Client progress notes examples

How to Write Therapy Progress Notes (with Examples)


Published Apr 13, 2022

Table of Contents

1.What are mental health progress notes?2.How to write therapy progress notes3.What should be included in a progress note?4.Sample therapy progress note5.What are some of the different mental health progress note types?6.Are progress notes the same thing as psychotherapy notes?7.How to use therapy progress notes with your EHR

There is no one size fits all method to completing progress notes, and they can be written in a number of ways. As you get to know your clients and their therapeutic needs, you’ll figure out the best method for your practice. But to start, here’s a breakdown of how to write therapy progress notes, and what to include in yours. 



What are mental health progress notes?


Mental health progress notes are what clinicians use to document the details of every session, focusing on the client’s condition coming in, as well as what transpired during the clinician’s interaction with the client. Clinicians have a legal and ethical responsibility to document each treatment episode as part of the client’s official medical record. These notes describe any notable symptoms or other relevant factors in the client’s presentation, changes since their last visit, their response to treatment recommendations, and interventions related to their goals, as well as assessment of client risk.



How to write therapy progress notes


There are a lot of different ways you can write progress notes for therapy. Many clinicians find it ideal to utilize electronic health record systems in order to speed up the process by utilizing clickable checkboxes and fillable templates that hit all of the important elements required for documentation. Electronic notes also have the added benefit of being consistently legible, which is a major requirement of progress notes. 


Others prefer to have a physical paper note, as they can complete some of it in-session. However, it is usually not possible to completely and thoroughly finish a progress note while also being attentive to your client, in addition to risking illegible handwriting.


A hybrid approach might involve some handwritten notes to assist you in remembering some key details when you complete an electronic note later. This approach can also consist of  incorporating a paper template form, containing sections for relevant information or checklists, that you can scan and attach to an electronic note. The hybrid approach may be particularly helpful for newer clinicians, in order to provide the added benefit of guiding your session, such as  remembering to hit on or assess certain areas, so you’re not kicking yourself later for not asking a key question.


To help you learn how to write these notes, we’ve created a therapy progress note template, which you can customize as you need and put to use right away in your practice.



Download our free sample therapy progress note template!



What should be included in therapy progress notes?


So, how do you write a therapy progress note? The elements that need to be included in your progress notes will vary somewhat depending on requirements of your state, licensing board, professional organization, ethical code, the organization where you work, the modality you are using, and insurance company or third party contracts if applicable. Each of these may require more specific information, so always check through each of these to add to your own format or templates. 


In general, all progress notes should include the following:


Demographic/identifying information


  • Client’s name, and an identifier like date of birth
  • Date of the session, and exact start and end time of the session
  • Clinician’s name, and a handwritten or electronic signature
  • For telehealth sessions, the location of the session/client


Description of your client’s behavior


  • A description of the client’s presentation (their mood, affect, appearance, and behavior in the session), as well as relevant symptoms that are reported by the client and observed by the clinician
  • A diagnosis
  • A safety assessment. While some clinicians do this as needed if a client reports suicidal ideation or self-harm behavior, if you work with high risk clients you may want to document that you checked on this in each session, and that a client denied these, as a safeguard. 
  • Any additions or changes to medications that may impact the client’s mood or symptoms, or a statement about medication compliance or noncompliance for any client who is already taking medications


Treatment plans going forward


  • What you did as a clinician (treatment modalities used, what you recommended, what you asked, what you prompted the client to consider, coping skills you taught, handouts or assignments you provided)
  • The client’s response to interventions listed above
  • The client’s progress toward established goals, in a more specific and short-term format than in their treatment plan, and whether any changes need to be made to the treatment plan
  • The plan for the client following the session (what the client will work on, what will be discussed in the next session, when the next session is scheduled)


In addition to these elements, it’s important to keep in mind that progress notes should be primarily objective in nature, and  completed with maintaining a client’s privacy in mind. Progress notes are part of the documentation that could be requested by your client, or subpoenaed and read out loud in a court of law. Does a jury, a client’s soon to be ex-husband, need to hear the contents of your client’s sexual dream, the identifying information of another individual in their life, or your personal opinion about the childhood root of your client’s issue? Most likely not.



