Girlfriend evaluation form

Girlfriend Written Performance Evaluation |

Matthew Bowers' Girlfriend Written Performance Evaluation caters to all boyfriends. Meaning both the nice ones and the honest ones. The nice ones can blanket graded areas ranging from Cooking to Money & Finances to Gaming with high marks and schmoopy reviewer comments. Basically, they can lie. And probably get a night or two of mediocre sexy time as a result. The honest ones, though, will use this evaluation to provide their girlfriends an invaluable service: succinct, numerically-based insight not only into what the ladies are doing improperly, but also into how they can improve their ratings and become the type of significant other their boyfriends no longer make every effort to avoid discussing at poker night.

Sure, men, you may get dumped and clawed in the face with acrylic nails at first, but she'll come around. Because women are reflective and rational...wait, no, those aren't the right words. ..I meant women are...hold on, let me refer to my notes.... Ah yes, here it is. Women are crazy and obsessive. So if you plant a few seeds of suggested improvement in their brains, while they may initially lash out, after a few nights home alone with Schweddy Balls Ben & Jerry's and Dirty Dancing on VHS, they will realize you are right. Or at least that if they don't concede you are right, they will be down one boyfriend and up 3 to 5 pounds, plus a melancholy week of mourning Patrick Swayze's death all over again*.

See, it's going to be a Happy Valentine's Day after all.

The Girlfriend Written Performance Evaluation contains 30 Review Categories, each with its own topical line items for grading on the following scale:

  • 1 = Unsatisfactory
  • 2 = Needs Improvement
  • 3 = Meets Requirements
  • 4 = Exceeds Requirements
  • 5 = Outstanding
  • N/A = Not Applicable

For example, the Gaming category covers specifics including:

  • Has basic knowledge of all major gaming platforms and genres.
  • Develops gameplay skills when playing new or unfamiliar games.
  • Speaks and understands gameplay vernacular.
  • Tolerates and supports occasional binge gaming sessions.
  • Overall rating.

And for Oral Communication:

  • Engages in appropriate conversation and only at appropriate times and places.
  • Communicates in a concise and effective manner, gets to the point.
  • Listens well and responds appropriately to matters important to boyfriend.
  • Keeps boyfriend informed about important events and engagements.
  • Speaks at appropriate pitch and volume.
  • Overall rating.

As of yet, there is no complementary Boyfriend Written Performance Evaluation available for purchase, but given that girlfriends seem to have no problem verbally updating their boyfriends on a daily--sometimes hourly--basis on how they're doing, how things are going, how they're making their girlfriends feel, and how they would be way better if they changed pretty much every defining personality trait they have, a bound publication to assist in these efforts doesn't really seem necessary.

*Should your girlfriend's reactionary dumping stick, I highly recommend a Girlfriend Pillow replacement. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.

An Annual Performance Review for Your Relationship

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An Annual Performance Review for Your Relationship

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“Most couples enter therapy 8 years too late.” I don’t know if this is true or if it’s an exaggeration, but it’s conventional wisdom I’ve heard repeated time and time again in the field of relationship counseling.

Whether the number 8 is correct or not, my experience counseling couples certainly reflects that many couples come in once they’re past the point of no return. By the time they land in my office, most couples have had a lot of time to accumulate hurt and let it fester. Sometimes we can unearth this hurt together and look at it from a different perspective or with more compassion, and help the relationship return to its previous, flourishing state.

But sometimes it’s just too ingrained. The relationship has become synonymous with a lack of trust and respect over the previous eight (or however many) years, and there’s just no untangling the two.


Why do people wait so long?

It’s really understandable that people wait so long to seek help. Telling your significant other that you want to go to couples therapy takes courage, and a lot of people fear the discussion that could ensue if they bring the T-word (therapy, that is) into their relationship. This suggestion could result in any of the following scary outcomes:

  • Your partner expresses that they’re unwilling to work on the problems in your relationship.
  • Your partner dismisses your feelings and tells you that from their perspective, the relationship is fine as it is.
  • The suggestion explodes into a huge argument.
  • You and your partner have to admit that you’re not able to reconcile the problems in your relationship without the help of a trained professional.
  • You go to couples therapy and discover that you and your partner have irreconcilable differences and are better off apart.

