Is my fwb falling for me quiz
Are we more than friends with benefits? Quiz
Who thought that one day you’d be asking yourself this question! It wasn’t the intention to, at least.
This is a tricky situation to be in, especially when it comes to an also tricky relationship such as a fwb relationship. This is quite normal, and happens frequently in ‘friends with benefits’ relationships. Things went how they went, and now you’re here, at this moment, with questions in your head.
So, helping you out with the questions, the quiz:
Are we more than friends with benefits? Quiz
Find out if You are more than friends with benefits! Quiz
1 / 15
1. How much fun and laughter do you have when around each other?
We really do have a blast!
It’s fun, not that big of a deal.
Not that fun, except for the sexy times.
2 / 15
2. Did you open up to each other about things you’d normally wouldn’t talk to other people about?
We did.
I’m not really sure about this one.
No, we don’t talk about sensitive topics. We don’t “open up”.
3 / 15
3. Do you ever kiss in public?
Happened only a few times.
4 / 15
4. Are you touchy with each other casually, or only when it comes to ‘hot times’?
Yes. We touch, and kiss, and stuff…
Not that touchy, but it’s good.
No, we touch only when it comes to ‘hot times’.
5 / 15
5. How often do you spend time together, without sex being involved?
Very, very often.
Not so often.
We actually don’t spend time together without sex being ivolved.
6 / 15
6. Is kissing only part of the ‘warm up’ before sex?
No, not at all. We kiss a lot.
I wouldn’t say just part of the ‘warm up’.
Yes, we kiss only when we’re about to have sex.
7 / 15
7. Do you sense an emotional connection?
Yes, it feels obvious.
I haven’t really noticed anything. Maybe, I guess.
No, I don’t sense any emotional connection.
8 / 15
8. Do you get jealous of one another?
Umm… yes.
Sort of, I don’t know.
Not really.
9 / 15
9. Are sweet words and compliments ever included?
Yes, mostly.
Not that much.
No, why would they?
10 / 15
10. Do you text each other frequently?
Pretty often actually.
Well, not so frequently.
Nah, only when we need to meet up.
11 / 15
11. Do you spend the night in after sex? (at each other’s)
Yes, very often.
Very rarely.
12 / 15
12. Do you cuddle after sex?
We do.
Not always.
Absolutely not.
13 / 15
13. How superficial are your conversations?
They’re not superficial, they’re quite deep actually.
Meh, they’re fine.
We barely have conversations.
14 / 15
14. Did sex become more romantic/passionate?
Yes, yes, yes.
I wouldn’t say exactly romantic or passionate. But it’s around there.
No, not really.
15 / 15
15. Do you hang out ‘just because’ and not for sex only?
No, it’s just sex.
Yes, quite often.
About the ‘Are we more than friends with benefits?’ quiz
The quiz answers your “Are we more than friends with benefits?” question, through you answering 15 questions which are well thought to give an accurate result based on how you answered them.
Like most of the quizzes you’ll get the hint of the answer you’re looking for while you’re sorting out the questions (of the quiz) with yourself.
You’ll find out whether it is ‘more than friends with benefits but not a relationship’ type of relationship, or if it’s just your fwb being more affectionate.
A clear answer to your question is what you’ll get once you finish the quiz.
If you weren’t aware of the signs before, then it’s time to have a quick look on them:
1. Sex is not the only reason you two spend time together.
2. When it comes to sex, it has now became more romantic and felt.
3. The conversations are deeper, and less superficial. You’re opening up to each other.
4. There’s cuddling involved.
5. They (or both of you) get jealous in certain situations.
6. You spend the night at one another’s places – You sleep together, literally.
7. There’s an emotional connection being felt by their side, or both of you.
8. The questions and answers start to get very personal and emotional.
9. They kiss you because they feel it.
10. The words and compliments are more emotional and thoughtful.
Taking the quiz – Are we more than friends with benefits?
While taking the quiz you’ll be answering the questions:
1. Do you hang out ‘just because’ and not for sex only?
- No, it’s just sex.
- Rarely.
- Yes, quite often.
2. Did sex become more romantic/passionate?
- Yes, yes, yes.
- I wouldn’t say exactly romantic or passionate. But it’s around there.
- No, not really.
3. How superficial are your conversations?
- They’re not superficial, they’re quite deep actually.
- Meh, they’re fine.
- We barely have conversations.
4. Do you cuddle after sex?
- We do.
- Not always.
- Absolutely not.
5. Do you spend the night in after sex? (at each other’s)
- Yes, very often.
