100 accurate love test
Love Calculator
The Love Calculator provides a score from 0% to 100% that is meant to be an indication of a match in terms of love, based on the names of two people. The higher the percentage, the better the match.
Note that like all other love calculators on the Internet, this calculator is intended for amusement only rather than as a real indication of love. Please follow your heart instead of the results of this calculator when considering love.
Name of Person 1 | Name of Person 2 | |
Definitions of Love
Love is a word that has a variety of different meanings within different contexts. It is generally defined as a strong affection for another person, be it maternal, sexual, or based on admiration, and is sometimes even extended to objects or even food.
There are differences in the concept of love even between cultures and countries, making it difficult to arrive at a "universal" definition of love.
Love is sometimes categorized as either impersonal or interpersonal love. Impersonal love is that for an object, principle, or goal that a person may be deeply committed to or greatly value. Examples include the love of "life itself," love for a stuffed animal, or even love for a cause or idea.
Interpersonal love is love between human beings. It can refer to the love that exists between family members, friends, or couples. There has been much speculation throughout history on the basis of love, some of which try to explain love in terms of a biological, psychological, and even evolutionary basis.
Regardless of what any psychologist or "expert" says, how a person views or defines love is up to them, and the results of any online calculator or predictor of love should have little to no bearing on whether or not a person chooses to pursue it.
Approaching Love
In general, we are attracted to people like ourselves. Middle-class people go for similarly middle-class types, and we look for those, within our class, who like the same kind of clothes, or music, or environment. Of course, sometimes we find ourselves very attracted to those who are totally unlike us, really opposites, and that's because we seek change and stimulation.
Some say that we seek people like ourselves to form a more stable union, and to have children like ourselves. Well-known actresses pair up with rock stars, for example, because such men tend to be as rich and famous as they are.
But the challenge of the unknown is great. Some say that we tend to fall in love with those who are mysterious and challenging to us, because they come to us with a very different gene pool. So the children will benefit from broader genetic input. But there's no scientific proof for such assertions.
Physical features are important to both sexes, but a bit more so to men.
There is some scientific basis for this. According to Louann Brizendine, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, and the author of "The Female Brain, the male brain processes the female image, while the female brain takes in a good looking male, but also shows judgmental activity, thinking about the guy's character at the same time.
Love does take over most of your brain activity, Brizendine says, and once it has you hooked, it doesn't let you go. It keeps your chemicals hopping, which is why you can't seem to get the other person out of your head.
But all the scientists admit that there's no real hard explanation for why one person goes for another, as opposed to another one. There will probably never be a science of love, nor any way to calculate what the results will be. So let your mind and your heart decide.
Love Calculator | Love Meter to Calculate Love Percentage
Here is the Love Calculator that lets you calculate love compatibility and your chances of a successful relationship.
Find Love % Between
Your Name
Partner's Name
Enter your name and your lover's name and hit 'Calculate'.
Love quote of the day
"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. " -Plato
Articles on Love and Romance:
Find out what the stars foretell about your love relation
10 Relationship questions that reveal if He / She is your soul mate
Zodiac compatibility to find love & keep it
How to use feng shui to attract love
Dating tips... Impressing a women on first date
What causes love and attraction? The science of Love
What is it that makes you fall in love? Find it
Myths about love and romance
Tips for a romantic relationship
Do you share a special connection with someone? Is he or she your special person? This Love meter will help you find out. This is a simple Love Calculator which displays love percentage based on names. Enter your name and the name of your partner/lover/crush to find Love compatibility & chances of successful love relationship.
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How does a Love Calculator work? The Love meter Algorithm
Love calculation by a love calculator is based on certain algorithm. Once two names are entered, this calculator matches the name of the first person against some love, romance and relationship related parameters. Similarly the name of your partner/lover is matched against the same parameters. The love calculator's algorithm then detects how many parameters you both have in common. It is based on this analysis that the calculator reaches the conclusion and displays love percentage or compatibility.
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Love Intensity Calculator • Love Tester to test love
Love meter is an online love detector with which you can measure the percentage of love compatibility and chances of successful relationship between two people.
RELATED: Answering these 10 Questions sincerely will reveal your relationship status
This calculator is for entertainment purpose only and is based on your input.
Feng Shui for Love
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Psychological love test online.

Answer the love test questions to find out if your feeling is true love
Every person is unique and every relationship is unique too. Unlike other similar tests, the number of result options (that is, what you will see after passing the love test) of our psychological test about love online "Lubovemer" is not tens or hundreds. It is equal to 101 787 840 . Each responder receives a unique "diagnosis".
Thanks to this psychological love test, you can really understand the nature of your feelings and understand whether you love or not, how to be.
The test is intended for heterosexual couples who are not officially married to each other. For couples, we recommend specialized free online diagnostics for married couples.
1. Your age
- Before 18
- 19-30
- Over 30
2. Your age difference:
- 12 years or less
- Over 12 years

- Male
- Female
4. What is the duration of your association?
- Up to 1 month
- 1 month – 6 months
- 6 months - 2 years
- Over 2 years
- We don't communicate yet
5. Did you meet often during the period you specified?
- Few times a week
- About once a week
- Less than once a week
- We've been together for over a month.
- We've been together for less than a month.
6. Do you work regularly together?
- Yes
- No
7. What would you like from this relationship?
- Friendship, communication
- Pleasures
- First of all, pleasure, and then maybe start a family
- Create a family
- My views on this matter fluctuate

- Nobody
- I
- Another
- Both (each has its own family)
9. Do you want to have children with this person?
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
10. Can you imagine your future as a couple of loving, gentle old men?
- Yes
- No
11. You feel good…
- It's bad with him, but I can't live without him
- Only when that person is around
- When he's not around, that's fine too.
12. Other aspects of your life with the appearance of this person have become…
- Better
- Worse
- Not changed

