Relationship with narcissistic woman
27 Female Narcissist Traits (How to deal with her manipulations)
Do you know a woman who is self-absorbed, often cruel, jealous, and critical?
She may be a narcissist.
Female narcissists are often overlooked.
Because they exhibit some of the same behaviors as typical teenage girls, female narcissists can go unnoticed and be passed off for simply being a “mean girl” — or a grown woman.
It’s often assumed that mean girls grow out of their bad behaviors, however, habits like gossiping, excluding other people, and sabotaging relationships can be more common among females with existing narcissistic traits.
Dominant females who are narcissists are almost as threatening as their male counterparts, but females have a certain protection through stereotypes such as “sweet young girl,” a “nurturing mother,” and the “kind little grandma.”
No one thinks the sweet older woman can be vindictive, menacing, and ruthless.
Nor do people expect mothers to be so self-centered that they are willing to abandon or abuse their own children.
The difference between a female and a male narcissist is that females tend to be in competition with other females for superiority, while male narcissists use their charm and appearance to meet their goals.
The truth is, female narcissists never “grow out” of their childhood behaviors.
Instead, they develop more effective aggressive behaviors in their adult years, using their manipulative traits to employ their selfish agendas and to exploit other people.
What’s in this post:
How to Deal With a Female Narcissist
There are two types of female narcissists: the vulnerable narcissist and the grandiose narcissist.
Whether you are dealing with a vulnerable narcissist or the more severe grandiose type, you need to recognize where their behaviors are coming from, which is typically a sense of insecurity.
When you are face to face with a narcissist, don’t let yourself get off track.
You may lose your sense of purpose when a narcissist tries to take center stage.
But the truth is, you don’t need to pay attention to everything this person does, no matter what she is doing to gain your attention.
Try not to engage or allow yourself to be drawn into passive-aggressive manipulation or outright ugliness.
Try to keep your cool, recognizing that you won’t get far by trying to change this person or talk sense into her.
You may have to find a balance between moving forward with your goals and reducing the narcissist’s insecurities, but still, keep your own well-being as your top priority.
If you are dealing with a grandiose narcissist, you may want to acknowledge her feelings, but ultimately move on if you can.
This can be hard to do if the female narcissist is a member of your family, but you can create boundaries to help you maintain your dignity and emotional well-being. Just be warned — she may ignore your boundaries and do as she wishes.
Female Narcissists and Relationships
Studies have shown that both partners engage in more vicious behavior when the female in the couple is the narcissistic one.
Men tend to display more anger when they have to interact with a narcissistic partner, but the man’s level of narcissism has no correlation to these behaviors.
This suggests that narcissistic women are more hostile in relationships, which in turn causes their partners to exhibit more hostile and angry behaviors as well during an interaction.
This sets up a pattern of emotionally abusive behaviors that will inevitably destroy the trust and happiness in the relationship.
Why Are Female Narcissists So Cruel?
Cruelty can result from a female narcissist’s dissociation from the situation at hand.
This usually comes out when the narcissist is handling a lot of stress, like when they are engaged in an argument with their partner.
They dissociate with any of the positive feelings that they have toward their partner while they experience the negative feelings.
This is black or white thinking because the narcissist views her partner as being either all good or all bad.
She becomes like a toddler having a tantrum, unable to see or feel anything except the tremendous anger or frustration she’s experiencing.
Do you think you might have a woman in your life who is a narcissist?
Let’s review the traits of female narcissists so you can know for sure.
Sidebar: Are you in a relationship that is controlling and manipulative? If you want to break free then check out my Emotional Abuse Breakthrough course.
27 Glaring Traits Of A Female Narcissist.
1. The narcissist feels pleasure from other’s pain.
Female narcissists gain pleasure and joy when they bring other people down. She often makes jabs at people to simply hurt them or make them feel inferior.
She has no empathy when people are talking about serious things or emotions.
She also chooses to only provide shallow responses or voices cruel reprimands to invalidate other people’s feelings.
2. A woman narcissist quickly goes from love to hate.

She has a strong ability to first glorify, then devalue and dump her victims without thinking twice.
Once she gets what she needs out of a relationship, she is done with it.
Because she is unable to have healthy and fulfilling relationships of her own, she finds it fun to sabotage the relationships of others for her own personal entertainment.
3. The narcissist is extremely competitive with her friends.
In her group of female friends, the narcissist figures out who is a threat and who is just following along with the rest of the group.
