Cheating before marriage
Is cheating before marriage bad? 6 tips to help you move on
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been with your partner for — 5 months or 5 years, infidelity stings.
When it comes to cheating, there’s some who don’t consider it a huge deal if you aren’t married. After all, you haven’t made that huge commitment to each other.
But, if you’re in a relationship and have both agreed to be mutually exclusive, then it’s just as bad. The trust between the two of you is broken, which is the foundation of any relationship.
It’s one of the toughest setbacks your relationship can face at any point in time.
But, at the same time, it can also be the perfect catalyst for change that can see your relationship soaring to new heights.
So, is cheating before marriage bad?
While it’s certainly not something positive, here are 6 tips that can help you get past it together and move on.
1) Make sure there is remorse
First thing’s first, is your partner actually sorry for what they have done?
Not just a simple, “Oops, I’m sorry”.
But a genuine, heartfelt apology that shows they are truly remorseful for their actions.
There’s a huge difference between the two and one that you need to be aware of before moving on with the guy.
So, how can you tell the difference? Here are some signs that he doesn’t mean anything he’s saying:
- He says “I’m sorry” and that’s it: If it’s a genuine apology, he would go into more detail about what he did wrong and why he’s sorry for doing it. By simply uttering those two words, it suggests he’s apologising out of duty more than anything else.
- It’s all about him: Sure, he’s the one who cheated on you, but his apology should be all about you and how he hurt you and regrets it. This type of empathy is the key to any apology. If he turns it onto him and what he was going through and how he now feels, then he’s simply full of excuses, you don’t want to hear.
- His actions suggest otherwise: He’s willing to say sorry but he won’t try and correct the problem.
Even though his words are heartfelt, the fact he isn’t willing to back it up with any kind of action is a good indication that he doesn’t really mean it.
- He expects you to move on straight away: No one simply moves on from cheating. If he thinks he can utter the two words you want to hear and then you should just move on, then he’s far from sincere. He’s simply putting a bandaid on the problem and telling you to get over it.
When it comes to a sincere apology, there are a few things you should be on the lookout for:
- He tells you what he’s done wrong and takes complete responsibility without trying to shift the blame elsewhere.
- He’s concerned about how it affected you and wants to talk about your feelings.
- He expresses sorrow over how his actions affected you.
- He states that he will not do it again and is willing to take whatever actions necessary to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
If your man gives you a sincere apology, then you know you have a base on which to build a new relationship.
If he’s offering you the fake variety, then it’s time to call it quits.
2) Make sure he takes responsibility
The next thing you need to look out for is whether or not your other half takes on any responsibility for his actions. This means he is completely honest about why it happened and the role he played in it.
After all, it takes two to make a relationship. If he’s trying to point the blame outside your relationship, it means he hasn’t accepted any responsibility for his actions.
For example, is he full of excuses?
- I had too much to drink.
- I wasn’t thinking.
- One thing just led to another…
- She instigated it.
- It’s because you’re never home.
Statements like these indicate that he’s shifting the blame to anyone but himself.
Let’s be honest, we all make mistakes in life. Some of these are affected by drinking too much alcohol, giving in to temptation and more.
But in all these scenarios, the only person we have to blame is ourselves.
We were the ones to drink too much alcohol. We were the ones to give in to temptation. While all these factors may have been at play when it came to infidelity, it was brought on by his choices — and he needs to accept that.
If he chooses not to, then what’s to stop him from cheating on you again?
If he can do it once, he will again. After all, in his eyes, it’s not his fault.
So, why does he spout out all these excuses?
It’s because he’s looking to shift the guilt. He likely knows he’s done the wrong thing. But instead of owning up to it, he’s decided to make himself look better by shifting the guilt away from his actions and onto something — or someone — else.
If he’s not willing to be honest with you about what happened and the role he played in it, then you have very little chance of being able to build up that trust in your relationship again.
Instead, you want him to take complete responsibility for his actions and accept that it’s no one’s fault but his own.
