Best personality type for the military
The Best Job for You, According to Your Personality Type
- The Myers-Briggs test isn't perfect, but your personality type could help guide you to a great career.
- If you're an ESFP, you may make a good bartender.
- ISFJs may make great kindergarten teachers.
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When thinking about your career, it's important to take your personality into consideration. Do you like working with a team, or flying solo? Are you charismatic or a little more reserved?
There are 16 personality types according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, one of the most popular personality tests.
It sorts people based on eight characteristics: extraversion (E) or introversion (I), sensing (S) or intuitive (N), feeling (F) or thinking (T), judging (J) or perceiving (P).
We used two different infographics, our own and another from Career Assessment Site, as well as spoke with a career coach, Leah Lambert of Relaunch Me, to learn more about finding the right job for your personality.
Even though the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality test is controversial, it's still extremely popular in today's business world. The jobs listed also aren't meant to be definitive, but rather serve as a helpful way to see how certain occupations attract a particular kind of person and vice versa.
INTJs might be best suited as microbiologistsPersonality traits of INTJ types include being imaginative and strategic. INTJs may have studied biochemistry, law, or architecture in school. Microbiology is a perfect fit for this personality type because it involves working on your own.
"An introvert tends to get their energy from themselves and can find dealing with people all day to be terribly draining," Lambert explained to INSIDER. "Therefore, although they may have learned to do this quite successfully, at the end of the day they might be drained of energy."
An ENTJ might make a good lawyerENTJ personality types are bold and are energized by spending time with others. They are leaders and have big imaginations. A lawyer is a good fit for this personality type because it involves solving problems and being a leader. These people might also be driven by statistics, logic, and reason.
ENTPs could be detail-oriented reportersThis personality type is characteristic of being clever, curious, and intellectual. They balance the scale of being thinkers, but also extroverts. A reporter makes a perfect fit for ENTP because it involves being detail oriented and full of ideas. A person who identifies with this personality type might have studied arts and entertainment or information technology in school. ENTPs are motivated to finding new solutions.
ESFP personality types are all about being entertainers or the center of attention. They might make a good bartender or actor because they are spontaneous, energetic, and enthusiastic. An ESFP personality type might be restless in an isolating environment, such as sitting in a cubicle.
"Extroverts may struggle in an environment that is very quiet or doesn't have enough people interaction," Lambert told INSIDER. "They may start their own business from home in order to meet family needs, but then find that working from home is very de-motivating. "
The MBTI test identifies these personality types as quiet, mystical, and inspiring. INFJs are idealists. A veterinarian is a good fit for this personality type because it means they can work independently and in an organized environment.
An INTP might make a great college professorPeople who resonate with INTP are innovative, curious, and philosophical innovators and are often compared to people like Albert Einstein. A college professor is a good fit for this personality type, as both posts agreed, because it involves a non-traditional setting with room for working on creative ideas. INTPs might have studied chemistry, economics, or physics in school.
ESTPs could be in the ranks as military officers ESTPs are great leaders. Lance Cpl.
Personality traits of an ESTP personality type are that of a thrill-seeker — perceptive and risky. They're smart, energetic, and make great leaders. ESTPs make good military officers because it involves being hands-on and working with others to solve problems.
INFPs might be fine artistsThis personality type makes decisions based on feelings and values. They're helpers. INFPs have sympathetic and kind qualities. An artist makes a perfect fit for this personality type because it allows them to express their individuality to others. Lambert explained that people who have "helper" qualities tend to be very relationship-focused.
"They [INFP] thrive when working in a supportive, harmonious environment where people are friendly and helpful," Lambert told INSIDER. "They also get much of their satisfaction from helping people or giving back to society in a positive way.
When thinking of a future career, it's important to consider personality and aptitude. Leah explains that a helper who chooses a career based on aptitude might find themselves in a competitive environment where the focus might be meeting goals rather than actually helping.
An ISFP could be a small business ownerPersonality traits of ISFP are like that of a chameleon. They're flexible, charming, and ready to discover new things. This person is willing and able to complete tasks across many different functions, just like a small business owner.