Those who threaten the narcissist through their success, appearance, personality, status, or all of the above are targeted for removal, while the obedient people can be kept around until they can no longer benefit the narcissist in any way.
4. The female narcissist pits her friends against each other.
In order to feel superior to the people in her life, the narcissist will pit her friends against each other by saying that they are gossiping about each other when the truth is that her own fabrications are creating tension or conflict within the group.
5. A female narcissist is overly concerned with her appearance.
Female narcissists may be conventionally attractive, but regardless, they use their sexuality to help them get what they want.
Female narcissists put a heavy focus on their physical appearance, and often overestimate their attractiveness and display or flaunt their physical attributes.
Because females in today’s society are socialized to objectify themselves, a narcissistic woman uses this social norm to try to assert her power.
6. She is materialistic.
While males are more likely to be focused on making money, female narcissists enjoy spending it.
She usually enjoys treating herself with the most expensive designer clothes, revels in luxuries at the expense of her loved ones, or allows herself be spoiled by a wealthy significant other for whom she hardly has feelings.
Her outward image is more important than her inner reality.
Female narcissists may also build their own wealth and use it as evidence of superiority.
7. A female narcissist disregards boundaries.
Female narcissists tend to have a group of admirers, such as exes that stay in the picture or even admirers who tend to lurk in the background.
She will use these people to disregard the boundaries of her relationships and try to make other people jealous.
She often creates love triangles and loves the drama of the conflict and the excessive male attention.
You may ask her to respect your feelings, time, money, or material things, but she will find a way to thwart your boundaries and make you feel bad about setting them.
8. A narcissist expects favorable treatment.
Not only does she seek favorable treatment, but she expects it.
She also believes that people should automatically comply with her.
She assumes that she is special, and therefore deserves fame, wealth, success, and satisfaction, even if that results in a cost to others.
9. Female narcissists are often jealous.

She is often envious, even though she appears to be very confident.
She looks for opportunities to undercut other people, and often buddies up to a friend to discuss how the two of them are superior to others in some way.
10. She thinks everyone is jealous of her.
While she feels jealousy on the inside, she also truly believes that other people are jealous of her, and she uses this excuse to explain her lack of close, intimate friendships.
If her friends are experiencing accomplishments of their own, she will find a way to downplay their achievements.
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11. The narcissist places blame.
Female narcissists blame other people for their problems.
They believe they could never make a mistake, so anything that goes wrong must be the fault of someone else.
They never feel ashamed because they believe they can do no wrong.
12. A female narcissist often appears unstable.
Female narcissists typically engage in risky behaviors, have addictive personalities, and are prone to becoming aggressive if and when they are rejected by others.
They are often either very happy or very upset without much of a middle ground, which leads others to think they are unstable.
13. She is overly sensitive to perceived slights.
If she thinks that someone is doubting her or speaking negatively of her, she is quick to react and fight back.
This often happens in a manner that is out of proportion to whatever she thinks someone is saying about her.
She will make a huge mountain out of a molehill.
14. The narcissist will never apologize.
Female narcissists believe they can do no wrong, so they are never in a position to offer an apology to someone.
If she does do something wrong, she is quick to blame it on someone else rather than taking responsibility.
15. She has an exaggerated sense of self-importance.
Two of the most noticeable signs of female narcissists include their feelings of entitlement and their belief they are more important than the people around them.
They will brag about their accomplishments and fish for compliments from other people.
16. A woman narcissist lacks common courtesy.
A narcissistic woman does not exhibit the socially normal behaviors of courtesy to other people.
She firmly believes that she exists in order to make the world complete, and therefore she sees no reason to acknowledge the needs of others.
Her mere presence is a gift to those around her.
17. The narcissist “punishes” her partner.
When she is in a romantic relationship, female narcissists typically disengage from their partner when they feel like they have been mistreated.
She may use neglect and abandonment to make her partner feel punished. She may also punish her partner by refusing sex.
18. A female narcissist lacks empathy.
She is unwilling to try to understand what other people are feeling and has no remorse for making someone feel inferior in any way.
She never attempts to put herself in another person’s shoes to empathize or understand their point of view because her perspective is the only one that matters.
19. The female narcissist loves to talk about herself.
A narcissistic woman’s favorite topic to discuss is herself. She will often jump into conversations and turn them around to her in some way so she has everyone’s attention.
She is active on social media and tries to gain as many friends or followers as she can.
