Gift for a narcissist
21 Brag-Worthy Christmas Gift Ideas for the Narcissist
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February 23: gifts for different types of men | What and how to give
Defender of the Fatherland Day in Russia is a real holiday for men, and it is customary to congratulate everyone, young and old. A month before February 23, women begin to puzzle over what to give to their near and dear representatives of the stronger sex.
As is known from the theory of psychology, and indeed from life observations in general, all men are different (no matter how some say that “they are all the same”), therefore it would be wrong to give the same enthusiastic romantic and experienced womanizer. Today we want to present you the TOP 35 gifts for Defender of the Fatherland Day for the seven most common types of men.
So, the 7 most common types of men:
- Romantic
- Homebody
- Geek
- Creative personality
- Athlete
- Careerist
- Narcissus
Girls often misunderstand romantics, thinking that they must wear long hair, white shirts, stare dreamily at the sky and not think about material wealth at all. This is partly true, but do not confuse romantics with "squishy" who just want to be pitied.
So, how to recognize romance:
- he will always buy your favorite fruits or treats;
- he prefers love movies to Star Wars or action movies with Jackie Chan;
- he will always congratulate you in an original way on any holiday;
- he does not forget the date of your acquaintance and wedding;
- you always come first with him.
A romantic man is ready to talk night and day about love, admire the beauty of his one and only beloved and recite Shakespeare's sonnets to her. At least for this reason, he deserves an original gift.
Hot air balloon flight for two
If your boyfriend likes to "fly in the clouds", then it's time to give him the opportunity to do it in the truest sense of the word. Read more>>
Romance CD Set
A pleasant smell of incense, heart-shaped candles, exquisite instrumental music and your company - what could be more romantic 😉 Read more>>
Fleece mittens for lovers
Effective way warm frozen hands and not part for a second. Read more>>
Belgian chocolate "To my beloved husband"
Because chocolate is the most romantic delicacy in the world. Read more>>
You and Me Coffee Duet, silver
With such an exquisite coffee duet, the success of romantic meetings is guaranteed. Read more>>
More gifts for romance.
If your boyfriend or acquaintance loves warmth and comfort and prefers to spend time at home, then he can be classified as a stay-at-home. As a rule, these are soft and sympathetic people who love to eat well and cannot live without comfortable conditions.
A homebody can be recognized by the following signs:
- he is ready to spend the whole day in front of the TV and computer, watching his favorite films or programs;
- He often has "at home" hobbies, such as knitting, woodcarving, etc.;
- he does not like to go out at all;
- he prefers to spend all holidays at home.
So, what to please an avid stay-at-home on February 23?
Plaid with sleeves
Is it cold outside, and isn't it too warm in the apartment? Then it's time to wrap yourself in a soft blanket and enjoy your favorite book or movie. Read more>>
Homer Simpson Slippers
These slippers in the shape of your favorite cartoon character will warm your feet and cheer you up in sad moments. Read more>>
Cool apron "Commander-in-Chief"
With such an apron, the potatoes will be peeled by themselves, and the meat will be chopped into exactly the same pieces. Read more>>
Bear Hug Pillow
When it's cold outside and lonely at heart, a devoted bear paw will come to the rescue. Read more>>
Is your boyfriend or acquaintance ready to sleep anywhere and anytime? Then an elegant hammock made of durable fabric will be a real salvation for him. Read more> >
More gifts for a homely person.
Our time is the age of information technology, so a guy who is fond of computers is not uncommon. Does he often sit at his laptop and read abstruse articles about new developments and discoveries in the field of IT? Then you have a special type of man, which is now often called the word "geek".
What makes a "geek" special:
- he often says that he needs to "code" and therefore cannot go to the movies with you;
- he makes good money and speaks good English;
- he loves innovative gadgets and is well versed in technology;
- it will install Windows on your computer without any problems.
How to surprise such a man?