3) Make sure everyone’s feelings are recognized
When it comes to something as big as cheating, it’s important that the feelings of everyone involved are addressed.
It’s not as simple as forgiving, forgetting and hoping to just move on. A huge betrayal has taken place, and if you choose to ignore it, you’ll achieve nothing.
You need to sit down together and really address the issues involved. It’s time to be brutally honest about the affair and the impact it has had on all parties involved.
If you simply sweep the feelings under the rug and ignore them, they’ll fester there. Eventually, they’ll come back to bite you. It’s important to get it all out in the open.
If this step is going to work, then your partner has to be completely transparent and willing to answer any questions you might have about cheating. For example:
- Who is she?
- When did it start?
- How long has it been going on?
- Do you love her?
- Do you find her more attractive than me?
- Was it just physical? Was there something more?
- Are you still seeing her?
Once you’ve got all the answers you’re after, it’s your chance to share exactly how you feel.
- How have his actions affected you?
- What do you need from him going forward? For example, do you need him to give up the boys’ nights for a while? Do you need him to share his phone messages for transparency? Do you need him to message you more often when he’s out?
- How do you feel about moving on together?
In order to make sure you get your relationship back onto track, the two of you need to be willing to pour everything you have into it.
It’s going to take time and dedication to build back that level of trust again. This all starts with open communication.
4) Find the right remedy for you
One thing you need from your partner before making a decision on the future of your relationship is some form of action.
Of course, this step is going to be different for every couple.
It’s about identifying what led to the cheating in the first place and putting action in place to prevent it from happening again.
Here are some possible scenarios you can work your way through:
- Drugs or alcohol were involved: If this is what led to the cheating in the first place, then it’s time to discuss a rehab option.
It’s not an excuse, but rather the underlying cause of the cheating and it needs to be addressed if you hope to move on together.
- He’s a sex addict: Perhaps he cheated on you because he’s a sex addict. Once again, it’s important to get to the root of this issue to make sure the cheating never happens again. Look into counselling or rehab centres that can deal with this specific issue and make sure your partner is on board to fix the problem.
- You’re out too much: You’re never there for him. There’s no sex in your relationship. There are so many other factors that may have led to the cheating. Once again, these aren’t excuses for his actions. But they still need to be addressed – and one of the best ways to do this is through counselling. This is a great way to get all the feelings on the table with a professional who can guide you through them.
It’s the perfect way to address the underlying issues that have been building in your relationship up until this point, to ensure you don’t go through it again.
5) Work out whether you can forgive
This is something that needs to happen straight away.
It can take time. But, at the end of the day, if you’re hoping to move on with this relationship, you will have to eventually learn to forgive him.
If you don’t think this will ever happen, then you need to back out now.
Being able to forgive is a critical tool when it comes to moving on and it can also help you both emotionally and physically.
Think about it, if you’re harbouring resentment towards your partner while trying to get your relationship back on track, it’s going to eat away at you.
It will affect you in all aspects of your life and can have a huge impact on your health and wellbeing.
According to health experts at John Hopkins, the act of forgiveness can reduce the risk of heart attack, lower cholesterol levels, improve sleep, reduce pain, lower blood pressure, decrease anxiety, depress and stress.
Nursing your hurt feelings for too long can also turn them into hate and extreme bitterness.
So, how exactly do you work on forgiving your partner? Here are some tips to help you out:
- Make sure you’re open to forgiving them in the first place.
- Find a calm place you can distract yourself from the negative thoughts your keep dwelling on.
- Don’t keep bringing their mistake into the conversation when you fight. Only focus on what you’re fighting about at the moment without bringing past hurts into it.
- Don’t try and get revenge for what they’ve done to you. After all, two wrongs definitely don’t make a right.
- Be patient with yourself. Forgiveness isn’t always easy, so take your time and find what works for you.
It’s only once you can forgive your partner that you can truly move on with your relationship without holding onto any resentment. It’s an important step in the process.