Client progress note example


Here’s an example of how some of these elements might be written in your progress note: 


Clinician Name

Agency Name

1234 Office Address

Wherever, UR 12345


Client Name: Johnny Appleseed

Client DOB: 01/02/3456

Diagnosis: F 33.0, Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Mild


Date: 03/04/5678

Start Time: 07:03 pm

End Time: 07:58 pm


Client’s Subjective Concerns/Chief Complaint: “I’m starting to feel more depressed.” Client noted concerns about his mood, endorsing depressed mood, lethargy, insomnia, loss of energy and motivation, and urges to isolate from his romantic partner.  


Clinical Observations: Client appeared disheveled, which is unusual for him, and a marked change since last session. Client sat in a hunched position upon the beginning of the session, and appeared tired, with slowed movements and dysthymic mood. He was attentive and cooperative, and had congruent and appropriate affect. Client denies suicidal ideation. 


Issues and Stressors Discussed/Session Description: Client discussed experiencing increased difficulty with depressive symptoms beginning last week, following an argument with his romantic partner. Client reviewed the details of the argument, and stated that it occurred late on Tuesday night, causing him to get only 4 hours of sleep. Client has continued to attend work, and reports compliance with prescribed medication. Client stated that the argument is now resolved, and he has been communicating with his partner, though he has had thoughts such as “What’s the point? He doesn’t understand me.” Upon further exploration, this writer learned that, since Tuesday night, the client has been spending more time than usual on his mobile device at night, continuing to get a less than ideal amount of sleep (5-6 hours), and negatively impacting his energy level and mood. While the client did roll his eyes upon this writer bringing up his mobile phone use, he then laughed and stated, “I know, I know, I’m doing it to myself.”


Interventions/Methods Provided: Discussion of symptoms, supportive counseling, identification and exploration of emotions, Psychoeducation: Dialectical Behavior Therapy Emotion Regulation skills, discussion of vulnerabilities, ABC PLEASE handout provided. Review of client’s safety plan. 


Assessment: While client’s endorsed symptoms and presentation are in keeping with depression, but are part of a sudden change prompted by an argument and reduction in sleep, it is likely that client’s emotional reaction to the argument with his partner and subsequent poor sleep hygiene are responsible for this sudden shift in mood and appearance. Client does not appear to be at risk of suicide at this time, discussing the importance of being available for his younger brother and pet dog, and is agreeable to following the steps outlined in his safety plan if symptoms increase or ideation occurs. However, the client is at risk for worsening depression if he is unable to prevent further decompensation.


Plan: Client has committed to resuming a sleep schedule, beginning tonight, and agreed to turn off his smartphone an hour before the established 11PM bedtime. Client will monitor his symptoms, and reach out to this writer if symptoms increase. If symptoms worsen by the next session, this writer may encourage the client to outreach his psychiatrist for an earlier appointment, as their next follow up is not scheduled for another month.


Next Appointment: 03/11/5678


Clinician Signature: ____________________________________

Clinician Printed Name, LCSW



What are some of the different mental health progress note types?


There are several widely used formats for progress notes that can provide a template for making your note-keeping more efficient, while including all of the necessary key points: 


  • DAP (Description, Assessment, Plan)
  • BIRP (Behavior, Intervention, Response, Plan)
  • SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan)


Each kind of note template is similar, but there are some differences that might lead you to choose one format over another. For example, since SOAP notes were created for healthcare settings, some may find that they prefer DAP notes, which allow for a bit more subjectivity around the elements of mental health that are less black and white. Conversely, some clinicians can easily veer off-course with an open-ended description section like in the DAP note, preferring the more concrete objective or behavioral categories in the SOAP or BIRP notes. 


Both SOAP and DAP notes contain an assessment section, unlike BIRP notes, which focus on the response to the in-session interventions, but not the overall condition of the client. Since this type of assessment may be required, particularly for health insurance companies or if you are in a setting that requires you to justify the need for more treatment on a regular basis, many clinicians opt for the SOAP or DAP formats.


Ultimately, you might consider your strengths and difficulties as a note taker. If your notes tend to be lengthy without guidance, or you easily find yourself getting lost in the details and including too much personal client information or subjective opinion, choose a format that helps you to be more succinct, like SOAP or DAP notes. If these formats cause you to feel boxed in, you might prefer to create your own template that includes all of the factors required, without having to fit them into the categories of any of these formats. 