- Very rarely.
- No.
6. Do you text each other frequently?
- Pretty often actually.
- Well, not so frequently.
- Nah, only when we need to meet up.
7. Are sweet words and compliments ever included?
- Yes, mostly.
- Not that much.
- No, why would they?
8. Do you get jealous of one another?
- Umm… yes.
- Sort of, I don’t know.
- Not really.
9. Do you sense emotional connection?
- Yes, it feels obvious.
- I haven’t really noticed anything. Maybe, I guess.
- No, I don’t sense any emotional connection.
10. Is kissing only part of the ‘warm up’ before sex?
- No, not at all. We kiss a lot.
- I wouldn’t say just part of the ‘warm up’.
- Yes, we kiss only when we’re about to have sex.
11. How often do you spend time together, without sex being involved?
- Very, very often.
- Not so often.
- We actually don’t spend time together without sex being ivolved.
12. Are you touchy with each other casually, or only when it comes to ‘hot times’?
- Yes. We touch, and kiss, and stuff…
- Not that touchy, but it’s good.
- No, we touch only when it comes to ‘hot times’.
13. Do you ever kiss in public?
- Yes.
- Happened only a few times.
- No.
14. Did you open up to each other about things you’d normally wouldn’t talk to other people about?
- We did.
- I’m not really sure about this one.
- No, we don’t talk about sensitive topics. We don’t “open up”.
15. How much fun and laughter do you have when around each other?
- We really do have a blast!
- It’s fun, not that big of a deal.
- Not that fun, except for the sexy times.
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Signs he likes you more than a fwb
About Callisto Adams
Callisto Adams has been a dating and relationship expert for more than 6 years.
She is well-read on masculine & feminine psychology, on the primitive biological ‘design’ that shapes our contemporary lives, on romantic connections, and the way that people give and receive the signs of them.
Callisto has experienced the goods and the bad of a romantic relationship, hence the empathy and precision in her advice are undeniable.
Reader Interactions
This Quiz Will Tell You If You're In Love Or In Lust
- by M_Tom
- – on
- in Lifestyle
This is something that so many people ask themselves if a relationship moves a little too quickly and becomes physical before you’ve established boundaries and expectations. But don’t get scared off just yet! That might not be a bad thing, answer these questions about your relationship and we’ll tell you if you’re in love or in lust.
But quickly, let’s discuss the differences: Lust is when you are purely motivated by your own personal needs and desires. Sure, that person might be good looking, or might be someone you’d establish an emotional connection with, but that’s not really what you’re interested in right now. Instead, you’d rather just stay in bed for hours, while avoiding any form of emotional discussion.
Love is the exact opposite; you feel that this person is YOUR person: they GET you, they SUPPORT you and more importantly, YOU support, get and love them! You’re more than willing to sleep with them, but it is the emotional connection you’re looking for, and are excited about.
So, which one do you think is at the foundation of your relationship? Are you sticking with it for love or are this just an extended booty call? It's time to find out by taking this quiz!
Question 1Do you like their personality or looks?
When you’re looking for a relationship, there is one particular trait that you find more necessary than others. For instance, perhaps for you, this person NEEDS to be good-looking, or they NEED to have a good personality.
Question 2Do you cuddle - even if there is no sex?
Cuddling is a grey area: it is something that can often make you feel that you’re in a relationship (even if you’re not, or friends-with-benefits), but it is by no means, an indicator that you are in fact, in a relationship. The more you cuddle without the per-requisite of sex, the more likely you’ll become attached.
Can you look gross around them?
Being able to look less-than-your-best is definitely a relationship definer, it means that you’re comfortable around this person enough to not look sexy (in fact, you’re fine to look completely UN-sexy in front of them and still be comfortable and possibly even expect romantic attention of some sort).
Question 4Do you feel like you have to be on point all the time?
This may sound like the like the last question, but there is a significant difference between the two: on-point is the inference that you’re not even comfortable looking less than your best (I’m talking highest level of hair, facial, body-hair, clothing and full on “wow” factor prep).
Question 5Do you spend more time in bed rather than talking?
When you talk in a relationship you begin to see them as more than just the “hottie with a body”, or the “guy that makes me laugh”, but actually get to know them for WHO THEY ARE (may be a good thing, or a bad thing - honestly depends on if you like them as a person or not).
Do you talk about your lives?
There is a fine line between being polite (i.e. “how was your day?” followed by a “fine”, or some other one-syllable answer with a possible follow-up sentence or two of explanation), and genuinely getting to know the person you’re with (i.e. “how was your day?” followed by “it was great, (insert descriptions about day), how about you?”). Do you put in the extra effort?