She relishes in self-promotion and frequently posts selfies while looking picture-perfect.
But never make a negative or amusing comment at this woman’s expense on social media. Her retribution is fierce.
21. A narcissist takes more than they gives.
The friend or lover who once showered you with her love and attention has made a sharp turn and is now a constant taker.
She thinks she deserves everything and could care less if you have nothing. If you complain too much, you’ll find yourself quickly pushed aside.
22. The female narcissist is a drama queen.
Her behavior is unpredictable and her reactions are often excessive.
An angry narcissist is able to continuously shock people with her rage and punishing ways towards other people.
She loves to stir the pot and watch other people scramble or react to her dramatic outbursts or behaviors.
23. She is a control freak.
People tend to overuse the word “controlling” when referring to a partner, but once you are in a relationship with a narcissist, “control” takes on a whole new meaning.
A narcissistic woman will not back down until your formerly loud voice is a quiet whimper. It’s her way or the highway.
24. The narcissist loves to manipulate.
Manipulation is fun for narcissists, and female narcissists are masters at using passive-aggressive behaviors to confuse or hurt you.
You may get the silent treatment, be blocked on social media, your texts will go unanswered, or she will leave the house for extended periods of time, all to force you to do what she wants.
25. She is unfaithful in relationships.
She is an unfaithful partner, typically without remorse, and uses gaslighting and deceit directed at her partner.
However, her partner will usually spoil her and is unaware of her extreme disloyalty.
26. A female narcissist is exhausting to be around.
Between her constant demands and her not-so-subtle jabs, being around her is exhausting.
Trying to keep her happy while walking on eggshells in order to not set her off eventually just seems like a draining, neverending chore.
27. The narcissist thinks you are the one with the problem.
She certainly doesn’t realize that she is a narcissist, but if she were to read the traits listed above, she would think that you fit the bill.
The problem is never with her. It’s always with you.
Final Thoughts
When a female in your life has these narcissistic traits, she will negatively impact your self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being.
It may be time to reevaluate her role in your life and cut back on the amount of time you spend with her.
If you are in a relationship with this person, it may be difficult to get out since she needs to be the one to leave, but in order to have a better life for yourself, you need to start taking steps to cut ties.
In a Relationship with a Narcissist? A Guide to Narcissistic Relationships
In a Relationship with a Narcissist? What You Need to Know About Narcissistic Relationships
Narcissistic relationships are formed when one or both partners struggle with a narcissistic personality. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is defined by The Mayo Clinic as “a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they’re superior to others and have little regard for other people’s feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.”
We live in an increasingly narcissistic world. Hard statistics and science are pointing in this direction. The “look at me” mentality that is often promoted by social networks like Facebook has people positively enamored with the image they present to the world. In addition, we may now be seeing the negative effects of the self-esteem movement on a larger scale. So how does this rise in narcissism impact our personal relationships? For one thing, more narcissism means more narcissistic relationships.
Professor Brad Bushman of the Ohio State University put it bluntly, when he said: “Narcissists are very bad relationship partners.” Studies show that in a narcissistic relationship, your partner is more likely to engage in manipulative or game playing behaviors and less likely to be committed long-term. A relationship with a narcissist can be hard to cope with. To shed light on the common outcomes, struggles, and effects of a narcissistic relationship, we’ve interviewed psychologist and author Dr. Lisa Firestone.
How Can You Tell if You Are in a Narcissistic Relationship?
When thinking about narcissism, I’m often reminded of the joke when someone goes on and on about themselves, then interrupts with, “But enough about me, how do you feel about me?” If your partner is all about themselves, always needing attention and affirmation, he or she may be a narcissist. If someone is easily slighted or over-reactive to criticism, they may also be a narcissist. If they feel they are always right, that they know more, or that they have to be the best, etc., these are also signs of narcissism. Narcissistic individuals may only appear to care about you when you are fulfilling their needs or serving a purpose for them. A narcissistic relationship can lead to a lot of emotional distress.
It is estimated that around 1% of population suffers from NPD. However, many people who have NPD do not seek treatment and therefore are never diagnosed. Studies show that men are more likely to be narcissistic. Roughly 75% of the individuals diagnosed with NPD are men. Although almost everyone has some self-centered or narcissistic traits, most people do not meet the criteria for having a personality disorder. There is, however, a growing portion of the population that is displaying a greater number of toxic, narcissistic traits, which are having an adverse effect on their lives and the lives of people close to them, even if they do not meet the clinical diagnosis of NPD. Forming attachments to individuals who exhibit these negative traits often causes similar distress as a diagnosable narcissistic relationship.