Of course, another possible outcome of this conversation is that you go to therapy, work on your problems, and find:

  • A more fulfilling relationship
  • A more peaceful and happy home
  • Improved communication that will see you through challenges that, inevitably, arise when two people share a life
  • A rekindling of feelings of mutual love and respect
  • Developing a new, more mature type of relationship with your partner

But when you’re considering whether to seek therapy, these possibilities can easily take a backseat to your discomfort about discussing it, and the fears listed above.

I was talking about this with a friend, and she suggested that part of the problem is that most couples don’t have any tool in place to help them regularly check in about the health of their relationship. I nodded in assent. “That’s right. In a workplace, you have an annual performance review to tell you how you’re doing – where your strengths are, and what you need to work on. Relationships don’t have anything like that.” Then I paused. “But maybe they should…”

In that spirit, I have created an Annual Performance Review for Relationships. Feel free to use this with your partner on a regular basis to gauge where you are together, and whether any domains could use some attention.


How to Use This Tool

Before I discuss how to use this tool, I want to talk about how not to use this tool. It should not be used to chastise or criticize your partner. For example, you may be tempted to pull it out in the middle of an argument: “You never listen when I talk! Here, I found this on the Through the Woods Therapy Center website. Go. Fill it out. And I’ll fill it out too so you can see what a selfish jerk I think you are!” This is setting yourself up for failure, because then the tool is inextricable from the argument during which it was proposed.

Instead of pulling it out in the heat of the moment, try suggesting it gently when you and your partner are getting along well. (If you can’t find a moment like that, that’s also information to consider!) I recommend scheduling it on a once a year basis – maybe at the end of December, or perhaps on the six month mark from your anniversary. (You probably want to stay away from occasions that have a lot of emotional weight, such as your anniversary itself.) Or throw a dart at a calendar and make that the date you do this each year. Like a work review, using this tool should be routine rather than emotional. “It’s April 3rd – time to check in and see how we’re doing this year” is much better than “You’re such a jerk! I’m going to go fill out the Review form to give you a piece of my mind!”

You can also use it on an as-needed basis if you and your partner agree that there seem to be pervasive tensions bubbling in your relationship, but it should always be initiated in a moment of calm, and with loving intentions.

The other important point I want to make about how to use this tool is that it is not a definitive directive or set of guidelines. You’ll notice that even though the items are scored with a numerical (1-5) scale, at no point are you asked to add these numbers up. This is not a “Cosmo Quiz” and you won’t see anything like: “A score above 43 indicates that your relationship is in Hot Water! Seek therapy quickly!”

What this is is a tool to facilitate communication. Maybe you thought everything was fine with the way your marriage is standing up to the challenges of parenting, but your partner has a different perspective. Perhaps you realize after using this tool that you’re not all that sexually satisfied in your relationship. All this means is that there are areas you and your partner should discuss. And then, if you learn that some things are irreconcilable, it may be time to discuss whether it’s time to consider couples therapy.

So, without further ado, I give you…


Annual Performance Review for Your Relationship

In thinking about your relationship over the course of the last year, rate each statement 1-5 according to the following scale:

  • 1 – Completely disagree
  • 2 – Somewhat disagree
  • 3 – Neither agree nor disagree
  • 4 – Somewhat agree
  • 5 – Completely agree
  • N/A – This does not apply to my relationship


This category addresses how well you and your partner are able to talk about things and feel heard, comforted, and respected.

___ I feel respected by my partner.

___ I feel that my partner listens when I talk to them.

___ My partner knows how to respond to my emotions in a way that helps me to feel validated and understood.

___ I feel valued by my partner.

___ Even if my partner disagrees with my actions, I feel that they still love and care about me.

___ When I need my partner, they are there for me.

___ I trust my partner.

___ Excluding surprises that are in the works, I am not keeping any secrets from my partner.

___ I would describe my relationship as extremely healthy and happy.


All couples argue and disagree sometimes, but research shows that what happens in these moments impacts a relationship’s health even in moment of peace.

___ I feel loved even when my partner and I argue or disagree.

___ My partner “fights fair” – no name-calling, dragging up old disagreements, or ultimatums.

___ It is safe for me to express my emotions with my partner, even in times of discord.

___ My partner and I have no lingering, unresolved arguments that impact our daily interactions.

___ My partner apologizes to me when they have done something that hurts me.

___ When I apologize to my partner, they are receptive to receiving the sentiment.

___ My partner picks their battles.

___ My partner is willing to compromise


Similar values, as well as respect for differing values, are highly important to a healthy relationship.

