How long do bipolar highs and lows last
NIMH » Bipolar Disorder
Do you have periods of time when you feel unusually “up” (happy and outgoing, or irritable), but other periods when you feel “down” (unusually sad or anxious)? During the “up” periods, do you have increased energy or activity and feel a decreased need for sleep, while during the “down” times you have low energy, hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal thoughts? Do these symptoms of fluctuating mood and energy levels cause you distress or affect your daily functioning? Some people with these symptoms have a lifelong but treatable mental illness called bipolar disorder.
What is bipolar disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that can be chronic (persistent or constantly reoccurring) or episodic (occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals). People sometimes refer to bipolar disorder with the older terms “manic-depressive disorder” or “manic depression.”
Everyone experiences normal ups and downs, but with bipolar disorder, the range of mood changes can be extreme. People with the disorder have manic episodes, or unusually elevated moods in which the individual might feel very happy, irritable, or “up,” with a marked increase in activity level. They might also have depressive episodes, in which they feel sad, indifferent, or hopeless, combined with a very low activity level. Some people have hypomanic episodes, which are like manic episodes, but not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or require hospitalization.
Most of the time, bipolar disorder symptoms start during late adolescence or early adulthood. Occasionally, children may experience bipolar disorder symptoms. Although symptoms may come and go, bipolar disorder usually requires lifelong treatment and does not go away on its own. Bipolar disorder can be an important factor in suicide, job loss, ability to function, and family discord. However, proper treatment can lead to better functioning and improved quality of life.
What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?
Symptoms of bipolar disorder can vary. An individual with the disorder may have manic episodes, depressive episodes, or “mixed” episodes. A mixed episode has both manic and depressive symptoms. These mood episodes cause symptoms that last a week or two, or sometimes longer. During an episode, the symptoms last every day for most of the day. Feelings are intense and happen with changes in behavior, energy levels, or activity levels that are noticeable to others. In between episodes, mood usually returns to a healthy baseline. But in many cases, without adequate treatment, episodes occur more frequently as time goes on.
Symptoms of a Manic Episode | Symptoms of a Depressive Episode |
Feeling very up, high, elated, or extremely irritable or touchy | Feeling very down or sad, or anxious |
Feeling jumpy or wired, more active than usual | Feeling slowed down or restless |
Racing thoughts | Trouble concentrating or making decisions |
Decreased need for sleep | Trouble falling asleep, waking up too early, or sleeping too much |
Talking fast about a lot of different things (“flight of ideas”) | Talking very slowly, feeling unable to find anything to say, or forgetting a lot |
Excessive appetite for food, drinking, sex, or other pleasurable activities | Lack of interest in almost all activities |
Feeling able to do many things at once without getting tired | Unable to do even simple things |
Feeling unusually important, talented, or powerful | Feeling hopeless or worthless, or thinking about death or suicide |
Some people with bipolar disorder may have milder symptoms than others. For example, hypomanic episodes may make an individual feel very good and productive; they may not feel like anything is wrong. However, family and friends may notice the mood swings and changes in activity levels as unusual behavior, and depressive episodes may follow hypomanic episodes.
Types of Bipolar Disorder
People are diagnosed with three basic types of bipolar disorder that involve clear changes in mood, energy, and activity levels. These moods range from manic episodes to depressive episodes.
- Bipolar I disorder is defined by manic episodes that last at least 7 days (most of the day, nearly every day) or when manic symptoms are so severe that hospital care is needed. Usually, separate depressive episodes occur as well, typically lasting at least 2 weeks. Episodes of mood disturbance with mixed features are also possible. The experience of four or more episodes of mania or depression within a year is termed “rapid cycling.”
- Bipolar II disorder is defined by a pattern of depressive and hypomanic episodes, but the episodes are less severe than the manic episodes in bipolar I disorder.
- Cyclothymic disorder (also called cyclothymia) is defined by recurrent hypomanic and depressive symptoms that are not intense enough or do not last long enough to qualify as hypomanic or depressive episodes.
“Other specified and unspecified bipolar and related disorders” is a diagnosis that refers to bipolar disorder symptoms that do not match the three major types of bipolar disorder outlined above.
