Words that rhyme with raise

235 best rhymes for 'raise'

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Words That Rhyme With "Raise"

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1 syllable:

baise, baize, bay's, bayes, bays, Blaise, blaize, blase, blaze, braise, braze, Cayes, chaise, claes, clays, craze, dais, daise, day's, days, daze, fay's, faze, Fe's, fraise, frase, fraze, Frey's, gays, gaze, glaze, gray's, grays, graze, grey's, hayes, hays, haze, jay's, jays, kay's, kays, lais, lase, lay's, lays, laze, leis, leys, Maes, mais, maize, may's, Mayes, Mays, maze, nase, nays, naze, pays, Pei's, peise, phase, phrase, play's, plays, praise, prase, prays, preys, rase, ray's, rays, raze, re's, res, Shays, Shea's, smaze, sprays, stays, strays, sways, Tays, trays, wase, way's, ways, weighs, yeas

2 syllables:

abbes, ablaze, agaze, allays, amaze, appraise, arrays, ballet's, ballets, Bearnaise, betrays, Bombay's, bouquets, buffets, cachets, cafes, chalets, cliches, conveys, da's, decays, defrays, delays, dismays, displays, dispraise, dossiers, emblaze, essays, filets, liaise, malaise, Malays, Monet's, Morays, obeys, okays, outblaze, portrays, purveys, repays, rephrase, replays, Roget's, survey's, surveys, today's, todays, upraise

3 syllables:

cabarets, ecossaise, hollandaise, lyonnaise, Marseillaise, overglaze, overgraze, overplays, overpraise, Piaget's, polonaise, reappraise, sommeliers

4 syllables:

communiques, urokinase

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The ability to hear individual sounds and determine their position in a word (at the beginning, middle, end) is of great importance when learning to read. With ease, children are given the selection of sounds at the beginning of a word, but when determining the sound at the end of words, the children have difficulty. Therefore, special attention should be paid to sounds and letters at the end of words. For this, children's poems, nursery rhymes and songs are suitable. Repeating them after an adult, the child first learns to recognize rhyming words in the text, and then find new rhymes.

“Merry Rhymes”
I took a pencil and paper and drew…….(snag).
On a path in the forest, I somehow met ....... (a fox).
Today at the entrance I met a cat, mustache and his tail - ....... (beauty)!
Yanochka began to yawn, come on quickly to ... ... .. (bed).

Happy Clown
Have your child draw a funny clown. You will use couplets to tell him what to draw. The child needs to finish the couplet in rhyme and draw the guessed part of the face.
We draw a clown, we start from…………….(head).
The clown brought us joy, he has a mop of……….(hair).
In order to listen to music, we draw a clown…………..(ears).
To be able to see us, let's draw a couple………. (eye).
The clown makes everyone laugh to tears, he has a huge ... ... ... .... (nose).
The clown amuses the people - cheerful to the ears ... ... ... .. (mouth).

"Cool rhymes"
Explain to the child the rules of the game: you say two words, and if they rhyme, then the child must raise two thumbs.
For example, DREAM-RING - two thumbs are raised, VETKA-CAR - hands are lowered. You can switch roles (the child comes up with rhymes, and the adult raises two thumbs).

"Rhymes in the room"
Name the objects in the room.
Try to come up with as many rhymes as possible for each word with the baby, for example: HAT - DAD, PAW; CARPET - BOBER, FIRE; WALL - WAVE, MOON. Rhymes can be not only real words, but also invented ones.

"Rhymed names"
Think of funny rhymes for the child's name, for example: Katya - Vatya, Batya, Datya, Matya, Latya.
Turning to the baby, call him a rhyming name, for example: Dad, it's time for dinner! Or: Matya, let's go for a walk!
If the child liked it, replace the names of family members and nicknames of pets with rhymes.

“Change the Sound”
Ask your child to come up with a word that rhymes with CAT and starts with R (ROT). Or rhymes with the word SUP and begins with the sound Z (TOoth).
When the baby is comfortable with the game, you can complicate the task. For example, ask your child to name a word that rhymes with BOW and begins with ST (KNOCK).

"Rhyming sentences"
You need to come up with a sentence with rhyming words.
Select two rhyming words (for example, DAD and HAT). Ask your child to come up with a sentence with these words. The sentence could be like this: Dad came home from work, he has a big hat.
It is easiest to choose rhymes for the names of numbers, for example: one is an orange, two is halva, three is bubbles, and so on.

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Good day.

Having finished writing another Bash script, I realized that everything should be completely different, but everything worked. I want to show you what indecencies and crutches I wrote in order to solve the problem, but so far without having a wagon of knowledge. In other words, a caricature of programming.