Headrest pillow with vibration massage
Excellent prevention of scoliosis and tension in the muscles of the neck and back. Just an irreplaceable thing for a person who spends a long time at the computer! Read more>>
Bullet Flash Drive
Geeks often store a huge amount of information because they simply can't see their lives without it. And here a flash drive made in the original form will come in handy. Read more>>
USB heated foot hammock
Especially important in winter weather or when there is a draft under the table. Read more>>
Airplane Mouse
With this mouse, your work speed will skyrocket! Read more>>
Screen cleaner
Computers, laptops and other gadgets attract dust, so it would be nice to have such a useful helper in your desk as this cute pug. Read more>>
More gifts for the programmer.
Creative personality
Poets, musicians, artists, dancers, singers, composers - there are a lot of creative professions. Some engage in creativity at the level of a hobby or hobby. And if you met such a person on your way, then consider yourself lucky... or not so lucky. A creative person has both pluses and minuses, but, as they say, "love endures everything."
So, how to recognize a creative man:
- he has a hobby to which he is ready to devote, if not all, then most of his time;
- he is ready to spend all his savings for two years on a concert/exhibition, etc.
your idol;
- “Creative chaos” reigns in his apartment: garbage that has already been standing for two days, clothes scattered around the room, greasy stains on the table do not bother him at all;
- you will not get bored with him - you are guaranteed a rich and interesting pastime;
- as a rule, the beloved woman after the end of the "candy-bouquet" period fades into the background for him, and there's nothing to be done;
- in the so-called "periods of decline", when the muse never comes, a creative person can fall to the extreme and begin to abuse alcohol.
In our selection, we did not divide gifts into categories for people of specific professions or who are fond of a specific hobby, but chose presents that any creative man would like.
Watch "What's the difference!"
He can be so carried away by his favorite thing that he does not notice how night turns into day. And in general, what's the difference, because creative people do not notice the clock. Read more>>
God of War Ares Figurine
Gorgeous figurine made of high quality materials. A real connoisseur of art will love it. Read more>>
Marilyn Monroe Bathroom Curtain
Perhaps the beautiful Marilyn will become a new muse for him and inspire him to new creations. Read more>>
Lake House Japanese Garden
A great way to relax and meditate a little, because creative people get tired too. Read more>>
Delicious help "On February 23rd"
Because the brain needs glucose to function properly, because geniuses rely not only on the heart, but also on the head. Read more>>
More gifts for a creative person.
Sport and a healthy lifestyle are in vogue now, so people buy less cigarettes and visit gyms and various sports clubs more and more often. Is your man fast, energetic and watching his physical development? Then you have an athlete guy in front of you.
How to recognize an athlete:
- he will gladly help you with the heaviest bags;
- as a rule, he has a good figure and he watches his diet;
- he can squat "three sets of fifteen times" with a heavy barbell;
- he constantly torments you with stories about the gym or the wrestling section.
What useful gifts can please a sports man?
Iron Gym Bar
Give your athlete a multifunctional bar so they can exercise at any time of the day or night. Read more>>
Honey gift set “For happiness”
Often, people involved in sports give up sugar, but precious carbohydrates are still needed. Read more>>
Powerball Hand Trainer
Strong wrists are the key to success in many sports. A handy hand trainer that is easy and simple to use at home. Read more>>
Encyclopedia of sports
If your man has achieved success in many sports, then give him such an informative encyclopedia, perhaps he will discover something else for himself. Read more>>
Tea "Since February 23!"
The perfect combination of Linden and Chamomile will help you relax and quench your thirst after an intense workout. Read more>>
More gifts for an athlete.
You live with a young man, and you are not accustomed to deny yourself anything (of course, we mean material needs), and he constantly talks about work and money? Then, most likely, your man is a careerist.
What kind of type is this:
- he is mercantile, prudent and pragmatic;
- believes that a woman should be engaged in home comfort, and not build a career;
- will not tolerate criticism, as it has a high level of self-criticism;
- strive to reach the heights of career growth at any cost;
- his motto in personal relationships: "If she interferes with work, then it is better to do without her";
- knows how to manage finances.
A gift for a careerist, first of all, should be useful and practical. We offer you our TOP 5 such presentations.