A new study from Ohio State University has found that one simple question can identify narcissists as accurately as the 40-item test that has been widely used to diagnose NPD. The question is simple, rating yourself on a scale of 1-7: “To what extent do you agree with this statement: I am a narcissist. (Note: The word ‘narcissist’ means egotistical, self-focused and vain.)” You can even try out this free interactive narcissism quiz. However, while this study suggests that many narcissists will freely admit to their narcissistic tendencies, it is important to note that most narcissists resist the diagnosis of NPD. Narcissists, generally, do not like to be told that they are narcissists. In fact, they often have a strong negative and volatile reaction.
Below are some common traits that a narcissistic relationship partner is likely to have: (Note the degree to which these traits manifest themselves will vary largely depending on the individual.)
- Sense of entitlement or superiority
- Lack of empathy
- Manipulative or controlling behavior
- Strong need for admiration
- Focus on getting one’s own needs met, often ignoring the needs of others
- Higher levels of aggression
- Difficulty taking feedback about their behavior
Why do people become narcissistic? Is it a symptom of something else?
Narcissistic people often have narcissistic parents, who offered them a build up but no real substance. Their parents wanted them to be great, so they could be the parent of a great person, the best artist, smartest student, etc. Often narcissistic people were also neglected, as their parents were so focused on themselves that they could not attune to their child or meet their child’s emotional needs. The child was only useful to these parents when they were serving a purpose for them. Often, the parents of a person with NPD alternated between emotional hunger toward the child and disinterest.
Narcissists have inflated self-esteem (both self-soothing and self-aggrandizing “voices”) a component of what my father, Dr. Robert Firestone, refers to as the “anti-self.” They are very fragile, because the flip side of their self-aggrandized feeling is very low self-esteem, the other component of the anti-self (made up of extremely self-hating and self-demeaning “critical inner voices”). So, for these people, even slight criticism can be a narcissistic injury, leading to an angry outburst and desperate attempts to regain their fragile, inflated self-esteem. Often, a condescending remark will help them to reestablish their superior image. Condescending is a common dynamic in narcissistic relationships. This behavior can be traced back to the need desperate need narcissists feel to be above others.
What are the different types of Narcissism?
While all narcissists are likely to show certain behaviors, not all narcissists are the same. In fact, there are two different types of narcissism, Grandiose Narcissism and Vulnerable Narcissism. These types of narcissism stem from different early childhood experiences andlead to different behaviors in a relationship.
Grandiose narcissists display high levels of grandiosity, aggression and dominance. They tend to be more confident and less sensitive. They are often elitists and have no problem telling everyone how great they are. Usually grandiose narcissists were treated as if they were superior in their early childhood and they move through life expecting this type of treatment to continue. In relationships, grandiose narcissists are more likely to openly engage in infidelity or leave their partners abruptly if they feel that they are not getting the special treatment that they think they are entitled to.
Vulnerable narcissists, on the other hand, are much more emotionally sensitive. They have what Dr. Campbell describes as a “fragile grandiosity,” in which their narcissism serves as a façade protecting deeper feelings of inadequacy and incompetence. Vulnerable narcissists swing back and forth between feeling superior and inferior. They often feel victimized or anxious when they are not treated as if they are special. This type of narcissism usually develops in early childhood as a coping mechanism to deal with abuse or neglect. In relationships, vulnerable narcissists often worry about how their partners perceive them. They can be very possessive, jealous and paranoid about their partners having flirtations or affairs.
How does a narcissistic partner negatively impact a relationship?
Narcissistic relationships tend to be very challenging. Narcissistic partners usually have difficulty really loving someone else, because they don’t truly love themselves. They are so focused on themselves that they cannot really “see” their partner as a separate person. They tend to only see the partner in terms of how they fill their needs (or fail to fill their needs). Their mates and children are only valued in terms of their ability to meet these needs. Narcissistic partners often lack the ability to have empathy with their partners’ feelings. This lack of empathy leads to a lot of hard feelings.