Something was needed to:

For what? Well, here it is - and that's it.
Who does not know, a square rhyme (colloquially - a square) - two words that have the last two letters in spelling the same, which (often, only this) makes them a rhyme. For example, roses are frosts; tire is a car. The use of squares in modern versification is not particularly approved by people, due to their primitiveness.

It seemed to me that the easiest solution was to write a Bash script that uses an already existing rhyme generator - HOST, which first of all selects them by consonance, and not by spelling. What is HOST? Because if you specify the real name of the site, they will say that it is advertising. Why not keep using it? Firstly, despite his advantage of selecting rhymes according to consonances, he still often gives out squares. Secondly, you still have to think with your brains, spend time switching between tabs, energy memorizing repeated words in lists to find a rhyme for two words.

Getting strong rhymes

What do I know? I know about the wget utility, which downloads a page from a given URL. Well, we execute the request - we get the HTML page in the file, which is named the word for rhyme. For example, let's search for the word "here":

 wget https://HOST/rifma/here 

But I only need a list of words, how do I get rid of everything else? We look and see that the list of words is designed, no matter how strange it may be, as a list, and the words are in the

  • tags. Well, we have a wonderful utility 9$/d" 1> $word

    First, from file word , select the lines that contain the

  • tag - we get a bunch of empty tags and lines with words. We remove the tag itself and its closing one - here percent symbols are used instead of slashes because the
  • tag itself already has a slash, which is why sed does not understand you a bit. And the interest is good. Remove all spaces from the file, remove empty lines. Voila - a ready-made list of words.

    To remove words that rhyme with last letters, select the last two letters from the original word and clean up the list:

     squad=${word:((${#word}-2)):2} cat $word | sed -e "/.$squad$/d" 1> $word 

    We look, we try - everything works ... so, where is the list for the word "play"? And for the word "go"? The file is empty! And this is all because these words are verbs, and we know what they do with those who rhyme with verbs. Verbal rhyme is even worse than square rhyme, because there are the most verbs in the Russian language, and even all with the same endings, which is why they were not in the final file after checking the endings.

    But we are not in a hurry. For each word there are not only rhymes, but also assonances, which sometimes sound much better than rhyme - that's why they are assonances (fr. assonance, from lat. assono - I sound in tune).

    We get assonances

    This is where the fun begins: assonances appear on a separate URL, but on the same page, by executing a script, sending an HTTP request and receiving a response. How do you say wget 'u press the button? But no way. Sadly.

    Noticing that the URL in the line still somehow changes, I copied what was there after switching to assonances and pasted it into a new browser tab - strong rhymes opened. Not that.

    In fact, I thought, it should not matter to the server whether the script that sends the request to it is running, or whether the person manually types it. So? And who knows, let's go check it out.

    Where to send? What to send? HTTP request to the server IP, there is something like GET ... then there is something HTTP / 1.1 ... We need to see what and where the browser sends. Install wireshark , see traffic:

    0040 37 5d a3 84 27 e7 fb 13 6d 93 ed cd 56 04 9d 82 7]£.'çû.m.íÍV...
    0050 32 7c fb 67 46 71 dd 36 4d 42 3d f3 62 1b e0 ad 2|ûgFqÝ6MB=ób.à.
    0060 ef 87 be 05 6a f9 e1 01 41 fc 25 5b c0 77 d3 94 ï.¾.jùá.Aü%[ÀwÓ.

    Um… what? Oh yes, we have HTTPS. What to do? Arrange a MITM attack on yourself? Ideally, the victim herself will help us.

    In general, having guessed to climb on the browser, I did find the request itself, and the addressee. Let's go: 9]'. GET /rifma/%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C?mode=block&type=asn HTTP/1.1 Host: HOST Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Connection: close HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request Server: nginx/1.8.0 Date: Sun, 03 Nov 2019 20:06:59 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Content Length: 270 Connection: close 400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

    400 Bad Request

    The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

    nginx/1. 8.0
    Connection closed by foreign host.

    Huh. Hee hee. Indeed what I expected by sending a bare HTTP request to an HTTPS port. Is it encrypted now? All this fuss with RSA keys, then with SHA256. And why, there is OpenSSL for such cases. Well, we already know what to do, just remove the Referer and Cookie fields first - I think they will not greatly affect the case: {All sorts of keys, certificates} GET /rifma/%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%8C?mode=block&type=asn HTTP/1.1 Host: HOST User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0 Accept: text/javascript,text/html,application/xml,text/xml,*/* Accept-Language: ru-RU,ru;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Connection: keep-alive HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Vary: Accept-Encoding Status: 200 OK Date: Sun, 03 Nov 201920:34:33 GMT Set-Cookie: COOKIES X-Powered-By: Phusion Passenger 5. 0.16 Server: nginx/1.8.0 + Phusion Passenger 5.0.16 Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT Cache-Control: no-cache Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 Content-Security-Policy: block-all-mixed-content Content-Encoding: gzip