Are progress notes the same thing as psychotherapy notes?


You may have also heard about psychotherapy notes, and it’s important to note that these aren’t the same as progress notes. Psychotherapy notes are private notes, kept separate from the client’s medical record or chart, that are for the clinician’s eyes only. Psychotherapy notes cannot be subpoenaed and aren’t part of the record that gets shared with the client or other providers. This option is helpful to keep in mind when you want to remember some personal details the client shared, a direction you’re thinking of moving in treatment, or some internal experiencing to discuss with your clinical supervisor—but the information would be inappropriate to place in the client’s progress note.  


For those clinicians that want a way to document a lot of detail, and have recognized they are likely sharing too much in the description section of their DAP progress note, psychotherapy notes are a great solution as an addendum to the progress note.



How to use therapy progress notes with your EHR


There are several ways you can incorporate digital notes with your EHR. You can either upload a template, or follow the structure within your software. A top-rated EHR will have a dedicated section for notes and documentation, as well as easy-to-use templates that are built right into the platform. 


If you’re looking for a fully integrated EHR that works for behavioral health practitioners like you, try SimplePractice for a free 30 days. SimplePractice makes it easy to streamline your notes and documentation, while also improving your clients’ experience. 



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Group Therapy Activities (with Examples)

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How to Write DAP Notes (with Examples)


Published Feb 16, 2022

Table of Contents

1. What is a DAP note?2.What’s the difference between SOAP notes and DAP notes?3.How long should a DAP note be?4.How to write a DAP note5.DAP notes therapy example6.How to use DAP notes with your EHR

There are many different formats and structures available for psychotherapy and counseling progress notes. One of those formats is DAP notes. Bear in mind that the requirements for documentation vary by clinician, clientele, and a number of other factors. Simply put, there’s no single right way to do documentation, but your documentation format and content should be aligned to your specific practice and needs.



What is a DAP note?


A DAP note is one of the most popular and current ways to write a psychotherapy or progress note. So what is a DAP note? DAP stands for Data, Assessment, and Plan, and is used by counselors and psychotherapists everywhere. DAP notes provide a standardized way to document your sessions and follow the D-A-P format every time. This note structure also helps clinicians develop documentation that is both brief and complete. Done well, each section should make good logical sense based on the information in previous sections. 


Download our Free DAP Note template!



What’s the difference between SOAP notes and DAP notes?


The main difference between SOAP notes and DAP notes is the last section. If you’re familiar with the SOAP note structure, DAP notes are very similar. DAP notes take the Subjective and Objective sections of a SOAP note and combine them into a single section: data



How long should a DAP note be?


There’s no rule for exactly how long DAP notes should be. The note length depends on a lot of factors, and it’ll vary based on your individual client and the treatment plan you come up with together. 


As a guideline though, DAP notes can be shorter when the client is making routine, expected progress. This can be toward treatment goals, if they present low risk for suicide or other violence, and if there are no changes to their diagnosis or treatment. Longer notes typically are the result of a client not making expected progress, if their symptoms change, if they present heightened risk, or when changes appear necessary to the diagnosis or treatment plan. 



How to write a DAP note


When you write a DAP note, it will always follow the same format no matter who your client is. However, the content that’s included in each section of the DAP note can vary based on a number of factors. We’ll go through what each section of a DAP note should include, and how they would be applied with an example. 


D – Data


This section is where you add data from your counseling or psychotherapy session. This could include: 


  • Reason for the visit
  • Client presentation/appearance
  • Client mental status
  • Client reports of current symptoms or important events since the last session
  • Results of screening or other measures
  • Interventions applied in session
  • Client responses to interventions applied


It’s important to note that this section should be limited to information, not interpretation. Speak factually, and if appropriate, use direct quotes.


A – Assessment


This section is where you take the data from the first section and apply your clinical judgment to it. This could include: 


  • How the client is progressing
  • How the client’s status relates to their treatment goals
  • How the client responded
  • Changes to the client’s diagnosis


Every note typically includes some evaluation of risk in this section, to ensure that potential indicators of suicide or other forms of risk have been assessed and the clinician has responded appropriately.  


All conclusions in this section should be clearly supported by the data in the first part of the note. In fact, when the Data section is done well, the Assessment section will read to clinicians as obvious conclusions based on that Data.