6) Start off on a fresh slate
One of the final steps of the process is finding that fresh slate.
This is definitely easier said than done.
No relationship can move on if you both are harbouring feelings or resentments towards each other. For example, you resent his actions, while he resents your need to constantly check in on him.
This step takes some time. You have to work towards forgiveness mentioned in the previous step and he has to rebuild that trust by being patient with you and allowing you to rebuild up to that level.
None of this happens overnight.
Essentially, you need to recreate your relationship. Let go of those parts that weren’t working and move on with what you’ve discovered about each other in the process.
It’s about finding that connection again.
What made you fall in love in the first place? It’s time to go back to those roots and give your relationship the fresh start it needs. Here are some ideas to help with that:
- Plan a trip away: When the time’s right (and after you have been through the other steps), plan a trip away together. There’s no better way to reconnect together than getting away from the busyness of everyday life and just concentrating on each other.
- Make date night a thing: It’s true that in time, relationships lose that special spark. So, take it back to the beginning and start dating again. Plan a trip to the movies, head out to a nice restaurant, make time for the two of you to concentrate on rebuilding that connection.
- Keep up the counselling: Don’t give up on counselling straight away. It can take a while for unresolved feelings to make their way to the surface, so keep it up.
- Work out your love language: have you ever heard of the 5 love languages? It’s one of the best ways you can both get onto the same page. Everyone has a different love language, including words of affirmation, acts of services, receiving gifts, quality time and physical touch. By identifying each other’s love language you can communicate better and reach each other on a whole new level.
If your guy is willing to make it through these 6 steps, then you can hold a little hope that your relationship has a future. Only if you choose this path, of course.
You can use the tips above to get it back on track and give both of you the best chance of a happy life together.
Should I tell open up to friends and family about my partner’s indiscretion?
Your partner cheated on you out of the blue. It stings — there’s no doubt about it.
But, what happens next?
If you choose to open up to friends and family, it helps to think about the ramifications of your actions first.
No doubt, once you tell them, your friends and family will be in your ear telling you it’s time to end the relationship. After all, they only want what’s best for you — and a guy who cheats on you certainly isn’t that.
If you know that your family and friends aren’t going to react well to your partner’s indiscretions, it can help to be selective about who you choose to tell in the first place.
It can be all too tempting to act in the heat of the moment and publicly rage about his actions, but this won’t help anyone in the long run — though it can feel great at the moment.
It helps to think about the repercussions of your actions.
Remember, he’s the one in the wrong here. No matter how much you complain about him to those around you, it won’t change what happens.
All it means is that if you do decide you want to make the relationship work, you’ve already tainted your friends and family against him. This makes it that much harder.
Of course, it can help to have a select few people on the inside, so you have someone to talk to when things are tough.
Simply choose your friends and family wisely and avoid talking your man down too much if you’re trying to make things work.
Should I stay with him after he cheated on me?
It’s not that simple. While infidelity is a tough one to recover from, there are ways to use it as a chance to rebuild your relationship.
Using the tips we have outlined above, you can create a whole new foundation for your relationship and work towards something even better.
In fact, some relationship experts believe that your partnership can end up stronger as a result of it.
So, what you do next is up to you.
But if you’re worried about what your friends and family are going to think if you go back to him — don’t.
They don’t know your specific situation and they don’t understand what has changed within your relationship.
Instead, do what’s right for you. In time, your friends and family will come around to the idea when they see how happy the two of you are together.
How to make sure it doesn’t happen again
There’s no guarantee that your partner will never cheat again. Unfortunately, that’s just the risk you have to take if you want to rebuild your relationship.
But, there is something you can do to minimize the chance of it happening again in the future.
You see, maybe your partner cheated because he felt something was lacking in the relationship. A lot of men cite this as their reason. Even though they love their partner, sometimes it isn’t enough.
I learned about this from the hero instinct. Coined by relationship expert James Bauer, this revolutionary concept is about three main drivers all men have, deeply ingrained in their DNA.
This is something most women don’t know about.
