Fast personality test
Short Personality Test | Personality Club
Take what might be the world’s shortest personality quiz (*). There are only 4 questions and it is absolutely free!
For each of the four questions below, ask yourself: Which side best represents me most of the time? You will be tempted to say BOTH and that is normal.
Everybody is a little bit of both. But the point of this particular personality theory is that people tend to have a preference for one side over the other.
Think about which side comes more naturally and choose the letter next to it.
Question 1 – How do you get your energy? | |
Extraverts = E
| Introverts = I
Question 2 – How do you see the world & gather information? | |
Sensors = S
| iNtuitives = N
Question 3 – How do you make your decisions? | |
Thinkers = T
| Feelers = F
Question 4 – How much do you like to plan ahead? | |
Judgers = J
| Perceivers = P
You should now have four letters (one for each question). That’s your ‘personality type’.
Select your type from the table below to see your profile:
Note: This is not an official Myers-Briggs test. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® and MBTI® are registered trademarks of CPP, Inc. and must be administered by a qualified professional.
(*) Disclaimer:
This test is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this test to type yourself or share this URL with others to help them type themselves. For other uses contact us.
ISTJ Personality Type | Personality Club
Organizing everything (Source)
Description: (Source)
ISTJs thrive on organization. They keep their lives and environments well-regulated. They bring painstaking attention to detail in their work and will not rest until a job is well completed.
They are often dissatisfied with unresolved issues, whether in life or in fiction.
ISTJs are faithful, logical, organized, sensible, and earnest traditionalists. They earn success by thoroughness and dependability.
Shutting out distractions, they take a practical, logical approach to their endeavors. Realistic and responsible, they work steadily toward their goals.
They enjoy creating order in both their professional and personal lives.
Despite their focus on their internal world, ISTJs prefer dealing with the present and the factual. Keen observers of life, they weigh various options when making decisions.
ISTJs are well-prepared for most eventualities and have a good understanding of most situations. They believe in practical objectives, and they value traditions and loyalty.
ISTJs learn best and apply themselves to subjects that they deem practical and useful. As learners, ISTJs tend to need materials, directions, and teachers to be precise and accurate if they are to trust the information that is presented.
They prefer concrete and useful applications and will tolerate theory only if it leads to these ends.
They like learning activities that allow them time to reflect and think. Material that seems too easy or too enjoyable leads ISTJs to be skeptical of its merit.
Because of their practical outlook, ISTJs clearly delineate between work and play. Therefore, their ideal learning environment is task-oriented, has a clear schedule, and has a clear and precise assignment.
ISTJs respect facts. They hold a tremendous store of data within themselves, gathered through their Sensing function.
They may have difficulty valuing a theory or idea that differs from their own perspective. However, if they are shown the importance or relevance of the idea by someone whom they respect or care about, the idea becomes a fact that the ISTJ will internalize and vigorously support.
ISTJs often work for long periods, devoting their energy to tasks that they see as important to fulfilling a goal. However, they resist putting energy into things that don’t make sense to them, or for which they can’t see a practical application.
They prefer to work alone but can work well in teams when the situation demands it. They like to be accountable for their actions, and they enjoy positions of responsibility.
They have little use for theory or abstract thinking, unless the practical application is clear.
In general, ISTJs are capable, logical, reasonable, and effective individuals with a deeply driven desire to promote security and peaceful living. They can be highly effective at achieving their goals—whatever those may be.
Keirsey Temperament:
SJ – Guardian (What does this mean?)
Check the ISTJ Friendship experience.
Romantic Relationships:
Check the ISTJ Romantic Relationships.
Family Life:
Check the ISTJ Family Life and ISTJ as a parent.
Check the ISTJ Education Experience.
Possible Careers:
Accountant, Business Manager, Dentist, Math Teacher, Office Administrator, Police (more).
For in depth analysis check the ISTJ Career Path.
Typing Confusions:
Check the ISTJ Typing Confusions.
Famous ISTJs:
Pope Benedict, Queen Elizabeth II, George Washington, Condoleeza Rice, Robert De Niro, Sting (More)
Stonewall Jackson src
Robert De Niro src
Queen Elizabeth II src
Julia Roberts src
Evander Holyfield src
Sigmund Freud src
“Lord help me to relax about insignificant details, beginning tomorrow at 11:41.23 am EST”
I S T J = I Suit Tax Jobs
Dominant Jungian function:
Introverted Sensing (Si) – The ability to remember the details of past experiences and sense perceptions (What does this mean?)
Secondary Jungian function:
Extraverted Thinking (Te) – The ability to organize external reality in logical ways (What does this mean?)
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QUIZ: Answer 4 short questions and find out your personality type
0 This test does not claim to be scientific or 100% accurate. It is based on the Myers-Briggs questionnaire, which is used to identify the individual characteristics of a person. Such testing in an extended version is sometimes taken when applying for a job and before entering a university. We offer you its abbreviated version.
Remember that this test only helps to roughly outline the brightest sides of your personality, so do not take its results too seriously. :)
How to pass the test
- If your memory fails you, stock up on a small piece of paper and a pen.
- When answering questions, choose the option that seems most attractive.