What causes bipolar disorder?
The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown. However, research suggests that a combination of factors may contribute to the illness.
Bipolar disorder often runs in families, and research suggests this is mostly explained by heredity—people with certain genes are more likely to develop bipolar disorder than others. Many genes are involved, and no one gene can cause the disorder.
But genes are not the only factor. Studies of identical twins have shown that one twin can develop bipolar disorder while the other does not. Though people with a parent or sibling with bipolar disorder are more likely to develop it, most people with a family history of bipolar disorder will not develop it.
Brain Structure and Function
Research shows that the brain structure and function of people with bipolar disorder may differ from those of people who do not have bipolar disorder or other mental disorders. Learning about the nature of these brain changes helps researchers better understand bipolar disorder and, in the future, may help predict which types of treatment will work best for a person with bipolar disorder.
How is bipolar disorder diagnosed?
To diagnose bipolar disorder, a health care provider may complete a physical exam, order medical testing to rule out other illnesses, and refer the person for an evaluation by a mental health professional. Bipolar disorder is diagnosed based on the severity, length, and frequency of an individual’s symptoms and experiences over their lifetime.
Some people have bipolar disorder for years before it’s diagnosed for several reasons. People with bipolar II disorder may seek help only for depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes may go unnoticed. Misdiagnosis may happen because some bipolar disorder symptoms are like those of other illnesses. For example, people with bipolar disorder who also have psychotic symptoms can be misdiagnosed with schizophrenia. Some health conditions, such as thyroid disease, can cause symptoms like those of bipolar disorder. The effects of recreational and illicit drugs can sometimes mimic or worsen mood symptoms.
Conditions That Can Co-Occur With Bipolar Disorder
Many people with bipolar disorder also have other mental disorders or conditions such as anxiety disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), misuse of drugs or alcohol, or eating disorders. Sometimes people who have severe manic or depressive episodes also have symptoms of psychosis, such as hallucinations or delusions. The psychotic symptoms tend to match the person’s extreme mood. For example, someone having psychotic symptoms during a depressive episode may falsely believe they are financially ruined, while someone having psychotic symptoms during a manic episode may falsely believe they are famous or have special powers.
Looking at symptoms over the course of the illness and the person’s family history can help determine whether a person has bipolar disorder along with another disorder.
How is bipolar disorder treated?
Treatment helps many people, even those with the most severe forms of bipolar disorder. Mental health professionals treat bipolar disorder with medications, psychotherapy, or a combination of treatments.
Certain medications can help control the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Some people may need to try several different medications before finding the ones that work best. The most common types of medications that doctors prescribe include mood stabilizers and atypical antipsychotics. Mood stabilizers such as lithium or valproate can help prevent mood episodes or reduce their severity. Lithium also can decrease the risk of suicide. While bipolar depression is often treated with antidepressant medication, a mood stabilizer must be taken as well, as an antidepressant alone can trigger a manic episode or rapid cycling in a person with bipolar disorder. Medications that target sleep or anxiety are sometimes added to mood stabilizers as part of a treatment plan.
Talk with your health care provider to understand the risks and benefits of each medication. Report any concerns about side effects to your health care provider right away. Avoid stopping medication without talking to your health care provider first. Read the latest medication warnings, patient medication guides, and information on newly approved medications on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website.
Psychotherapy (sometimes called “talk therapy”) is a term for various treatment techniques that aim to help a person identify and change troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Psychotherapy can offer support, education, skills, and strategies to people with bipolar disorder and their families.
Some types of psychotherapy can be effective treatments for bipolar disorder when used with medications, including interpersonal and social rhythm therapy, which aims to understand and work with an individual’s biological and social rhythms. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an important treatment for depression, and CBT adapted for the treatment of insomnia can be especially helpful as a component of the treatment of bipolar depression. Learn more on NIMH’s psychotherapies webpage.
Other Treatments
Some people may find other treatments helpful in managing their bipolar disorder symptoms.
- Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a brain stimulation procedure that can help relieve severe symptoms of bipolar disorder. ECT is usually only considered if an individual’s illness has not improved after other treatments such as medication or psychotherapy, or in cases that require rapid response, such as with suicide risk or catatonia (a state of unresponsiveness).