Yet many people are drawn to narcissistic relationships. Narcissistic partners can be very captivating, especially at the beginning. They tend to have a “big” personality. They are the life of the party. They can make you feel that you too must be great for them to choose you. However, in time, they can be too controlling in relationships. They may feel jealous or easily hurt. When narcissistic injuries occur, they often lash out and can be cutting. Their reactions are dramatic and attention-seeking. According to narcissistic personality expert, Dr. W. Keith Campbell, “The effects of narcissism are most substantial in relation to interpersonal functioning. In general, trait narcissism is associated with behaving in such a way that one is perceived as more likable in initial encounters with strangers— but this likability diminishes with time and increased exposure to the narcissistic individual.” This is why many people, who have been in a long-term narcissistic relationships, describe a very passionate and exciting honeymoon period in the beginning and then a sharp decline as the likability decreases and the self-centered behaviors increase. Narcissists are prone to falling madly in love with someone instantly and are very quick to commit. However, this initial love and commitment is not easily sustained.
When you are in a narcissistic relationship, you may feel very lonely. You might feel like you are just an accessory and your needs and wants are unimportant. Narcissistic partners act as if they are always right, that they know better and that their partner is wrong or incompetent. This often leaves the other person in the relationship either angry and trying to defend themselves or identifying with this negative self-image and feeling badly about themselves.
Read: Is There a Cure For Narcissism
What are some things a person can do to deal with a narcissistic partner?
If you find yourself in a narcissism relationship, you can first recognize what you have chosen and reflect on the unconscious motives that might have led you to choose such a partner. Did you have a self-centered parent? Are you more comfortable with your partner being in control, so you can then take be more passive? Do you get a sense of worth from being attached to someone who is in the spotlight? Does the negative image of yourself they foster with their criticisms and superior attitudes resonate with your own critical thoughts about yourself? Many people who fall in love with narcissists have issues around co-dependency. They will put up with a certain amount of abuse because they don’t feel confident enough in themselves to set boundaries or be on their own.
Understanding your role in the narcissistic relationship is important. You can then start to challenge yourself to change your half of the dynamic. This will, in turn, challenge your partner to change their style of relating. You can recognize the fragility of your partner’s self-esteem and have compassion for the fact that his or her inflated sense of self, superiority and grandiosity is a cover up for the flip side of self-hate and feelings of inadequacy. You can also develop your own self-confidence and self-worth by learning to practice self-compassion. Don’t be a victim. In all encounters, act equal, and treat your partner as an equal.
How can people face and overcome their own narcissism?
A narcissist can challenge and overcome their narcissism by recognizing and separating from both the self-soothing, self-aggrandizing and self-attacking attitudes of their critical inner voice. The attitudes they internalized very early on in their lives. They need to recognize and challenge these attitudes toward themselves and toward others. One method for doing this is through Voice Therapy.
Narcissists further need to differentiate from negative traits of their parents or early caretakers that they are still acting out in their current lives. These traits might include superior attitudes or condescending behaviors. They also need to give up the adaptations they made to the ways their own parents neglected them or were emotionally hungry toward them. These adaptations may have once been their survival mechanisms, but they now manage to push others away and sabotage personal lives and goals. Narcissists also need to break patterns of being self-centered or withholding. They must fight the tendency to always compare themselves to others and the need to be the “best” or “perfect” all the time.
Another way to cure narcissism is to foster self-compassion rather than self-esteem. Psychologist Dr. Kristin Neff has done extensive research on self-esteem versus self-compassion. The difference between self-esteem and self-compassion is that self-esteem centers on evaluating yourself in relation to others and emphasizes a need to be special. While self-compassion focuses on “treating oneself with kindness, recognizing one’s shared humanity, and being mindful when considering negative aspects of oneself.” Dr. Neff’s studies have found that self-esteem leads to higher levels of narcissism, but self-compassion does not. Self-compassion actually combats narcissism because it includes the idea of a shared humanity with all other human beings, which leads to more compassion for others. Self-compassion also fosters real self-awareness, a trait many narcissists lack, as it promotes that we be mindful of our faults, which is the first step to changing negative traits in yourself.
For there to be any hope of recovering a good relationship from a narcissistic relationship, the narcissist must overcome their self-centered and negative traits. They need to challenge their self-feeding habits and pseudo-independent stance. They need to focus on developing their capacity for empathy and respect of others. Lastly, they need to develop transcendent goals, to care about and invest in others’ well-being. Being generous and giving to others are examples of behaviors that would be corrective, building real self-esteem and practicing focusing outside of oneself.