P – Plan


Given the observed data and your interpretation of it, where does treatment go from here? This section could include: 


  • The date, time, and location of the next scheduled session
  • Homework assigned to the client
  • Referrals provided to the client
  • Consultation or other third-party contact planned by the clinician
  • Changes to the treatment plan based on the client’s progress so far
  • Additional steps related to the treatment that the client or clinician is expected to take


Related How to Pick a Therapy Notes and Billing Software



DAP notes therapy example


We’ve created DAP note example to help give each section more context.


DAP note example for depression


D- Data 


Client reported on time for a third session of CBT to address symptoms of depression. Client was well-groomed and fully oriented. The client reported feeling “a little bit better here and there” since the last session, and noted that they have had an easier time getting to sleep at night. Client also noted recent financial stressors. The client scored a 14 on the BDI-II, scoring in the moderate range. In session, challenged the client’s automatic negative thoughts around their work performance and relationship functioning. Client reported feeling increasingly agitated but understanding that this was “part of the work.” When offered the opportunity to stop the intervention, the client asked instead to continue. Client neither displayed nor reported any other current risk factors for suicide or violence.


A – Assessment 


Client reports of reduced sleep symptoms and improved mood, and their improved score on the BDI-II relative to initial assessment, suggest improvement toward treatment goal of reducing depressive symptoms below diagnostic threshold. Client responded well overall to interventions, and appears to be well-motivated to continue. Client appears to demonstrate low risk level for suicide or violence; the safety plan established with the client at the first session remains in effect.


P – Plan


Our next session is scheduled for Thursday, March 17 at 10:00 am via telehealth. Assigned the client a thought record chart to specifically log instances of automatic negative thoughts regarding relationship functioning. Provided the client with referrals to three potential financial advisors to address reported recent financial stressors. No changes indicated to the treatment plan. Client to follow steps of established safety plan if symptoms significantly worsen prior to the next scheduled session.



How to use DAP notes with your EHR


Now that you have an understanding of the question “what is a dap note,” it’s time to explore how to put them to use in your practice. To use DAP notes with your EHR, you can either upload a template, or follow the note structure within your software. A top-rated EHR will have a dedicated section for notes and documentation, as well as easy-to-use templates that are built right into the platform. 


If you’re looking for a fully integrated EHR that works for behavioral health practitioners like you, try SimplePractice for a free 30 days. SimplePractice makes it easy to streamline your notes and documentation, while also improving your clients’ experience.


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Notion. What is it, how to use it and why everyone loves it so much - Services on

Notion is a relatively new service for creating notes and text documents, to-do lists, databases, spreadsheets, kanban boards, knowledge bases, project management and collaboration. Investors value Notion Labs at $2 billion


  • What is Notion
  • What you can do with Notion
  • nine0007 How to get started in Notion
  • Useful links for
  • users

What is Notion

Notion combines everything you need and allows you not to jump between tabs with a bunch of open services, but to have everything you need in one place.

Notion can replace Google Doc, Evernote, Trello, Todoist and many other services.

Content in Notion consists of blocks that can be moved and easily transformed. Previously, only 1000 blocks could be created for free. But in May 2020, the service lifted this restriction. nine0027 There seems to be no reason not to use Notion now.

What can be done in Notion

The more you use Notion, the more you find different features and options for using the service.

Personal use

Notion's scope for personal use is enormous. You can use it as a service for taking notes, making a to-do list, keeping a personal diary or habit tracker, organizing household chores, or keeping a list of goals for the year. nine0003

I also write this article first in Notion - it is very convenient to swap blocks, edit titles and mark with tasks what else I want to add and where.

Evgeny Egorov organized a whole system of introspection and self-development in Notion. You can read about exactly how he did it here.

Anton Fresher figured out how to systematize a huge incoming stream of content that I would very much like not to lose. For himself, he organized a convenient “Warehouse” sign in Notion. And, as a conscientious member of the Notion community, he shared his idea in an article. nine0003

Knowledge Base

Create your own little Wikipedia with personalized filters and navigation. Great replacement for Linked Note, Confluence and GitBook. You can design it for yourself, share it with colleagues, or even put it in the public domain (it will turn out almost an online course).