"There are certain jobs that require some flexibility in terms of certain personality traits," said Lambert. "An example of this might be a sole business owner who needs to be able to perform many functions across their business, requiring a whole range of skills and strengths."
"A small business owner may be an introvert who loves working from home, beavering away at the kitchen table without any interruptions," Lambert continued. "But on the other hand, they need to develop more extrovert qualities in order to market their business to bring in additional revenue."
ENFJ personality types are inspiring and charismatic. They're focused on ideas and big concepts. People who resonate with this personality type might make a good PR specialist because they dream big and think even bigger.
ISTPs could be police officersThis personality type is bold, practical, and handy. ISTPs are reserved but not withdrawn as they are responsive and look for practical solutions. A police officer makes a good fit for this personality type because it involves jumping into certain situations without much planning.
"It is important to consider what types of work tasks utilize your natural strengths, the type of work environment that motivates you most, and the type of organization that you wish to work for," Lambert explained to INSIDER.
ESTJ personality types are organized and particular. ESTJs act as managers and are generally traditionalists in their values. They like to take the lead and have an orderly system of doing things, such as a project manager, restaurant manager, or chef.
ENFPs might make good restaurateurENFPs are enthusiastic, creative, and sociable people. They're imaginative and great communicators. Famous ENFPs, according to the MBTI test, are Ellen DeGeneres, Walt Disney, and Mark Twain. A restauranteur makes a good fit for this personality type because it involves challenging work, rather than something routine.
ESFJs are popular, caring, and sociable. Both posts agree a nurse is a good fit for this personality type because it involves being sensitive to the needs of others as they have provider or contributor personalities. ESFJs might have studied psychology, criminal justice, or history.
An ISFJ might make a good kindergarten teacherPersonality traits of ISFJs are warm and dedicated. They're recognized as having defender or protector qualities as they aim to keep others safe. A kindergarten teacher is a good fit for ISFJs because it involves being a caretaker. ISFJs are the most common personality type within the US population, according to the MBTI test.
ISTJs are a fact-first type of people. Yes, they're introverted, but know where they belong in life and enjoy being a part of organizations or groups, according to An auditor is a perfect fit for ISTJs because it involves being practical and reliable — they aim to do things correctly.
What personality type is best for military?
Personality traits of an ESTP personality type are that of a thrill-seeker — perceptive and risky. They're smart, energetic, and make great leaders. ESTPs make good military officers because it involves being hands-on and working with others to solve problems.
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What type of personality joins the military?
But beyond the eligibility requirements to join the military, there are many other innate characteristics that recruiters look for in future servicemembers. Traits like discipline, confidence, leadership skills, teamwork skills, empathy, and intellect are just as important as top physical fitness.
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What personality is best for military?
As a result 13 character strengths were selected as the most important for military officers and their leadership. These were in ranked order: leadership, teamwork, open-mindedness, integrity, persistence, bravery, curiosity, love of learning, social intelligence, fairness, perspective, creativity and self-regulation.
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What personality types are soldiers?
Committed to self-improvement, discipline, and hard work, the Soldier is a leader and a problem-solver. You are reliable, traditional, and loyal, and know that things would go more smoothly if more people just did what you say.
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Which personality type is the best for Army officer?
Courage, Loyalty & Integrity
Courage without any doubt is expected of any army officer. Therefore, it is one of the most dominant personality traits in a top military officer. The officer, besides being brave and courageous, should also be truthful and honest.
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What personality type are special forces?
Special forces officers score highly on extraversion, meaning that they rely on external stimuli to be happy, such as people or exciting surroundings. They also tend to be high on the measure of openness, which means they are usually curious, imaginative, and value variety.
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What is the kindest personality type?
1. ESFJ. People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly.
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What is the 4 rarest personality type?
The INTJ – Fourth Rarest MBTI Type.
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Is there a military personality?
There is no one personality type that defines those who serve in the military. But there are several personality characteristics shared by many. To be successful, service members must possess certain traits that allow them to manage living and working in stressful environments.
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What is the average IQ of a soldier?