Wireless Presentation Kit
A useful gift that will become a reliable assistant at conferences and presentations. You no longer need to run back and forth and press "pause" - just use the button on the wireless remote control. An indispensable item for coaches, salespeople and businessmen. Read more>>
A set of personal fountain pens in a case
A solid person should have a solid pen. And just in case, give a small supply. Read more>>
Engraved silver cufflinks
This accessory will make your careerist look successful and presentable at business meetings. More>>
Money meter
Now you do not need to constantly count how much money is not enough for the next investment, because there is a special “money meter” for this. Read more>>
Whiskey Stones
Reaching the top is not an easy task, which is why it's good to relax with a cool glass of whiskey every now and then. Read more>>
More gifts for a business person.
Does your chosen one or acquaintance have a delightful appearance and a sense of modesty is alien to him? Then you should understand that you are most likely dealing with a "narcissist".
What are the main features of a male narcissist:
- he takes care of his appearance with special care, he is ready to devote more than one hour a day to this;
- it completely lacks criticism, as it is sure that it is perfect;
- he is ready to talk for hours on end about his merits;
- has a great sense of style;
- usually has acting talent;
- strives to stand out from the crowd, to be "not like everyone else."
What kind of gift can win over a narcissist?
Shoe care kit
They say that shoes are the face of a person. And the "narcissist" is used to the fact that his face always looks perfect. Read more>>
Decorative mirror
Does your loved one or friend look in the mirror a hundred times a day? Then give him such an original accessory - in it he will be able to admire himself five times more, because there is not one, but as many as five mirrors! Read more>>
Set (tie, cufflinks)
Stylish set will complete the look and make the person even more self-confident. Read more>>
Photo montage Military portrait
As a rule, "daffodils" are not very interested in military art, but no one will refuse to feel like a general (at least on a canvas). Read more>>
Comb in the form of a pistol on a blister
An indispensable accessory: it will fix your hair and protect you from hooligans 🙂 More>>
More gifts for February 23rd.
We hope you enjoyed our selection of gifts and found an original present for your man on February 23rd. We wish you inspiration and good mood 🙂
The main signs of a narcissistic personality
The main signs of a narcissistic personality
There are people in life who are better not to be corrected, not to advise them, let alone prove anything away from them . .. ..
Narcissism is a disease of modern society, the characteristic symptoms of which are arrogance, narcissism and high self-esteem. Usually, the self-image of narcissistic personalities is not true, but it significantly affects their relationship with others. As a term, the word "narcissism" comes from the ancient Greek myth of Narcissus, a handsome young man who rejected the loving nymph Echo, for which he was punished by the love of his own reflection.
Narcissism is a fairly common phenomenon among modern men and women. Each of us at least once encountered such people. This is a colleague who boasts of new gadgets every time; a friend who always talks only about himself and does not allow you to insert a word about you, or an unpleasant new acquaintance who in every possible way demonstrates that she is better and more successful than you. Often we find some symptoms of a narcissistic personality in our own behavior...
The reason for the formation of a narcissistic personality can be an early overly positive assessment of the child's actions by the parents. For example, many mothers and fathers, trying to realize their unfulfilled desires and dreams, load the child with all possible circles and sections and try to stimulate the child with excessive praise. Parents make the child think that he is special and in many ways better than others, as a result of which he gets used to the idea of \u200b\u200bits own uniqueness and subsequently uses it as a starting point of support.
Some, on the contrary, become narcissists because they did not receive enough love, attention and tenderness in childhood, so they try to get it at an older age, being already more “strong and powerful”. Narcissism, however strange it may seem, is a consequence of low self-esteem hidden deep inside and is its defense mechanism. Psychologists believe that narcissism is a completely natural cost of modern times and the modern value system, which are imposed on us by the media and financially interested companies. The emphasis on material values spoils people, and they begin to think that with the help of things they can become better. People stopped thinking about being good people by doing good things. They try to develop an opinion about themselves with the help of external attributes of success - the presence of a car, the latest phone model and the opportunity to relax at the appropriate resorts. Endless selfies, dubious ideas about beauty and what it should be, obsession with the external, not the internal - all this only once again confirms the fact that narcissism in modern times is an extremely widespread and progressive phenomenon.