    What is this, mate on the server? Well, at least they answered me with 200 OK, so the cookies and the referrer do not affect anything. Gzip compression, but ASCII characters are copied when copying. Exactly, you can remove line Accept-encoding . Everything is fine - we get an HTML document, now with assonances. But here are two questions: how to run OpenSSL and pass data to it with a script? And how to read the output if, after receiving the response, we remain, as it were, in the “shell” of OpenSSL? If you can think of something with the second one, but with the first one... Even more attractive is the presence of a team of autoexpect , which generates expect a script based on your actions. Well, we start, we do all this and here is the finished script. Only it is very huge, and all because OpenSSL displays certificates, keys, and expect expects the output of all this. Do we need it? No. We tear down the entire first prompt, leaving only the last line break '\r'. We also remove the User-Agent and Accept fields from our request - they do not affect anything. Yes, let's start. The script was executed, but where is the coveted HTML document? Expect ate it. To make it spit out, put:

     set results $expect_out(buffer) 

    before the end of the script - this is how the output of the command executed by expect will be recorded and displayed on the screen. As a result, something like this:

    expect'a script

     #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout -1 spawn openssl s_client -connect IP:PORT match_max 100000 expect-exact" ---\r " send -- "GET /rifma/%d0%b7%d0%b4%d0%b5%d1%81%d1%8c?mode=block&type=asn HTTP/1. 1\rHost: HOST\rAccept-Language: en-US, en;q=0.5\rX-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest\rConnection: close" expect -exact "GET /rifma/%d0%b7%d0%b4%d0%b5%d1%81%d1%8c?mode=block&type=asn HTTP/1.1\r Host: HOST\r Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest\r Connection: close" send -- "\r" set results $expect_out(buffer) expect-exact "\r " send -- "\r" expect eof 

    But that's not all! As you can see, in all examples the request URL was static, but it is he who is responsible for which word the assonances will be displayed to. And so it turns out that we will constantly search for the word "%d0%b7%d0%b4%d0%b5%d1%81%d1%8c" in ASCII or "here" in UTF-8. What to do? Of course, it's easy to generate a new script every time, friends! Only not autoexpect 'om, but with the help of echo , because nothing changes in our new one, except for the word. And long live a new problem: how can we intelligently translate a word from Cyrillic into a URL format? Something and for the terminal there is nothing special. It's okay, can we? We can:

    Look what I can!

     function furl { furl=$(echo "$word" | sed 's:A:%d0%90:g;s:B:%d0%91:g;s:C:%d0%92:g;s:D:% d0%93:g;s:D:%d0%94:g;s:E:%d0%95:g;s:F:%d0%96:g;s:W:%d0%97:g; s:I:%d0%98:g;s:D:%d0%99:g;s:R:%d0%9a:g;s:L:%d0%9b:g;s:M:%d0 %9c:g;s:N:%d0%9d:g;s:O:%d0%9e:g;s:P:%d0%9f:g;s:R:%d0%a0:g;s :S:%d0%a1:g;s:T:%d0%a2:g;s:U:%d0%a3:g;s:F:%d0%a4:g;s:X:%d0% a5:g;s:C:%d0%a6:g;s:H:%d0%a7:g;s:W:%d0%a8:g;s:W:%d0%a9:g;s: b:%d0%aa:g;s:s:%d0%ab:g;s:b:%d0%ac:g;s:e:%d0%ad:g;s:y:%d0%ae :g;s:I:%d0%af:g;s:a:%d0%b0:g;s:b:%d0%b1:g;s:c:%d0%b2:g;s:d :%d0%b3:g;s:d:%d0%b4:g;s:e:%d0%b5:g;s:w:%d0%b6:g;s:w:%d0%b7: g;s:i:%d0%b8:g;s:d:%d0%b9:g;s:k:%d0%ba:g;s:l:%d0%bb:g;s:m:%d0%bc:g;s:n:%d0%bd:g;s:o :%d0%be:g;s:p:%d0%bf:g;s:p:%d1%80:g;s:s:%d1%81:g;s:t:%d1%82: g;s:y:%d1%83:g;s:f:%d1%84:g;s:x:%d1%85:g;s:c:%d1%86:g;s:h: %d1%87:g;s:w:%d1%88:g;s:w:%d1%89:g;s:ъ:%d1%8a:g;s:s:%d1%8b:g ;s:b:%d1%8c:g;s:e:%d1%8d:g;s:yu:%d1%8e:g;s:i:%d1%8f:g;s:ё:% d1%91:g;s:Ё:%d0%81:g')} 

    In total, we have a script that converts a word into ASCII text, which generates another script that requests a site page with assonances via OpenSSL from the server.

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