Low-ranking soldiers accounted for three-fifths of all deaths, and their IQs measured by their childhood tests averaged 95.3. Officers and non-commissioned officers made up for about 7% and 20% of war deaths respectively. Officers scored 121.9, bringing up the average IQ for those who died.
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What IQ do you need for the military?
Applicants are required by military regulation to have a percentile score on a standardized test called the ASVAB that is 31 or more, which is roughly comparable to an IQ score on the Stanford-Binet scale of a little bit less than 92, for high school graduates seeking to enter the Army or Navy (other services have more ...
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Which personality type is the best leader?
ESTJ (Extroverted + Sensing + Thinking + Judging)
This personality type can be described as people that are are logical, assertive, decisive, and results-oriented. They make great leaders because they are natural-born leaders through their tendency to take charge.
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Can an introvert be in the military?
Yes there are introverts in the military!
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What personality type are most Navy SEALs?
SEALs seek excitement and dangerous environments, but are otherwise stable, calm, and rarely reckless or impulsive. Although this average profile may not characterize any individual SEAL, we believe this study provides the most comprehensive personality profile of Navy SEALs to date.
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What are 4 pros to joining the military?
Beyond your base salary, the Army offers immediate benefits when you join, plus sets you up to build security for you and your family's future.
- Enlistment bonuses of up to $50K.
- High quality, low or no cost health care.
- Better rates on home loans.
- Retirement and pension plan options.
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What is the rarest female personality type?
“INTJ is the rarest personality type for women.” In fact, at about 0.5 percent of the population, INTJ women might be the rarest of any gender/type combination (perhaps only rivaled by INFJ men).
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Which MBTI type has the hardest life?
The INFP may be the toughest personality type of all for others to understand. They are seemingly easy-going and carefree, but when it comes to their values, they can become suddenly uncompromising. They're friendly to a fault, but they frequently find others hard to be around.
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What is the most common female personality type?
Overall, the most common personality type is ISFJ
This type occurs in 14% of the population. It is also the most common personality type among women. ISFJ stands for Introversion, Sensing, Feeling and Judging.
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Which personality type is the unhappiest?
Sadly, INFPs ranked the lowest for happiness as well as the lowest for life-satisfaction. According to the third edition of the MBTI® Manual, these types also ranked second highest in dissatisfaction with their marriages and intimate relationships.
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What is the strongest personality type?
Of all the personality types, the ENFJ is often perceived as being the strongest "people person. " They can forge friendships with all personality types, even with more introverted or reticent individuals.
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Which personality is happiest?
How time perspective is key to people's happiness. People who are extraverts typically have the happiest lives, research finds. One reason is that extraverts are likely to remember their past more positively.
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Which MBTI is a fighter?
Assertive Debaters (ENTP-A) were the most likely of all personality types to say they don't shy away from physical fights (59%). Debaters love to challenge others, test limits, and push boundaries.
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What is the most angry MBTI type?
According to the MBTI® Manual, ISFPs were the type most likely to get upset or angry and show it, as well as the type most likely to get upset or angry and not show it.
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Which personality type is serious?
ISTJ. Quiet, serious, earn success by thoroughness and dependability. Practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, and responsible. Decide logically what should be done and work toward it steadily, regardless of distractions.
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Personality types | 16Personalities
Imaginative, strategic thinkers with a plan for all occasions.
Creative inventors, with a strong belief in the power of knowledge. nine0009
Brave, resourceful and strong-willed leaders who always find a way - or make a way.
Smart and curious thinkers who never turn down an intellectual challenge. nine0009
Quiet and mystical, but inspiring and relentless idealists.
Poetic, kind and altruistic personalities, always ready to stand up for a good cause. nine0009
Charismatic and inspiring leaders who captivate their listeners.
Enthusiasts, creative and sociable free minds who always find a reason to smile. nine0009
Practical and factual people whose reliability is unshakable.
Very responsible and kind protectors, always ready to protect their loved ones. nine0009
Excellent administrators, unsurpassed specialists in process and people management.
Extremely caring, sociable and popular people, always ready to help. nine0009
Brave and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of techniques and tools.
Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new. nine0009
Smart, energetic and very receptive people who truly enjoy risk.