- Each answer option has a letter at the end. Write it down or memorize it.
- When you answer all four questions, you will have a letter combination. Find it in the results and find out interesting details about yourself.
- Share in the comments what combination you got and how the results match reality.
1. You had a day full of setbacks and disappointments. How will you spend the evening?
- Need a distraction! I’ll call my friends and invite them somewhere, it’s more fun to experience sorrows together. (E)
- I will be alone with myself: I will turn on my favorite TV series, cook some delicious treats, or think of some other pleasant activity. (I)
2. You have come to a psychologist. He asks the question, “Which of the two statements best describes you?” Choose.
- I prefer to live in the present: what is important for me is what is happening here and now. I am distinguished by practicality and attention to detail. (S)
- I often have my head in the clouds: I like to dream and make great plans for the future. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in myself that I don't notice anything around me. (N)
3. You have been asked to move to a metropolitan area. Now you are thinking. There are more opportunities in a large city, but where you live now, your loved ones and a cozy home. How will you make a difficult decision?
- I will surf the Internet, consult with knowledgeable people, and calculate an approximate budget for the move. I will carefully weigh the pros and cons, then I will make a decision. (T)
- I will do as my heart tells me. My intuition has never failed me. (F)
4. In a month you have a long-awaited vacation, hooray! How are you preparing for it?
- Tickets have already been bought, insurance has been issued, a plan to conquer the sights has been drawn up. I like to prepare everything in advance. (J)
- Spontaneity is my middle name. A couple of hours before the flight, I will throw everything I need into my suitcase, and I will ask the locals about the sights. (P)
Find your unique letter combination
ESTJ - Executive
Hard work and dedication are your best qualities. You love order, you know how and love to plan, you take on the most difficult tasks without fear, because you are sure of success. You tend to have a rational view of things, you trust facts much more than sensations. You are cheerful, good-natured and love company. Thanks to organizational talents, you can easily incite others to any adventure.
ENTJ - commander
You are always on the crest of the wave: you know everything about the latest trends and tendencies. You do not take courage, you like to take risks and are always open to new things. You are dynamic, productive and love to overcome difficulties. Your whole life is a struggle in the name of achieving a cherished goal. You have excellent leadership qualities: charisma, authority and the ability to think strategically attract people to you.
ENFJ mentor
You are very perceptive: you trust your intuition and it never fails you. You are observant, have a genuine interest in people and their emotions, and are able to catch the slightest mood changes. People around you often turn to you for advice and support, and you are always happy to help them, and sometimes inspire them.
ESFJ - Enthusiast
You get along well with people, always ready to help, sometimes even to the detriment of your own interests. You are responsive and open. Love and appreciate the praise, the approval of others is necessary for you like air. If a conflict arises somewhere, you feel out of place and try to restore peace and harmony at any cost. You are like a ray of light in a dark kingdom - you are able to charge people with positive and lead.
ENTP Inventor
People like you are often referred to as inspirations. You are curious, mobile, love to be on the move and easily adapt to change. You are a real generator of ideas, constantly inventing and questioning something. You hate routine and do your best to avoid it. You will be captivated by the new and unknown, so you often change your hobbies. You think that in life you need to try, if not everything, then a lot.
ESTP - fidget
The phrase "I see the goal - I see no obstacles" perfectly describes you. You strive for victory at any cost, sweeping away all obstacles in your path. You are determined and daring, live in the moment and love to be the center of attention. The thirst for life boils in you, you strive to learn everything in practice and not lose a single valuable minute.
ENFP - champion
You are a creative person with a boundless imagination and a great imagination. You are open to the world, freedom-loving, stress-resistant and not afraid of change. It is important for you to constantly take the initiative, offer original solutions, actively interact with people and empathize with them. Routine tasks for you are sheer torture and punishment.
ESFP - Politician
You live in the present and enjoy the pleasures of the moment. Planning and strategizing makes you tired. When doing something, you often rely on luck, and in case of failure, you quit work without finishing. You are spontaneous and unpredictable, hate procrastination and strive to get everything at once. You like to impress others and make useful contacts.
ISTJ — administrator
“Measure seven times, cut once” is about you. You love rigor and order, carefully think through and analyze your actions. You are result-oriented, so you only take on tasks that you can definitely complete. You are neat and patient, do not like empty talk. You value honesty and hard work, and attempts to shirk responsibility cause you the same resentment as poorly done work.
INTJ - strategist
You are independent, erudite and able to set priorities correctly. You do not like noisy companies, but you draw inspiration and breakthrough ideas from within yourself. You are a perfectionist to the core, and your cherished dream is to make the world around you more perfect. You hate retrograde rules and stupid restrictions and try to fight them with your innovative ideas, which you often succeed in.
INFJ — humanist
Helping others is an integral part of life for you. You believe that love and compassion can save the world. If one of your loved ones needs help, then he will definitely turn to you, and in return he will always receive a clear guide to action. You are vulnerable, value loyalty and do not forgive betrayal.