- Yes
- No
- Other
14. Next to this person you
- Easy, joyful, like with no one
- Good, but not always
- Badly
15. Are you generally a confident person when it comes to personal relationships?
- Yes
- No
- Not good
16. Are you afraid of loneliness?
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
17. How long did it take from parting with a previous partner to starting a relationship with this person?
- Less than three months
- Three months to a year
- More than a year
- There was no parting

- Happens
- No
- Don't know
19. If this person does something wrong, will your feelings for him weaken for a while?
- Yes
- No
20. Are you obviously or deep down jealous of this person?
- Yes
- No
21. Do you feel the pain and joy of this person as your own? (For example, does it hurt you when you accidentally offend him)
- Yes
- No
22. Imagine that this person is hospitalized for several months. Will you be able to look after him, take out the ship, with joy, while remaining faithful?
- Yes
- No

- Enjoy the impression your chosen one makes
- Be ashamed of the impression your chosen one makes
- Don't think about the impression of others
24. Who is the first to reconcile more often after quarrels?
- You
- Second person
- Nobody
25 If this person were less “successful” in life (for example, less well off), would you be just as interested in him or her?
- No
- Yes
- Don't know
26. Have you ever had sexual partners?
- No
- Yes, 1 to 3 partners
- Yes, more than 3 partners

- Yes
- No
28. Would this person be just as interesting to you if he were completely ugly?
- Yes
- No
- Not good
29. Would you be interested in communicating with this person for three months if no contact was possible?
- Yes
- Not good
- No!
30. Have you ever thought of bewitching this person?
- Of course not
- Yes, but I rejected the thought and never will
- Yes, and I admit the possibility that I will do it
31. Do you have an inexplicable feeling that this is your person?
- Yes, there was no such feeling with anyone
- Yes, but that feeling was with another person
- No

- Yes
- I don't really respect
33. Do you often have misunderstandings, quarrels?
- Often, but in general I rarely quarrel
- Often, I often quarrel with others
- Rare
- There are, but it's easier for me to forgive him than others
34. Can you live your life with this person, putting up with his shortcomings?
- Yes
- No. He must change
- Hardly
35. Your relationship becomes over time...
- Better, warmer
- Worse though you work on yourself
- Worse, and you don't work on yourself
36. Do you always understand each other's jokes?
- Always
- Rarely
- Don't know

- Yes
- No
- Don't know
38. Do you agree on your attitude to money (wealth)?
- Basically yes
- Basically no
- Don't know
39. Is your level of education similar?
- Yes
- No
- Don't know
40. Do you agree on your idea of marriage (its meaning, goals)?
- Basically yes
- Basically no
- Don't know
41. Do you agree on the desirable number of children in a family?
- Yes
- No
- Don't know

- Basically yes
- Basically no
- Don't know
Printable version |
A test that will help you better understand yourself and choose the right profession — Work.ua
We passed and we liked it. Pass and you, suddenly this test will help you decide who to become when you grow up;)
A unique case at Work.ua — a test developed by a professional coach, which, although through 90 questions, helps to better understand oneself and find professional reference points.
We in the editorial office have already passed and confirmed that we are where we need to be. You go too, get recommendations based on the answers and share the results. I wonder who among our readers is more - Leaders or Helpers? :)
Anastasia Pankovetskaya
Author and presenter of the training "Enneagram - a unique personality typology", trainer of Alla Zadneprovskaya's Consulting Group "Living Business"
Enneagram (from the Greek ennea - nine and grammos - figure) - a psychological model that unites nine types of personality, describes each type and the relationship between them.
Type 1: Perfectionist or Reformer
Occupations Possible : The office environment is great for your love of rules, organization, and attention to detail. Work where you need to improve business processes. The area of education is also ideal for you.
Not the best choice : companies where the process has not yet been established (example: start-up).
Type 2: Friend or Helper
Occupations Possible : Community oriented caregivers - teaching, health care and counseling. Work in non-profit organizations and the service sector.
Not the best choice : anything that could harm others (example: law enforcement).
Type 3: Achiever
Possible professions : managerial positions or anything loud and public (example: project management, public relations, politics), project tasks where it is clear what result needs to be achieved and where they can be "challenging" tasks.
Not the best choice : no career advancement - only climbing to the top will satisfy your needs.
Type 4: Individualist
Possible professions : a career that allows you to express yourself and show your creativity, where you need to create a unique product, launch an unusual advertising campaign that will not leave people indifferent. Not every field provides such opportunities, most likely it is writing, psychotherapy and professions where you can show your uniqueness.
Not the best choice : companies that do not develop a system of non-financial motivation. Working solely for money is not your approach.
Type 5: Observer or Thinker
Possible professions : creating a strategy and vision for the development of a company, IT, scientific research.
Not the best choice : perhaps typical, "shallow" office work - there are too many distractions.
Type 6: Skeptic or Loyalist
Possible professions : you will appreciate the development prospects in a large corporation, where you will be able to show your unique abilities in risk research and calculation of various options for further actions; great intelligence officers.
Not the best choice : Startup, small business, or any other company that loses out to the benefits of corporations.
Type 7: Optimist or Enthusiast
Possible professions : areas where you can see opportunities around you, brainstorm different ideas. For example, the tourism industry, the work of a photographer or a writer, or a combination of all of the above.
Not the best choice : routine and endless work with documents is not your story.
Type 8: Boss or Leader
Possible Professions : Entrepreneur, politician, general manager in any area where you can apply and show your leadership qualities
Not the best choice 90 in which you cannot take responsibility, where there is no way to achieve ambitious goals; places where you will feel total control.
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