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Lesson #2 – Rediscovering Your Focus

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson #2 – Rediscovering Your Focus"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson #2 – Rediscovering Your Focus
Discovering Your R.O.L.E. Lesson #2 – Rediscovering Your Focus

2 Rediscovering Your Focus
Write your top three abilities: ____________________________________

3 Rediscovering Your Focus
Possible abilities: Song leader Bible Class Teacher Encourager (phone calls, sending cards, etc.) Working with the young people, senior citizens, etc. Congregational leaders (elders and deacons)

4 Rediscovering Your Focus
Why is your focus important? People at Ephesus had a change of focus. The apostle Paul had a change of focus. (Acts 8:3; 9:20) Christians become people of a different focus. See Matthew 6:33; Romans 6:1-13; Philippians 2:5

5 Rediscovering Your Focus
What should not be the focus? Programs should not be the focus. Events should not be the focus. Finances should not be the focus. The building should not drive the church.

6 Rediscovering Your Focus
What should not be the focus? People should not determine the focus. Proverbs 19:21 The master’s work should be our focus. Luke 19:10

7 Rediscovering Your Focus
The Importance of a Godly Focus: Why have a Godly focus? Isaiah 55:8,9 Proverbs 16:9 Proverbs 3:5,6

8 Rediscovering Your Focus
Where does God want your focus? God wants our focus on the eternal, not the temporal. (2 Corinthians 4:17-18) The seen vs. the unseen

9 Rediscovering Your Focus
The will of God was the desire of Christ: “…for I always do those things that please him.” (John 8:28-29)

10 Rediscovering Your Focus
Remember your top three abilities: ____________________________________ Do your top three abilities help accomplish the purpose of the Father?


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