___ My partner and I have similar values.

___ Where my values differ from my partner’s, we are able to reconcile this peacefully.

___ My partner and I have similar political views. Or, if we don’t, we are respectful and agree to disagree.

___ My partner and I have similar religious views. Or, if we don’t, we are respectful and agree to disagree.

___ If my partner chooses to use substances (alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs), it does not negatively impact our relationship.

___ My partner and I have defined which household responsibilities belong to whom, and we generally adhere to these.

___ My partner’s technology use is reasonable and does not interfere with our relationship.

___ I accept my partner as they are.

___ My partner respects my need for “me time”.

___ My partner and I respect (and perhaps even enjoy) each other’s families.


Couples approach sex differently, but healthy sexual communication is vital to understanding your partner’s needs. Additionally, changes in a couple’s sex life can sometimes (but not always) be the “canary in the coal mine” – the first sign that other things aren’t going well.

___ I am satisfied with the quality of sex in my relationship.

___ I am satisfied with the frequency of sex in my relationship.

___ I feel secure in my sexuality and safe to express my desires to my partner.

___ My partner provides a satisfying sexual experience and knows what I like and dislike.

___ If there is a disparity between how often I want sex and how often my partner wants sex, we have come to a compromise that works well for me.

___ I feel comfortable talking to my partner about the things I enjoy about sex.

___ I feel comfortable talking to my partner about the things I do not enjoy about sex.

___ There is an easy way in my relationship to express that I am not in the mood for sex without being made to feel guilty.

___ I am not worried about the possibility of infidelity in my relationship.*

*For polyamorous or open relationships: Define infidelity in whatever terms make sense, given the rules you and your partner(s) have established in your relationship.

Life Goals

When you make a long-term commitment to another person, it’s important to ensure that you both want the same things in the long-run.

___ My partner is supportive of my career.

___ My partner is supportive of my family relationships.

___ My partner is supportive of my friendships.

___ My partner and I have a clear vision for our shared future.

___ I know what my partner’s hopes are in regards to family, career, residence, and lifestyle, and these things are compatible with what I want.

___ If I have a clear vision of what I want for myself as an individual, it is compatible with my partner’s vision of what they want for their future. If I don’t have a clear vision of what I want for myself as an individual, my partner is patient and helpful while I figure it out.

Parenting (if relevant)

Many relationships struggle significantly after a couple has children, both due to stress related directly to parenting, and due to decreased focus on the couple’s bond.

___My partner and I agree on parenting style.

___ I feel that my partner carries their weight in regards to childcare responsibilities.

___ My voice is heard in consideration of parenting decisions.

___ My partner and I maintain a united front. (That is, even if we disagree, we have a single voice in front of the children. )

___ My partner and I have established a workable division of labor in regards to parenting responsibilities.

___ My partner and I regularly have conversations about things other than our children.

___ I feel at least as close to my partner as I did before we were parents.


Money is one of the top things that couples argue over. Research shows that it’s not having money that’s important; it’s having similar values about how to spend the money that you do have.

___ My partner and I agree about how to spend money.

___ My partner and I agree about how to save money.

___ My partner is thoughtful about large purchases and we discuss them together.

___ When money is tight, we can discuss our budget without doing damage to our relationship.

___ If there is a large income disparity between my partner and myself, it doesn’t have a significant impact on our power dynamics.


Relationships aren’t all about work! Couples who play together stay together.

___ I have fun with my partner.

___ My partner and I have shared interests that we enjoy exploring together.

___ My partner and I support and encourage each other’s separate interests.

___ My partner and I regularly go on “dates” and have a good time.

___ My partner and I find small bits of silliness and fun in everyday life.

___ My partner is my best friend.

___ My partner regularly does little things to let me know that they are thinking of me.

___ My partner and I laugh together every day.


Topics for Further Discussion

Once you and your partner have each completed this tool in its entirety, sit down together and look at one area at a time. Here are some questions to guide you:

  • Where are you and your partner doing really well? What’s working in those domains?
  • What excites you about your relationship? What, specifically, are some things that your partner has done in the past year that makes you feel very loved and connected?
  • Where are you feeling dissatisfied? Where is your partner feeling dissatisfied?
  • What are some specific things that you can do differently to improve the areas where your partner has expressed dissatisfaction over the next year?
  • What are your and your partner’s hopes for your relationship over the course of the next year?