Question 7Can you laugh with them?
Laughing with your partner, or the person you’re seeing, is not only a good way to form a positive mental and emotional connection with them, but it adds another positive reinforcement about your relationship in both of your minds. On a more practical note it also demonstrates that you have similar comedic taste - which is just as important, if not more - as having similar moral codes or ambitions in life. While you can laugh with someone that you’re in lust with, it’s not as common.
Do you sleep over?
While you might not always sleep over, them wanting you to, or you wanting them to, opens the door in your relationship for it to progress into something more. It also allows for some pretty epic and long-lasting cuddling.
Question 9Do you go out on dates?
Staying in, cuddling and having epic, long-lasting sex sessions can be great, but if they’re not willing to leave your little love-nest for the occasional date, then there is honestly something a little funky about the relationship.
Question 10Can you see a future with them?
Being able to visualize a future with someone is part of YOUR ability and desire to attempt a relationship with this person. If you honestly cannot see yourself with them, then the relationship is not going to progress. While this isn’t a bad thing, if you can’t see a future with them, you should really confirm that with them (make sure you’re both on the same page).
Are you able to tell them no?
Can you Meghan Trainor them? If you’re not comfortable, or willing, to tell them when you don’t want to do something (such as going camping), and be secure in your relationship and their respect for you in that particular moment, then your relationship will never go anywhere.
Question 12Are you able to stay mad at them?
Being mad at the person you are involved with signifies several things: the first is that you are comfortable with them emotionally and that they are somewhat of a safe-place. Secondly it means that you expect them to listen to your feelings and behave accordingly. Finally it means that you are able to feel more emotions than JUST physical ones, and are not willing to ignore them.
Question 13What happens if you fight?
Fighting is sadly, a natural part of life, especially relationships. However, fighting between couples that are only casual relationships, tend to be the thing that ends whatever it was these two people had going. If you are truly in a relationship then a fight should not derail the whole thing.
Do you buy clothes specifically to wear for them in bed?
Let’s face it, no matter WHERE you are in a relationship, if you know what the person you’re with likes on you, you will automatically make sure to have a few key selections in your wardrobe that can be used for romantic evenings, moments of playful seduction, etc. But do you have a few, or a lot?
Question 15Do you plan your entire get-togethers based off of sex?
All types of couples get to a point in their lives where they plan sex-sessions - I mean, scheduling for the win, right? - but the thing is there is a difference in how this is done in a relationship based on love versus lust.
Are you going to the gym FOR them?
Quite a few people go to the gym to become hot to either stick it to an ex and/or to get the attention of someone they’re specifically looking at. While there is nothing wrong with this type of thinking, there IS a problem when you base the level of attraction you think that person has for you on the level of fitness that you have/maintain.
Question 17Do you make sure you always have sexy underwear on?
Wearing sexy underwear at the exact moment when the person you’re involved with is in the mood is often a very fortuitous moment: you’re prepared, feel sexy and they have a moment of happiness that you anticipated their needs.
Question 18Is it their name or nickname in your phone?
If you’re giving the person you’re sleeping with a nickname that is not either from an inside joke between the two of you, or the stereotypical kind (such as “My Baby”, “Boyfriend/Girlfriend”, “The Love of My Life”, etc. ), then it’s just a relationship that is based off of convenience and your nickname is a reminder of that.
Do you tell your friends about them?
Telling your friends about the person you’re seeing means that you, at least, are willing and ready for this relationship to progress to the next level. It means you’re willing to update them about your relationship, to ask for advice, and even for the person you’re seeing to meet them one day.
Question 20Do you make sure to be extra sexy with everything you do?
If all you’re paying attention to - and want - is sex from this person, then chances are you’re doing everything in your power to ensure that that’s all they think about in correlation to you as well. While there is a point in time where that is normal, and expected, if you’re in lust this phase never leaves.
Question 21Do you try to stay mysterious, or let them know you?
If you want and expect a relationship, then eventually the mystery will have to leave and they’ll have to be familiar with EVERY part of you. But sometimes this amount of familiarity can be a turn off - especially when the other person was only looking for a physical relationship.
Do you shave all the time?
If you shave all the time, not only do you expect sex, but that means you’re making sure everything is perfect. Perfection isn’t a bad thing, but if you’re afraid you won’t get what you want physically unless you’re perfect - there’s a problem.
Question 23Do you only sext?