For example, this is how Valery Alekseev organized his resource base for designers. And by the way, he wrote a detailed article about exactly how he did it.

nine0002 And this is what Nikita Larionov's productivity course looks like from the inside, which he also designed in Notion. And I also wrote a whole article about it.

Or create your own personal wiki: take notes on all topics of interest and collect them in one place. In a couple of months after introducing such a habit, you will assemble your own library.

Task and project management

Use the Kanban template to create a convenient project plan. It will work no worse than Trello, but there are many more opportunities for customization. You can also set it to display as a task list or calendar. nine0003

And tables with some can replace CRM for you or even become an analogue of Excel and Google Sheets.

Whatever you come up with, most likely Notion already has a template for it.

More cool things you can do in Notion:

If you are a student:

- Take notes from classes

- Schedule and keep track of deadlines

- Create a page for each subject and store links to all materials there

- Manage your weekly in Notion

Learn more

For team work:

- Create a roadmap of work and follow up on tasks

- Maintain a content plan

- Share edits in real mode

time using comments

- Attach access to Figma, Google Drive, GitHub, Latex and other services

Learn more

If you have a startup:

- Create a company "Homepage" and store all related documents and notes in one place

- Keep meeting notes

- Maintain product documentation

- Post jobs

Learn more

If you2 are a teacher:

- Create a subject page and put all required materials in one place

- Create a separate page for each student and track progress

- Online class schedule

- Plan lessons

Read more

How to get started with Notion

Notion may seem complicated at first sight. This is where the excellent community of the service comes to the rescue, which records excellent video tutorials. Here are some helpful resources. is the official Notion channel, which publishes video tutorials from the service itself. Unfortunately, in English. nine0003 v=WojlMBcd404 - Notion training webinar for beginners in Russian. - and this is a free text course on Notion in Russian where you can ask any question about the service or share your experience. And sometimes they gather there for free masterminds and webinars. What other service can boast such a community? nine0003

Useful links for users of Notion

Save these links so you always know where to look for the right template for your task in Notion: .com/

https://www. -get-started-with-Notion-f202e4edd4524df8943c31dbb3b38b0e

LinkedIn Connect Message Templates : 12 Examples

LinkedIn is a marvel when it comes to BtoB search. But you must know how to do it. Today we will show you some LinkedIn Connect Message Templates . more precisely, 12 templates adapted to your needs. Let's go 🔥!

Have you ever received a tasteless, tasteless, colorless message? It seems like everything. And were you interested in these LinkedIn posts? No, like everyone else. What do we want? Personalization. nine0003

Therefore, we will try to do everything right to make your search as amazing as possible.


LinkedIn Connection Message Templates

We are going to show you that depending on your use case, we can give you a concrete example of why this works and how to set it up. Of course, you can (and we advise you) use one of the automation programs available on the market. Here we will use Waalaxy✨. nine0003

What should I say in a LinkedIn connection request?

When you decide to add someone to the professional network and decide to submit a connection request, it can be for various reasons such as:

  • Getting leads on LinkedIn.
  • Building a business on LinkedIn.
  • Job search.
  • Recruiting.

We can't tell you what you should say to the people in the message because it will depend a lot on your situation. nine0003

The best way to know what to say is to try different LinkedIn posts in different situations. That is what we will see now.

#1 LinkedIn Connection Template:

LinkedIn Group Member Connection Request
If that person is active in the group , posted a post, or commented on a post, you can very well use this template 😊 to request a connection.

Copy/paste template

Hello {{firstname}}, I'm interested in your activity in the {{LinkedIn group}}. I found your intervention in the {{username}} post very relevant. We could certainly exchange views on the {{general theme}} in the future.

Waalaxy example

Why does it work?

In fact, everything is very simple. By sending such a message, you have shown:

  • That you have an interest in this person's field of activity. nine0008
  • That you were interested in a post or comment he made on LinkedIn.
  • That you are in the same group and therefore have similar topics.

When you have a general topic and you indicate ☝️ something specific about this person, you have every chance of being accepted.

#2 LinkedIn Connect Message Templates : Humor

If you're good at puns or great jokes, this link request template is for you. nine0003

Copy and paste the template

Hi John, I've seen you work with animals and losing your feline friend can be a disaster. I would like you to join my network to talk about this industry which I am also involved in.

Waalaxy example

Why does it work?