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12 signs of a true friend

  1. Compositions
  2. Man
  3. Description of a person's appearance

In the essay I will tell about my friend Marina. We have been friends with Marina since the first grade and even sit at the same desk.

Marina has a beautiful round face. Small, slightly convex forehead. Her skin is fair, and her cheeks are flushed. The eyebrows are dark, in an even semicircle.

The nose is small, straight, slightly upturned. When Marina laughs, she wrinkles her nose, and it looks funny. nine0011

Eyes large, blue-gray, with long thick eyelashes. The expression of the eyes is always friendly and kind. But sometimes, when Marina gets angry, her eyes turn dark and green. And when not angry, they are radiant. If Marina thinks, she squints her eyes a little and takes them aside.

Lips are pink and even. The teeth are white. When Marina smiles, funny dimples appear on her cheeks. She laughs often and with pleasure. Laughter is loud and cheerful.

The ears are small and close to the head. She has silver heart-shaped earrings in her earlobes. nine0011

My friend's hair is dark and wavy, cut neatly. Length - just below the shoulders. She has a straight bang on her forehead. Most often, she collects her hair in a ponytail at the back of her head. But sometimes she braids two pigtails and secures them with beautiful elastic bands. For the holidays, Marina lets her hair down and collects it under a headband. Marina's height is average. She is slim. The posture is straight, the shoulders are slightly thrown back. Marina never slouches, sits or stands always straight. She has a long slender neck. This is especially evident when she makes a ponytail on her head, and her neck is open. nine0011

Marina has very beautiful, smooth, long fingers, probably because she plays the piano.

When speaking, Marina does not gesticulate very much and does not wave her arms. But when he wants to highlight some moment in speech, he raises his index finger.

Girlfriend is dressing neatly and beautifully. He especially likes to dress up in skirts and blouses. Sometimes she wears jeans and sweaters, they suit her too. He wears a beautiful watch or a plastic bracelet on his hand. nine0011

I really enjoy being friends with Marina. I like her attractive appearance and her kind, sympathetic nature.

Description of a person's appearance Girlfriends composition

Frankly speaking, I have many good, loyal friends. They are my classmates, boys and girls from my city. But my best friend for more than 5 years is Elizabeth. She looks good, she is 17 years old. Lisa is not very tall, but she has a very attractive body. Every day she goes in for sports and attends yoga classes twice a week, so her figure is beautiful, athletic, toned. Of course, the ideal figure is only a part of beauty. After all, only a combination of a beautiful body, spirit and mind can make a person beautiful, even if the facial features are generally ordinary. nine0011

Elizabeth has straight, long, blond hair that she often wears in a bun. She has blue eyes and long dark eyelashes, as well as large lips, which she always tints with a transparent gloss. She has an oval face and a small nose. Lisa is always very elegant and wears fashionable clothes. I can tell her charm is irresistible.

In short, Elizabeth is a beautiful, attractive girl. But in my opinion, inner beauty is more important than physical beauty. Lisa is a well-mannered, cheerful and kind person. She is very tactful, sensitive, moderately emotional, witty, generous and with a very kind heart. nine0011

Essay characterization of a friend Grade 8 Russian

A true friend is the closest person after your parents with whom you can share trouble and joy, and he will share with you both good and bad. This is my best friend - sincere, honest, faithful and kind. We have been friends for more than five years, and she is like a sister to me. My best friend's name is Olya, we go to a dance club together and live in neighboring entrances.
Olya is a very kind and sociable girl. She is older than me by a year. It is always interesting and fun with her; like a good friend, she never lets me get bored or sad. If I'm in a bad mood, she never asks questions, but just comes up with some fun activities for us and distracts. And the most important thing is that I can tell her any secret, and she will never spill it. nine0011

My friend is very smart, she studies well and often participates in various competitions. She is especially good at languages: Russian and English. I think that she will definitely achieve a lot in life. She is not only smart by nature, but also diligent, she likes to study and learn new things. Olya loves to read books, especially exciting fantasy stories. We also often go to the cinema together and watch interesting films.