Sexting is one of the best and worst things about the twenty-first century. It means that you’re able to add an exciting and interesting part of your sex life, while not having to live up to your words until you’re mentally/physically caught up.
Question 24Would you go to them for comfort?
Going to the person you are romantically seeing for comfort about external parts of your life means that you’re wanting/willing to share your life with them, draw them into it, and expect them to help you through whatever you’re going through.
Have you met their friends and family?
Meeting their friends and family REALLY means that you’re no longer in the friends-with-benefits zone, my friend (pun intended). Just like the question where I asked if you told your friends about them, involving friends and family PERSONALLY (as in, they’ve met this person and are now able to know them and make their own opinions based off of this meet and greet) results in a relationship status upgrade - and SOON. Even if you haven’t met them yet and their just talking about it, prepare for a relationship talk.
Best Friends Quiz: 100 Questions to Test Your Bestie in 2022
When I was in high school, 'How well do you know me?' or ' Best Friend Test ' was all the rage. People could test their friends to see who actually knew them best. Of course, this was at the time when ' knowledge of ' was your friend just memorizing his favorite color, birthday, and favorite member of One Direction
But hey, it's had a value of , and that still has a value of today.
Want to test your friends how well they know you? Check out 100 questions below!
- Fact questions
- Favorites Questions
- Image questions
- Which questions do I prefer
- Relationship questions
- Have you ever… Questions
- What would you do if… Questions
- More ideas
Best Friends Quiz
Test your best friends for free! Grab the interactive Best Friend Quiz from AhaSlides template library 👇
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Best Friend Questions
If you're just looking for best friend quiz questions, we've got you covered. Check out 4 rounds of questions perfect for any best friend quiz.
Round 1: Best Friends Facts
- When is my birthday? 🎂
- How many brothers and sisters do I have? 👫
- What is my special talent? ✨
- What is my zodiac sign? ♓
- What do I mainly do in my spare time? 🏃♀️
- What do I dislike most about myself? 😔
- What is my daily routine? ⚽
- Who is my celebrity? ❤️
- What am I most afraid of? 😨
- Who is my worst enemy? 😡
Round #2 - Selected Best Friends
- What is my favorite place in the world? 🌎
- What is my favorite movie? 🎥
- Which Netflix series do I have? 📺
- What is my favorite food? 🍲
- What is my favorite genre of music? 🎼
- What is my favorite day of the week? 📅
- What is my favorite animal? 🐯
- What is my favorite topping for toast? 🍞
- What is my favorite piece of clothing? 👟
- What is my favorite possession? 📱

Round 3 - Pictures of Best Friends
(These questions are best for pictures)
- Which of these am I allergic to? 🤧
- Which one is my first Facebook image? 🖼️
- Which of these pictures looks like me in the morning? 🥱
- What pet have I always wanted? 🐈
- Which of these do I need most in the future?
- What is my favorite breed of dog? 🐶
- What is my worst habit? 👃
- Which one is my favorite group photo? 👪
- What is a scene from my favorite movie? 🎞️
- Which of these jobs is my dream job? 🤩
Round 4 - What do I prefer?
- Tea or coffee? ☕
- Chocolate or ice cream? 🍦
- Day or night? 🌙
- Go out or stay at home? 💃
- Summer or winter? ❄️
- Unsweetened or sweet? 🍩
- Pizza or hamburgers? 🍕
- Movies or music? 🎵
- Mountains or beach? ⛰️
- Early bird or owl? 🦉
These questions are in seconds. Sign up for AhaSlides for free to take the best friend quiz! 👇
More Q&A for Friends
Want to actually delve into your friendship? Here are a bunch more live Q&A questions that friends can ask each other.
You can even use the best friend quiz maker to turn them into quiz questions!
💑 Questions about relationships
The quality of relationships is determined by the people in them. Ask these questions to find out what your friends are really think about their relationship.
- When do you think it's time to break up with a boyfriend or girlfriend?
- What do you think is the difference between "good" and "bad" relationships?
- Do you think it matters if I met a person face to face before I met him?
- How to understand that your relationship is going somewhere?
- What questions do you ask your partner?
- In your opinion, how can I tell if my boyfriend or girlfriend is emotionally healthy?
- What is the best way to know if I am interested in someone?
- How do you deal with breakups?
- How would you describe an ideal relationship?
- How many partners do you think it is normal to have before marriage?
- How do you know that you are in love?
- What is the first thing you do on a first date?
- When do you receive your first gift from your partner?