But once triggered, these drivers make men into the heroes of their own lives. They feel better, love harder, and commit stronger when they find someone who knows how to trigger this.
And they’re less likely to feel unsatisfied in their relationship. This will reduce the chance of him straying again.
Now, you may be wondering why it’s called “the hero instinct”? Do guys really need to feel like superheroes to commit to a woman?
Not at all. Forget about Marvel. You won’t need to play the damsel locked in the tower to make him see you as the one.
The truth is, using the hero instinct comes at no cost or sacrifice to you. With only a few small changes in how you approach him, you’ll tap into a part of him no woman has tapped into before.
The easiest way to do this is by checking out James Bauer’s excellent free video here. He shares some easy tips to get you started, such as sending him a 12 word text that will trigger his hero instinct right away.
Because that’s the beauty of the hero instinct.
It’s only a matter of knowing the right things to say to make him realize that he wants you and only you. He’ll find what he’s always been looking for, and he won’t want to look elsewhere.
All of that and more is included in this informative free video, so make sure to check it out if you want to make him yours for good.
Here’s a link to the free video again.
Moving on after he cheated on me
If you choose to stay with your partner and make it work, then good luck! There’s no denying you have a long road ahead of you in this process.
But, the good news is that if you put in the hard work, you may end up with an even stronger relationship down the track.
Now, that’s something worth fighting for.
Remember, a relationship takes two – and only two. It’s time to tune out the noise around you and trust your instincts when it comes to what you want out of this relationship.
Cheating at any time in a relationship is bad. But it is something you can work on under the right circumstances.
Good luck!
Can a relationship coach help you too?
If you want specific advice on your situation, it can be very helpful to speak to a relationship coach.
I know this from personal experience…
A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track.
If you haven’t heard of Relationship Hero before, it’s a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations.
In just a few minutes you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get tailor-made advice for your situation.
I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my coach was.
Click here to get $50 off your first session (exclusive offer for Hack Spirit readers).
What to Do If You Find Out Your Fiancé Is Cheating
There’s no denying that cheating can completely destroy a relationship. It’s one of the biggest issues—if not the biggest issue—that can come between a couple. And while some couples can get through it, it's not without a lot of healing, processing, and commitment on both sides. But as much as cheating can wreak havoc no matter when it happens in a relationship, whether it's during the first few months or years of living together, there’s a special type of panic that can arise if you find out your fiancé has been cheating before your wedding.
"There are certain scenarios where a person decides that they simply cannot go through with the marriage, and I tend to think that finding out your partner is cheating very close to the wedding is one of them," says relationship therapist Aimee Hartstein, LCSW. "That said, there are some distinguishers that determine whether or not a person can stay in the relationship and go through with the wedding. "
Meet the Expert
Aimee Hartstein, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker. She has over 20 years of experience as a therapist with a focus on relationship struggles, infidelity, depression, anxiety, and body image.
Whether it’s a last-minute confession because of the pressure of the impending wedding, a bachelorette or bachelor party gone wrong, or a friend or acquaintance who feels the need to tip you off before the big day, sometimes cheating is revealed at the worst possible time. If you find out your partner has been cheating on you, and it’s right before your wedding—especially if we’re only talking in terms of hours or days—take a deep breath, because you have a lot of thinking to do. We're not going to tell you there’s one right thing to do, because there just isn’t, but here’s what you should consider.
Talk to Your Partner
First, talk to your partner. Ask them to be honest and explain everything, and then give them a chance to share their point of view. This isn’t only about learning exactly what happened, but it’s to see how they respond to the situation and to you. Are they truly sorry and distraught? Are they defensive and arrogant? Are they still lying despite the proof? Seeing how they react is crucial, because it will tell you a lot about the person you may or may not decide to marry.
Consider the Incident
Cheating can manifest in many different ways, so it’s important to consider the incident itself. "If you find out that your partner is a compulsive or serial cheater, this is probably not a person that you should feel comfortable making a permanent commitment to," says Hartstein. "If you find out that your partner has a longstanding love affair with one other person, this is also a very bad situation."