Olya has a good family: caring parents and a funny younger brother who is only two years old. When I come to visit her, we play with Maxim and amuse him. He always laughs when we fool around. I think that he was very lucky with his sister, because Olya loves him very much and will always protect and support him. A friend sometimes helps me with my lessons, because she is older than me and has already gone through all this at school. Olya makes me smarter. nine0011

I really like that my friend never lies. She hates lies, so she always tries to tell the truth to everyone. I am sure that she will never deceive me. Our friendship will continue for many, many years, until old age, and we will never betray each other. Better friends than Olya cannot be found in the whole world. I wish everyone to have just such friends: honest and sincere, loyal and smart. They should be near and in difficult, and in a fun moment. My best friend is just like that, she will always support when it’s bad and cheer me up. You will never get bored with her. Olya replaces my sister, and I am sure that our friendship will never end. nine0011

Another essay from a 8th grade student on the topic “Characteristics of a person” (about a friend)

I think that Lena is an extraordinary person. It affects me only positively. I always consult with her on any issue, although Lena never forces me to do anything.

Lena's character is calm. I have never seen her angry, but she is often serious. My girlfriend can be characterized as a very responsible person. She is a good organizer, she does everything quickly and accurately. nine0011

Lena and I are always together: at school, in the yard and doing gymnastics. I went to the hall with Lena, who persuaded my parents. Lena during training sometimes starts fun workouts that allow you to escape from monotonous exercises.

I really like to communicate with Lena. You can discuss any topic with her. She reads a lot, unlike me she has visited many countries. She talks about the places she has been. Lena is an interesting storyteller. I learn a lot of useful things from her stories. Until now, we have never quarreled with Lena. My mother says that it is impossible to quarrel with Lena, because in this she looks like her mother. nine0011

Lena cannot be called spineless, she will never do what she considers wrong. My friend is stubborn - this is her main drawback. She will not change her decision to please the majority or “for the company”, if she is sure that she is right.

Lena is a very vulnerable person, she worries if she meets a homeless kitten.

I dream that our friendship will last as long as the friendship of our mothers. Mom always says that you need to work on relationships and take care of loved ones. Therefore, Lena and I try not to swear, not to argue over trifles. Lena makes me better. nine0011


Composition Description of the appearance of a person (Friend)

With the most unusual appearance of my friends - Vlad. He's twelve. He's pretty skinny. Of course, he says about himself "slender".

He has black hair, a little longer than normal. This is what I think, of course. They curl a little. His eyes are dark blue. Unusual color!

The girls are jealous of his eyelashes - quite long and curled up. They annoy him!

He is very fond of sunbathing. In fact, he's even allergic to the sun. I have seen his skin turn red. And even if a sunbeam hits his nose, Vlad sneezes. nine0011

His face is slightly elongated. The fingers are also long. He is slightly taller than me.

In general, we joke that he should write poetry, because he looks like some kind of Gothic poet. He is offended.

Pimples do not torment him yet, he is lucky. In appearance, in general, he is healthy, although he is thin and pale. My grandma loves to feed him!

I think that over time he will gain weight.

So, he prefers to dress in dark clothes. (So ​​practical!) He has a favorite black jeans. Sneakers, of course. And some dark T-shirt, for example, blue. Definitely with your favorite hieroglyphs. I always tell him, they say, it is not clear what is written there. And he pretends to understand. nine0011

He often has headphones in his ears. He loves to listen to music very much. Even dances a little sometimes. In general, he likes heavier music - rock, not pop and not classical.

There is a stupid habit that spoils the appearance a little. The habit of biting a pencil. Rodent! And then he twists it in his hands constantly. And the main thing is that he does not need this pencil at all. I'm afraid that when he grows up, he will smoke cigarettes.

He rarely smiles. But he smiles well! Teeth are white and straight. And his lips are thin, by the way. nine0011

What else? Appearance, in general, is pleasant. And he looks great in photos. Sometimes I don't even recognize him right away. So serious.

He definitely doesn't spend hours at the mirror, but he always tries to be clean and tidy. In this he is my example. I sometimes forget to comb my hair. And even wash.

That is, he is neat. He really suits the school uniform, and also a tie. It is representative. The main thing is that in size.