Spontaneous, energetic and tireless merry fellows - where they are, it's never boring. nine0009
MILITARY LITERATURE --[Military Thought]-- Officer Corps of the Russian Army. The experience of self-knowledge
G. Ladyzhensky
On the command structure of the army and the system of its selection
If mankind ever created for itself an ideal of man, then all religions, all philosophies and all political theories would merge in it, but this task, perhaps, it will never fulfill, because until now all its attempts have ended in nothing Or, rather, in complete disarray. nine0009
But to define the ideal of a military leader, such as Napoleon and Suvorov, a man of fierce struggle and destruction, proud of his spiritual, mental and physical strength, all his life, like a lone eagle, looking out from a height of his victim, in order to instantly spread his mighty wings over her and give free rein to the iron claws ... you can determine the character of such a person. He once lived in all of us in part, and only now is he beginning to degenerate into either a convict or a flabby humanist.
The purest type of Russian military man was given by the great Suvorov, whom Russia is never able to forget because he was the only one in her by the strength of this spirit of struggle and victory and by love for the greatness and glory of Russia. nine0009
It is not necessary to write thoughtful treatises on the psychology of military leaders in order to more or less accurately determine the nature of his personality; it is enough to look more closely into the character of such a person as Suvorov was, i. e. to take this type from real life in order to form a clear idea of what kind of type every military leader should approach. Suvorov stands closer to us than Napoleon, and, moreover, the latter's activities were far from being limited to wars; as 1st Consul and [214] Emperor he had many other things to do, sometimes affecting military operations. Meanwhile, Suvorov all his life until the age of 70 ... only fought. During the intervals of peace, he moped in the stagnant waters of everyday life and from Astrakhan, where Catherine II sent him to negotiate trade relations with India, plaintively cried out: “My God, how long will I languish in such tyranny.” nine0009
Suvorov was a deeply and comprehensively educated person, and for us his personality is highly instructive precisely because he represents a type of military man whose theory of war does not differ in any way from its practice, for whom it, i.e. theory was, so to speak, part of his militant character, and not something extraneous, alien to reality, as is now seen in the majority and in everything. His theory and his personality were inseparable from each other. This question has always interested me and, generalizing it, it sometimes seemed possible to me to prove that all the existing and existing principles of military art, set forth, for example, in the strategy and tactics of Leer, are, in essence, not general abstract ideas, but exclusively concrete manifestations of character. individual people, a special breed of people. nine0009
In any case, Suvorov was exactly like that, and therein lies his genius. And I repeat, we, who are constantly sitting between the two chairs of theory and practice, need to pay special attention to this harmony of its nature. I believe that this harmony, or integrity of character, gave rise to the main feature of all his combat activities, namely, decisiveness and speed. A person who has at least some internal discord between mind and heart in his soul will never reach this degree of decisiveness and speed (we develop this discord in ourselves both by the atmosphere of the service, and by excessive theorizing of experience, and by the system of education). nine0009
Thus, we see three main features in Suvorov's character: 1) great fortitude, 2) quickness of thought, and 3) instant decisiveness. As a consequence of the previous one and his temperament extraordinary swiftness of action.
The strength of his spirit was always nourished by ambition and love for glory (of the fatherland and his own).
Suvorov was dreamy, it may seem strange, but I will add that he was a poet in his own way (in his adolescence he wrote poetry and loved solitude). He himself at the end of his life said: "I was in an incessant dream." This daydreaming was the result of his highly developed imagination, which in military practice brought him the benefit that, according to random signs, he easily pictured to himself the whole reality that was hidden behind them. Therefore, he quickly figured out the enemy. nine0009
Nature always endows a genius or talent with a desire for independence. This is a feature of all outstanding people, for they instinctively seek freedom for the manifestation of their genius. Suvorov had this right and strove for independence all his life, and if he did not have this desire, he would not have done even half of what he did.
A true artist differs from a craftsman in his ability to be creative. Suvorov developed this ability to the highest degree. First, he was critical of every fact, even the generally recognized one. On faith, like us, did not take anything. When all of Europe, after the Seven Years' War, was fascinated by the military system of Frederick the Great and blindly borrowed only its external side, only Suvorov saw that this whole system was created and lives only by the genius of this commander, and in itself is worth nothing and gives nothing. And he did not imitate her, but created his own secondly. nine0009
A genius never imitates a genius, just as an original, gifted nation never blindly imitates another. They rely on themselves and believe in themselves.
The desire for independence and creativity always gives rise to the initiative of action, personal initiative; Suvorov was very different in this and loved the same in others.
Pride and consciousness of his strength did not allow him to unconsciously subordinate his will to another, and he had a moral right to do so.
Suvorov had tremendous will power. Will-power I understand as prevailing over all, almost exclusive desire for something or wanting something (Spencer), but not [216] temporary, but lasting through a lifetime, or at least lasting. In general, willpower can be measured by the duration of wanting. A strong will is a consequence of the integrity of character, which I understand as the sum of all spiritual qualities. Some understand character as a constant manner of behaving in a certain way under all circumstances (Campeano). This definition is not the essence of character, but its external manifestation. nine0009
Suvorov's willpower was so great that when he was completely ill, a 69-year-old old man found out about his appointment as commander of the armies in Italy, he recovers in a few days and, “like a young man in love on a date”, flies from Konchanskoye to Vienna and then to r. Add.
Suvorov's mind was exclusively synthetic (generalizing), although, when necessary, he was able to analyze. In every case and in the mass of diverse phenomena of the war, he always knew how to notice a common, basic feature and was never distracted by trifles. For this, all this combat activity, starting with laconic, but highly meaningful speech, serves as an example. nine0009
Suvorov considered the best preparation for victory a high moral uplift, the surprise of an attack and the swiftness of an attack. His whole character was poured out in this tactic. He knew that a powerful spirit lived in him, and he hypnotized others with it. He understood that the decline of this spirit or confusion is already a guarantee of defeat, and since confusion is mainly from surprise, he always attacked unexpectedly, and in order to prolong this confusion, he attacked with the swiftness of his temperament. He valued time above the strength of the enemy. In order to create a surprise for the enemy to appear or strike, Suvorov resorted to various methods, but most often to a hidden and quick maneuver, for which he walked along such paths that no one walked. I will be told that this is only possible with the small detachments commanded by Suvorov. No, because the movements or maneuvers of the huge Japanese army were also obscured to us, and we could never guess the main idea of their operation. nine0009
From our point of view, Suvorov always took risks. Wanting to attack the enemy as soon as possible and unexpectedly, he literally ran towards him with one vanguard and often attacked without waiting for the main forces to approach. So it was, for example, on the Tidon River, when Suvorov, having handed over command of the main forces [217] to the Grand Duke, flies to support Ott with 4 Cossack regiments and immediately attacks MacDonald. Then the grenadier launches two battalions that have come running into the attack the rule "forward, the head does not wait for the tail." Do we see what we see in the Japanese War, when the armies and corps were "pulled up" and "levelled" for almost several days before the eyes of the enemy? When Bagration asked Suvorov to wait in this battle, saying that there were not even 40 people in the companies, the latter answered him: “MacDonald does not even have 20, attack with what God sent. ” nine0009
The most striking effect in all of Suvorov's operations is the incredible speed of transitions. He said that the infantry should do from 50 to 80 versts a day and always did this even in the Pyrenees.
In addition to what has been said, Suvorov was an extremely brave and personally brave person. He was bold both in thought and in deed. This was the result of confidence in their spiritual power and talent. The self-confidence of people who have not proved their worth to themselves or others on the facts is the best sign of their stupidity. But Suvorov every day could convince himself and those around him how much he was above the average level and how much he knew how to carry out his most daring, most fantastic ideas. Sometimes it seems to me that he deliberately set himself to be almost impossible; because his spirit demanded gigantic work for itself. He didn't like easy wins. Near Kinburn, when the ferocious Janissaries landed on the spit, Suvorov was in the church, where he was informed about the landing that had begun. “Let everyone get out,” he answered, despite the fact that he was twice as weak as the Turks. Kinburn's victory was not cheap, and he himself, being on foot in the first line of the fighting, was almost killed. Such victories satisfied him. nine0009
Personal courage is not as necessary for higher commanders as for lower ones, because the latter stand closer to those who fight, but courage in design and execution, contempt for personal responsibility are especially needed by the first and characterize a strong and noble spirit.
