, your hair, your strong body and gentle hands are driving me crazy! I want you! Come soon!
* * *
I want everything to be gentle for the first time,
So that you take off my clothes,
To be with you, my love,
Crazy sex is unique!
The second time so that everything is passionate,
Cool, sensual and cool,
So that we can't stop until the dawn
For the third time - as you wish,
At any time of the day or night,
I will be in any position,
Just ask, my love!
When we get enough of each other,
When you close your eyes,
I won't sleep anyway,
I'll protect your sleep!
May you be cheerful and fresh in the morning
And we continued to have fun,
Forgetting all our affairs,
Bodies merged together again!
* * *
It's bad for a cat without sausage,
It's bad for me without your affection.![]()
I want you so much,
What is absolutely unbearable!
* * *
My mischievous tongue
Wants to play with you.
Wants to enter your mouth
And get a little excited!
* * *
I wonder what are you doing now?
Maybe come up to you?
Maybe not to go anywhere?
And we'll have fun in your bedroom.
* * *
All heavenly stars
I give you,
Only you alone
I always wait and want.
Kiss me on the lips -
You will feel the heat,
This body is mine
Burning like a fire!
* * *
I will break into your room with autumn coolness, and you will be surprised ... In the void of the night I will flutter over my house like a lovely butterfly, I will fly to you, I will bring my tenderness on my wings, like flower pollen, I will drown you in caresses and love, like a small boat in a raging sea . .. After all, I want you so much, my beloved!
* * *
There is only one world where my soul feels at home… It is the world of your beautiful eyes… There is only one world where my hands do not obey me… It is the world of your beautiful body… There is only one world in which my lips burn with the fire of passion ... This is the world of your kisses ... I want you! Please come to me!!!
* * *
I'm physically attracted to you,
I'm drugged by you,
I want to be with you back in
An unforgettable night flight,
Where there is no such word as "no",
To say "wait!"
* * *
My little bunny, are you cold? I so want to warm your fluffy paws, kiss your cold ears, cuddle up to your nose! Come to me soon!
* * *
Breathing like a bird,
Stuck in a trap of desire,
She does not strive for freedom,
Only moans of passion on her lips.
* * *
Movement beats like fire,
Breath breaks like paper,
The palm flutters like a butterfly,
And moisture flows down the back ...
* * *
My body is on fire! Dial "01"!
A very big fire, I can't handle it!
Come and put it out as soon as possible!
Or at least write a love letter.
* * *
Why should I be punished,
I can't wait to see you again!
So I am tormented by guesses,
What is hidden in these swimming trunks ...
* * *
You are my sweet boy,
I adore you,
I want to love you day and night,
I burn with passion!
* * *
No need to look for erogenous zones,
My boy, on my body,
The whole body sings from love ringing,
When we are in bed together!
* * *
I'm in bed like in paradise!
Sms-ku waiting for yours.
I'll dream a little
And fall asleep wishing you...
In your dreams I'll dream now -
I'll appear naked!
* * *
I allow myself to be adored,
I melt and melt from your caresses...
I allow myself to be bared,
Believe me, I don't know a greater happiness!
I allow myself to be cherished,
As no one has cherished before...
I am resurrected with you, loving,
I am blooming in you like an orchid!
* * *
We do not need to go to the forest,
To find mushrooms,
After all, we have under the covers
These mushrooms in bulk!
* * *
I want to see you
And touch your face
And whisper in your ear
How much I want you...
* * *
I purr with desire,
When you are close,
I want you, I kiss you tenderly,
Your pussy!
* * *
My boy, why am I doing this?
Why is there no ban?
I always want you,
- Since yesterday, I have been thinking about you all the time.

I think about death more than other people, probably because I love life more than they do.
Angelina Jolie (50+)
- A hundred years have passed since yesterday, have you noticed?
Dmitry Grinberg (5)
- I miss you too.
Mom, they told me that I look like you. It was the best compliment in my life..
Unknown author (1000+)
I learned to walk in order to come to you.
Rasul Gamzatov (50+)
I learned to speak in order to talk to you.
I fell in love with flowers to give them to you,
I loved you to love life.![]()
I don't want to make a living, I want to live!
Oscar Wilde (500+)
I would hug you so that you would not be sad. But I'm just a text.
Unknown author (1000+)
I don't want to blow your mind, but I like you, so I'll have to!
Unknown author (1000+)
I love life. I think it's contagious. It's something that can't be faked.
Will Smith (20+)
I love it when you talk to me, I also like the fact that you do not always approve of my actions, and your harsh assessment of everything that I do, and your neat tenderness.
I was promised you (Elchin Safarli) (100+)I don't know how, but I will do everything for you.
I'll drown in your eyes - May I?
After all, drowning in your eyes is happiness!
I'll come up and say - Hello!
I love you very much — Difficult?No, it's not difficult, but difficult.
It is very difficult to love - Do you believe?
I'll go up to the steep cliff
I will fall - Will you have time to catch it?Well, if I leave, will you write?
It's hard for me without you!
I want to be with you - Do you hear?
Not a minute, not a month, but a long timeFor a very long time, all my life - Do you understand?
So always together - Do you want to?
I'm afraid of the answer - You know?
You answer me, but only with your eyes.Answer me with your eyes - Do you love?
If yes, then I promise you
That you will be the happiest.![]()