It works because:

  • Your approach is unusual.
  • Even if your target is not receptive to such humor, you stand out with originality. nine0008
  • Because I directly accept the person who sends me such a message (yes, this is the real argument ).

#3 Sample LinkedIn Posts: Asking to Connect to Expand Your Network

This post mostly appears when you're new to LinkedIn 🌱 and don't have a real strategy for getting attention and/or searching. If your goal is simply to get visibility on your posts to expand your network, you can use this search post and expand your network. nine0003

Copy/Paste Template

Hi Mikael, I'm new to LinkedIn and I see we have a few common topics like {{commontopic}}. So I would like to join your network, what do you say?

Waalaxy example

Why does it work?

You can definitely use this template because it will show the person that:

  • You are interested in what they are doing. nine0008
  • There is no product for sale and you explain that you want to expand your network.

#4 LinkedIn message template for

alumni or teacher
You can totally engage people you knew through school (this also works with a former colleague).

Copy/paste the template

Hello Stephanie, I see that you are doing well in your new job and that my topic did not make you sweat! What would you say if we add each other as friends to discuss your activities and remember your school days? nine0003

Waalaxy example

Why does this work?

The reasons why this type of invitation works are as follows:

  • You know someone, so you are more likely to be accepted into their network.
  • We love to reconnect with a student or coach who has discovered his profession or passion.
  • Personalization is at the heart of this model because you can accurately target the target .

#5 LinkedIn recruiter communication message

When you are a recruiter you can sometimes forget that a candidate has a choice. If you want to hire that special gem 🦪, you need to know how to talk to them and submit a connection request.

Copy/paste template

Hello {{firstname}}, I see that you are looking for a job in {{sectorsought}}. Our company {{companyname}} is looking for {{jobname}}. If you are interested, we can discuss this in a future interview. nine0003

Waalaxy example

Why does this work?

This approach works because:

  • Contacting the candidate directly shows that you are interested in him (yes, you went to see his LinkedIn profile )
  • You asked about their biography and skills.
  • You are making a very personalized request for a connection .
  • nine0015

    #6 LinkedIn Connection Request: Client Connection

    Perhaps you have worked with someone in the past and would like them to remember you in a future project ? Here is the place where you can do it 👇.

    Copy and paste the template

    Hello Sarah

    I was happy to be able to contribute to the {{projectname}} project and see how well it develops. I would like to add you to see his progress and why not collaborate again on a new project. I look forward to an exchange of views. nine0003

    Waalaxy example

    Why does this work?

    When the relationship with client goes well, it is recommended to add him to LinkedIn, and he will definitely accept you, because :

    • You worked together, so he knows you.
    • It will be easier for him to contact you again via LinkedIn if he wants to work with you again.
    • He knows he can trust you ✅.

    #7 LinkedIn teaser message: Add someone you met at the event

    Your teaser message is also the time to anchor the step when you are about to write an invite to someone on LinkedIn you met at the event .

    Copy and paste template

    Hello David

    It was a pleasure to meet you at the climate conference on {{date}}. I especially liked your presentation. I was very inspired by our exchange of views on human issues. Maybe we could exchange some more views on this topic on LinkedIn? nine0003

    Waalax example

    Why does it work?

    This message template works because:

    • You are ultra personalized.
    • You are interested in him and his activities (you have common interests).
    • He has met you before at the event (if he hasn't, this will show that you are interested in what he says and does, which is flattering).
    • You were talking about a date, a topic that your interviewer is passionate about. nine0008

    #8 LinkedIn Connection Message Templates : Job Application

    There are times when you need to submit a application through LinkedIn. It's possible, provided you do it right.

    Copy/paste template

    Mr/Madam {{surname}},

    I read about your {{companyname}} and see that you are looking for a data analyst. Perhaps we could consider discussing your recruiting? I will be very grateful if you join my network. Looking forward to your messages. nine0003

    Waalaxy example

    Why does it work?

    This connection request message type works because:

    • You are actually showing interest in the company.
    • You know who you are talking to ✍🏻, so you asked the other person. You have reached the LinkedIn profile of the person in charge of recruiting .
    • You prefer to speak directly to the person, so you have a more direct approach that can be appreciated. nine0008

    #9 LinkedIn connection: You have a mutual connection

    Connecting with someone is not rocket science 🪄 and it's even easier if you have someone you know in a mutual connection. Here is a LinkedIn message template to use when you have a mutual friend.