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Tags: destructive relationship, narcissism, narcissistic, narcissistic relationship, relationship advice
7 Signs of a Narcissist Woman | PSYCHOLOGIES
Knowing Yourself A Human Among Humans
Incredible ego and self-satisfaction are traits we attribute to people with narcissistic personality disorder. These character traits are inherent in both women and men. Of course, there are studies that men are more likely to be affected by this mental disorder. Are men really more likely to become narcissists, or are women just better at hiding their unpleasant features, trying to make the most of those qualities that help them achieve their goals? And by what signs can a narcissist be recognized?
1. She reduces any conversation to herself
Talking about herself is normal. We all sometimes tell stories from our lives, illustrate with examples of the situation. But a narcissist woman in any conversation will turn her attention to herself, her feelings and experiences. Ask yourself when was the last time she asked you something about you and your life. If the answer is “never” or “yesterday, but a minute later she started talking about herself again,” most likely you have a narcissist.
2. She constantly cancels your joint plans
If you have a girlfriend who is pathologically incapable of making arrangements, it is likely that this is a sign of narcissism. She may even briefly ask for forgiveness, but all her actions show that she does not care how much her cancellation of plans has affected your life. She will not ask how you spent the evening, which you were going to spend with her before. She is only interested in her freedom to do what she wants, when she wants, and with whom she wants, regardless of the reactions of other people.
3. She becomes furious at the word "no"
This is one of the easiest ways. The next time she asks you for something, say no and see how she reacts. You can even not refuse right away, but say that you need time to think. Narcissists hate these situations - they literally feel that the other person thus gains some kind of power over their lives. They cannot bear it - their eyes are filled with rage and they will try their best to convince you to give an answer right now. And, of course, it must be a positive answer. If you manage to refuse the request, most likely, you will turn into an enemy - until the moment when he needs something from you again.
4. She flirts with people she doesn't like
Flirting is fun and carefree. But for the narcissist, this is not entertainment and not a manifestation of sympathy - this is the means by which she gets her way. Such a woman often directs her sexual energy to men who she does not like at all, but can be useful. These personalities are sure that there is no one better than them in the world and no one can resist their charm.
For the narcissist, the other person or force majeure will always be at fault
5. She has a low opinion of others
Such a woman is convinced that she is at the top of the social pyramid, whatever her actual position, and all other people fall short of her level. This becomes noticeable when she talks about other people, their achievements and lifestyle.
Is there a woman in your environment who calls everyone around her “idiots” and harshly criticizes the behavior and moral character of her friends (and especially girlfriends)? A woman who constantly questions the intelligence of others, but never doubts her own righteousness? This is classic narcissist behavior. We all sometimes speak unflatteringly about the actions of our friends, but at the same time we do not consider them stupid and worthless people. And, unlike such people, we can admit our own mistakes. This leads to the next point.
6. She will never admit her guilt
Being late for a meeting, she will not apologize for it. She will tell you in colors that traffic jams, taxi drivers or your confusing explanations about where she needed to go are to blame for everything. In the worldview of such a person, there is no option in which he can be the cause of some kind of problem or mistake - another person or force majeure circumstances will always be to blame.
7. She takes selfies all the time
We all do it from time to time or even more often than we should. But if on a woman’s phone or Instagram (an extremist organization banned in Russia) all the photos are devoted exclusively to different angles of her face or other parts of the body, this most likely indicates narcissism. You won't see photos of family, friends, kids, pets, or a beautiful evening sky. If you see, then all of them will be the background for her person.
Text: Polina Franke Photo Source: Getty Images
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27 Most Outstanding Signs of a Narcissist Woman
Beautiful, smart, elegant, charming… Vengeful, self-centered, cruel, jealous… Who is it all about? This is about narcissistic women who are among us and with whom it is difficult to build relationships.
Do you know such a woman? She may be a narcissist.
Women - narcissists are often overlooked .
Because they exhibit the same behaviors as typical teenage girls, female narcissists can go unnoticed and be mistaken for an "angry girl" or adult woman.
It is often assumed that angry girls grow out of their bad behavior, however habits such as gossiping, excluding other people and sabotaging relationships may be more common among women with existing narcissistic traits.
Dominant female narcissists are almost as much of a threat as their male counterparts, but women are protected by stereotypes such as "nice young girl", "caring mother" and "kind grandmother".
Nobody thinks that a nice old woman can be vindictive, threatening and ruthless.
People also do not expect mothers of to be so self-centered that they will be ready to abandon or abuse their children.
The difference between female and male narcissists is that women tend to compete with other women for supremacy, while narcissists - men use their charm and appearance to achieve their goals.