His appearance attracts attention, although he does not accept anything bright. But there is some depth to everything. nine0033

In this essay, I want to talk about my mother. She is my dearest and closest person, her name is Anastasia Sergeevna. In my opinion, my mother is the most beautiful in the world.

She is of average height, but very slender, feminine and charming. Her wheat-colored hair is always styled in beautiful curls, her eyes illuminate the world with bright green rays, a slight blush plays on her cheeks, and a cheerful dance of freckles dances on her nose. The voice is filled with warmth, and the manner of speech is always friendly and calm. Mom always takes care of her appearance, dresses tastefully, fashionably and stylishly, she prefers elegant dresses most of all, they make her slender figure look like a real actress. nine0011

I really love my mother's hands, they are the most caring and gentle in the world. She performs any business with a smile, which is probably why everything goes well in her hands. Her gait is always graceful, like that of a cat, and all movements are full of friendliness. My mother is a very kind and sympathetic person, always ready to help anyone in need. In each person, he tries to notice only the good, and looks at any situation with optimism.

All the good things in me I owe to my mother. In any situation, I know that there is a person who will find the right words and help to understand life's difficulties. My mother is a very versatile person: she loves to read, travel, often goes to the theater or museum. She is also a real athlete, leads a healthy lifestyle - she rides a bike and roller skates in the summer, and skis or skates in the winter, plays tennis very well. My mother loves animals, and therefore we have a small petting zoo in our apartment - a dog, a cat, a parrot and hamsters. nine0011

Anastasia Sergeevna is engaged in a very important and noble cause - she works as a teacher in a kindergarten. At work, colleagues appreciate her professionalism and responsibility, and young pupils adore her for her cheerful disposition, activity and kindness.

I am proud of my mother and try to follow her example in everything. Krylov was a Russian fabulist and master of his craft. Fables are short stories that reflect life situations and make fun of various human vices. nine0004

  • Composition about the Education of a person
    Each of us has a family that we love and respect, because this is rightfully the best and most expensive thing that a person has. No material wealth can replace a family for a person, because it performs for a person. Life - all living things: flora and fauna, a wide variety of creatures, plants, bacteria and other organisms
  • Composition My grandmother (personal description)

    Zinaida Pavlovna stood silently at the window and stroked through the half-open sash an old red cat, which was basking in the gentle, last this year, autumn sun.

    This woman, despite her far from young age, looked beautiful. Brownish freckles huddled on her dark and rough skin, and the wrinkles looked like a kitten's whiskers. When she smiled, her eyes were practically hidden by wrinkles, but they still shone. Everyone saw the radiance and sparkle of her eyes. But her eyes were green-yellow, beautiful and bright, like a ripe gooseberry, and also large and kind. nine0011

    Her hands were “tired”: these hands were not smeared with fragrant creams every day, but it was with these hands that the most delicious pies with cabbage and mushrooms in the world were cooked. The skin on her arms was slightly cracked and rough from work. After all, Zinaida Pavlovna was never afraid of hard work in the house, in the field or in the garden, she is not afraid even now, although, probably, she should have been.

    This woman is very petite, short and thin. If it were not for the age-related stoop, from the back it could be mistaken for a girl. But this fragile woman gave birth and raised 3 children and raised 5 grandchildren. The sixth is waiting and will definitely wait. And how fervently she laughs! Anyone will envy. nine0011

    A fringed lilac handkerchief with small flowers hides her short, ash-colored hair, which was once jet black and curly. I love to watch her take off her headscarf, turn on the radio on the wall, and comb her smooth hair with a big wooden comb in front of the mirror. At such moments, she seems to become young again. She still has to live and live. How else?

    Zinaida Pavlovna turns to me and speaks in her quiet and so incredibly kind and calm voice. He talks about today's good weather, that the cat must have been sick and that the pies in the oven have been cooling for a long time. And I sincerely smile and hug her tightly. Because this sweet woman is the best and most beautiful in the whole world. Zinaida Pavlova is my beloved grandmother. nine0011

    Other compositions: ← What makes a man a man↑ ManDoes love always make a man happy? Last - Go to






    Do not bring to insanity.



    910 31







    Actually, a girlfriend needs to be worse and worse! It's a well-known rule! You need another girlfriend! nine0011



    times you are not comfortable with this person, reduce communication to nothing.

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