- How many romantic anniversaries do you celebrate a year?
- Where is the best place to take your partner on your first vacation together?
- Are you satisfied with the intimacy you share with your partner?
- How much do you enjoy spending time with your partner's family?
- How do you and your partner most often show love for each other?
- Have you or your partner changed anything for each other?
- What do you think is the best way to apologize to your partner?
🤔 Have you ever… Questions
We all need a little more fuel to play Never would I ever . These questions will help you learn about your friend's past experiences.
Have you ever…
- Lost your job?
- Was fired?
- Was in a car accident?
- Traveled to another country?
- Have you been to an amusement park?
- Have you been to a concert?
- Had a very bad dream?
- Was in a fistfight?
- Have you seen a UFO?
- Have you been to the Renaissance Fair?
- Quarreled with parents?
- Did you break something on purpose?
- Wrote a love note?
- Was on the verge of death?
- Was your phone stolen?
- Did you ride a horse?
- Fell in love with a teacher?
- Have you seen a tornado?
- Tried to lose weight?
- Got into a fight with a bear?
What would you do if... Questions
People behave differently in different scenarios, so who knows what your friend does when he orders pizza? Better ask these questions!
What would you do if…
- Did you win $50,000?
- You woke up the President of the United States?
- Were you a child again?
- Every time you ordered a pizza, did someone shout "cheese" to you?
- Are you traveling to another country for the first time?
- Were you a character in a fairy tale?
- What would you do if there were no law enforcement?
- You were in charge of the police department?
- Was your friend kidnapped?
- Have you been asked to kill someone?
- Did you find the body?
- Did you know that everything in the world will end tomorrow?
- Did the government take half of your money?
- Were you a dog?
- Are you stranded on a desert island?
- Did the electricity go out in your house?
- Have you been transported to the Middle Ages?
- Did you find out that your best friend is dating your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend?
- Do you have a $100,000 scholarship to study at the worst university in the world?
- Were you a child in the 80s?
💡 Get more questions like this on the parade!
4 more ideas for best friend quiz
Best friend quiz game not always should be about scores and leaderboards. There are so many ways to ask questions that really reveal what your friends think of you .
Try some of these ideas!
# 1 - One word description
Ever wondered how your friends would describe you in one word? And a living word cloud can do it!
Just ask your friends a question and then let them submit their one word answers. When they are ready, the most popular answer will be displayed at the largest scale in the center, and all others will become smaller the smaller they are submitted.
My friends seem to think I'm funny, kind and sweet (and also stupid 😲)
# 2 - Rate me!
We understand that you are a complex person, friends cannot be expected to sum you up in one word, of course?
Well, with scale slide , they don't have to! Zoom slides allow your friends to rate you on different criteria from 1 to 10.
I need to improve my Fortnite skills 🤔
#3 - Our Memories
Give your friends the opportunity to pour their hearts out over your memories together.
An open slide allows your friends to print whatever they want as an answer to your open question. In addition, they can write their name and choose an avatar so you know exactly who is writing what.
# 4 - Ask me anything!
We all love AMAs (Ask Me Anything) - they're great for finding out more about your favorite celebrities and also for letting your friends know a little more about you. Give them the opportunity to ask with live questions and answers.
Using their phones, your friends can send you questions from anywhere with an Internet connection. You can answer them any way you like, pin them for later, mark them as answered, and if you have about 3,000 friends competing for the best friend spot, you can keep the thread of questions super-organized.
Ask the right questions
It's not always easy to know who your best friend is. The right questions can help, and we hope the 100 questions above will help you find yours!
If you're looking for an online best friend quiz maker, try AgaSlides. With this online tool, you can host free quizzes with up to 8 people and purchase more open plans at the best price in the market.
Image courtesy of the BBC
Quiz "My Kalininka!" | Interactive Education
teacher of history and social studies |
The quiz allows not only to show the knowledge that children already have in history and other disciplines, but will help to replenish them with new information. The guys always perceive the game shape better, and the spirit of competition between the teams makes it even more lively. Theme "My Kalininka!" allows you to develop patriotic feelings of love, respect, interest, affection for your small homeland.
Purpose: updating and expanding the existing knowledge of children about the history of their region
– to cultivate respect for native history, culture, science;
- to cultivate a cognitive interest in their small homeland;
- education of patriotism, broadening one's horizons and studying the brightest pages of history.
Equipment: computer, projector
Audience: 6th grade students.
Quiz progress:
Two presenters read the quiz questions, their assistant distributes tokens. A jury of 3 people is selected. Teams answer questions in writing and submit answers. The jury announces the results.