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a type of brain stimulation that uses magnetic waves, rather than the electrical stimulus of ECT, to relieve depression over a series of treatment sessions. Although not as powerful as ECT, TMS does not require general anesthesia and presents little risk of memory or adverse cognitive effects.
- Light Therapy is the best evidence-based treatment for seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and many people with bipolar disorder experience seasonal worsening of depression in the winter, in some cases to the point of SAD. Light therapy could also be considered for lesser forms of seasonal worsening of bipolar depression.
Complementary Health Approaches
Unlike specific psychotherapy and medication treatments that are scientifically proven to improve bipolar disorder symptoms, complementary health approaches for bipolar disorder, such as natural products, are not based on current knowledge or evidence. For more information, visit the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health website.
Coping With Bipolar Disorder
Living with bipolar disorder can be challenging, but there are ways to help yourself, as well as your friends and loved ones.
- Get treatment and stick with it. Treatment is the best way to start feeling better.
- Keep medical and therapy appointments and talk with your health care provider about treatment options.
- Take medication as directed.
- Structure activities. Keep a routine for eating, sleeping, and exercising.
- Try regular, vigorous exercise like jogging, swimming, or bicycling, which can help with depression and anxiety, promote better sleep, and is healthy for your heart and brain.
- Keep a life chart to help recognize your mood swings.
- Ask for help when trying to stick with your treatment.
- Be patient. Improvement takes time. Social support helps.
Remember, bipolar disorder is a lifelong illness, but long-term, ongoing treatment can help manage symptoms and enable you to live a healthy life.
Are there clinical trials studying bipolar disorder?
NIMH supports a wide range of research, including clinical trials that look at new ways to prevent, detect, or treat diseases and conditions—including bipolar disorder. Although individuals may benefit from being part of a clinical trial, participants should be aware that the primary purpose of a clinical trial is to gain new scientific knowledge to help others in the future. Researchers at NIMH and around the country conduct clinical trials with patients and healthy volunteers. Talk to a health care provider about clinical trials, their benefits and risks, and whether one is right for you. For more information, visit the NIMH clinical trials webpage.
Finding Help
Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
This online resource, provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), can help you locate mental health treatment facilities and programs. Find a facility in your state by searching SAMHSA’s online Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator. For additional resources, visit NIMH's Help for Mental Illnesses webpage.
Talking to a Health Care Provider About Your Mental Health
If you or someone you know is in immediate distress or is thinking about hurting themselves, call or text the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 or chat at You can also contact the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741). For medical emergencies, call 911.
Communicating well with a health care provider can improve your care and help you both make good choices about your health. Find tips to help prepare for and get the most out of your visit. For additional resources, including questions to ask a provider, visit the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality website.
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MedlinePlus (National Library of Medicine) (en español) (en español)
National Institutes of Health
NIH Publication No. 22-MH-8088
Revised 2022
How Long Will a Bipolar Manic Episode Last?
Bipolar disorder includes manic, and sometimes also depressive, episodes. Here’s how long symptoms of mania and its derivatives can last, depending on your type of bipolar disorder.
People with bipolar disorder experience manic episodes, as well as depressive episodes, of varying lengths. Hypomania is different from mania, and a third type of bipolar disorder can manifest with symptoms of hypomania.
When you’re experiencing a manic episode, you may find that you have more energy and an abnormally elevated mood — be it good or irritable. Your inhibitions may also be lowered. You may often struggle to sleep or relax during these episodes.
While you can’t predict exactly how long a manic episode will last, remembering that it won’t last forever can help you get through it.
The length of manic or hypomanic symptoms depends on the type of bipolar disorder you have, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. The length can also vary from person to person. If you’re undergoing treatment, the manic episode might be shorter or less intense.
Generally speaking, these are the durations:
You can learn all the facts on bipolar disorder here.
As mentioned above, symptoms of mania differ by disorder.
A manic episode is characterized by these outward signs:
- hyperactivity
- problems sleeping or resting
- rapid speech
- restlessness, fidgeting
- heightened irritability
- extreme happiness and excitement
During periods of mania, you may make decisions that can result in long-term consequences. You might also create elaborate plans or start new business ventures.