Communicating with a person who is in a state of constant love with himself, in fact, is not so easy. The worst thing for a narcissistic personality is to be ordinary and “like everyone else”, to find that there is nothing special about him and that he, in fact, is no different from others. Narcissists live with a firm belief in their own uniqueness. To others, such people often seem arrogant, superficial, fixated on themselves, selfish and indifferent. If you notice that you also have some narcissistic qualities, then you have something to work on in the near future ... So, how can you distinguish a narcissistic narcissist?
Narcissists do not know how to empathize
Narcissists may seem very pleasant and charming people, but when it comes to their sympathetic attitude towards someone else, they simply do not have it. They do not seek to help other people, do not know how to share other people's problems and talk about someone other than themselves. When you tell them about yourself, they turn the topic of conversation to themselves as soon as possible, without being embarrassed and demonstrating complete indifference to your problems. But they can talk about themselves endlessly. Narcissistic men are not averse to whining and crying on your shoulder, telling you a hundred times a day how hard, hard and painful it is for them - even if it's just a mosquito bite. Narcissists are very fond of spoiling the holidays, drawing all the attention to themselves. They may not specifically wish you a happy birthday, if only you were not happy on this day, and all your thoughts were directed in their direction. They can’t even imagine that your life can be full and rich without them, which is why they often try to throw a fly in the ointment into your barrel of honey.
To identify a narcissist, it is enough to pay attention to how he communicates with people of the "lower class" - waiters, cleaners, salesmen and other people of simple professions. Narcissists always feel superior and superior to others, even if they have no real reason to be. Narcissists are quite often cruel not only to strangers, but also to close people - simply because they do not care about the feelings of others and they simply do not think about them.
Narcissists distort the facts
Narcissists always present this or that story with a sauce that suits them. They take credit for accomplishments they didn't make, and turn things inside out to make it work in their favor. Communicating with narcissists, one can be endlessly surprised at how differently 2 different people can see this world. However, narcissists manipulate the facts quite deliberately. They firmly believe that a little lie is not a lie at all, and quite often they use it. Narcissists never admit their flaws and constantly project them onto others. Pathological liars accuse other people of cheating, cheaters suspect their partner’s desire to “go left” in every movement, and inefficient employees always criticize their boss for the idleness that they themselves do every day.
Narcissistic people like to paraphrase your words. One innocent phrase you said can suddenly turn into a very skillful insult that they themselves have just come up with in order to get hurt right there. Narcissists are very fond of long and meaningless conversations, which can quickly get tired if you are at least somewhat of an adequate person. They are easily offended over trifles and pour a tub of dirt on you for this. After interacting with them, you feel exhausted and de-energized. It is useless to argue with a narcissist - this is walking in a circle, which is torment for you, and pleasure for him. Do something better for yourself and your personality and do not waste your energy.
Narcissists manipulate
Narcissists manipulate even when they don't seem to want to. They become so accustomed to playing and not living sincerely that in the end it turns into a regular habit for them. Manipulators don't like to say no. If they are guilty, they will do everything to make you feel guilty. Manipulation is a natural behavior for narcissists. By manipulating, they achieve the desired results, without thinking at all that such behavior can cause pain and suffering to someone. As a rule, narcissists are able to think only about their own pain and suffering (which they do most of the time), and they are of little interest in the emotions of others.
Narcissists like to go back in time and remember your only mistake so that you constantly make excuses for it and feel guilty. Moreover, they are not driven by the desire to understand (and forgive) you, but by the desire to throw a bridle of eternal guilt on you, because of which you will always feel bad and unworthy. If a person again and again, like a kitten, pokes you into some kind of your oversight, do not accept the rules of this one-way game and do not make excuses. You need to love and appreciate yourself and not stoop to the hundredfold repetition of the same regrets and requests for forgiveness.
Narcissists quickly idealize and quickly devalue
Narcissists are in an eternal search for the ideal partner, and even if they find one, they begin to look for various flaws in him in order to convince themselves that this specimen also does not meet the stated high requirements. The worst thing is that narcissists make excessive demands only on another person, and not on themselves.