In truth, female narcissists never "outgrow" their childhood behavior.
Instead, they develop more effective aggressive behavior as adults, using their manipulative traits to further their selfish plans and exploit others.
How to deal with a female narcissist
There are two types of female narcissists: vulnerable narcissists and grandiose narcissists .
Whether you are dealing with a vulnerable narcissist or a more serious, grandiose type, you need to understand where their behavior comes from, which is usually a feeling of self-doubt.
When you find yourself face to face with a narcissist, don't let yourself be led astray. You can lose your sense of purpose when the narcissist tries to take center stage.
But the truth is, you don't have to pay attention to everything this person does. He does this to get your attention.
Try not to engage in passive-aggressive manipulation and not allow yourself to be drawn into outright outrage. Try to remain calm, realizing that you cannot go far trying to change this person or reason with him.
You may need to strike a balance between moving forward towards your goals and reducing the narcissist's insecurities, but still keep your own well-being as a top priority.
If you are dealing with a grandiose narcissist you may want to acknowledge his feelings, but eventually leave if you can.
This can be difficult to do if the female narcissist is a member of your family, but you can set boundaries that will help you maintain dignity and emotional well-being. Just keep in mind that she can ignore your boundaries and do as she pleases.
Narcissistic women and relationships
Research has shown that both partners exhibit more angry behavior when the woman in the couple is narcissistic.
Men tend to show more anger when they have to interact with a female narcissist, but the level of a man's narcissism has nothing to do with such behavior.
This suggests that narcissistic women are more hostile in relationships, which in turn causes their partners to exhibit more hostile and angry behavior during the interaction.
This creates a pattern of emotionally abusive behavior that will inevitably destroy trust and happiness in the relationship.
Why are narcissistic women so cruel?
Cruelty may be the result of the narcissist's withdrawal from the situation.
This usually shows up when the narcissist is under a lot of stress, such as when he gets into an argument with his partner.
The moment they experience negative feelings for their partner, they separate themselves from any positive feelings towards him.
This is black and white thinking because the narcissist sees their partner as either completely good or completely bad.
The narcissist woman becomes like a hysterical child, unable to see or feel anything but the great anger or frustration she feels.
Do you think there can be a woman-narcissist in your life? Let's look at the traits of narcissists so you know for sure.
The 27 most striking signs of female narcissism
The narcissist enjoys the pain of others.
Narcissistic women get pleasure and joy when they humiliate others. She often teases people just to offend them or make them feel inferior .
She has no empathy when people talk about serious things or emotions.
She also prefers to give only superficial answers or sound harsh judgments in order to discount other people's feelings .
A narcissistic woman moves quickly from love to hate.
The narcissist woman has a strong ability to first exalt, then devalue and abandon her victims without thinking.
Once she gets what she wants from the relationship, she ends it.
Since she is incapable of having healthy and fulfilling relationships herself, she takes pleasure in destroying the relationships of others for her own personal amusement.
The narcissist woman is extremely competitive with her female friends.
Among her girlfriends, a narcissist finds out who is the threat and who is just following her along with the others.
Those who threaten the narcissist with their success, appearance, personality, status, or all of the above are targeted for elimination, and obedient people can be kept around until they no longer provide the narcissist with anything favor .
A narcissist woman turns her friends against each other.
In order to feel superior to the people in her life, the narcissist will pit her friends against each other by saying that they gossip about each other, when in fact her own fabrications create tension or conflict .
A narcissist woman is overly concerned with her appearance.
Narcissists may be traditionally attractive, but they still use their sexuality to get what they want.
Narcissistic women pay great attention to their appearance, often overestimate their attractiveness and show or flaunt their physical features.
Since women in today's society are socialized for awareness, the female narcissist uses this social norm to try to assert your authority .
She is materialistic.
While men are most often focused on making money, narcissistic women like their spending .
They usually love to indulge in the most expensive designer clothes, indulge in luxury at the expense of their loved ones, or allow themselves to be pampered by a wealthy soul mate, for whom she has almost no feelings.
Her outer image is more important than her inner reality. Narcissistic women may also amass their own wealth and use it as proof of their superiority.
The narcissist woman ignores boundaries.
They tend to have a group of fans like ex who stay in the frame, or even fans who tend to hide in the background.
She will use these people to ignore the boundaries of her relationship and try to cause other people jealousy .
She often creates love triangles and loves the drama of conflict and excessive male attention.