The difference between mania and hypomania is that hypomania is less intense and shorter in duration.
Cyclothymia features only symptoms of hypomania, which is why it’s often underdiagnosed and misdiagnosed.
If you’re currently experiencing a manic episode, there are a few things you can do.
- Reach out to your treatment team. Your doctor, psychiatrist, or therapist can help you navigate your episode. They may recommend that you start or change medication.
- Avoid mind-altering substances like alcohol or recreational drugs. Becoming intoxicated can worsen your manic episode or interfere with your medication management.
- Get plenty of sleep. It might be hard to sleep during a manic episode, but try to go to bed and wake up at a regular time. You might find that certain sleep hygiene practices help.
- Eat according to a regular schedule.
Hunger can destabilize your mood. Reduce your consumption of caffeine and sugary foods, as these can also affect your mood.
- Spend time with others. If you attend a support group, this might be helpful. Spending time with people close to you and your condition can help you feel more validated and less isolated.
- Stay consistent with meds. No matter whether you’re experiencing a manic episode or not, it’s important to consistently take medication that’s been prescribed to you according to your doctor’s directions. Setting a reminder on your phone might help you during episodes.
Experiencing a manic episode can be difficult and stressful. The good news is that, with the help of your therapist and doctor, you can navigate your manic episode well. During manic episodes, it’s important to keep taking your medication and maintaining a regular and healthy schedule.
Want to learn more about creating a routine to manage bipolar disorder? You can get tips here.
Bipolar Disorder | Symptoms, complications, diagnosis and treatment
Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). Episodes of mood swings may occur infrequently or several times a year.
When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities. When the mood shifts to mania or hypomania (less extreme than mania), you may feel euphoric, full of energy or unusually irritable. These mood swings can affect sleep, energy, alertness, judgment, behavior, and the ability to think clearly. nine0003
Although bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, you can manage your mood swings and other symptoms by following a treatment plan. In most cases, bipolar disorder is treated with medication and psychological counseling (psychotherapy).
There are several types of bipolar and related disorders. These may include mania, hypomania, and depression. The symptoms can lead to unpredictable changes in mood and behavior, leading to significant stress and difficulty in life. nine0003
- Bipolar disorder I. You have had at least one manic episode, which may be preceded or accompanied by hypomanic or major depressive episodes. In some cases, mania can cause a break with reality (psychosis).
- Bipolar disorder II. You have had at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode, but never had a manic episode. nine0015 Cyclothymic disorder. You have had at least two years - or one year in children and adolescents - many periods of hypomanic symptoms and periods of depressive symptoms (though less severe than major depression).
- Other types. These include, for example, bipolar and related disorders caused by certain drugs or alcohol, or due to health conditions such as Cushing's disease, multiple sclerosis, or stroke.
Bipolar II is not a milder form of Bipolar I but is a separate diagnosis. Although bipolar I manic episodes can be severe and dangerous, people with bipolar II can be depressed for longer periods of time, which can cause significant impairment.
Although bipolar disorder can occur at any age, it is usually diagnosed in adolescence or early twenties. Symptoms can vary from person to person, and symptoms can change over time. nine0003
Mania and hypomania
Mania and hypomania are two different types of episodes, but they share the same symptoms. Mania is more pronounced than hypomania and causes more noticeable problems at work, school, and social activities, as well as relationship difficulties. Mania can also cause a break with reality (psychosis) and require hospitalization.