If the situation was a one-time hookup from the bachelor or bachelorette party getting out of hand, there may be some room to give a bit of grace, but it's all up to you. "In this case, it’s possible that this was 'situational cheating' and not something that they are going to continue throughout the marriage," says Hartstein.
Look at the Relationship as a Whole
As much as you are probably seeing red—and you have every right to—do your best to take a step back and look at the relationship as a whole. If your partner has a long history of cheating or being dishonest, and this just feels like one more confirmation of that, then you need to take a long, hard look at why you’re marrying this person. If this was an absolute drunken mistake or a slip-up and it’s never happened before, you might want to be forgiving. It's totally your call, but a good rule of thumb is to consider whether or not it fits a pattern of behavior.
Think About Whether the Relationship Is Fixable
A situation with cheating may provide time for reflection on your relationship. What do you think isn’t working? What does your partner say isn’t working? Is it fixable? The only way you can ever move past this—really move past it—is if you address the root issue. You have to decide whether you think that’s a realistic option.
If you're having a hard time coming to a decision, don't be afraid to ask for input from your friends or family. This can help you get an objective look at the relationship as a whole.
If you decide to stay, Hartstein suggests looking at the option of couple's counseling, even if just for a few sessions. "A key determinant to help you decide if the marriage is worth fighting for is how hard your partner is willing to work to keep the relationship," she says. "Everyone makes mistakes and it’s important that they acknowledge just how deeply cheating before a wedding (or at any time!) impacts their partner and the relationship. If they try to blow it off and insist that you are overreacting, it’s not a good sign. If they are willing to continue to have discussions and perhaps enlist a therapist, that’s a better sign."
Don't Be Afraid to Walk Away
Finally, try to forget the big day looming. It’s hard—in fact, it’s almost impossible. But this is your life, and the choice you make is going to live far past the wedding. Forget the guests, forget the pressure, forget the family, and don’t worry about how it looks. If walking away is the right decision, then it’s one you have to make.
"If you decide to leave, remember that you don’t owe anyone other than perhaps your immediate family an explanation," says Hartstein. "You’ll likely feel uncomfortable and exposed having to make such a public about-face, but your only real responsibility is to yourself. Feel free to make whatever public statement you like, or even none at all."
Remember that this is a difficult situation to deal with, and be sure to give yourself permission to feel whatever you want to feel. It's important to focus most on taking care of yourself.
You can cancel the wedding, but you can also just postpone if you’re on the fence. Yes, guests might be gossipy or confused, but this is your life, and you need to do what’s best for you.
Cheating is always devastating in a relationship, but if it happens right before the wedding it can call so many things into question—not the least of which is the wedding itself and whether you want to be with this person. Look at the cheating, look at your relationship, and trust your gut. Ultimately, it needs to be about what feels right for you.
Signs and Causes of Emotional Neglect in a Marriage and How to Cope
Cheating before marriage, is it considered or not?
Treason before …
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Do you believe in such a story? Can she be trusted?
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Author! Take it easy. Nowadays, men do not want to take care of a girl without intimacy. Like, first we'll have sex, and then I'll see if it's worth continuing to communicate with you. Didn't give on 2-5 dates, so Dynamo. And you need to look for another available. If earlier a girl could just run on dates to choose the best, now she must definitely sleep with everyone. Men wanted affordable sex outside of marriage - they got it. Along with this, they get very experienced wives, in whom they are fifth or twentieth. Tribute to time. Divorce this wife - the other will be even worse. This one has been faithful to you for at least 10 years, and what she had before marriage does not count. The girl just chose. You, too, probably used it before the wedding, without waiting for the wedding night. And if so, then you have no moral right to condemn her in some way ..