The teams are seated at the tables. Points are awarded for a correct answer. The team with the most points wins. Teams choose captains.
Quiz questions:
1. How old is
A) the Kalinin district? (Founded in 10/20/1980)
B) streets in our area (180)
C) How many schools? (65)
D) How many people can the stadium "Siberia" accommodate? (7420)
2. What is the name?
This memorial square is notable for its unique monument – an atomic reaction frozen in a stone vice. The place for the square was not chosen by chance: it is in the Kalininsky district of Novosibirsk that the Chemical Concentrates Plant, the Sever Production Association, and the Electron Production Assembly and Construction Enterprise are located.
"Mother's Square", which is located in the Kalininsky district, would seem to be unremarkable. A small square between houses, with trees, benches, a sculptural composition in the center ... But a rather interesting story prompted me to look into this calm place.
The square was founded in 1999, on World Earth Day. And the opening of the central composition "Mother and Child" was timed to 2006, which, as we remember, was the year of the family in Russia. This sculpture is the first monument to a woman-mother in our city.
The parish in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Znamenie-Abalatskaya” was created with the blessing of Bishop Tikhon, Administrator of the Novosibirsk diocese (now Metropolitan of Novosibirsk and Berdsk) Tikhon in 1992. Initially, worship services were held in the premises of the ZhEK, however, soon, due to the increased number of parishioners, it was necessary to look for a new, more spacious room. For several years, until the construction of the church was completed, services were held in the building of the former kindergarten, transferred to the Parish (Narodnaya St., 75).
In 1994 Bishop Tikhon consecrated the foundation stone on the site of the future church. On May 19, 1998, on Pascha, the first Liturgy was served in the lower church in the name of the Righteous John the Russian, the confessor, and on December 10, 1998, on the patronal feast, in the main church.
The temple was designed by the architect P.A. Chernobrovtsev, with the active participation of the first rector, Priest (now Archpriest) Andrey Fedorov. A great part in the construction of the temple was taken by the administrations of the Novosibirsk region, the city of Novosibirsk, the Kalininsky district, many enterprises and private entrepreneurs, parishioners, but the late director of the Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant A.I. Belosokhov. In memory of the main builder and benefactor, Alexander Square was laid out near the walls of the Znamensky Church.
Siberia Ice Sports Palace
Pavlovsky square. Memorial to soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War
3. Who is our district named after?
Kalininsky district is the name of administrative and municipal districts in a number of cities and regions of several countries. Named after M. I. Kalinin.
Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin (November 7 [19], 1875 - June 3, 1946) - Russian revolutionary, Soviet statesman and party leader. At 19In 1919, L. D. Trotsky called him the “All-Russian headman”, after 1935 he was called the “All-Union headman”, since from 1919 until the year of his death, Kalinin held the position of nominal head of state (in different years it was called differently) in the RSFSR, and then the USSR. Member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1919-1946). Candidate member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1919-1926), member of the Politburo of the Central Committee (1926-1946). Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (1919-1920, 1924-1925), candidate member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) (1921-1924).
4. In December 1997, the working settlement of ... Pashino was included in the district, which became a kind of enclave of the city.
5. Kalininsky district was formed from part of the territory of ... Dzerzhinsky district.
6. Population of the Kalininsky district as of 01/01/2016…. 194,700 inhabitants - 12.4% of the total population - 3rd place.
7. What universities are geographically located in the Kalinin region?
1. ANO VPO New Siberian Institute of International Relations and Regional Studies.
8. What districts of our city are neighbors and border with the Kalininsky district?
Zaeltsovsky, Central, Dzerzhinsky.
9. What rivers flow in our area?
First and Second Eltsovka
10. Who lives more men or women?
Women 52.8%, men 47.2%
11. Who is more able-bodied or retired?
Population as of 01/01/2016 194 700 inhabitants
Working-age population - 51% (1020 people) Pensioners - 49% (50 183 people)
12. Name the cinemas located in the Kalininsky district.
13. What is the name of the head of administration?
German Nikolayevich Shatula
14. How many housing estates and historical districts are included in the district?
9: Bohdan Khmelnitsky, Klyukvenny, Pashino, Plekhanovsky, Rodniki (6th microdistrict), Northern settlement, Snegiri (5th microdistrict), Sukhoi Log, Yubileyny (4th microdistrict).
10/19/2017 in the Lyceum there was an intellectual game on the history of the Kalinin region among 6th graders.
Won class 6A.