Both a manic episode and a hypomanic episode include three or more of these symptoms:
- Abnormally optimistic or nervous
- Increased activity, energy or excitement
- Exaggerated sense of well-being and self-confidence (euphoria)
- Reduced need for sleep
- Unusual talkativeness
- Distractibility
- Poor decision-making - for example, in speculation, in sexual encounters or in irrational investments
Major depressive episode
Major depressive episode includes symptoms that are severe enough to cause noticeable difficulty in daily activities such as work, school, social activities, or relationships. Episode includes five or more of these symptoms:
- Depressed mood, such as feeling sad, empty, hopeless, or tearful (in children and adolescents, depressed mood may manifest as irritability)
- Marked loss of interest or feeling of displeasure in all (or nearly all) activities
- Significant weight loss with no diet, weight gain, or decreased or increased appetite (in children, failure to gain weight as expected may be a sign of depression)
- Either insomnia or sleeping too much
- Either anxiety or slow behavior
- Fatigue or loss of energy nine0015 Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt
- Decreased ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness
- Thinking, planning or attempting suicide
Other features of bipolar disorder
Signs and symptoms of bipolar I and bipolar II disorder may include other signs such as anxiety disorder, melancholia, psychosis, or others. The timing of symptoms may include diagnostic markers such as mixed or fast cycling. In addition, bipolar symptoms may occur during pregnancy or with the change of seasons. nine0003
When to see a doctor
Despite extreme moods, people with bipolar disorder often do not realize how much their emotional instability disrupts their lives and the lives of their loved ones and do not receive the necessary treatment.
And if you are like people with bipolar disorder, you can enjoy feelings of euphoria and be more productive. However, this euphoria is always accompanied by an emotional disaster that can leave you depressed and possibly in financial, legal, or other bad relationships. nine0003
If you have symptoms of depression or mania, see your doctor or mental health professional. Bipolar disorder does not improve on its own. Getting mental health treatment with a history of bipolar disorder can help control your symptoms.
Tests for Bipolar Disorder: Screening, Diagnosis and Results
Bipolar disorder used to be called manic-depressive disorder. This is a brain disorder in which people experience extreme highs and, in some cases, extreme lows. These shifts can affect a person's ability to perform everyday tasks. nine0003
Bipolar disorder is a chronic disorder that is usually diagnosed in late adolescence or early adulthood.
Ranked 4.4 by the National Institute of Mental Health American adults and children will experience bipolar disorder at some point in their lives. Experts aren't sure what exactly causes bipolar disorder. Family history may increase the risk.
It is important to see a doctor if you suspect that you may be exhibiting symptoms of bipolar disorder. This will help to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. nine0003
Read on to find out how medical and mental health professionals diagnose this disorder.
Current screening tests for bipolar disorder are not working properly. The most common report is the Mood Disorders Questionnaire (MDQ).
Results from a 2019 study showed that people who scored positive on MDQ were more likely to have borderline personality disorder as well as bipolar disorder. nine0003
You can try some online tests if you suspect you have bipolar disorder. These screening tests will ask you a lot of questions to determine if you have symptoms of a manic or depressive episode. However, many of these screening tools are "homebrew" and may not be suitable for measuring bipolar disorder.
Symptoms of mood swings include:
Mania or hypomania (less severe) Depression that experiences mild to extreme emotional response, increased interest in most activities, higher than normal self-esteem with weight change, or reduced appetite , the need to change sleep, if you think or speak faster than usual, and less attention, difficulty. focusing or concentrating on feelings of guilt, focusing on or engaging in pleasurable activities that can have negative consequences, suicidal thoughts most days, and high irritability
These tests should not replace professional diagnosis. People who undergo a screening test are more likely to have depressive symptoms than a manic episode. As a result, the diagnosis of bipolar disorder is often overlooked in the diagnosis of depression.
It should be noted that only the presence of a manic episode is required for a diagnosis of bipolar 1. A person with bipolar 1 disorder may or may not have a major depressive episode. A person with Bipolar 2 will have a hypomanic episode preceded or followed by a major depressive episode. nine0003
Get medical help right away if you or someone else experiences behavior that could lead to self-harm or harm to others, or if you are thinking about suicide.
Sample questions from the screening test for bipolar disorder
Some of the screening questions include questions about whether you had episodes of mania and depression and how they affected your daily activities:
- In the past 2 weeks, you have been so depressed that were unable to work or had difficulty working, and did you experience at least four of the following symptoms? nine0014
- Loss of interest in most types of activity
- Change in appetite or weight
- Problem with a dream
- Irritability
- Humor
- Higherness and helplessness
- Problems with focusing
- LIVER IS PRODUCT between high and low periods, and how long do these periods last? Determining how long episodes last is an important step in determining whether a person has true bipolar disorder or a personality disorder such as borderline personality disorder (BPD).