This brief description of Suvorov shows that he was a military genius of the purest water. A genius that fate rarely gives humanity, but us once in history. And yet, we have almost completely forgotten his eternal precepts and his personality, which was the only source of his manner of fighting, that manner that is suitable at all times and with any state of material technology. I will never be convinced by our short-sighted studies of the last war, [218] reducing everything to the material side of the matter. Victory has always depended and depends on art and strength of mind. The invention of long-range weapons is a consequence of a general spiritual decline, like that of the Roman who asked for a longer sword. The technique of the material part has not been and will not be the cause of victories, it is given by the technique of will, mind and character. The teacher of this last technique was the great Suvorov. nine0009
Suvorov gave us with his personality the immortal ideal of a military leader. That ideal to which every military leader and those who select and appoint should strive. Of course, "everyone is doing his own thing," and that's how it should be. Most military leaders cannot resemble him in character, but, firstly, they must strive for this, this is not external imitation, which only constrains the manifestation of personal individuality, no, this is only a subtle similarity of the soul in its basic qualities, which gives complete freedom of real actions. Suvorov in this case taught thus: “Take a hero of ancient times as a model, observe him, follow him, catch up, overtake glory to you. I chose Caesar. The Russian eagles flew over the Roman ones. This is what the original and strong man has as his ultimate goal. nine0009
Secondly, one must be able to notice at least one of these universal character traits in subordinates, give it the opportunity to develop and then skillfully use it. This is the art of selection and command.
Now the highest attestation commission is being created. This excellent measure will be useful only when the commission receives attestations impartially, intelligently and accurately characterizing the personality. Otherwise, our entire commanding staff will again be divided into only two categories: "good acquaintances" and "completely unfamiliar". nine0009
In order for even the best system to be implemented and bring good results, good performers are needed. This is where you should start.
First of all, it is necessary to have such commanders of troops, commanders of corps and chiefs of divisions who are able to evaluate people subordinate to them exclusively as military men in general and military leaders in particular.
The members of the certification committee will be at first in great difficulty if, in the present state of affairs, they immediately set themselves the goal of "comprehensively reviewing" the existing "certifications for the general ranks of the army" and on the basis of this "finding out the degree of their suitability for service," because the existing [219] appraisals will not give them any basis for evaluation. And with the high service experience of the members of the commission, I believe that it will be difficult for them alone to understand all the general ranks of the army, and only under this condition is a fair choice possible.
Therefore, firstly, we will have to turn to people who are closer to the army, i.e. to the actual commanders of the troops, to the commanders of the corps and to the chiefs of divisions and, secondly, to demand from them the most impartial and accurate attestations and those that would at least as far as possible characterize the person as a military leader. This is first and foremost. I will try to outline the questions of these certifications: nine0009
1) Energy and fortitude, or the duration and strength of positive emotional emotions, innate fortitude. This is the most important quality. His presence is the key to success in any business, and especially in a responsible one that requires initiative and enterprise. These qualities already include an energetic spirit.
2) The mind is independent, energetic, synthetic and courageous, able to immediately find its nail in every business.
3) Will as a steady pursuit of the goal. Force that regulates activity. nine0009
These are, so to speak, community qualities, suitable for any business. Then the qualities that characterize a military leader:
1) Resourcefulness, i.e. quickness of thought, vigilance of thought, the ability of instant orientation. What Suvorov called the eye, including here the sense of the terrain (Clausewitz), i.e. the ability to quickly understand the significance of a given area in the actions of these troops.
2) Decisiveness, the ability to quickly, irrevocably stop at one decision.
3) Temperament choleric, i.e. with fast and strong response. Other types of temperament: sanguine, reacting quickly but weakly, less desirable, melancholic and phlegmatic are not desirable at all. nine0009
4) Courage and courage, in general, courage. The ability to overcome the sense of self-preservation in the face of perceived danger (Plato).
5) The ability to command and dominate the masses.
6) Presence of spirit. those. the ability to think and will freely under any circumstances.
7) Ambition, love of glory, pride, pride, patriotism, sense of duty as the main incentives for energetic activity.
8) It is also the first love for military affairs. [220] nine0009
These are the main traits that together make up the character of a military leader. Naturally, all this requires physical health. But age itself plays the last role and the fashionable word "rejuvenation of the army" too.
In the attestation form, they can be stated differently, but, in any case, all these questions must be answered, positive or negative. <...>:
The following principles should form the basis of the certification system:
1) Attestation must clearly define the character of a person as a military person, i.e. the totality of all spiritual qualities from the point of view of military service.
2) The basis for certification of a serviceman must be laid during the first 5-10 years of his service, when his character is expressed in all natural purity.
3) This basic certification should be gradually developed and supplemented as the employee under the new conditions of service shows new character traits.
4) Attestation may not change in the nature of its content, i.e. in determining the main character traits of an employee. It can and must change only in determining how a given character reacts to the phenomena of life in general and military service in particular. This latter is important in order to know under what conditions a given character most manifests its energy.
5) Attestations of chief officers must be collegiate. Further attestations of military personnel, starting with staff officers, can be individual, because, firstly, the number of staff officers in each unit is small, their immediate superior can and should know; secondly, attestations for their previous services will already be drawn up for them and it will be impossible to change them on the basis. nine0009
6) Certifications for chief officers up to the rank of staff captain (headquarters captain) are made by standing committees chaired by one of the staff officers. <...>:
7) Appraisals for company commanders (squadrons) and staff captains (headquarters captains) are reviewed and supplemented by all available staff officers under the chairmanship of the regiment commander every 2 years. <...>:
The form of appraisals up to the rank of staff captain (staff captain) should primarily describe innate character traits not as a military leader, but as a person in general. [221] nine0009
The question points in it could be, for example:
1) Temperament (energetic, phlegmatic).
2) Mind (strong, weak, fast, generalizing, etc.).
3) Will (strong, mediocre, weak), ability to control oneself.
4) Resourcefulness (ability to find one quickly).
5) Decisiveness (ability to make decisions quickly).
6) Perseverance (in achieving goals).
7) Courage (in thought and action). nine0009
8) Courage.
In the rank of staff captain (captain captain), officers can more often receive independent assignments (and their immediate superiors should strive for this), as a result of which their character, as future military leaders, is more pronounced. But even here one should be careful in assessing, because many, having received independence or power for a short time and without full responsibility, do not show the energy that they can show. In any case, during this period, certification can be supplemented by the following questions: nine0009
9) Ability to perform independent and responsible assignments.
10) Ability to command (the ability to maintain one's prestige as a boss, the ability to command).
11) Decisiveness is not personal, but as the head of the unit. Attestations of commanders of companies, squadrons and batteries can be supplemented with the following:
12) Ability to independently manage a unit in the field and at home.
13) The ability to quickly find and make a decision in the field (during maneuvers).
14) Speed and energy in the execution of the decision.
15) The ability to assess the conditions of the terrain when solving tactical problems in the field with his part.
16) Ability to train and educate subordinates.
17) Practical knowledge of military service.
For staff officers, these certifications can be supplemented as follows:
18) Ability to command a separate unit in the field (regiment).
19) Ability to use the abilities of subordinate superiors. nine0009
20) Spiritual and physical energy (compared to the previous activity).
21) The ability to take responsibility at decisive moments. [222]
For regimental commanders:
22) Ability to command a separate detachment of two arms (infantry or cavalry with their artillery).
23) The ability to assess the military situation tactically and strategically.
24) Knowledge of subordinate military leaders.
25) Administrative and economic abilities. On the generals nine0009
26) Spiritual, mental and physical energy compared to previous assessments.
27) The ability to independently command large detachments of all types of weapons.
The answers to all these questions must be precise, but not constrained by certain expressions. <...>:
I just wanted to point out how this system should have been developed, and above all, that the certification of each serviceman should not be some random impromptu one person; it should present a brief history of the spiritual and mental life of each and fully describe his personality, his individual character.