You can ask her to respect your feelings, time, money, or material things, but she will find a way to violate your boundaries and make you feel bad about setting them at all.
A narcissist woman expects a favorable attitude.
She not only seeks a favorable relationship, but also expects it.
She also believes that people should automatically obey her .
The narcissist considers herself special and therefore deserves fame, wealth, success and satisfaction, even if it costs others dearly.
Narcissistic women are often jealous.
She is often jealous, although she seems very self-confident.
The narcissist seeks out opportunities to outdo other people and often meets with her friends to discuss how the two of them outperform other s in some way.
She thinks everyone is jealous of her.
Feeling jealous inside, the narcissist also sincerely believes that other people are jealous of her and uses this excuse to explain the lack of close deep friendships .
If her friends achieve their own success, she will find a way to downplay their achievements.
Narcissist woman lays blame.
Narcissistic women blame other people for their problems.
They believe that they can never be wrong , so everything that goes wrong is someone else's fault.
They are never ashamed because they believe they can't do anything wrong.
A narcissistic woman often seems unbalanced.
Narcissistic women tend to be risky, addictive and aggressive if people reject them.
They are often either very happy or very upset, not having a happy medium, which makes others think that they are unbalanced.
The narcissist woman is too sensitive to neglect.
If she thinks that someone doubts her or speaks negatively about her, she reacts quickly and fights back.
Often this happens in a manner that is inconsistent with what she thinks someone else is saying about her. She makes an elephant out of a fly.
The narcissist never apologizes.
Narcissistic women believe they can't do anything wrong, so they never apologize.
If she really does something wrong, she quickly shifts the blame to someone else instead of take charge .
She has an exaggerated sense of self-importance.
Two of the most noticeable signs of female narcissists are their self-esteem and belief that they are more important than the people around them.
They will brag about their accomplishments and catch compliments from other people.
A narcissistic woman lacks courtesy.
The narcissistic woman does not display the socially normal behavior of courtesy towards other people.
The narcissist firmly believes that she exists to make the world perfect, and therefore sees no reason to acknowledge the needs of others .
Her very presence is a gift to those around her.
A narcissistic woman "punishes" her partner.
She usually withdraws from her partner in a romantic relationship when she feels she is being mistreated.
She can use neglect and ignorance to make her partner feel punished . She may also punish her partner by denying him sex.
The narcissistic woman lacks empathy.
She is unwilling to understand how other people feel and has no remorse for making someone feel inadequate.
She never tries to put herself in another person's shoes in order to sympathize with or understand his point of view, because only her point of view is the only one that matters.
A narcissistic woman likes to talk about herself.
The narcissistic woman's favorite topic of discussion is herself . She often engages in conversation and somehow draws it to herself in order to get everyone's attention to herself.
She boasts on social media.
She is active on social media and is trying to get as many friends or followers as possible.
She loves self-promotion and often posts selfies, looking perfect .
But never make negative or playful comments about this woman on social media. Her retribution is cruel.
Narcissus takes more than he gives.
A friend or lover who once showered you with love and attention made a sharp U-turn and now constantly demands more and more .
The narcissist thinks she deserves everything and doesn't care if you don't have anything. If you complain too much, you will quickly find yourself sidelined.
Narcissus woman - drama queen.
Her behavior is unpredictable and her reactions are often excessive.
An evil narcissist is able to constantly shock people with his punitive methods towards other people.
She likes to add fuel to the fire and watch other people quarrel or react to her harsh attacks or behavior.
She's a control freak.
People tend to overuse the word "control" when talking about a partner, but once you're in a relationship with a narcissist, "control" takes on a whole new meaning.
The narcissistic woman won't back down until your previously loud voice becomes a soft whimper . This is her path in your relationship.
Narcissus loves to manipulate.
Manipulation is fun for narcissists, and female narcissists are masters at using passive-aggressive behavior to confuse or offend you.
You can be ignored, blocked on social networks, your messages will remain unanswered. She will leave home for a long time - all this in order to make you do what she wants .
She cheats in relationships.
The narcissist never has any remorse and uses gaslighting and deception on his partner.
However, the partner usually indulges her and is unaware of the betrayal.
A daffodil woman is tiring.
Due to her constant demands and explosive nature, being around her is simply tiring.
Trying to make her happy and at the same time walking on the edge of a knife so as not to piss her off, after all, seems exhausting, endless work .
The narcissist thinks you are the problem.
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