- Do you feel more energetic or hyperactive during peak episodes than during normal times?
The best rating can be given by a medical professional. They will also look at your symptom history, any medications you are taking, other medical conditions, and family history in order to make a diagnosis.
When bipolar disorder is diagnosed, the usual method is to rule out other health conditions or disorders first. nine0003
Your PCP:
- get a physical exam
- order blood and urine tests
- ask about your mood and behavior for a psychological assessment
If your health care provider does not find a medical reason, they will refer you to a specialist in the field of mental health, such as a psychiatrist. A mental health professional may prescribe medications to treat this condition.
You can also consult a psychologist who can teach you techniques to help you detect and manage changes in your mood. nine0003
Criteria for bipolar disorder are provided in the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Diagnosis can take - even several sessions. The symptoms of bipolar disorder usually overlap with those of other psychiatric disorders.
The timing of mood swings in bipolar disorder is not always predictable. In the case of fast driving, the mood can change from manic to depressive four or more times a year. There may also be a "mixed episode" when both manic and depressive symptoms are present. nine0003
When your mood turns into mania, you may experience a sudden decrease in depressive symptoms, or you may suddenly feel incredibly good and energetic. But there will be clear changes in mood, energy levels and activity. These changes are not always so sudden and can happen within a few weeks.
Even in cases of rapid cycling or mixed episodes, bipolar diagnosis requires someone to experience:
- per week per episode of mania (of any duration while hospitalized)
- 4 days for an episode of hypomania
- major interventional episode of depression lasting 2 weeks.
There are four types of bipolar disorder, and the criteria for each are slightly different. Your psychiatrist, therapist, or psychologist will help you determine what type you had based on their examinations.
Type Manic episodes Bipolar 1 depressive episodes lasting at least 7 days or so severe that hospitalization is required. lasts at least 2 weeks and may be interrupted by manic episodes. Bipolar 2 disorder is less severe than bipolar 1 disorder (episodes of hypomania), often severe and alternating with hypomanic episodes. at least 2 years in adults and 1 year in children and adolescents
Other specified and unspecified bipolar and related disorders are another type of bipolar disorder. You can get this type if your symptoms don't fit the three types listed.
The best way to manage bipolar disorder and its symptoms is long-term treatment. Health professionals usually prescribe a combination of medication, psychotherapy, and home therapy.
Some medicines can help stabilize your mood. It's important to call your doctor frequently if you experience any side effects or don't see your mood stabilize. Some common medicines include:
- mood stabilizers such as lithium (lithobid), valproic acid (depakin) or lamaotrigin (lamictal)
- neuroleptics such as olanzapine (ziprexa), risperidone (risperdal), quetiapine (seroquel) and aripiprazole (abilify)
- antidepressants such as Paxil
- antidepressant antipsychotics such as Symbyax, a combination of fluoxetine and olanzapine
- Anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines (such as Valium or Xanax)
Other medical interventions
If medications don't work, your doctor may recommend:
- Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). ECT involves electrical currents that are passed through the brain to induce a seizure, which can help with both mania and depression.
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). TMS regulates mood in people who do not respond to antidepressants, but its use in bipolar disorder is still evolving and further research is needed.
Psychotherapy is also a key part of the treatment of bipolar disorder. It can be done in an individual, family or group environment.
Some psychotherapies that may be helpful include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT is used to help replace negative thoughts and behaviors with positive ones, learn to manage symptoms, and manage stress better.
- Psychoeducation. Psychoeducation is used to teach you more about bipolar disorder to help you make better decisions about care and treatment. nine0018
- Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT). IPSRT is used to help you create a consistent daily routine for sleep, diet, and exercise.
- Talk therapy. Talking therapy is used to help you express your feelings and discuss your problems face to face.
Home Therapy
Some lifestyle changes can reduce your mood and your ability to ride a bike.
Changes include attempts:
- abstain from alcohol and drugs that are frequently abused
- avoid unhealthy relationships
- exercise at least 30 minutes a day
- sleep at least 7-9 hours a night
- eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
Takeaway meals
Talk to your doctor if medications and treatments do not relieve your symptoms.