22222 My wife and I met at the institute, we were about 20 years old, fell in love, we had our first sex with each other, everything was fine, but a year later an unpleasant situation occurred, I found out that she met and visited one a couple of times guy, there were SMS calls, etc. there was a serious repeated conversation, she swore that there was nothing, only harmless kisses, after the ultimatum, he or I chose me, I believed ..... everything was gone, forgotten.
10 years pass, 5 of them we are married, we have children, and recently, one evening after a good amount of alcohol, an old topic surfaced ...... and as it turned out then 10 years ago there were not just harmless kisses, but as it turned out, in her words, there was ... one-sided sex on his part, and when her turn came, she supposedly couldn’t, she disdained, there was no sexual contact, “although she was insanely excited” “After that, we met a couple of times , just chat" Her quotes are in quotation marks.
I think cheating happened, she says it doesn't count.....
I felt very uncomfortable. And how can I be sure that this is the whole truth?
And who does that, it seems to me that such things are said before the wedding!
If something was missing or I didn't fit, it was easier to solve before the wedding!
A question for you.
Do you believe in such a story? Can she be trusted?
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I tell you, treason before the wedding! You can not be considered calmly and raise kids!
My wife and I met at the institute, we were about 20 years old, we fell in love, we had our first sex with each other, everything was fine, but a year later an unpleasant situation happened, I found out that she was dating and a couple of times I visited one guy, there were SMS calls, etc. there was a serious repeated conversation, she swore that there was nothing, only harmless kisses, after the ultimatum he or I chose me, I believed ..... everything is gone, forgotten.
10 years pass, 5 of them we are married, we have children, and recently, one evening after a good amount of alcohol, an old topic surfaced ...... and as it turned out then 10 years ago they were not just harmless kisses, but as it turned out, in her words, there was ... one-sided sex on his part, and when her turn came, she supposedly couldn’t, she disdained, there was no sexual contact, “although she was insanely excited” “After that, we met a couple of times , just chat" Her quotes are in quotation marks.
I think cheating happened, she says it doesn't count.....
I felt very uncomfortable. And how can I be sure if it's all true?
And who does that, it seems to me that such things are said before the wedding!
If something was missing or I didn't fit, it was easier to solve before the wedding!
A question for you.
Do you believe in such a story? Can she be trusted?
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9000222 #28
Why is that? Also cheating, but not for her husband, but for her boyfriend.
Thread starter
"Are you saying that you immediately married the first girl you met and never had sex before or after?" Yes, that's exactly what I want to say, it happened, and it suits me quite well, maybe someone will say that it's stupid, etc., but I really don't need it, sorting out caps, I don't understand what the buzz is, and that's why very disappointing .... I wanted a clean relationship with one person from beginning to end, is it a pass?
Yes, she gasped with might and main with him then and throughout all these years. and not with him alone. This is for you all have the same hole, and women are interested in seeing and trying different fuyas. One has nothing in his pants, the other is like a horse. It can be seen your pipirka, she was little inspired if she immediately followed another fuem. Yes, this is treason, but your business is dead. Sit down and don't move. Watch the show more often, "Understand and Forgive." There is nothing you can do about it, there are fuys around, like uncut dogs, and there are women who seek to try them all and outsmart them. Be patient, otherwise you will screw everything up and you will jerk off.
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Should have thought earlier. Were you already in a relationship then?
If there are children, he can stay for them. If they don't, forget it. Even if he remains to believe he will never be you. Tembolee that UTB was with a friend.
22222 Should have thought ahead. Were you already in a relationship then?
And how did the husband learned? who told him?
My friend betrayed me, I know that *****, I know that there is no excuse. .... and you can't tell your friends anything, but it's too late..
Skull brain
#18 9000 9000
Then I met someone else, I had a head turn. I hooked up with him. And she threw the first one over the phone (how could it be otherwise? He would have promised to shoot himself again). Prchem I told him "I'll cheat on you - well, I don't love you." He said "change, I'll forgive everything."
Think about how it happens!
In general, the author, if you slept with another, being in a relationship with your husband, then you DON'T LOVE your husband!!! Isn't it easier to break up?