    Copy/paste template

    Hello Gerald

    I see you knew Stefan. We work in the same industry and have worked together many times. I see that you are also working in the same field. We could exchange views on this topic, what do you think? nine0003

    Waalaxy example

    Why does it work?

    This pattern works because:

    • You are referring to someone the person already knows (reciprocal link).
    • You show interest by pointing to areas of human activity.
    • This is reassuring when you add a new person through someone you know.

    #10 LinkedIn Outreach Message : Add author of article or post

    When you make a connection request on LinkedIn, you want that person to accept you. And sometimes you run into people who write well, especially articles and posts in LinkedIn .

    Copy and paste the template

    Hello {{firstsname}},

    I was lucky enough to stumble upon one of your articles and found it fascinating and very inspiring! However, I have a question regarding {{subjecttheme}}. I would be glad if you join my network so that I can better understand this issue. Hope to see you soon. nine0003

    Waalaxy example

    Why does this work?

    This model is great because:

    • You show interest in their work, especially the posts.
    • You have clearly identified points of contact .
    • By asking a question, you also show your interest in the author.
    • This is a great method 🙂 to continue the discussion with an enthusiastic person.

    #11 LinkedIn networking Messages: Connect with a potential buyer who is interested in your product or service

    You have finally decided to start selling a product or service. You're talking about it on LinkedIn, and all of a sudden one of the potential customers of asks you a question in the comments? It's time to add it to your network.

    Copy/paste template

    Hello {{firstname}},

    I noticed your interest in my last post. Your question seems very relevant to me, and I would like to discuss it with you, if you don't mind. To do this, I would like you to join my network. nine0003

    Waalaxy example

    Why does it work?

    • Continuing the conversation with your potential interlocutor about the question, he will certainly agree to your request to know the answer to his question.
    • It will also allow you to better understand your goal 🎯.
    • You are referring to a real question he asked, so you are showing interest.

    #12 Connect requests LinkedIn: Partnership

    Appeal to potential partner must be clear so that he wants to cooperate with you.

    Copy/Paste Model

    Hello Joan,

    I'm very impressed with your technical expertise. You talk about it with great pedagogy. I have actually followed some of your guides and my height is really on the rise. I would like to talk to you about a project that might be of interest to you. Why don't you join my network? nine0003

    Waalaxy example

    Why does it work?

    This model works because:

    • You show interest in this person and his work.
    • Arousing his or her curiosity by checking out his or her advice.
    • Even if this person does not want to cooperate with you, he can accept you to get feedback on some of his advice 🔥.

    How do you make a connection request?

    You will notice that our templates are relatively short. We are trying, in fact, to the maximum to attract the attention of readers among the first lines of the conversation with the goal. But first of all, how do you invite someone to LinkedIn? We will show you an extremely simple instruction:

    • Enter the platform.
    • If you are looking for a position or a specific person, enter keywords in the search bar.
    • nine0015

      • Click on “Connect”
      • You will have the choice to add or not an invitation.
      • You can also use automation software to make it easy to send lots of links to LinkedIn .

      LinkedIn Connection Message Template : With or without a note?

      If we talk about this topic, it is because it comes up often. If we only look at statistics (because we ran several LinkedIn campaigns with Waalaxy) , we will see that out of 2000 invitations:

      • An empty note will receive 38% acceptance.
      • Non-personalized note will be accepted at 36%.
      • Personalized - 33%.
      • A full post without a link will get 32% acceptance.
      • Full note with link - 26%

      But you must understand that this is a statistical reality. You can refer 👉 to this article to understand. Be sure to look at the global picture. First of all, you need to consider the following:

      • Did you target correctly ?
      • Have you segmented it well?
      • Did you capture your target from the first lines of your message?

      Absolutely! If you answered “no” to these questions, then chances are that your invitation will not be accepted. On the other hand, if you're not very confident with your copywriting, send invitations without a note.

      On the other hand, if you have done a good job of segmenting audience , if you managed to captivate her from the first lines of your message, then you should leave invitations with a note. If you want to know what works best for you ❤️, experiment and do A/B testing.