ISFJ — defender
You smell falseness from a mile away, so keep strangers at a distance, and stand behind your loved ones. You do everything to make people dear to you happy, and every day you try to surprise them pleasantly. You are diligent, often making incredible efforts to fulfill your goals. True, you are slow and like to put it off until later. Despite this, you can be relied upon because you never give up what you started.
INTP - architect
You have a philosophical mindset. You constantly put forward hypotheses, argue with yourself, notice important details and strive to get to the bottom of things. From the outside, it looks like you are distracted and in the clouds. This is partly true: domestic issues do not bother you at all. You are focused on important thoughts and do not feel much interest in others. You value coziness and comfort, and you are extremely negative about change.
ISTP is a virtuoso
You experience the world through sensations, are able to deeply empathize with people and value sincerity. You are quite open, but in case of lies or hypocrisy, you withdraw into yourself. You carefully consider every step before you do anything. You are punctual, objective and moderately curious.
INFP — lyricist
The meaning of life for you is harmony with yourself and the world around you. You are an impressionable person and react sharply to any injustice. Self-expression is important for you: you not only do great work on your inner world, but also do not forget about your appearance. You are dreamy and immersed in yourself, but you always find an opportunity to pay attention to loved ones.
ISFP — composer
You are that rare person who is not afraid of routine and monotony. You accept the world as it is, do not seek to change it and adjust it for yourself. You just live for your own pleasure, enjoying what you already have. You do not seek to lead and command anyone. You are the most reliable shoulder on which you can lean and not wait for a catch.
Do not forget to share the result in the comments. :)
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Express diagnostics of personality traits (T.V. Matolina)
The method is based on the adolescent version of the Eysenck questionnaire with the addition of a classification depending on the ratio of the introversion-extraversion scale with the neuroticism scale. The express questionnaire also contains a scale of lies.
The results of the methodology consist of 32 different types of personality with a verbal description and tactics of interaction with him or his correction.
Express-diagnostics of characterological features of personality T.V. Matolina is designed to work with adolescents over the age of 12, which allows it to be used for:
- professional selection for various types of professions
- activities of employment services and personnel departments when hiring teenagers
- pedagogical practice for the correction of relations such as "student-teacher" and "student-class"
- school class formation
- meeting new students
- professional selection of work groups for maximum productivity and social cooperation
Instructions for express diagnostics of personality characteristics
You will be presented with 60 statements with the same answer options ("Yes" or "No") for each. If the statement fits your usual behavior in life, then you should mark the option “Yes”, if the statement is not about you, then you should mark “No”.
Test time : about 5 minutes.
Number of questions: 60 statements
Result: will be available immediately after answering all questions and will be a description of one of 32 possible personality types with their typical characterological manifestations and ways of correction.
Questions for the test of personality traits
1. Do you like noise and fuss around you?
2. Do you often need friends to support you?
3. Do you always find a quick answer when you are asked for something?
4. Does it happen that you are annoyed by something?
5. Do your moods change often?
6. Is it true that you are more pleasant and more interesting with books than with children?
7. Do different thoughts often prevent you from falling asleep?
8. Do you always do as you are told?
9. Do you like to make fun of someone?
10. Have you ever felt unhappy, although there was no real reason for this?
11. Can you say about yourself that you are a lively, cheerful person?
12. Have you ever violated the rules of behavior at school?
13. Is it true that you are often irritated by something?
14. Do you like to do everything at a fast pace (if, on the contrary, you are prone to slowness, answer “no”)?
15. Do you worry about all sorts of terrible events that almost happened, but everything ended well?
16. Can you be trusted with a secret?
17. Can you bring life to a boring company without much difficulty?
18. Does it happen that for no reason (physical activity) your heart beats strongly?
19. Do you usually take the first step in order to make friends with someone?
20. Have you ever told a lie?
21. Do you get upset easily if you and your work are criticized?
22. Do you often joke and tell funny stories to your friends?
23. Do you often feel tired?
24. Do you always do your homework first, and then everything else?
25. Are you usually cheerful and happy with everything?
26. Are you touchy?
27. Do you really like to communicate with other guys?
28. Do you always fulfill your relatives' requests for help with housework?
29. Do you get dizzy?
30. Does it happen that your actions and deeds put other people in an awkward position?
31. Do you often feel that you are tired of something?
32. Do you like to brag sometimes?
33. Do you most often sit and be silent when you find yourself in the company of strangers?
34. Do you sometimes get so excited that you can't sit still?
35. Do you usually make decisions quickly?
36. Do you never make noise in class, even when there is no teacher?
37. Do you often have nightmares?
38. Can you give free rein to your feelings and have fun with your friends?
39. Are you easily upset?
40. Have you ever spoken badly about someone?
41. Is it true that you usually speak and act quickly, without much delay in thinking?
42. If you find yourself in a stupid position, then do you worry for a long time?
43. Do you really like noisy and funny games?
44. Do you always eat what is served to you?
45. Do you find it difficult to say "no" when asked for something?
46. Do you like to visit often?
47. Are there times when you don't want to live?
48. Have you ever been rude to your parents?
49. Do the guys consider you a cheerful and lively person?
50. Do you often get distracted when you are doing homework?
51. Do you sit and watch more often than take an active part in the general fun?