I also dried up because of my first love, but he kept moving away. I sobbed and tried to talk to him. BUT SLEEP WITH ANOTHER!!!!! This is nonsense! I understand there - there is no love - who cares who to sleep with, but if you love and if in a RELATIONSHIP !!! October 28, 2014 Or she said that she was drunk and did not understand what I was doing. Or that you then quarreled (for example, you were jealous of someone) and you kind of took revenge. But it's all bullshit. If I were my husband, I would not forgive, or at least I would consider myself entitled to change. experts
Maxim Sorokin
Practicing psychologist
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Maria Burlakova
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Alla Buraya
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Galimov Ildar
Family psychologist
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Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh
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Julia Lekomtseva
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Rogovtsova Natalia
Nutritionist, gastroenterologist
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Vyacheslav is rich
Certified practitioner.
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Nikita Nosov
Practicing psychologist
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Nidelko Lyubov Petrovna
Practicing psychologist
227 answers
People are different... I met a martyr - I didn't love him, but I thought I would love him. But it didn't. I tried to quit, he sobbed and said that he would poison himself / hang himself / cut his veins / throw himself out of the window. I got scared and stayed. So some. once. Then I met another, I had a collapse of the head. I hooked up with him. And she threw the first one over the phone (how could it be otherwise? He would have promised to shoot himself again). Prchem I told him "I'll cheat on you - well, I don't love you." He said "change, I'll forgive everything." Here's how it happens!
Fortunately, he does not accept such a fordial logic in the platform himself, only because his wife was there. He just leaves. And he does it right.
Yes, he would be right. Still, being a man is much more profitable! In which case you can leave, and that's it. You know, I immediately tried the situation of the Author on myself. If it turned out that I was cheating on my husband, he, too, could "leave and do the right thing." But if I caught my husband, then I would have to choose between "pull two children alone" or "reconcile that the husband is a Judas." Bad choice, I tell you :( I hope to be born a man in my next life:)
Unreliable stories
I am infuriated by my husband with his children and grandchildren ...
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The man immediately warned that all property was recorded for children
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Such a salary - I do not want to work
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A lie 22 years long. How to destroy?
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Husband left, 2 months of depression... How will you cope if you are left all alone?
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He just leaves. And he does it right.
the woman will deny everything, even if you take it off her. so they have no faith.
What to do? We were in a relationship for 2 years. There was a betrayal with his friend, and random, it is clear that random things do not happen, but it just so happened. Then a year later they got married and lived in marriage for 2 years, and now he found out. What to do, what to do, how to return, how to prove that it was a mistake, how to earn his forgiveness? I love him very much and can't live without him.
What to do? We were in a relationship for 2 years. There was a betrayal with his friend, and random, it is clear that random things do not happen, but it just so happened. Then a year later they got married and lived in marriage for 2 years, and now he found out. What to do, what to do, how to return, how to prove that it was a mistake, how to earn his forgiveness? I love him very much and can't live without him.
Snezhanna, alas, it was necessary to at least confess before the wedding. the husband himself will decide what to do next. Now He needs to be alone, without your presence, in order to understand whether he can forgive you. Take care of other things and take a break from your illness yourself. Both of you have something to think about ..
There was a betrayal with his friend, and an accidental one
How to explain that everything is unexpected5, 9000
Of course it was secret,
And so much time has passed.
Girlfriend - an evil bitch
Opened his eyes.
Blin-can't live without manure
This talkative goat.
Probably fell in love with him
And wants to get it.
It would be better to kill yourself against the wall.
How to teach this bitch a lesson?
How to earn his forgiveness?
I can't live without him.
Earlier mother would have taught -
What an honor they say since childhood I have cherished.
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I don't understand, why are you calling a man with a capital letter - "Him, Him"? lol
And it does not occur to you that a person has stumbled himself and himself hate for it? And my friend just did it out of envy!
Doesn't it occur to you that a person stumbles and hates himself for it? And my friend just did it out of envy! What to do? We were in a relationship for 2 years.