      If you see your prospect's acceptance rate getting better when you add a rating, then you're on the right track.

      Article Conclusion:

      LinkedIn Connection Message Templates: 12 Examples to Shine

      This article is coming to an end and we have shown you various message templates to connect with someone. As a reminder, according to our research, it's best not to send a note when you send a connection request to someone...

      In theory. Yes, because it is when you have bad copywriting , when you don't know how to talk to your target, that you are most likely to get rejected. If you absolutely want to send a message to your potential client, you can first send him an invitation without any notes, and then send him a message in which you can talk about your product, service 💰 or a topic that is important to you. nine0003

      So we've seen how to send a connection message using one of the automation programs that you know well - Waalaxy:

      • To a member who is in the same group as you.
      • With the help of humor.
      • To expand their network.
      • Former student or teacher.
      • As a recruiter.
      • When adding a customer.
      • Someone you met at an event. nine0008
      • To apply for a job.
      • When you have common connections.
      • With the author article or post.
      • With a promising person.
      • For a possible partnership 👌.

      We also saw how to make a request for connection to LinkedIn using the tutorial.

      FAQs Article : LinkedIn Connect Message Templates

      In this article about LinkedIn Connect Message Templates, we looked at several LinkedIn invitation templates. nine0003

      There is no one-size-fits-all message for all LinkedIn connection situations (otherwise it would be too simple and, most importantly, would not be such a personalized ).

      However, before you start sending out messages to establish connections and expand your network, you need to go through several important steps, such as determining your persona and optimizing your profile.

      Prerequisites before running prompts

      Whether you're in the LinkedIn network for the purpose of searching for , increasing your visibility 👀 or just to find out about new opportunities, you need to be sure to define your ideal goal, we're talking about your persona. Yes, you will have to wait a bit before sending your very first message.


      If you are selling a particular product or service, this is a very important step you must take. We are talking about your target audience. If you don't know the person most likely to buy your product, then chances are you won't sell anything. Think about personas and segmentation. nine0003

      Super Jamie, but how do you create a good persona ? We will explain it to you right now. You will need:

      • Determine the demographics of your potential target, such as:
        • Age.
        • Pos.
        • Place of residence.
        • Marital status.
        • Her position or function.
      • Describe her motives and frustrations 😥. This will help you understand which problems can make your decision easier, and allow you to make effective design decisions, for example. nine0008
      • Create scripts to test your potential LinkedIn leads on the problems they might encounter and how to successfully resolve those problems.
      • Update person data (if your solution evolves or if your solution is oriented towards a different goal).
      LinkedIn Connection Message Template: Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

      Before you start searching on LinkedIn, posting LinkedIn connections, and before you send messages, you need to optimize your LinkedIn profile to impress . We mean you need to take care of..:

      • Profile photo (professional, we agreed on it. No bikini, no underwear, no glass of alcohol in hand, we said professional).
      • Your banner or the cover photo of your LinkedIn account .
      • Optimize your Url.
      • Place a punchy title that relates to your position. Your potential customers need to understand what you do. nine0008
      • Describe your interests.
      • Create a description in which you tell about your values, about your story.
      • Fill in information about your professional experience, the name of the company where you work , education…

      Optimization goal ✨ of your profile will help you with branding . We don't specify it, but watch out for spelling when writing.

      It looks more professional and contributes to your image . If you want to get a full course on this subject, we advise you to read this article. You should also remember to update your profile as soon as it changes.

      LinkedIn Connection Message Templates : What to say in a LinkedIn message?

      If your copywriting is top notch, then you should definitely send LinkedIn messages to potential leads when you request links on LinkedIn. The main thing is personalization and the ability to spark the curiosity of your potential client or reader. Remember that you will only have one chance to make your first impression amazing. nine0003

      When you add personalization to your connection request, you will be able to start a really impressive conversation (feel free to customize it) with this person. But be brief and try to capture the other person's attention in the first two lines.

      LinkedIn Connection Message Templates : Best LinkedIn Communication Message

      There is no perfect message on LinkedIn, no perfect connection request. It depends on many factors such as:

      • Your target on LinkedIn.
      • What are your goals on LinkedIn.
      • What do you really want to achieve on LinkedIn.

      Also, depending on your search funnel, you won't be sending the same message over and over. However, there are rules to follow when you want to address someone, such as: