Broken shattered heart
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1.513 Shattered Heart Stock Photos and Images
Grief divorce couple holding broken heart. unhappy relationship hurt feeling for lover. valentine concept.PREMIUM
Grief divorce couple holding broken heart. unhappy relationship hurt feeling for lover. valentine concept.PREMIUM
Black heart made of shattered pieces illuminated by blue light over mirror pedestals. 3d illustration. PREMIUM
Broken red glass heart into pieces. under a glass transparent dome. vector illustration.PREMIUM
Cardiac problems concept. red paper crumpled torn heartPREMIUM
Photo of toy pixelated broken-down heart. minimalist photo of stylized red relationship end symbol. red broken heart made of building blocks. flat lay image of shattered heart on red background.PREMIUM
Creative photo of a red human heart symbol, broken into small pieces of glass isolated on a white background. allegory of unhappy love is a broken heart.PREMIUM
Silver healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on black background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. long shadow style. vectorPREMIUM
Vector set of glass broken hearts. templates are isolated on a transparent background.PREMIUM
Set heart with wings, shape flower, bottle love potion, amour heart and arrow, healed broken, castle the of, diamond engagement ring and flower rose icon. vectorPREMIUM
Gold healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on brown background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. minimalism concept. 3d illustration 3d renderPREMIUM
Background illustration abstract shape / background design elementPREMIUM
Mobile phone with cracks in the glass and a pattern in the shape of a heart on topPREMIUM
Broken red glossy plastic or glass heart symbol of love romance relations problems icon abstract vector illustrationPREMIUM
Background illustration abstract shape / background design elementPREMIUM
Set wedding rings, candy, healed broken heart or divorce and shaped box icon. vectorPREMIUM
3d rendering of white rainy cloud above red heart shattering into small pieces on blue backgroundPREMIUM
Heart broken to pieces is lying on the floorPREMIUM
Cosmetics on a white background. isolate. selective focus.PREMIUM
Mobile phone with cracks in the glass and a pattern in the shape of a heart on topPREMIUM
Broken glass heart symbol on a white background. 3d illustration. PREMIUM
Line healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated seamless pattern on black background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. vectorPREMIUM
Vector pixel art 8 bit style hearts for game. colorful stylized illustration with concept of spendable lives game mode or human health. two full hearts and heart broken apartPREMIUM
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3d rendering of a broken heart turned upside down with red paint pouring on white backgroundPREMIUM
Glowing neon line healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on brick wall background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. vectorPREMIUM
Cosmetics on a white background. isolate. selective focus.PREMIUM
White healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on crumpled paper background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. paper art style. vectorPREMIUM
Generic smartphone with a broken screen and a heart on it as a metaphor for dangers of internet datingPREMIUM
Glass with broken wire by a gun shot. PREMIUM
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Red heart symbol broken into small splinters of glass from a shot from a pistol with a hole from a bullet isolated on a black background. allegory of the unhappy love of a broken heart.PREMIUM
Paper cut healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on grey background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. paper art style. vectorPREMIUM
Shattered heart made of red glass pieces on a light blue background. love minimal conceptPREMIUM
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Broken glass heart symbol on a white background. 3d illustration.PREMIUM
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Heartbreak shape on crack wallPREMIUM
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Creative photo of a red human heart symbol, broken into small pieces of glass isolated on a white background. allegory of unhappy love is a broken heart.PREMIUM
Broken heart on the wall. 3d illustration of metallic sculpture over a white background with mild texture. old and abandonedPREMIUM
3d shattered heartPREMIUM
The explosion of cloud particles in the shape of a heart. valentine s day, holiday, party, poster, invitation, birthday concept. geometric modern abstract background for banner, postcards, presentations.PREMIUM
Cosmetics on a white background. isolate. selective focus.PREMIUM
Set healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on black and white, transparent background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. vectorPREMIUM
Glowing neon healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on brick wall background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. vectorPREMIUM
Broken heart cup was fixed after it was shattered with hammer and red rose on black backgroundPREMIUM
Green healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on blue background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. minimalism concept. 3d illustration 3d renderPREMIUM
Vintage style layout with pink scissors and roses on blue background. retro fashion aesthetic. art direction. minimal hairdresser or love concept.PREMIUM
On a light background the red heart is scattered to pieces. heart wound, bitter disappointment, unhappy love. top view, vignetting.PREMIUM
Paper cut healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on black background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. paper art style. vectorPREMIUM
Heart crossed, love and romance concept for broken heartsPREMIUM
Heartbreak shape on crack wallPREMIUM
Turquoise healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on white background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. minimalism concept. 3d illustration 3d renderPREMIUM
3d rendering of red heart shattering into small pieces isolated on white backgroundPREMIUM
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Set play video with heart, heart, couple in love and healed broken. square glass panels. vectorPREMIUM
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Background illustration abstract shape / background design elementPREMIUM
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Set couple in love, broken heart or divorce, healed broken and suit. square glass panels. vectorPREMIUM
Set crutch or crutches, healed broken heart and heart rate. business infographic template. vectorPREMIUM
White healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on white background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. square color button. vectorPREMIUM
Broken heart shattered into pieces sketch engraving raster illustration. t-shirt apparel print design. scratch board imitation. black and white hand drawn image.PREMIUM
3d shattered heartPREMIUM
Set monitor with cardiogram, emergency phone call, life insurance in hand, healed broken heart, human organ liver, laptop, ointment cream tube medicine and medical surgery scalpel icon. vectorPREMIUM
Heart crossed, love and romance concept for broken heartsPREMIUM
Shards from a broken white plate on a black background.PREMIUM
Many hearts on sides and broken heart on the middle of wooden baPREMIUM
Cosmetics on a white background. isolate. selective focus. PREMIUM
Damaged and cracked glass with holePREMIUM
Purple healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on yellow background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. minimalism concept. 3d illustration 3d renderPREMIUM
Set dating app online, healed broken heart, heart shape flower and necklace with shaped on wooden background. vectorPREMIUM
Broken valentine heart. damaged glass love symbol. icon, logo or badge template.PREMIUM
Heart shape from pices of black chocolate on wood background for valentine's dayPREMIUM
Heart crossed, love and romance concept for broken heartsPREMIUM
White healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on grey background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. square glass panels. vectorPREMIUM
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Gold line healed broken heart or divorce icon isolated on dark blue background. shattered and patched heart. love symbol. valentines day. vectorPREMIUM
Broken valentine heart the icon of vectorPREMIUM
Broken toy in the form of a heart in the snowPREMIUM
Set clock with heart, healed broken, covered tray, location, wine glass, love ticket, broken or divorce and flower rose icon. vectorPREMIUM
Set healed broken heart, crossed bandage plaster and medical scissors. business infographic template. vectorPREMIUM
Broken toy in the form of a heart in the snowPREMIUM
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Set wedding cake, calendar with february 14, heart, bow and arrow, healed broken heart or divorce, envelope valentine, key shape and candy shaped box icon. vectorPREMIUM
Creative photo of a red human heart symbol, broken into small pieces of glass isolated on a white background. allegory of unhappy love is a broken heart.PREMIUM
Set healed broken heart, eye drop bottle, human stomach, monitor with cardiogram, laptop and stethoscope icon. vectorPREMIUM
Set isometric line heart in hand, burning candle, the center hourglass and healed broken heart icon. vectorPREMIUM
The path to adulthood lies through a broken heart
A person among people To know oneself
About friendship
Friendship is a reflection of our presence in life and evidence of forgiveness. Friendship not only helps us see ourselves through the eyes of another, it can only endure for years with someone who forgives us for our mistakes again and again, just as we find the strength in ourselves to forgive friends in turn. A true friend knows our struggles and our Shadow and stays by our side—more often when we are vulnerable and weak than when we are successful and under the strange delusion that we don't need friends.
The deep current of true friendship is a blessing because we can discover it in its original form again and again through understanding and compassion. No matter how long friendship lasts, it is based on constant, mutual forgiveness. Without tolerance and compassion, friendship perishes.
As the years go by, close friendship always reveals a shadow side in the other person as well as in ourselves. To remain friends, we must know the other, his difficulties and even sins, and bring out the best in him - not by attacking with criticism, but by turning to the best in him, to the main creative facet of his personality, thus imperceptibly weakening that which diminishes him, makes you less generous, doesn't let you be yourself.
The highest measure of friendship — is not the improvement of oneself or others, the highest measure is to be a witness. The privilege to open up under the loving gaze of friends and exactly the same privilege - to be honored to see the most intimate in close friends, go through life with them and believe in them, sometimes just accompany them, even for a very short time, on a journey that is not given to anyone accomplish alone.
About a broken heart
It is impossible to protect yourself from disappointments, sadness, grief. A broken heart is a natural result of our love and care for someone or something over which we have no control ... The first crack in the heart appears when we are asked to let go, but we are unable to, in other words, disappointment and sadness settle in us, color and increase, as if under a magnifying glass, every single day; a broken heart is not a short-term phenomenon, it is a road that everyone, even the most ordinary, “average” person is forced to go.
A broken heart is a sign of our sincerity: in love, in work, in an attempt to master a musical instrument, in an attempt to become more generous. A broken heart is a beautiful helpless part of love, its essence and emblem.
The path to adulthood lies through a broken heart; and yet we say "broken heart" as if it meant only that something went wrong: love was not reciprocated, the dream was shattered. But perhaps a broken heart is the core of our human existence, the main thing on the way from here to the other side, thanks to it we learn to love what we meet on our way. There is almost no road available to man that does not lead to a broken heart.
We can look at disappointment and grief in a different way: not as the end of the road or the death of hope, but as a strong embrace of what we have always wanted or is about to lose. A broken heart asks us not to look for another way, because there is no other way. It calls us to what we love and have always loved, asking the inevitable and often beautiful question.
Things and people who have been with us from the beginning ask us to be ready when the time comes to let go one last time.
About love
As human beings, we have a wonderful ability - we can fall in love with a person, with a job, and even with the idea of our own existence.
Being in love enhances the sense of time. You feel that it is running away like sand. Only when we fall in love, we feel the present moment more acutely than ever and understand that what is available to us now may never happen again.
Love is the mirror of our own fleeting possibilities; inner sense of self. Love is a test of self-worth: I cannot believe that I am exactly what they think of me to let love into my life. Love comes to us, but at the same time it is a form of disappearance. The worker must stop working in order to enjoy the fruits of his labors. Love wouldn't be so valuable if it never ended.
There is no greater gift in human life than the opportunity to be happy through falling in love, through this complete dedication and daily comfort that the feeling of love brings. Love reminds us of our mortality, but at the same time that there is a power greater than death that we cannot control.
About the author
David White - American philosopher, poet, prose writer, traveler. His website.
Text: Ksenia Tatarnikova
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"Love and Other Medicines"
Breaking up a relationship is a difficult ordeal that is difficult to overcome. Separation turns the world inside out, knocks you down, drives you into tears, twists your stomach, and does not let you fall asleep. Psychologists have found that suffering becomes especially unbearable if you are left for someone else. “Apart from the fact that the breakup due to infidelity forces the abandoned to endlessly torment themselves with questions about what is better than the other, experiences about this increase the conflict between a growing sense of alienation and an internal need for belonging,” explains one of the recent articles in the Journal of Psychology personality and social psychology”.
“Love and Other Medicines”
But there is good news: emotions can be corrected after a breakup! A recent study at the University of Colorado Boulder showed that the pain associated with a tear can be alleviated with the help of a placebo (the so-called “dummy” given to the patient as real medicine).
"Love and Other Medicines"
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"Love and other drugs"
As a result, it turned out that physical and emotional pain activates similar parts of the brain. As the lead author of the study, professor of psychology and neuroscience Thor Wager summarized: "Emotional suffering, in particular the experience of a breakup with loved ones, is not inferior to physical and is just as real from a neurochemical point of view."
"Love and Other Medicines"
But that's not all.